JB - Dan Pena

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JB – The trillion dollar man

No one can make you feel a certain way!!!

Don’t give away power to let people make you to feel bad, don’t allow them!

Even for people who you care and love, they will say stupid things. When they say this its
because they are in pain as well, they just want you to feel the same as they do.

Everyone is worthy of love and is capable of every greatness of success

When someone judges you = is it just a belief or truth?


Slowing down the process – learn it step by step formula to complete the test, keep
practicing then you will automatically turn it into unconscious competence

If you need to learn some skills to empower your life – fucking learn it!

Don’t get brainwashed that – you are who you are

Capability test

Learn Persuasion – stop believing those beliefs inside your mind, clear your inner self that
limit you to do things to achieve success

Natural ability, mindset and skillset

Have the ability to take all the criticism, beliefs and be able to say – I don’t give a shit
Dan Fleyshman

1) Setting up platforms
2) Creating stories (bio)
3) Content (no money involved – iphone)
4) Collaboration

Dan Pena (PT2)

You are who you are associate with. You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas

The amount of money is your standard (surround yourself with high financial standard)

Don’t only have beer standard and champagne vision (happy dreamer)


Always do more, work harder for someone else whom we truly love completely and truly
believe in

Write down your detailed vision and why it matters to you (not about money, fame)


Enermy of GREAT is GOOD


Don’t expect to hang out with average people to be extraordinary

Don’t want to snowflake people

You are tougher and more suilvian than that

If you find yourself hating someone, look at fucking mirror at yourself first, no one is perfect,
you have big problems

Successful – money + happiness

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