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THE ABC’S OF FACE READING............... 2


WHAT THE EYEBROWS SAY ...................22

HOW TO READ THE E Y E S .......................... 28

WHAT THE NOSE S H O W S ........................ 42

THE MOUTH SPEAK S................................... 51

WATCH THOSE EARS ................................. 60

CHECK THE CHEEKS ................................. 62



Face reading is as old as man, and is an art that

all o f us practice every day with varying degrees
o f skill. We all know and respond to facial ex­
pressions that indicate fear, anger, merriment
and other moods, and we know from experience
that such facial characteristics as unusually
large eyes or big noses have an important influ­
ence on our lives. But there is a great deal more
to face reading than these obvious signs. The
face reveals facts not only about a person’s
mood, but also about his character, health, per­
sonality, sex life, popularity, ability to make
money, social status and life expectancy. And
just as one’s face influences his life, his life in
turn changes his face— for better or worse.


Face reading is primarily based on the size,
shape, position, quality and color o f certain
facial features. Flowever, before one can read

these “ signs” with a maximum degree o f accu­
racy, there are other factors that must be consid­
ered; the most important o f which is the strength
o f the “ vital power” o f the person whose face is
to be read. □ Everyone is endowed with what
might be called a “ battery” that gives off a kind
o f “ spark” or “ light” which is reflected through
the eyes, the face and one’s manner. The strength
o f this power varies greatly in individuals. In
some people it is very feeble, and as a result
they have dull eyes, dull faces and usually lead
colorless lives. In others this light may shine
with startling brilliance, and such people tend
to lead lives that are extraordinary in some way.
□ The strength o f a person’s “ inner light” is
not necessarily connected with the type o f face
he has. A person with a very “ good” face may be
very low-powered, and a person whose facial
features are very ugly and undesirable may be a
regular dynamo. But there are certain facial
characteristics indicating a very low order of
intelligence and imagination that are seldom
accompanied by a strong life-force. □ Further­
more, this inner power, in whatever strength,
works in different ways. One man with a power-
full “ battery” may becom e a great religious
leader, while another man with the same amount

o f vital power may be a master criminal, a sales­
man, a writer or a revolutionary. □ The face
reader can only estimate the strength o f a per­
son’s vital force and its overall influence, but
once he has also observed the important facial
features this estimation can be more accurate.


Besides the “ inner light” the face reader should
also take note o f the person’s body build. Most
people fit into one o f three broad categories:
slender, stocky and muscular; or fat— and people
in each o f these categories have many character­
istics in common. Slender men tend to be sensi­
tive, intellectually active, emotional, have well-
developed imaginative and creative powers. Men
o f this type often do not fare well in busi­
ness or politics— occupations that require physi­
cal strength and mental toughness. Slender
women with oval-shaped faces tend to have
quick minds and be skillful at manipulating men.
Most women who have alluring figures and fem ­
inine faces are in the slender category. □ Women
in the masculine category tend to be bold and
capable o f playing and working hard. They tend
to be less likely to use feminine wiles, less

concerned about their appearance, and are usu­
ally more matter-of-fact in their relations with
men. Men with muscular builds tend to prefer
physical rather than mental occupations. They
are full o f spirit, and if this spirit is not used up
in work or sport, they tend to becom e frustrated
and are more apt to resort to physical violence
than the slender or fat man. Muscular men usu­
ally take their sex appeal for granted and are
easier to please than the other types. □ Both fat
men and fat women tend to extremes. They are
more often than not friendly and jovial, but they
can also be unusually cruel. They have a tendency
to indulge themselves in pleasures o f the body.


One o f the most important signs in face reading
is whether the right and left sides o f the face are
balanced. The more unbalanced a person’s face,
the greater the handicap and the more likely he is
to suffer disappointments. □ Just as the brain is
divided into two sections with different func­
tions, the sides o f the face reflect different
things. In most people, the left side o f the face
is believed to indicate character and tempera­
ment; the right side is thought to portray emo­

tions, social and econom ic position, and per­
sonal relations. The front of the face is said to
reveal the public side o f a person’s life; the sides
to be more expressive o f the private side.


Following are the three general face types— tri­
angular, round and square. Each portrays a
specific kind o f character and fortune.


A person with a triangular face tends to be an in­

tellectual and a dreamer, and may run from one

extreme to another. He is often shy and self-
conscious. Most philosophers, musicians and
writers fall in this category. Some com m on fea­
tures o f this type are a high narrow forehead,
pointed chin, dark skin, long thin nose, large
thin ears, facial unbalance from left to right. If
features are too unbalanced, it is indicative o f
wickedness, and possibly insanity.


The square face, also known as the athletic face,

usually has a wide low forehead with a straight
chin, thick lips, thick nose, large ears, and good

overall balance. This type is most often found
in men and indicates strong will, great self-
confidence, a practical nature and ability to
handle others. Many well-known political lead­
ers have square faces, and square heads.


The round-faced person usually has a fleshy face

with large full cheeks, large mouth, narrow fore­
head, thick lips, white or reddish complexion,
short thick nose and thick ears, with overall
balance uneven. Round-faced men are usually
adaptable, aggressive, methodical and practical.

They generally like sophisticated food and
fashionable clothing, and are apt to consider
themselves playboys. W omen with round faces
are usually gregarious, preferring to be with
others at all times. They are also apt to be wildly
enthusiastic about one thing or another.


Fortune tellers divide the face horizontally into
three zones: 1) the forehead; 2 ) the area from
the eyebrows to the bottom o f the nose, and 3)
from the bottom o f the nose to the chin. The
forehead is said to be most revealing o f one’s
youth; the second zone o f one’s middle age; the
third area o f one’s old age. □ The forehead, or
upper zone, indicates one’s parental heritage and
is the area most subject to change during youth.
□ The middle zone, which includes the eye­
brows, nose, eyes and cheeks, is the most impor­
tant during a person’s middle years, reflecting
not only his past and present, but his future. □
The lower zone— the mouth and chin— indicates
what kind o f fortune one will have after the age
o f forty, as well as revealing many things about
his private life— his emotions, morality, com ­
passion and sexual appetite.



It seems that most people everywhere regard a

high and wide forehead as a sign o f intelligence
and energy. Face readers agree. They say that
this type o f forehead also indicates a person who
spends a lot o f time observing and meditating.
When such a forehead is richly fleshed and un­
blemished, people tend to react toward the per­
son in a positive, helpful way, giving him more
opportunities and therefore a better chance in
life. Thus, the high and wide forehead is very
comm on among successful men.


This forehead signifies intelligence and keen

observation. Generally not as indicative o f in­
telligence as the high wide forehead, this fore­
head indicates patience and perserverance—
qualities which contribute to success. People in
this category are often so self-conscious, they
may be unable to realize their full potential.


A person with a high narrow forehead is re­

garded by face-readers as tending to be hard­
hearted and indifferent to others, although very
intelligent. Many scientists have this forehead.


Face readers agree that a low narrow forehead

generally indicates irresponsibility, carelessness,
dishonesty, and in many cases, brutality. Men
with this forehead may be clever in an animal­
like way, but are seldom intelligent. About the
only legitimate profession in which such men
sometimes reach high positions is politics.


The unbalanced forehead, on which the hair

grows farther down on one side, is an indication
o f disharmony and discontent. In young boys
and girls this type o f forehead is very likely to

contribute to them becoming delinquent. Women
with this forehead tend to be opportunistic,
unscrupulous and sometimes promiscuous.


Many people have foreheads that protrude or

jut out, and generally regardless o f whether or
not their foreheads are also high or wide, this
is a sure sign o f independence, adaptability, re­
sourcefulness and brilliance. Both men and
women in this category usually do well in busi­
ness, particularly in business that requires them
to be popular with the public or with their cus­
tomers. They mix well, and are quick to take
advantage o f their surroundings. □ However,
this type o f forehead does not contribute to an
ideal family-centered marriage, particularly if
both husband afid wife are in this category. If
just one o f the two has a jutting forehead it usu­
ally means he or she will spend most o f the time

away from home deeply involved in some kind
o f enterprise, and, therefore, the marriage may
be more harmonious.


There is a tendency for people with sunken fore­

heads to be automatically regarded as below par
in intelligence, but this is not necessarily so.
Writers, painters and politicians often fall in this
category. When they are in this class, however,
their foreheads are usually distinguished by long
parallel wrinkles, and they tend to have narrow
interests and to specialize. □ If the forehead o f
a person in this category is lined with many
wrinkles without a pattern, he tends to be a very
hard worker and good at making money— but is
regarded by face readers as unreliable, p A
sunken forehead in conjunction with a propor­
tionately long nose and small receding chin is
especially bad news. These people are generally

less intelligent, have less vitality and are usually
physically weaker than average.


Generally, the more a person’s eyebrow bone

protrudes, the more masculine and aggressive
he tends to be. People with low eyebrow bones
tend to be passive and weak. □ Men with high
eyebrow bones are usually vigorous and active,
and believe in the application o f power to over­
come obstacles, while those with low eyebrow
bones tend to take the course o f least resistance.
□ As low eyebrow bones are basically a femi­
nine characteristic, women with high eyebrow
bones tend to be masculine.

A readily visible scar anywhere on the forehead
is said to adversely affect the person’s fortune.

And the closer the scar is to the center, the more
serious the consequences are apt to be. This is
because the area o f the forehead between the
eyes is the focal point or “ center o f life,” o f the
body. Any fault on this area has an unfavorable
influence on everyone with whom the person
comes into contact, and as a result affects his life.
□ A mole on a person's forehead will also ad­
versely affect his life. If a woman has a fore­
head mole, face readers predict she will have an
unhappy marriage. A live mole on the eyebrow,
however, is regarded as a sign o f good luck
where money is concerned.


The color o f a person’s forehead is something
like a neon sign. When one is having a bad time
the forehead tends to take on a dark, unhealthy
appearance. When the forehead is clear and the
color is vivid, a person is less likely to have diffi­
culty. If a person’s forehead is discolored, and
clears up, his fortune will also improve. Any
type o f worry or bad luck causes the fore­
head to lose its vividness, but it is especially
sensitive to marriage problems and concern
over failure to gain desired public recognition.

Following are several com m on patterns o f fore­
head wrinkles which the face reader can inter­
pret at a glance.


People with narrow foreheads are most apt to
have one long horizontal wrinkle, which is usu­
ally well below the center line. This type o f
wrinkle and forehead is an indication that the
person got the short end o f the genetic stick
from his parents, and also had a rough time
while he was young. He tends to be below aver­
age in intelligence, to be opportunistic and
greedy; however, he is also very likely to be a
hard worker and to succeed in business.


Two long wrinkles on the forehead are said to
be indicative o f two important areas o f life:
one’s personal relations with others, and one’s
health and popularity. If the top line is shorter
and thinner than the bottom line, it means the
person cannot depend upon his friends or associ­

ates. A long deep second line is a sign that one
enjoys unusual popularity and would have an
advantage in politics.


Three parallel wrinkles on the forehead are a
sign o f quick perception and good memory. The
deeper the lines the more the person has worried
and the harder he has worked. If other factors
are favorable, people with three forehead wrink­
les have a very good chance for success.


Thin wrinkles all over the forehead in no par­

ticular pattern are a sign o f mental fatigue or a
breakdown in health. Women with this type o f
forehead are said to suffer from physical de­
fects that prevent them from fully enjoying sen­
sual relationships or satisfying their mates.


Several deep, roughly convex wrinkles in the

center o f the forehead are a sign o f low intelli­
gence and general ineptitude. Men in this cate­
gory are not very attractive to women. They gen­
erally do not know how to express affection,
and are provincial and dull.


People with wavy-line, irregularly patterned

forehead wrinkles are said to generally be from
good families, but to have had sad experiences
during their childhood. These people rarely be­
come wealthy and tend to bumble along until

they are well past middle age, at which time they
may settle down and enjoy some measure of
success. Women with this type o f forehead are
said to suffer ill-health and marital problems.


“ Wildgeese” wrinkles (wrinkles that look like a

front view o f geese in flight), according to face
reading theory, indicate a person who is not very
courageous and whose talents tend to be nar­
row. He is not particularly concerned about
money or everyday problems o f life, and does
not make a good husband. He likes to work
alone and does not care for socializing. Geniuses
frequently have foreheads o f this type.

People without conspicuous forehead wrinkles
o f any kind, or when the wrinkles are light and

mostly on the right side, are seldom successful
in any endeavor until their late thirties or early
forties. Then their abilities develop rapidly and
they go on to reach their maximum potential,
whatever that may be.


One vertical wrinkle between a person’s eye­
brows is a sign o f strong will and stubborness.
The person with one wrinkle on this spot refuses
to give up or to give-in once he starts something,
and whatever success he may achieve is likely to
be the result o f his perserverance rather than of
his intelligence.


Tw o vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows are
said to indicate strong critical powers and a
highly developed sense o f justice. Men with
this characteristic tend to be kind and consider­
ate toward others, and to have affectionate rela­
tionships with their spouses and other members
o f the opposite sex. However, where women are
concerned, two vertical creases between the eye­
brows may mean trouble.


Eyebrow hair is associated with health and lon­
gevity. It is said that one or more grey hairs in
the brows during youth is a warning o f bad
health to come. Long hair in the brows, when
coupled with long hair on the ears, is regarded as
one o f the most dependable signs o f longevity.


Short eyebrows are usually a sign that a person

was born in poverty and lacked affection during
childhood. People in this category are considered
particularly unlucky because they usually cannot
count on help from families or friends in their
endeavors. □ Men with short eyebrows are said
to attempt to make up for the affection they

missed during their youth by being sexually pro­
miscuous in later years. □ People with short
brows that are thick enough to be called “ bushy”
tend to be obstinate and have terrible tempers.


Eyebrow hair that is thick and grows close to

the eye is a sign that the person is not resourceful
or flexible, and will have trouble establishing
himself until late in life. □ When a person with
this brow has an “ M ” shaped forehead (the hair­
line forms an “ M ” ) it indicates distinctive ar­
tistic ability o f very high order.


A crescent-shaped eyebrow that is beautiful in

form is regarded as feminine, and is said to in­

dicate sentiment rather than intelligence. W omen
with this type o f brow are said to be pleasure
seekers; to be artistic, good-natured and loved
by everybody. □ Men with crescent brows are
usually not aggressive and depend more on the
patronage o f friends and superiors— especially
on women friends— than on talents or achieve­
ment. Such men are also said to be sensitive and
naive; to enjoy fine music, literature and art.


A thick brow that forms a straight or almost

straight line is known as a “ male eyebrow.” Men
with this eyebrow tend to be straightforward
and determined. They keep their emotions in
control. Their biggest failing is that they are
generally oblivious to feelings o f others. □
Women who have masculine eyebrows tend to be
masculine in behavior. They are usually less at­
tractive, display little affection and appear cold.
As a result o f their essentially masculine nature
they often have unhappy marriages.


W omen whose eyebrows are shaped like a twig

bent near one end at an abrupt angle are said to
have strong amorous drives and to be demand­
ing. When they marry they are likely to exercise
great power over their husbands. Such brows
are regarded as a sure sign that a woman will
have luck with men as well as money. □ This
brow on men is also regarded as a good sign
because it indicates they have a strong masculine
spirit tempered with an affectionate nature.


There is often very little distance between eye­

brows that have an abundance o f hair; in some
cases the brows practically grow together. This
is regarded as a sign o f bad luck during early
years because men with this brow generally enjoy

very little success until they pass the age o f forty.
This fortune also applies to persons whose brows
are joined by soft, light-colored hairs.


People with brows that are wide apart are re­

garded as being able to attain success in their
careers while still young. They are usually at­
tractive, well-liked, and happy with themselves.
.However, men with brows that are far apart tend
to be a little too extravagant.


Eyebrows on which hair grows upward from

near the center are regarded as a sign o f tenacity
and perseverance. This type o f eyebrow is said
to be characteristic o f a person who never gives

up no matter how many or what kind o f obstacles
he may encounter in his work or personal life.


Women whose eyebrows make them appear as if

they are always crying tend to be chronic com-
plainers and unfriendly. They generally look at
the dark side o f things and are always depressed.
Such women usually accomplish very little be­
fore marriage, and after marriage they usually
make life miserable for their husbands.

Thin eyebrows are almost always regarded as a
sign o f delicate health. □ W om en with thick
eyebrows arc believed to be especially fertile and
built to bear many children. □ Eyebrows that
arch up from the inside o f the nose are regarded
as a sign o f unfortunate marriage. People with
this type o f eyebrow are generally hot-tempered,
changeable, and their marriage is likely to fail.



Size, shape and condition o f the eyes reveal
many things about a person, but these are sec­
ondary to the glitter or inner power that appears
in the eyes. The amount o f inner power that
shines in a person’s eyes varies with the individ­
ual. In some it glows brilliantly; in others it is a
faint ember. □ The most desirable eyes are those
that shine brilliantly and also have in them a
quality called “ spirit o f peace,” which flows from
one’s inherent kindness and compassion. Both
this glitter and spirit o f peace may appear in
eyes o f any shape or size, and whether or not
these qualities are present— and in what strength
— is o f primary importance.


There is one other point the face reader should
note before looking at the physical features of

the eyes: their balance in the face. The more
perfect the horizontal and vertical balance the
better, because any imbalance is detrimental—
and the worse the balance, the more adverse the
effect on the person’s fortune.


Sometimes a person’s eyes are different in both
size and shape. When this difference is con­
spicuous, such eyes are referred to as “ male and
female.” □ Men with this type o f eyes are
regarded as resourceful and ambitious. They are
inclined to get out into the world, have many
experiences and make money. □ The fortune of
a woman with one “ male” and one “ female”
eye is said to be both good and bad. She tends
to like men and be popular with them. But she
is also very susceptible to their amorous ap­
proaches and as a result is apt to ruin her first
marriage by getting involved with other men.

Large eyes come in two sizes: large and over­
whelming. □ Men with conspicuously large eyes
are generally very emotional, artistic, full o f

fighting spirit and apt to be radical in both
thought and action. They are usually very at­
tractive to women. However, such men tend to
be moody and lack perseverance. □ Men whose
eyes are large, but not overwhelming, were
favored by most everyone during their youth
and will have this advantage throughout life. □
Women with large eyes tend to be sensitive, and
if their eyes have sufficient glitter, to also be
artistic. Such women have a much better chance
o f making a good marriage and being a success
socially and financially than girls with smaller
eyes. □ W omen with exceptionally large eyes
are used to men catering to them and do not have
to develop a close intimate relationship with
any one man for security or protection. This
spirited independence is upsetting to many men
who marry such women and the likelihood of
divorce is strong. If a woman has exceptionally
large eyes that lack “power,” she will attract
men, but will not be able to control them or her
reaction toward them.

People with small eyes tend to be practical
pluggers, strong-willed and steadfast. They are

not likely to be artistically inclined. If they are
able to get an education, their chances for suc­
cess in business or politics is good. □ A con­
spicuous amount o f inner power in small eyes
is a sign that the person is not “ ordinary,” and
cannot be expected to always conform.


So-called “ goggle” eyes com e in two types: 1)

the eyeballs protrude noticeably and the upper
eyelid is thin; 2) the bulge o f the eyeballs is less
pronounced, but the upper eyelid is puffy. □
People in the first category are good at mind­
reading and tend to be cautious, passive and
timid. They are usually quite intelligent and
very susceptible to the opposite sex. Men with
such eyes tend to be over-confident with women
and often have trouble with their wives and
women friends. However, women in this category
are usually very skillful at maintaining harmoni­
ous relations with men and generally have happy
marriages. □ Men with the second type o f gog­

gle eyes tend to be extraordinarily energetic,
courageous and ambitious. They prefer their
own business to working for someone else, and
since they do practically nothing but work, they
are apt to be financially successful no matter
how many obstacles they must overcome.
Women in this category share many o f the char­
acteristics o f the men in being very capable,
energetic, ambitious, and good in business. They
are physically attractive to the opposite sex, but
their personality tends to clash with that o f men.
As a result, they often marry men who are less
desirable as husbands.


The “ normal” distance between the eyes is said

to be the length o f one eye. Men with eyes that
are closer set than this standard are considered
to be adaptable but flighty, and to have a ten­
dency to change occupations frequently. □
Women with close-set eyes are said to be good
talkers and clever at reading minds, but to be

inordinately jealous and prone to irrational be­
havior when things don’t go their way.


Eyes set further apart than the normal standard

are taken as a sign o f impatience, mental dull­
ness and lack o f drive. People in this category
seldom have strong opinions o f their own and
therefore make good followers.


Large pupils are a sign o f gentleness and kind­

ness, and are characteristic o f people with peace­
ful dispositions. A man with large pupils is be­
lieved to make the best friend and business
associate over a period o f years. He is most
likely to sacrifice for family and friends.


Tiny pupils are said to be a sign o f egotism and

primitive power, and to be characteristic o f
people who instinctively try to destroy whoever
crosses them. □ It is believed that women with
unusually small pupils tend to be dissatisfied
with settled married life and are apt to become
promiscuous after marriage.


It is said to be a very bad sign when the pupil

o f the eye is set so high that a significant propor­
tion o f it is obscured by the upper eyelid, and
lots o f white shows below it. This type o f eye is
a sign o f great cruelty, aggressiveness and over­
whelming passion to win by any means. Such
people also tend to be unfriendly and have no
scruples about betraying others.


This feature has two readings: one that applies

mostly to women and one that applies mostly to
men. □ In women, this characteristic is generally
taken as a sign o f a jealous nature and the in­
ability to express their feelings clearly. It is also
said to be a sign o f sincerity and honesty. □ For
men, this is a sign o f loyalty, strong resistance to
temptation, devotion to work and pleasant rela­
tions with women.


This characteristic also has two readings. In one,

generally found in children, the downward slant
gives them an attractive, friendly look. This is
regarded as a good luck sign as people react fa­
vorably to it. In the second case, found in adults,
the downward slant is combined with “ triangu-

lar” shaped eyes. This is considered a sign o f
greed and unscrupulousness.


This is an unfavorable sign. It indicates that the

person is selfish and callous o f other’s feelings.
Such people tend to engage in get-rich-quick
schemes and make money, but it is unlikely that
they will ever become wealthy and keep their
wealth. They are also destined to have few
friends. Their vision and adaptability tend to be
wasted by attempts to be too clever.


This is a very good sign. It is characteristic o f a

person who is sincere, kind, dependable, humble
and loyal to his family and friends.


This feature is characteristic o f people who are

resourceful and calculating, and it may indicate
that they are cold-hearted. Such people are said
to do well in business and to be particularly
adept at dealing with women. However, because
o f their ways, they are likely to get into trouble.


Upper eyelids drooping in the middle, especially

if the eyelids are marked by horizontal wrinkles,
is a sign o f cool shrewdness, objectivity and an
over-riding interest in worldly success. Such men
are said to be especially suitable as newspaper
reporters. □ This feature is primarily masculine;
therefore, women who have it are said to lack
feminine charm and warmth. However, they are

good at business, and if they marry a business­
man, they contribute to their husband’s success.


The upper lids drooping at the outer corners is

said to indicate a wishy-washy person with very
little will-power who is easily influenced, and is
not very discriminating. Such people naturally
tend to be passive and irresponsible.


The fish-tail eye (so-called because wrinkles at

the outer corners o f the eye resemble the lines
in a fish’s tail fin), is regarded as a bad omen
for husband and wife relations. It is also said
that men and women in this category often do

not marry, and those who do invariably have
difficulties that often lead to divorce.


Heavily wrinkled upper eyelids are regarded as

a sign that the person has a likeable personality,
is youthful looking and attractive to the oppo­
site sex. □ W om en in this category are said to be
very responsive to the approaches o f men, but
smart enough to control their relationships. □
Men with this type o f eyelid are said to be un­
able to content themselves with one woman.


As a general rule, the wider the space between
a person’s eyes and eyebrows, and the cleaner
and more attractively fleshed this area, the better
one’s fortune will be. However, if this area is
narrow, it is an indication that the person will
have to work harder for everything he gets and

cannot expect the patronage o f others to boost
him up. He is better off seeking his fortune inde­
pendently. □ The less flesh in this area, the more
inclined the person is to be practical, cautious
and scrupulous in his view o f things. Whatever
success this person may achieve usually comes
late in life. □ If this area is narrow but fleshy
on a man, it is regarded as a sign that he is a
hard worker, has a strong will and is more likely
to be successful than the man without the ample
flesh. □ W omen with narrow, fleshless spaces
between their eyes and eyebrows are not be­
lieved to be very discerning, particularly in their
preference for men. It is said that they have a
tendency to pick their mates on the basis o f per­
sonality; without regard for background, eco­
nomic position or future potential.

W omen with a thick bulge o f flesh at the cor­

ners o f their upper eyelids (which causes their
brows to stick out slightly and assume a “ bent

twig” shape), tend to be sharp-minded, sensu­
ous in manner and appearance, and to have
strong amorous drives. Their equally strong pride,
however, prevents them from being susceptible
to the advances o f just any man. When such a
woman is interested in a man, she is said to fas­
cinate him to the point that he promptly pro­
poses marriage. Such women do not make the
home-body type wife. Housework bores them.
Unless they get into some business dealing with
people, they will be difficult to get along with.


The young man whose eyes and eyebrows are

spaced wide apart, with the area between them
presenting a hollow appearance (which results
in the whites o f his eyes being particularly
noticeable), is said to be crafty and cold; to
specialize in taking advantage o f the weaknesses
o f others. He is also said to be especially skillful
in bilking women out o f their possessions.


Face readers believe that the size and shape o f

one’s nose indicates his ability to prosper and
his cultural level. For example, the broad, flat
nose is associated with lower cultural levels;
the high, sharp, fleshy nose signifies refinement,
intelligence and sophistication.


The ideal length o f a person’s nose is said to

be one-third the length o f his face. Anything
less than this is considered short; anything over
is considered long. □ Intelligent men with short
noses are said to be flexible, likeable, open-

hearted, prone to make quick decisions, and
not too concerned with the deeper implica­
tions o f work or life. They do well in work,
but tend to spend money too freely. □ Less in­
telligent men with short noses have a tendency
to be irresponsible, dull and impractical. □
W omen who have short noses are likely to
make poor wives as they are apt to be fickle.



People with long noses generally have refined

tastes, a strong sense o f responsibility and are
scrupulous in their work. They are usually not
concerned enough about money to make good
businessmen, but they make valuable employees.
Such people generally do well in education and
religion. The longer a person’s nose, the less
flexible he tends to be, and the more apt to
take things too seriously. However, excessively
long noses indicate people who cannot keep

in close touch with reality. It is difficult for
them to be friendly and to love.


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Short flat noses are regarded as unfavorable.

Generally, people with this type o f nose will
not succeed in anything outstanding. They are
usually slow thinkers and slow movers, but may
be very loyal to anyone who treats them kindly.


This nose signifies a person who is self-willed,

stubborn, and insists on having his own way.


A crooked nose is a sign o f unstable character

and bad luck. Men with such noses may be
talented, aggressive, and become successful, but
are apt to have reverses. □ W omen with this
nose are apt to have unhappy marriages.


The beautifully shaped nose with clear, healthy

skin is characteristic o f people who are fond
o f art and music, and dislike anything harsh.
Men with this nose are apt to be fancy dress­
ers and to regard themselves as Don Juans. □
W om en with shapely noses are inclined to be

vain and to judge things by appearances, espe­
cially if their other facial features are plain.


This type of nose signifies low intelligence and

lack o f imagination. People with this nose are
generally followers. Such women become preg­
nant easily, but tend to be poor home managers.
They should marry men with simple tastes.


Men who are physically strong and have this

type o f nose are inclined to be self-willed, ad­

venturous, impatient and uncompromising. They
make good military officers and explorers,
but bad salesmen. □ This type o f nose is mas­
culine; therefore, when women have it they
usually clash with men. Such women also tend
to be rather ignorant, self-complacent and
obstinate. If their nose is small, as well as being
humpbacked, they tend to be very efficient in
their work, but they generally care little for
intimate relations with the opposite sex.


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The “ bag” nose is said to be indicative o f an

exaggerated interest in money, achievement and
personal possessions. People with this type o f
nose are prone to judge others by the degree o f
their success and wealth. Such people are usual­
ly quick thinking and clever; able to take advan­
tage o f the opportunities that com e their way.


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A nose that curves slightly upward from the

center in convex form, without being heavily
fleshed, is said to indicate integrity, honesty and
a genuine love for mankind. People with this
type o f nose live in harmony with everyone.


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A finely shaped nose with a concave bridge is
characteristic o f many women, and is said to
indicate a strong interest in aesthetics, along
with the need for relying on others to care for
and support them. Such women are warned to
beware o f relying on unscrupulous men.


* ^

Men who have small noses with nostril wings

that flair out are considered especially good at
business; to be hard w ork in g and to have
dynamic personalities. They do not care much
for appearances, minor details or complicated
paper work. Men who go “ from rags to riches”
(in Horatio Alger pattern) often have this nose.



A nose that droops downward at the end, but

does not hook, is said to indicate an unusual
capacity for creativity. Face readers say both
men and women with this type o f nose generally
go deeply into whatever interests them, often
developing new ideas or new products.


If a person’s nose is divided at the tip you

may be certain he is a skeptic who likes to
see or hear p roof o f every proposition, and is
not satisfied with anything less than a full, con­
vincing explanation. He tends to analyze every­
thing he sees and hears. □ The person with this
type o f nose is therefore apt to be argumenta­
tive and to have difficulty getting along with
people. He is much better off in work that is
rather narrow in scope and that he can do alone.
Scholars often have this type o f nose.

People with red noses generally have had bad
luck with money. Dark, sooty noses indicate
bad health, as well as financial difficulties. If
the pores o f one’s nose become clogged up
and the skin appears scaly, this can be a sign o f
impending bad luck. The clearer and fresher
looking the flesh o f the nose is, the more likely
the person will have lots o f money.


The mouth is believed to express a person’s at­
titude toward love and food. A large, thick-
lipped mouth is associated with unrestrained
appetites. As a rule, men with large mouths live
expansively and are likely to succeed. Women
in this category are also believed to have an un­
usually strong appetite for life. □ People with
large tight mouths are said to be unusually
able, daring and capable o f great things in busi­
ness or politics. □ Women with large shapely
mouths tend to be very active and popular.
They often become so involved in outside af­
fairs, their homelife suffers, and their chances
o f remaining single or being divorced is high.

The small mouth is associated with weakness,
timidity, dependence, emotionalism and other
undesirable characteristics. Men with small

mouths have less chance for success because
they tend to lack courage, resourcefulness and
leadership. They are prone to act on their per­
sonal feelings, rather than on objective ap­
praisal o f the situations. Such men are best
suited to jobs that call for neatness and preci­
sion. People with small mouths and thin lips
tend to be self-centered and callous. It is im­
portant to notice whether a person’s lips are
loose or tight. Tight lips indicate ambition and
fighting spirit; loose lips are a sign o f sensuality
and an easy-going attitude. □ A small, finely-
shaped mouth signifies a cool romantic nature
and one who gets little pleasure out o f food.


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In profile, some people’s mouths protrude be­

yond the line o f their nose and chin. Such a
mouth is said to be a sign o f low intelligence
and stubbornness, and usually indicates a strong­
ly opinionated person. Mouths o f people who

have a reputation for talking too much often
fit into this category. □ Women with protrud­
ing mouths are generally not popular with men.


A person with thick lips and a convex mouth

is said to be argumentative, always complain­
ing and unwilling to take advice o f others.
W omen in this category tend to be cold-hearted,
strong-willed and to love luxury.


. .

This is one o f the more desirable types of

mouths because it is indicative o f a kind heart
and a warm personality. In addition, people
with this type o f mouth are usually efficient and
adaptable— but they are not leaders, preferring
to let others make the decisions.


People with this type mouth are usually re­

served in behavior and concerned with practical
realities o f life. Their practical nature some­
times causes them to lose sight o f any ideal.


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The upper lip is said to reflect the depth of

one’s affection for others. The thicker the up­
per lip, the deeper the outgoing affections. Peo­
ple with unusually thick upper lips are regarded
as kind, well-mannered and especially fond of
the opposite sex. □ Men in this category are
said to spare no effort or expense to have many
women. □ W omen in this category are said to
love love; unless they are smart enough to re­
sist their impulses and susceptibility to men,
they may ruin their lives. □ When both lips
are thick it is a sign o f strong sensuality. Such
women are seldom satisfied with one man.


A thin upper lip indicates lack o f feeling or ex­

pressing very much affection for others. People
in this category seldom get involved in love
affairs. □ Women with thin upper lips are
often taken advantage o f by men. It is also
said that not being very much interested in love,
women in this category do not worry too much
about their husbands engaging in extra-marital
affairs. A man who marries a woman with a
thin upper lip will not necessarily have an un­
happy home life because the wife will not be
the jealous type, and is affectionate enough to
maintain harmonious relations.


The upper lip pulled upward in the center is

considered a sign o f self-conceit. Such people
tend to feel superior, to give a cold impression,
and to be susceptible to flattery.


This type o f lip indicates a warm, affectionate

person who likes everyone. W omen in this cate­
gory are usually susceptible to the advances of
men. Men with this type lip tend to be home-
oriented and to be known for their kindness.


People with uneven or off-center lips tend to be

high-strung, hot-tempered and opinionated.
They can seldom associate with anyone for any
length o f time without bringing on a dispute.


Deep vertical wrinkles on the lower lip are a

sign o f an addiction to eating and drinking.

People with this type o f lip are generally free-
spenders, affectionate and popular.


Women whose lower lip and lower teeth pro­

trude— as a result o f a protruding chin— are
regarded as having a masculine disposition and
being unable to show much affection toward
men, or get along well with them. Such women
should not be completely dependent on their hus­
bands, or they face an unhappy homelife.


A mouth that appears to smile all the time is

regarded as a good sign. W om en with this type
mouth tend to be gentle, gay, friendly, and to
enjoy a happy life— whether or not they are
attractive or talented— because people react

kindly toward them. □ The “ smiling mouth” is
also a favorable sign in men; however, if the
sides o f the mouth are loose, rather than tight,
the man tends to be ineffective in his efforts.


Drooping mouths are associated with sadness

and tragedy. Men with this type mouth may be
successful in business, but tend to have poor
personal relations with others, particularly with
their wives. Such a mouth gives the appearance
o f a man who is cold and unpleasant— and he
generally acts out the part. □ W omen with
drooping mouths are even less fortunate, since
more o f their life is bound up by their appear­
ance. Such women often suffer ill health, and
usually must work harder for what they get.


The color o f the lips is important to face read­
ers. Purple lips are regarded as a sign o f a seri­

ous disease and a strong inclination toward
promiscuity. Unusually bright red lips in mid­
dle-age are indicative o f a respiratory ailment.
Pale lips are a sign o f ill-health, while pink lips
indicate good health and vitality.

Whether a person habitually smiles with his
mouth open or closed is an important character
sign. Smiling with the mouth closed is a sign
o f weak will, and indicates that the person will
not enjoy financial success. Smiling with the
mouth open signifies that one’s financial for­
tune will be good, and that he or she will enjoy
good relations with the opposite sex. □ A per­
son whose gums show when he smiles is apt
to be scornful o f people to the extent that he
has no close friends. □ If the expression o f the
mouth is one o f helplessness when a person
smiles, it is a sign that he or she is suffering
from a disease or is living an unhappy life filled
with tension and distress. People whose mouths
“ pout” when they smile or talk are inclined to
be stubborn and opinionated, and are always
causing controversy. □ Licking the lips fre­
quently is a sign that the person is in love.


Size, position and quality o f the ears are mean­
ingful to face readers. Large ears indicate mas­
culinity, courage and initiative, and are associ­
ated with long life and success if the lobes are
also large and firm. Thick, hard earlobes are
also regarded as a sign o f good health.

People with evenly-proportioned small ears are
generally flighty and have poor memories. They
often have artistic and creative ability, which
usually does not develop until middle-age.

Face readers believe that ears positioned low
on the head are an unerring sign o f nobility and
a survey o f the pictures o f hereditary nobility

proves this theory. Check your mirror— you
may be the long-lost descendant o f a king!


People whose ears are especially large in the

upper part are generally very intelligent and
have extraordinary memories. They are usually
vigorous, aggressive, have a strong sense o f re­
sponsibility and often accomplish great things.


The sportsman and the playboy generally have

ears that are proportionately larger at the bot­
tom than at the top— and have thick earlobes, as
well. People who have this type o f ear are usu­
ally kind, gay and full o f fun.



The two cheek wrinkles that radiate out from

the nose and curve downward are believed to
be intimately connected with a person’s social
and economic position. As one becomes firmly
established in business and society, the depth of
these twin wrinkles is said to increase. Respon­
sibility and hard work also deepen these lines:
even in those who are very young. Lack o f these
two wrinkles in an adult— or very shallow
wrinkles o f this type— is regarded as a sign that
the person is incapable, or is a very latecomer.
People who have inherited wealth and high so­
cial position for generations generally have
finely-shaped and well-developed cheek wrin-

kies. □ The ideal cheek wrinkles are crescent­
shaped. In the event that these important lines
are straight or ragged rather than gently
curved, they are believed to be a handicap.
Where women are concerned, if a second set
o f wrinkles should appear in this area, it is said
to be an indication that their marriage will
end in divorce. However, such women are said
to do especially well in business and to be pop­
ular with their superiors. □ Cheek wrinkles
that run into the mouth are regarded as a very
bad sign, and are believed to be an indication
that the person cannot support himself or take
care o f his affairs. In the most severe cases,
this feature is thought to be a sign that the per­
son is suffering from bad health. □ On occa­
sion, wrinkles from beneath one’s lower lip
will connect with the cheek wrinkles. This gen­
erally occurs only in men, and is regarded as an
indication o f marital problems.


The lack o f cheek wrinkles in mature adults is
regarded by the face readers to be a sign o f in­
stability in work, indicating that the person
habitually changes jobs and occupations.


One can do very little to change his basic body

build, but there are numerous ways a person
can change his facial appearance— and thereby
change his fortune. □ Moles and scars can be
removed entirely or made less conspicuous. A
man can grow a beard to cover an undersized
chin or hide unsightly scars and skin imperfec­
tions. He can wear his hair long or short, parted
or straight, etc. W omen have even more lee­
way in what they can do to alter their facial
appearance and their fortune. With the marvel
o f makeup and hairstyling, it is possible for
a plain-looking girl to transform herself into
a real-life Cinderella. □ Even more serious fa­
cial faults such as crooked or oversized noses
and protruding teeth can be corrected by sim­
ple surgical techniques if one has the means
and initiative to do so. With one’s fortune at
stake, he should not hesitate to make any im­
provement in his face within reason.


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