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Quiz system


Certified that this project report titled quiz system is the bonafide work of Mr.C.Muralikrishnan (Reg No 81709535015) who carried out the reserch under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or reward was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.


Head of the Department

Submitted to project and viva examination held on_______________________




I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to ourChairman Dr. K. VaradharajanB.A.,B.L., for providing all facilities which helped us tocomplete this project. With profound gratitude, respect and pride, I express my sincere thanks to our Principal Dr S. Sasikumar,M.E., Ph.D., for this continuous encouragement . I take great pleasure in convey my thanks to the

Prof.S.SIVANANDHAM MCA., ME, Head Of the Department of Master of Computer Applications. who is the source of encouragement of our learning process. I extend my gratitude to my internal guide Prof. A. Manikandan, MCA., For his inspiring guidance, keen interest and remarkable encouragement during the tenure of this work. I give glory and thanks to our God Almighty for showering upon, us the necessary wisdom and grace for accomplishing this project. I express my gratitude and thanks to my parent first for giving health as well as sound mind for completing this project.


This is report describes an online intelligent multiple-choice-question examination system, named Online Intelligent Quiz system (OIQS), for students. Any university, college or school with a computerized education system can adopt this system. Teachers can administer quizzes using the OIQS.

There is an expert part in our system, which uses AI to generate questions. The system will determine the participants performance depending on his answer and the next question will be generated according to the participants performance.

The system will show result after the examination is finished and also be able to provide feedback according to the participants demand. Administrative control of the whole system is provided. A teacher has control in the question bank and is suppose to make schedule for quiz.








THEME OF THE PROJECT 2.1 System Study 2.1.1 Existing System 2.1.2 Proposed System 2.1.3 Problem descriptions 2.1.4 Module descriptions 2.2 System Configuration 2.2.1 Software Specification 2.2.2 Hardware Specification 2.3 Software Specification 2.4 Data Flow Diagram 2.5 Testing

5 6




CONCLUSION AND FEATURE ENHANCEMENT 3.1Conclusion APPENDICES-A A.1 Screen Short 3.2 Table Design A.2 Sample Coding REFERNCES






The quiz system project mainly focus on the concept of online test. If an user is already a member of Quiz system, then user can be authenticated by giving their username and password, Otherwise user should use sign up option to be a member of quiz system. After successful authentication, the user selects the language in which the questions will be displayed. User should answer the questions in allotted time duration.

Initially only one question will be displayed and after answering to that question, the next questions will be displayed and so on. Once all the questions are completed, the results will be displayed as, number of right answers, number of wrong answer and mark percentage. If the user wants to continue, then the user can select another language and proceed. Otherwise the user can sign out. In the project, the front end is Java, the back end is MS Access involving ODBC connection. User can use Quiz system from anywhere and anytime.


The project Quiz System is developed in Java, which mainly focuses on basic Exam operations. Quiz System is a windows application written for 32bit Windows operating systems, designed to help users to write exams. The software Exam Suite has 3 main modules. Login Module Insertion to Database Module Extracting from Database Module



System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is what all problems exist in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem? Analysis begins when a user or manager begins a study of the program using existing system. During analysis, data collected on the various files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. The commonly used tools in the system are Data Flow Diagram, interviews, etc.


1. Training, experience and common sense are required for collection of relevant information needed to develop the system. 2. The success of the system depends largely on how clearly the problem is defined.

Proposed system is a Quiz System. According to designate we can create an account, writing exam using that account. A good analysis model should provide not only the mechanisms of problem understanding but also the frame work of the solution. Thus it should be studied thoroughly by collecting data about the system. Then the proposed system should be analyzed thoroughly in accordance with the needs.

User friendly Interface Fast access to database Less error Storage Capacity



Processor Clock speed System bus RAM HDD Monitor Keyboard Mouse : : : : : : : : Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHZ or above 500 MHZ 32 bits 256MB of RAM 40 GB or higher SVGA COLOR 108Keys

2 button mouse


OS Environment Front end Back end : : : : MS WINDOWS XP SP2 Java Runtime Environment 1.5 Core Java J2SDK1.5 Microsoft Access 2003


Main Module

Module I Login

Module II

Module III

Module IV

Sign Up



Registered User




Result published


Context Diagram




LEVEL 1: Skeleton Structure

Database Connectio n Login

0.1 0.2

Main System


Data Base


Sing up

users Employ ee Exam

Edit Emplyee

Exam Results Delete Employee



System Password / User name


Introduction: Software Testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors. This is the major quality measure employed during the software engineering development. Its basic function is to detect error in the software. Testing is necessary for the proper functioning of the system. Testing is usually performed for the following purposes: To improve quality. For Verification & Validation (V&V). For reliability estimation. Objectives

As the Philosophy behind testing is to find errors that are created with the express intent of determining whether the system will process correctly. There are several rules that can serve as testing objectives.

If testing is conducted successfully according to the objectives as started above, it would uncover error in the software. Also testing demonstrates that software functions appear to the working according to specification, that performance requirements appear to have been met.

Testing Evaluation:

In general, testing is finding out how well something works. In terms of human beings, testing tells what level of knowledge or skill has been acquired. In computer hardware and software development, testing is used at key checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether objectives are being met. For example, in software development, product objectives are sometimes tested by product user representatives. When the design is complete, coding follows and the group of programmers involved; and at the system level then test the finished code at the unit or module level by each programmer.

Software Testing Strategies: A strategy for software testing integrates software test case design techniques into a well planned series of steps that result in the successful construction of software. Any testing strategy must incorporate test planning, test case design, test execution and the resultant data collection and evaluation. The various software testing strategies are;

Unit Testing Functional Testing Stress Testing Integration testing User Acceptance testing.

Unit Testing:

Unit testing focuses on the verification effort on the smallest unit of each module in the system. It comprises the set of tests performed by an individual programmer prior to the integration of the unit into a larger system. It involves various tests that a programmer will perform in a program unit.

Using the unit test plans prepared in the design of the system development as a guide, the control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. In this testing, each module is tested and it was found to be working satisfactorily as per the expected output from the module. Functional Testing: Functional test involves exercising the code with correct input values for which the expected results are known. The system being developed is tested with all the nominal input values, so that the expected results are received. The system is also tested with the boundary values. Stress Testing: Stress tests are designed to overload a system in various ways. The system being developed is tested like attempting to sign on more than the maximum number of allowed terminals, inputting mismatched data types, processing more than the allowed number of identifiers.

Integration testing: This is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with the interface. In this testing all the modules are integrated and the entire system is tested as a whole and the possibility of occurring error are rare since it has already been unit tested. In case if any error occurs, it is found out in this step and rectified as a whole before passing to the next step.

User Acceptance testing: The user acceptance is the key factor in the development of a successful system. The system under consideration is tested for acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the prospective users at the time of development and the changes are made as and when required.

A sample testing cycle: Although testing varies between organizations, there is a cycle to testing: 1. Requirements Analysis: Testing should begin in the requirements phase of the software development life cycle. During the design phase, testers work with developers in determining what aspects of a design are testable and under what parameter those tests work. 2. Test Planning: Test Strategy, Test Plan(s), Test Bed creation. 3. Test Development: Test Procedures, Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test Scripts to use in testing software. 4. Test Execution: Testers execute the software based on the plans and tests and report any errors found to the development team. 5. Test Reporting: Once testing is completed, testers generate metrics and make final reports on their test effort and whether or not the software tested is ready for release. 6. Retesting the Defects Not all errors or defects reported must be fixed by a software development team. Some may be caused by errors in configuring the test software to match the development or production environment. Some defects can be handled by a workaround in the production environment. Others might be deferred to future releases of the software, or the deficiency might be accepted by the business user. There are yet other defects that may be rejected by the development team (of course, with due reason) if they deem it inappropriate to be called a defect.

Test Cases: Limitations and Scope for Future Enhancements: Limitations of the system: Only the permanent employees can access the system. System works in all platforms and its compatible environments. Advanced techniques are not used to check the authorization.

Future Enhancements: It is not possible to develop a system that makes all the requirements of the user. User requirements keep changing as the system is being used. Some of the future enhancements that can be done to this system are: As the technology emerges, it is possible to upgrade the system and can be adaptable to desired environment. Because it is based on object-oriented design, any further changes can be easily adaptable. Based on the future security issues, security can be improved using emerging technologies. Attendance module can be added



The Quiz System is a great improvement over the manual system like hand written exams. The computerization of the system has speed up the process and it is time consuming. It is very difficult to keep answer papers and all such things. The system was thoroughly checked and tested with dummy data. The system avoids data redundancy and inconsistency. It provides security and integrity. Data is easily retrieved. Thus the system is user friendly.


The proposed system is purely an Exam Suite we will make this project as online where every customer using their E-mail ID can view their result details; they cant edit or make changes in their account. Also, we can include online, updating by the authorized person. When making online, Exam procedures and latest news about the Exam will be seen in our software. Any comments can be included by the user.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> //#include<windows.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> #include<dos.h>

void displayscore() { char name[20]; float s; FILE *f; system("cls"); f=fopen("score.txt","r"); fscanf(f,"%s%f",&name,&s); printf("\n\n\t\t "); printf("\n\n\t\t %s has secured the Highest Score %.2f",name,s); printf("\n\n\t\t "); fclose(f); getch(); } void help()

{ system("cls"); printf("\n\n\n\tThis game is very easy to play. You'll be asked some general"); printf("\n\n\tknowledge questions and the right answer is to be chosen among"); printf("\n\n\tthe four options provided. Your score will be calculated at the"); printf("\n\n\tend. Remember that the more quicker you give answer the more"); printf("\n\n\tscore you will secure. Your score will be calculated and displayed"); printf("\n\n\tat the end and displayed. If you secure highest score, your score"); printf("\n\n\twill be recorded. So BEST OF LUCK."); } void writescore(float score, char plnm[20]) { float sc; char nm[20]; FILE *f; system("cls"); f=fopen("score.txt","r"); fscanf(f,"%s%f",&nm,&sc); if (score>=sc) { sc=score; fclose(f); f=fopen("score.txt","w"); fprintf(f,"%s\n%.2f",plnm,sc); fclose(f); } } int main()

{ int countq,countr; int r,i; int pa;int nq[6];int w; float score; char choice; char playername[20]; time_t initialtime,finaltime; system("cls"); //randomize(); mainhome: system("cls"); puts("\n\t\t WELCOME TO I.Q. TEST PROGRAM\n\n") ; puts("\n\t\t-------------------------------"); puts("\n\t\t Enter 'S' to start game ");

puts("\n\t\t Enter 'V' to view high score "); puts("\n\t\t Enter 'H' for help puts("\n\t\t Enter 'Q' to quit "); ");

printf("\n\t\t-------------------------------\n\n\t\t "); choice=toupper(getch()); if (choice=='V') { displayscore(); goto mainhome; } else if (choice=='Q') exit(1);

else if (choice=='H') { help(); getch(); goto mainhome; } else if(choice=='S'){ system("cls");

printf("\n\n\n\t\t\tEnter your name..."); printf("\n\t\t\t(only one word)\n\n\t\t\t"); gets(playername);

home: system("cls"); initialtime=time(NULL); countq=countr=0; i=1; start: srand ( time(NULL) ); r=rand()%23+1; nq[i]=r; for (w=0;w<i;w++) if (nq[w]==r) goto start;

switch(r) {

case 1: printf("\n\nWhat is the maximum no. of asymptotes of the curve x^4+2x+6=0?"); printf("\n\nA.4\tB.3\n\nC.none\tD.infinite\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.4");break;}

case 2: printf("\n\n\nHow many points are possible in a compound pendulum about which"); printf("time period is same?"); printf("\n\nA.4\tB.2\n\nC.none\tD.infinite\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.4"); break;

case 3: printf("\n\n\nWho was the first US President?"); printf("\n\nA.Richard Nikson\tB.Abraham Linkon\n\nC.John F. Kennedy\tD.George Washington\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='D') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;}

else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is D.George Washington");break;}

case 4: printf("\n\n\nWho was awarded the 'Man of the Tournament' of ICC WORLD CUP 2007?"); printf("\n\nA.Glen Magrath\tB.Mahela Jawardan\n\nC.Mathew Hayden\tD.Sachin Tendulkar\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.Glen Magrath");break;}

case 5: printf("\n\n\nWhich country won the Fifa World Cup 1998?"); printf("\n\nA.France\tB.Brazil\n\nC.Italy\tD.England\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.France");break;}

case 6: printf("\n\n\nWhich syllabe is stressed in the word 'democracy'?"); printf("\n\nA.1st\tB.2nd\n\nC.3rd\tD.4th\n\n");

countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='B' ) {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is B.2nd");break;}

case 7: printf("\n\n\nWhich country was the winner of Cricket World Cup 1987?"); printf("\n\nA.West Indies\tB.India\n\nC.Australia\tD.England\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='C') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is C.Australia");break;}

case 8: printf("\n\n\nWhat is the height of Mount everest in feet?"); printf("\n\nA.8648\tB.6648\n\nC.8884\tD.8848\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='D') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is D.8848");break;}

case 9: printf("\n\n\nWhat is the capital of Denmark?"); printf("\n\nA.Copenhagen\tB.Helsinki\n\nC.Rome\t\tD.Madrid\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.Copenhagen");break;}

case 10: printf("\n\n\nWhich syllabe is stressed in the word 'instanteneous'?"); printf("\n\nA.1st\tB.2nd\n\nC.3rd\tD.4th\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='C') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is C.3rd");break;}

case 11: printf("\n\n\nWho was the only player to score 6 successive sixes in an over?"); printf("\n\nA.Adam Gilchrist\tB.M.S.Dhoni\n\nC.Herschel Gibbs\tD.Sanath Jayasurya\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='C') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else

{printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is C.Herschel Gibbs");break;}

case 12: printf("\n\n\nWho was the only player to take 4 successive wickets?"); printf("\n\nA.Malinga Bandara\tB.Lasith Malinga\n\nC.Bret Lee\tD.Murali Daran\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='B') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is B.Lasith Malinga");break;}

case 13: printf("\n\n\nWhich country is hosting the Fifa World Cup 2010?"); printf("\n\nA.South Africa\tB.Italy\n\nC.Argentina\tD.Spain\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.South Africa");break;}

case 14: printf("\n\n\nWho is the author of 'Pulpasa Cafe'?"); printf("\n\nA.Narayan Wagle\tB.Lal Gopal Subedi\n\nC.B.P. Koirala\tD.Khagendra Sangraula\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;}

else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.Narayan Wagle");break;}

case 15: printf("\n\n\nWhich country is Maria Sarapova from?"); printf("\n\nA.Russia\tB.Switzerland\n\nC.Argentina\tD.Spain\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.Russia");break;}

case 16: printf("\n\n\nWho was awarded the youngest player award in Fifa World Cup 2006?"); printf("\n\nA.Wayne Rooney\tB.Lucas Podolski\n\nC.Lionel Messi\tD.Christiano Ronaldo\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='B') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is B.Lucas Podolski");break;}

case 17: printf("\n\n\nWhat is the smallest district of Nepal?"); printf("\n\nA.Lalitpur\tB.Karnali\n\nC.Bhaktapur\tD.Gulmi\n\n"); countq++;

if (toupper(getch())=='C') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is C.Bhaktapur");break;}

case 18: printf("\n\n\nWhat is the headquarter of Western Development Region?"); printf("\n\nA.Dhankuta\tB.Kathmandu\n\nC.Dhangadhi\tD.Pokhara\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='D') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is D.Pokhara");break;}

case 19: printf("\n\n\nWhich place is called 'The Cherrapunji of Nepal'?"); printf("\n\nA.Dharan\tB.Kathmandu\n\nC.Pokhara\tD.Butwal\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='C') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is C.Pokhara");break;}

case 20: printf("\n\n\nWhich city is known at 'The City of Seven Hills'?"); printf("\n\nA.Rome\tB.Vactican City\n\nC.Madrid\tD.Berlin\n\n"); countq++;

if (toupper(getch())=='A') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is A.Rome");break;}

case 21: printf("\n\n\nWho was the F1 racing champion of 2006?"); printf("\n\nA.Louis Hamilton\tB.Felipe Massa\n\nC.Fernando Alonso\tD.Michael Schumaker\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='C') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is C.Fernanda Alonso");break;}

case 22: printf("\n\n\nWho won the Women Australian Open 2007?"); printf("\n\nA.Martina Hingis\tB.Maria Sarapova\n\nC.Kim Clijster\tD.Serena Williams\n\n"); countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='D') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is D.Serena Williams");break;}

case 23: printf("\n\n\nName the country where there no mosquito is found?"); printf("\n\nA.Germany\tB.Spain\n\nC.Japan\tD.France\n\n");

countq++; if (toupper(getch())=='D') {printf("\n\nCorrect!!!");countr++; break;} else {printf("\n\nWrong!!! The correct answer is D.France");break;}

} i++; if (i<=5) goto start; finaltime=time(NULL); score=(float)countr/countq*100-difftime(finaltime,initialtime)/3; if (score<0) score=0; printf("\n\n\nYour Score: %.2f",score); if (score==100) printf("\n\nEXCELLENT!!! KEEP IT UP"); else if (score>=80 && score<100) printf("\n\nVERY GOOD!!"); else if (score>=60 &&score<80) printf("\n\nGOOD! BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW MORE."); else if (score>=40 && score<60) printf("\n\nSATISFACTORY RESULT, BUT THIS MUCH IS MUCH SUFFICIENT."); else printf("\n\nYOU ARE VERY POOR IN G.K.,WORK HARD"); puts("\n\nNEXT PLAY?(Y/N)"); if (toupper(getch())=='Y') goto home; else { writescore(score,playername);

goto mainhome; } } else { printf("\n\n\t\t Enter the right key\n\n\t\t "); sleep(700); goto mainhome; } return 0; }

WELCOME TO I.Q. TEST PROGRAM -------------------------------

Enter 'S' to start game

Enter 'V' to view high score

Enter 'H' for help

Enter 'Q' to quit


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