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0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

国际工程项目 HSE 承诺方针与目标标准

Standard for HSE Commitments, Policies,
and Objectives for Overseas Projects

POWERCHINA International Group Limited
2019 年 09 月
QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE06-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

批准 Approved by: 季晓勇 JiXiaoyong

审查 Reviewed by: 陈观福 Chen Guanfu 苗军 Miao Jun丁拯国 Ding Zhengguo

赵家旺 Zhao Jiawang 梁军 Liang Jun 熊立新 XiongLixin
吴文豪 Wu Wenhao 周德荣 Zhou Derong 杨天福 Yang Tianfu
周家义 Zhou Jiayi 田海华 TianHaihua 侯晓暾 HouXiaotun
唐玉华 Tang Yuhua 刘绍泉 Liu Shaoquan 刘刚强 Liu Gangqiang
王宴涛 Wang Yantao 张磊 Zhang Lei 卢峰 Lu Feng
张念木 Zhang Nianmu 牟官华 Mu Guanhua 王永强 Wang Yongqiang
祝郴阳 Zhu Chenyang 刘恺 Liu Kai 彭申映 PengShenying
彭定武 PengDingwu 胡俊德 Hu Junde 王纲 Wang Gang
陈新军 Chen Xinjun 汤顺奎 Tang Shunkui 周学勤 Zhou Xueqin
原海新 Yuan Haixin 万军 Wan Jun 魏民 Wei Min
董青 Dong Qing 汪新槐 Wang Xinhuai 刘太保 Liu Taibao
张继雄 Zhang Jixiong 李军旗 Li Junqi 李铭 Li Ming
贺锋 He Feng 陈健 Chen Jian

审核 Checked by: 万军 Wan Jun 阮文军 RuanWenjun 蒋千璐 Jiang Qianlu

徐孝模 XuXiaomo 薛占康 XueZhankang 邓吉明 Deng Jiming

赵炜 Zhao Wei 吴莉 Wu Li

编制 Prepared by: 张烁 Zhang Shuo 曹蓓蓓 Cao Beibei 王曦 Wang Xi

左辉斌 ZuoHuibin 郭冬莉 GuoDongli 高西望 GaoXiwang

郭波 Guo Bo 程喆 Cheng Zhe 贺娇娇 He Jiaojiao

罗俊峰 LuoJunfeng 关爱华 Guan Aihua 赵一楠 Zhaoyinan

高义民 GaoYimin 田福兴 TianFuxing 刘欣凯 Liu Xinkai

刘晨清 Liu Chenqing 李悦 Li Yue 赵鸿 Zhao Hong

顾永彬 GuYongbin 黄仕鑫 Huang Shixin 韩志敏 Han Zhimin

翟成浩 ZhaiChenghao 潘沫羽 Pan Moyu 庞绪峰 Pang Xufeng

周洪利 ZhouHongli惠鹏博 Hui Pengbo 周龙 Zhoulong

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE06-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

English Review

审核单位: 中国电建中南勘测设计研究院有限公司

Reviewing organization: POWERCHINA Zhongnan Engineering Corporation


总负责: 李彦广、穆君

Directed by: Li Yanguang, Mu Jun

审核人员: 刘小芬 Liu Xiaofen、陈蕾 Chen Lei、

Reviewed by: 杨虹 Yang Hong、刘明明 Liu Mingming、

蔡志强 Cai Zhiqiang、徐莉 Xu Li

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE06-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

Revision History

序号 修改日期 修改页码 修改内容 修改人 批准人

SN Revision Date Page Description Revised by Approved by

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE06-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects


第 1 节-目的 1 Purpose..............................................................................................1

第 2 节-范围 2 Scope.................................................................................................1

第 3 节-术语 3 Terminology......................................................................................1

第 4 节-引用文件 4 Normative References...............................................................1

第 5 节-职责 5 Duties and Responsibilities...............................................................1

第 6 节-程序 6 Procedures.........................................................................................2

第 7 节-记录 7 Records..............................................................................................8

附表 1:HSE 目标完成情况统计表 Annex 1: Statistical Sheet of Achievement of

HSE Objectives..............................................................................................................9

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE06-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

第 1 节-目的 Purpose

1.1 为规范国际工程项目 HSE 承诺、方针和目标的制定、分解、实施和考

核,创造良好的 HSE 业绩,制定本标准。

This Standard is developed to standardize the establishment, breakdown,

implementation, and assessment of HSE commitments, policies, and objectives for
overseas projects.

第 2 节-范围 Scope

2.1 本标准适用于国际工程项目 HSE 承诺、方针和目标的制定、分解、实

施及考核。This Standard is applicable to the establishment, breakdown,
implementation, and assessment of HSE commitments, policies, and objectives for

第 3 节-术语 Terminology

3.1 无。None

第 4 节-引用文件 Normative References

4.1 GB/T 24001-2016 / ISO 14001:2015 环境管理体系要求及使用指南;

Environmental Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use

4.2 GB/T 45001-2020/ISO45001:2018 职业健康安全管理体系要求及使用指

南。Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems-Requirements with
Guidance for Use

4.3 GB/T 33000-2016 企业安全生产标准化基本规范。Guideline of China

Occupational Safety and Health Management System

第 5 节-职责 Duties and Responsibilities

5.1 项目经理批准、发布 HSE 承诺、方针和目标。The Project Manager is

responsible for approving and issuing the HSE commitments, policies and objectives.

5.2 HSE 管理部门负责在 HSE 法律法规及其它要求识别的基础上完善工程

项目 HSE 承诺、方针和目标。负责 HSE 目标(指标)的分解、考核。

The HSE Office is responsible for improving the HSE commitments, policies
and objectives of the project based on the identified legal requirements and other
requirements, and carrying outbreakdown and assessment of the HSE objectives

5.3 综合管理部门负责 HSE 承诺、方针和目标的文件发放和对外宣传。The

General Administration Office is responsible for issue and publicity of the documents
of HSE commitments, policies and objectives.

5.4 项目经理部所属部门,施工队(含分包队伍)负责执行项目 HSE 承诺、

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方针和目标(指标)。The officesunder the Project Management Department

andthe construction teams (including subcontractors) shall be responsible for
implementing the HSE commitments, policies and objectives (indicators) of the

第 6 节-程序 Procedures

6.1 HSE 承诺。HSE commitments.

6.1.1 遵守中国和项目所在国法律法规和 HSE 管理要求,承诺采取一切措施


Comply with the laws, regulations, and HSE management requirements of China
and the country where the project is located, undertake to take all measures to provide
healthy and safe working conditions for the employees, and take effective measures
during the construction process to protect local environment. To this end, the Project
Management Department will:

1)建立、实施 HSE 管理体系,确保管理体系有效运行和持续改进;

Establish and implement anHSE management system and ensure it is effectively

operated and continuallyimproved;

2)提供有效的培训,提高员工 HSE 风险防范意识及能力;

Provide effective training to improve the employees' awareness and ability of

preventing HSE risk;


Provide adequate resources to guarantee the occupational health and safetyof



Develop practical emergency preparedness plans to realize rapid response and


5)设定 HSE 管理目标,通过管理体系的有效运行,防止职业健康安全事


Set the HSE management objectives, and prevent occupational health and safety
accidents and reduce the impact on the environment by effective operation of the
management system;

6)向全社会、顾客公开 HSE 管理业绩,接受社会、顾客和员工的监督。

Disclose the HSE management performance to the public and the clients, and
accept the supervision of the public, clients, and employees.

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QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE06-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

6.2 HSE 方针。HSE policies.

6.2.1 珍惜生命,保护环境。Cherish life and protect environment

建立、健全 HSE 管理体系,规范 HSE 管理工作,完善风险管控和隐患排查


Establish and improve the HSE management system to standardize the HSE
management, improve the dual preventive mechanismcombining risk control with
hazard identification and elimination, strengthentraining,protect occupational health
and safety of the employees, comply with applicable legal requirementsand other
requirements, and, by way of effective operation of the HSE management system,
reduce the impact of the project construction and management activitieson the

6.3 HSE 行为准则。HSE Code of Conduct.

6.3.1 项目经理部决策必须优先考虑 HSE 因素;

The Project Management Department must give priority to HSE factors in the
decision making.

6.3.2 项目经理部各级管理者对业务范围内的 HSE 工作负责;

Managers at each level of the Project Management Department shall be

responsible for the HSE work under their jurisdiction of management;

6.3.3 项目经理部各级管理者必须亲自参加本级 HSE 管理体系的审核工作;

Managers at each level of the Project Management Department must attendin

persontheHSE management system review conducted at their levels;

6.3.4 项目经理部必须配置充足的 HSE 管理所需的资源;

The Project Management Department must provide adequate resources required

for HSE management;

6.3.5 项目经理部必须对员工进行 HSE 教育培训;

The Project Management Department must carry out HSE education and training
for the employees;

6.3.6 项目经理部员工必须熟悉岗位危险因素、风险、控制措施和应急准备;

Employees of the Project Management Department must get acquainted with the
hazards, risks, control measures and emergency preparedness of the jobs;

6.3.7 项目经理部员工必须遵守 HSE 管理标准;

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Employees of the Project Management Department must comply with the HSE
management standards;

6.3.8 项目经理部对分包队伍的管理应执行统一的 HSE 标准;

The Project Management Department shall apply uniform HSE

managementstandards to the subcontractors;

6.3.9 项目经理部必须落实事故隐患整改责任、措施、资金、时限、预案;

The Project Management Department must specify the responsibilities,

measures, funds, time limits, and plan for the hazard elimination;

6.3.10 所有事故/事件必须按权限及时报告、分析和处理。

All accidents/incidents must be reported, analyzed and dealt with in a timely

manner according to the authority.

6.4 HSE 总目标 General HSEObjectives

6.4.1 不发生 HSE 事故,不损害员工健康,与环境和谐相处。

Zero HSE accident, no harm to health of employees, being in harmony with


6.5 HSE 管理目标 HSE Management Objectives

6.5.1 项目安全评估率 100%;Coverage of safety assessment: 100%;

6.5.2 员工(包括分包商员工)岗前安全、职业健康培训、操作技能培训

Coverage of pre-job training, occupational health training, and operation skill

training for employees (including subcontractors’ employees): 100%;

6.5.3 在规定的时间内安全生产隐患整改率 100%;Correction of production

safety hazards within specified time limit: 100%;

6.5.4 安全管理人员、特种作业人员持证上岗率 100%;Certification of safety

management personnel and special operators: 100%;

6.5.5 特种设备检验率 100%、重要设施、重点部位的安全防护设施完好率


Coverage of inspection of special equipment: 100%; intactness of safety

protection facilities for important facilities and key parts: 100%;

6.5.6 危险性较大分部、分项工程专项安全技术措施编制、审批、交底率

Preparation, review and approval, and briefing of safety technical measures for
sections or parts of works involving high risks: 100%;

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6.5.7 工作场所职业病危害告知率、职业病危害因素监测率、主要危害因素
监测合格率等 100%;

Rates of disclosure of occupational hazards in the workplace, monitoring of

occupational hazards, and conformity of monitored major hazard factors: 100%;

6.5.8 从事接触职业病危害作业劳动者的职业健康体检率 100%,员工体检

率 100%,中方员工预防接种率 100%;

Coverage of occupational health physical examination for workers engaged in

the work subject to occupational hazards: 100%; coverage of physical examination for
employees: 100%; coverage of vaccination for Chinese employees: 100%;

6.5.9 不发生事故事件瞒报、谎报、漏报、迟报等行为。No accident/incident

concealment, deceit, omission, delay, or other acts.

6.6HSE 事故控制目标 HSE accident control objectives:

6.6.1 不发生有人员死亡的生产安全事故;No productionsafetyaccident with


6.6.2 不发生一般及以上分包商负主责的生产安全事故;

No general and above productionsafety accident for which the subcontractor is

held to take major responsibility;

6.6.3 不发生负主责的一般及以上交通事故;

No general and above traffic accident for which major responsibility is held;

6.6.4 不发生在自然灾害中承担管理责任的一般及以上安全事故;

No general and above safety accident in natural disaster for which management
liability is held;

6.6.5 不发生一般及以上的设备事故;No general and above equipment


6.6.6 不发生造成人员死亡和直接经济损失 5 万元及以上的火灾事故;

No fire accident which causes death and a direct economic loss of RMB 50,000
and above;

6.6.7 不发生《电力生产事故调查暂行规定》所规定的较大设备事故;

No major equipment accident listed in theTentative Provisions on Investigation

of Electric Power Accidents;

6.6.8 不发生一般及以上电力安全事故,不发生垮坝、水淹厂房事故;

No general and above electric power safety accident, dam collapse or

powerhouse flooding accident;

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6.6.9 不发生因质量问题引发的工程安全事故及由此导致的人身死亡和财产

No project safety accident caused by quality problem, and the resulting personal
death and property loss accident;

6.6.10 不发生群体性职业健康危害事件。No mass occupational health hazard


6.7HSE 目标管理 Management of HSE Objectives

6.7.1 目标(指标)的分解及实施 Breakdown and implementation of

objectives (indicators)

1)HSE 目标(指标)由管理目标、事故控制目标构成,具体内容在每年签

The HSE objectives (indicators) shall consist of management objectives and

accident control objectives, which shall be reflected in the Production Safety
Responsibility Agreement signed on a yearly basis.

2)HSE 目标(指标)通过层层签订《安全生产责任书》分解至项目经理部

The HSE objectives (indicators) shall be broken down to the offices,working

areas (plants/teams), and working groupsunder the Project Management Department
by signing the Production Safety Responsibility Agreement level by level.

3)项目经理部所属部门、工区(厂、队)和班组应围绕 HSE 目标(指


Based on the HSE objectives (indicators), the offices, working areas

(plants/teams), and working groupsunderthe Project Management Department shall
develop proper measures, allocate the resources as needed, refine the safety technical
measures, assign the responsible persons, and implement the objectives in the work
according to the required time nodes and actual conditions, and enhance routine

6.7.2 HSE 目标变更 Changes in HSE objectives

康安全风险修订 HSE 目标。修改后的目标应以文件的形式发布;

The Project Management Department may revise the HSE objectives according
to the identified legal requirements and other requirements as well as the occupational
health and safety risks of the project. The revised objectives shall be issued in the
form of official document.

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2)修订后的 HSE 目标不低于本标准规定的目标水平。

The HSE objectives revised shall not be lowerthan the level required under this
this standard.

6.7.3 HSE 目标(指标)检查考核 Inspection and assessment of HSE

objectives (indicators)

1)HSE 管理部门每年两次将本项目 HSE 目标完成情况进行统计后,填写

《目标(指标)完成情况统计表》(附表 1),作为考核的依据。未如期完成
的,HSE 管理部门应组织调查,分析原因,提出处置方法和纠正措施;

The HSE Management Department shall check the achievement of HSE

objectives twice a year, and then fill out the Statistical Sheet of Achievement of HSE
Objectives (Indicators) (Annex 1), which will be taken as the basis for assessment.
For any objective (indicator) not achieved as scheduled, the HSE Office shall organize
the investigation and cause analysis, and propose treatment suggestions and corrective

HSE 目标(指标)考核评比和表彰奖励。

On the basis of the Production Safety Responsibility Agreement, the Project

Management Department shall assessthe achievement of HSE objectives (indicators)
for the offices, construction teams and working teamsand groups annually.

6.7.4 HSE 目标(指标)实现保证措施 Guarantee measures for achievement of

HSE objectives (indicators)

1)做好事前控制。检查 HSE 目标是否分解到位,责任是否落实;进入现

场的施工人员三级安全教育培训是否达到 100%;特种作业人员是否做到 100%

Preparation. Check whether the HSE objectives are broken down properly, the
responsibilities are well defined, all of the construction personnel with access to the
project site have received three-level safety education and training, all special
operators are properly certified before taking the job, adequate and qualified on-site
safety officers are assigned, the construction machinery and equipment have been
accepted, the special equipment have been inspected and tested at the interval
required, special construction program has been developed for the sections or parts of
works involvinghigh risks, and the emergency measures have been taken in place.
Preventive measures shall be given the first priority.

2)做好事中控制,对 HSE 目标的实施过程进行监管。加强对施工现场高


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案中的各项安全措施是否得到落实,以便及时发现导致 HSE 目标偏离的环节并
采取纠正和预防措施,保证施工过程 HSE 始终处于受控状态;

Ongoing control. Supervise the implementation process of HSE objectives.

Strengthen supervision on the work at height, lifting operation, scaffolding, operation
near the edge or at the opening, operation in deep excavation, temporary electrical
connection, and certification of special operators, and check whether the construction
machinery in use have acceptable safety performance, and whether the safety
measures required in the construction method statement have been implemented, so as
to timely identify the links deviating from the HSE objectives andtake corrective and
preventive measures to ensure that the HSE is always under control during the
construction process;

3)定期评估和考核。按 HSE 目标责任书的内容,对各施工队伍进行阶段


Regular assessment. Assess the construction teams periodically according to the

Responsibility Agreement for HSE Objectives, and impose penalty or give awards as

第 7 节-记录 Records

项目经理部应完整保存 HSE 承诺方针与目标管理记录资料,并分类建档管

理。记录资料至少应包括安全生产责任书、HSE 目标完成情况统计表等文件、

The Project Management Department shall keep the complete management

records of HSE commitments, policies and objectives, and archive the records by
category. The records shall includethe
ProductionSafetyResponsibilityAgreement,StatisticalSheet of Achievement of HSE
Objectives, and other documents, forms, records, pictures, and videos.

附表 Annex 1:HSE 目标完成情况统计表。Statistical Sheet of Achievement

of HSE Objectives

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附表 Annex1:HSE 目标完成情况统计表 Statistical Sheet of Achievement of

HSE Objectives

序号 责任部门 承担的目标 Achievement
No. Responsible Department Objectives 6月 12 月
June December

统计 Prepared by: 审核 Checked by:

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