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0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

Standard for Site Attendance and
Supervision byLeaders for Overseas

POWERCHINA International Group Limited
2019 年 09 月
QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

批准 Approved by: 季晓勇 JiXiaoyong

审查 Reviewed by: 陈观福 Chen Guanfu 苗军 Miao Jun丁拯国 Ding Zhengguo

赵家旺 Zhao Jiawang 梁军 Liang Jun 熊立新 XiongLixin
吴文豪 Wu Wenhao 周德荣 Zhou Derong 杨天福 Yang Tianfu
周家义 Zhou Jiayi 田海华 TianHaihua 侯晓暾 HouXiaotun
唐玉华 Tang Yuhua 刘绍泉 Liu Shaoquan 刘刚强 Liu Gangqiang
王宴涛 Wang Yantao 张磊 Zhang Lei 卢峰 Lu Feng
张念木 Zhang Nianmu 牟官华 Mu Guanhua 王永强 Wang Yongqiang
祝郴阳 Zhu Chenyang 刘恺 Liu Kai 彭申映 PengShenying
彭定武 PengDingwu 胡俊德 Hu Junde 王纲 Wang Gang
陈新军 Chen Xinjun 汤顺奎 Tang Shunkui 周学勤 Zhou Xueqin
原海新 Yuan Haixin 万军 Wan Jun 魏民 Wei Min
董青 Dong Qing 汪新槐 Wang Xinhuai 刘太保 Liu Taibao
张继雄 Zhang Jixiong 李军旗 Li Junqi 李铭 Li Ming
贺锋 He Feng 陈健 Chen Jian

审核 Checked by: 万军 Wan Jun 阮文军 RuanWenjun 蒋千璐 Jiang Qianlu

徐孝模 XuXiaomo 薛占康 XueZhankang 邓吉明 Deng Jiming

赵炜 Zhao Wei 吴莉 Wu Li

编制 Prepared by: 张烁 Zhang Shuo 曹蓓蓓 Cao Beibei 王曦 Wang Xi

左辉斌 ZuoHuibin 郭冬莉 GuoDongli 高西望 GaoXiwang

郭波 Guo Bo 程喆 Cheng Zhe 贺娇娇 He Jiaojiao

罗俊峰 LuoJunfeng 关爱华 Guan Aihua 赵一楠 Zhaoyinan

高义民 GaoYimin 田福兴 TianFuxing 刘欣凯 Liu Xinkai

刘晨清 Liu Chenqing 李悦 Li Yue 赵鸿 Zhao Hong

顾永彬 GuYongbin 黄仕鑫 Huang Shixin 韩志敏 Han Zhimin

翟成浩 ZhaiChenghao 潘沫羽 Pan Moyu 庞绪峰 Pang Xufeng

周洪利 ZhouHongli惠鹏博 HuiPengbo 周龙 Zhoulong

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

English Review

审核单位: 中国电建中南勘测设计研究院有限公司

Reviewing organization: POWERCHINA Zhongnan Engineering Corporation


总负责: 李彦广、穆君

Directed by: Li Yanguang, Mu Jun

审核人员: 刘小芬 Liu Xiaofen、陈蕾 Chen Lei、

Reviewed by: 杨虹 Yang Hong、刘明明 Liu Mingming、

蔡志强 CaiZhiqiang、徐莉 Xu Li

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

Revision History

序号 修改日期 修改页码 修改内容 修改人 批准人

SN Revision Date Page Description Revised by Approved by

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects


第 1 节-目的 Purpose.......................................................................................................................1

第 2 节-范围 Scope...........................................................................................................................1

第 3 节-术语 Terminology...............................................................................................................1

第 4 节-引用文件 Normative References.......................................................................................1

第 5 节-职责 Duties and Responsibilities.......................................................................................2

第 6 节-程序 Procedures..................................................................................................................3

第 7 节-记录 Records.......................................................................................................................5

附表 Annex 1:领导值班安排表: Shift Schedule for Site Attendance Leaders.........................7

附表 Annex 2:领导值班记录表: Shift Record ofSite Attendance Leaders..............................8

附表 Annex 3:领导带班安排表: Shift Schedule for Site Supervision Leaders........................9

附表 Annex 4:领导带班记录表: Shift Record ofSite Supervision Leaders............................10

QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

第 1 节-目的 Purpose

1.1 为加强国际工程项目安全生产管理工作,规范工程项目施工现场领导值

This Standard is developed to strengthen the worksafety management of

overseasprojects and standardize the site attendance and supervision by

第 2 节-范围 Scope

2.1 本标准适用于国际工程项目领导值班带班工作。

This Standard is applicable to the site attendance and supervision by leadersfor

overseas projects.

第 3 节-术语 Terminology

3.1 项目部领导值班,是指项目的领导班子成员在危险性较大的分部分项工

Site attendance of Project Management Departmentleaders: shift system that

requires rotational attendance of the top management of the Project Management
Department duringthe construction of the sections and parts of works involving high
risks and during special periods (major flood seasons, abnormal climates, holidays,
major events, etc.), in which the leaders carry out regular patrol inspection, coordinate
and deal with issues related to worksafety

3.2 项目部领导带班,是指每天安排一位项目的领导班子成员在施工现场轮

Site supervision by Project Management Departmentleaders: shift system that

requires the construction site to be attended and supervised by one of the top
management of the Project Management Department on a rotational and daily basis,
in which the leaders direct and supervise the worksafety work and have the same
work hours with construction workers

第 4 节-引用文件 Normative References

4.1 GB/T 24001-2016/ISO 14001:2015 环境管理体系要求及使用指南。

Environmental Management Systems‒ Requirements with Guidance for Use

4.2 GB/T 45001-2020/ISO45001:2018 职业健康安全管理体系要求及使用指

南。Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems—Requirements with
Guidance for Use

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Issue date: Sept. 1, 2019 Implementation date:
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4.3 GB/T 33000-2016《企业安全生产标准化基本规范》。Guideline of China

Occupational Safety and Health Management System

第 5 节-职责 Duties and Responsibilities

5.1 值班领导职责 Responsibilities of Site Attendance Leaders

5.1.1 值班领导是企业安全生产现场管理和事故处置的第一责任人,要认真

Site attendance leaders are the principal responsible persons for the enterprise's
worksafety site management and accident handling. During duty time, they shall lead
and command the worksafety work, comprehensively and profoundly understand the
project's worksafety situation, and coordinate and organize the worksafety efforts.

5.1.2 值班领导在当班期间,要全面掌握当班安全生产情况,认真组织对重

During duty time, the site attendance leaders shall fully grasp the work safety
situation, carefully organize the inspection and patrol on key parts, key links and
hazard points, promptly eliminate hazards once identified, and supervise the
implementation of safety rules and regulations.

5.1.3 安全值班期间,发生生产安全事故或突发事件,应迅速组织应急救援,

In the event of worksafety events or emergencies, the site attendance leader on

duty shall rapidly organize emergency rescue to protect the life of the workers.

5.2 带班领导职责 Responsibilities of Site Supervision Leaders

5.2.1 带班领导要把保证安全生产作为第一位的责任,全面掌握当班安全生

Site supervision leaders shall take worksafety as top priority, comprehensively

grasp the worksafety situation in the shift, strengthen inspection on key parts, key
links and hazard points, and guide the safety operations of site personnel.

5.2.2 及时发现和组织消除事故隐患和险情,及时制止违章违规行为,严禁

Site supervision leaders shall timely identify and organize the elimination of
hazards and dangers, stop the violations of rules and regulations without delay, and
strictly prohibit illegal commands.

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QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

5.2.3 当现场出现重大安全隐患或遇到险情时,及时采取紧急处置措施,并

When major safety hazards or dangers are encountered on site, site supervision
leaders shall take emergency measures in a timely manner, immediately issue a
suspension order, and organize the personnel in dangerous areas to evacuate to safe
places in a timely and orderly manner.

第 6 节-程序 Procedures

6.1 总要求 General Requirements

6.1.1 项目经理对落实项目领导班组轮流值班带班全面负责。项目领导班子

Project Manager is solely responsible for the implementation of site attendance

and supervision by the top management of the Project Management Department.
Other members of the topmanagement shall consciously perform their duties of site
attendance and supervision.

6.1.2 领导带班管理应遵循“全面兼顾,重点防范,带班在工地,解决在现

The leaders shall carry out all-around oversight, take targeted prevention
measures, lead the site work in person and solve problems on site, so as to keep risks
under control and ensure construction safety.

6.2 领导值班要求 Requirements for Site Supervision Leaders

6.2.1 危险性较大的分部分项工程施工、特殊时期(如:主汛期、异常气候、
节假日、重大活动等)HSE 管理部门必须安排领导值班并定时巡查。

During construction of the sections and parts of works involving high risks and
during special periods (major flood seasons, abnormal climates, holidays, major
events, etc.), the HSE Office must arrange leaders to take turns on duty and do regular
patrol inspections.

6.2.2 领导值班安排(附表 1)和值班情况要定期公示,接受员工监督。

Shift Schedule for Site Attendance Leaders (see Annex 1) and the leaders' duty
performance shall be made public on a regular basis to receive supervision by staff.

6.2.3 值班领导在生产作业时间内不得离开值班岗位。如因有事离岗时,必

The site attendance leader shall not leave his workplace during production and

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QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

operation time. If hehasto leave for special reasons, hemust notify another leader to
take over his shift in advance and shall not leave until the replacement leader isin

6.2.4 值班领导应真实准确填写当天值班的情况,并按要求做好轮流值班记
录的交接手续,填写《领导值班记录表》(附表 2)。值班领导的通讯方式要

Site attendanceleaders shall record the actual conditions during their duty time,
hand over shift work record as required, and fill out the Shift RecordofSite Attendance
Leaders (see Annex 2). The contact information of the on-duty leaders shall be
availableat construction sites.

6.3 领导带班要求 Requirements forSite Supervision Leaders

6.3.1 领导带班的主要任务包括但不限于:

The main tasks of site supervision leaders include but are not limited to the


Solve problems found in site supervision by developing measures and allocating

the required personnel, funds and materials.


Supervise and inspect the implementation of safety management systems;

supervise and inspect the attendance performance of full-time and part-time safety
officers, operation team leaders, working team leaders, production management
personnel and other management personnel.

3)负责检查督促各项安全技术措施的落实;Inspect and supervise the

implementation of safety technical measures.

4)负责当班安全隐患的检查及落实整改情况;Inspect the safety hazards

during duty time and implement therectification.

5)监督检查当班“三违”现象及处理情况;Supervise and inspect “Three

Violations” (illegal commands, illegal operations, and violations of labor disciplines)
and their handlingduring duty time.

6)监督检查作业环境的安全状况;Supervise and inspect the safety

conditions of working environment.

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7)对现场紧急避险的道路、通道进行全面检查;Conduct comprehensive
inspection on emergency evacuation roads and accesseson site.

8)对突发事件、紧急险情进行有效处置。Address emergencies and urgent

dangers effectively.

6.3.2 带班领导按照《领导带班值班人员安排表》(附表 3)安排进行带班,

事项等,并认真填写交《领导带班记录表》(附表 4)。

Site supervision leaders shall follow the Shift Schedule for Site Supervision
Leaders (Annex 3). At the time of shift exchange, the handover leader shall inform the
takeover leader in detail of the existingsafety problems and cautions at the
construction site, and fill out the Shift RecordofSite Supervision Leaders (see Annex

6.3.3 带班领导应加强对重点部位、关键环节、重大危险源的检查和巡视,

Site supervision leaders shall strengthen inspection and patrol on key parts, key
links and major hazards, and make relevant records.

6.3.4 带班领导应严格落实制止“三违”相关规定,及时制止违章违纪行为,

Site supervision leaders shall strictly implement the relevant provisions for
preventing "Three Violations", timely stop violations of rules and disciplines,
promptly correct violations found on site, give punishment according to relevant
regulations, and strictly avoid illegal commands.

6.3.5 发现安全隐患时,带班领导应立即安排人员进行整改,发现危及员工

When safety hazards are identified, the site supervision leaders shall immediately
arrange personnel to make rectification. In case of major dangerous conditions and
hazards endangering employees' life, the site supervision leaders shall take prompt
measures, such as suspending work, evacuating personnel, organizing the
development of rectification measures, and urging the implementation of rectification
measures to eliminate the hazards in a timely manner.

6.3.6 发生事故时必须立即启动安全生产事故应急预案,并组织人员抢险救

When accidents occur, the site supervision leaders shall immediately implement

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the emergency preparedness plan for worksafety accidents, organize relevant

personnel to carry out emergency rescue, and report to the superior in accordance with
the relevant regulations on reporting, investigation and handlingof worksafety

第 7 节-记录 Records


The Project Management Departmentshall keepcomplete records of leaders' site

attendance and supervision, and archive the records by category. The records shall
include the shift schedules for site attendance and supervision leaders, shiftrecords of
site attendance and supervision leaders, and other documents, forms, records, pictures,
and videos.

附表 Annex1:领导值班安排表。Shift Schedule for Site Attendance Leaders

附表 Annex2:领导值班记录表。Shift Recordof Site Attendance Leaders

附表 Annex3:领导带班安排表。Shift Schedule for Site Supervision Leaders

附表 Annex4:领导带班记录表。Shift Recordof Site Supervision Leaders

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QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

附表 Annex1:领导值班安排表 Shift Schedule for Site Attendance Leaders

单位名称: 日期: 编号:

Name of unit: Date: No.:

序 日
值班领导 职务 联系电话 值班事由说明
号 期 Name of Leader Position Contact Number Reasons for Attendance
SN Date

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QB/DJHW-GZ-PRM-HSE08-V1.0HSE Standard forOverseas Projects

附表 Annex2:领导值班记录表 Shift Recordof Site Attendance Leaders

单位名称: 日期: 编号:

Name of unit: Date: No.:

日期 Name of
Name of
Date Takeover
职务 班次 职务
Position Shift Position
Description of site conditions:

Handover items:

当日存在的隐患 隐患问题整改要 隐患问题整改单 隐患问题整改监督

及问题 求及完成时间 位及负责人 检查部门及负责人
Hazards and Rectification Responsible unit Responsible
problems on requirements and and person for department and
theday completion time rectification person for
supervision and
inspection of the

注 Note:

1.本表可印刷成记录本,以方便现场随身携带。This form may be printed as a log

book for easy carrying.

2.记录表封面需有项目名称,并加盖项目公章。 The cover of the record shall

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indicatethe name of the project and be affixed with the project official seal.

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附表 Annex3:领导带班安排表 Shift Schedule for Site Supervision Leaders

单位名称: 日期: 编号:

Name of unit: Date: No.:

序号 日期 Name of
职务 联系电话 明
SN Date Position Contact Number Description of

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附表 Annex4:领导带班记录表 Shift Recordof Site Supervision Leaders

单位名称: 日期: 编号:

Name of unit: Date: No.:

日期 Name of
Name of
Date Takeover
职务 班次 职务
Position Shift Position
Description of site conditions:

Handover items:

当日存在的隐患 隐患问题整改要 隐患问题整改单 隐患问题整改监督检

及问题 求及完成时间 位及负责人 查部门及负责人
Hazards and Rectification Responsible unit Responsible
problems on the requirements and and person for department and
day completion time rectification person for supervision
and inspection of the

注 Note:

1.本表可印刷成记录本,以方便现场随身携带。This form may be printed as a log

book for easy carrying.

2.记录表封面需有项目名称,并加盖项目公章。 The cover of the record shall

indicatethe name of the project and be affixed with the project official seal.

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Issue date: Sept. 1, 2019 Implementation date:
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