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There was once a tortoise that slowly crawled

1 through a forest.
A bouncing hare saw the tortoise and made
2 fun of him.
“Make way Make way!” “I´m bouncing
3 through!” “Hey slowpoke!” Didn´t you hear me?
“Move out of the way!”
The angered tortoise stopped walking and
4 said, “Hey!” “Let´s race to the top of the
mountain and see who gets there faster!”
“You think you can beat me?” “Fine, let´s do it!”
5 “Ready… set… go!”
So, Hare bounced away and tortoise slowly
6 crawled.
Boing! Boing! And away went Hare.
7 While slowpoke tortoise crept and crawled
with bullets of sweat dripping down.
“Hmm… now, where is tortoise?” “Wow! He is
8 so far behind.” “It´ll take him forever to catch
up, so I think I´ll take a nap.”
While Hare slept, Tortoise never stopped
9 walking.
Sure enough, Tortoise crawled past
10 sleepyhead Hare. And, he crawled to the top
of the hill.
“Hey, Hare!” “I beat you!”
“Huh? What? What´s going on?”
12 Hare woke up and scurried up the hill. But… it
was too late.
Tortoise was already resting under a tree at
13 the top of the mountain.
“NO! This can´t be!” “I lost slowpoke Tortoise.”

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