Workout Routine

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Distribute PPL Split:

- 2 Push - 2 Pull - 1 Legs - 2 Rest - 2 Core

Training at the end of workout

P - P - L - Rest
P - P - Rest
(2 days of rest between movement categories)

TUESDAY: Pull + Core after Pull + Dance
THURSDAY: Leg + Dance
SATURDAY: Pull + Core after Pull
(Pull + Core + Dance)
● Warmup
● Pull:
(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:
Challenging vertical pull progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 sets of 8-12:
Vertical pull progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging horizontal pull progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Horizontal pull progression

3 Sets:
Isometric holds/accessory work as needed
● Core:
(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:
Challenging seated pike lift progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Seated pike lift progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging leg raise progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Leg raise progression

Max hollow body hold progression

2 - 3 Sets:
Isometric holds/accessory work as needed
● Warmup
● Push:
(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:
Challenging pike pushup progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 sets of 8-12:
Pike pushup progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging dip progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Dip progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging horizontal pushing progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Horizontal pushing progression

2 - 3 Sets:
Isometric holds/accessory work as needed
(Leg + Dance)
● Warmup
● Leg:
(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:
Challenging pistol squat progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 sets of 8-12:
Pistol squat progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging nordic curl/sliding curl progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Nordic curl/sliding curl progression

Max calf raise progression to failure

2 - 3 Sets:
Isometric holds/accessory work as needed
(Pull + Core after Pull)
● Warmup
● Pull:
(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:
Challenging vertical pull progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 sets of 8-12:
Vertical pull progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging horizontal pull progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Horizontal pull progression

3 Sets:
Isometric holds/accessory work as needed
● Core:
(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:
Challenging seated pike lift progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Seated pike lift progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging leg raise progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Leg raise progression

Max hollow body hold progression

2 - 3 Sets:
Isometric holds/accessory work as needed
● Warmup
● Push:
(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:
Challenging pike pushup progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 sets of 8-12:
Pike pushup progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging dip progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Dip progression

(3-5 minute rest) 2 Sets of 3-5:

Challenging horizontal pushing progression
(1-3 minute rest) 3 Sets of 8-12:
Horizontal pushing progression

2 - 3 Sets:
Isometric holds/accessory work as needed


Vertical pushing (overhead)
-Pike pushup (adjust difficulty with hand placement)
-Decline pike pushup (adjust difficulty with hand placement
and decline height)
-Decline pike pushup with parallel/elevated hands (adjust
difficulty with hand placement, decline height, parallel

Vertical push (downwards)

-Dip negatives (adjust difficulty with speed)
-Dip with bands (adjust difficulty with band)

Horizontal push
-Incline knee push ups (adjust difficulty with incline height)
-Knee push ups
-Incline pushups (adjust difficulty with incline height)
-Standard push ups
-Explosive push ups
-Diamond/Archer push ups
-Pseudo planche pushups (adjust difficulty with lean)
-Decline pushup variants

Accessory work (difficulty dependent on weaknesses)

-Scapula protraction holds/pushups
-Pike scapula elevation holds/pushups
-Archer push ups
Vertical pull
-Pull up negative (adjust difficulty with speed)
-Banded pull ups (adjust difficulty with band thickness)
-Explosive pullup/chinup/neutral

Horizontal pull
-Inverted row with bent legs (adjust difficulty with bar/ ring
-Inverted row with straight legs (adjust difficulty with bar/
ring height)
-Inverted row with elevated legs (adjust difficulty with
elevation height)

Accessory work (difficulty dependent on weaknesses)

-Isometric holds in your hardest rom
-Vertical scapula retraction and depression holds/pulls
-Horizontal scapula retraction and depression/holds/pulls
Pistol squats
-Single leg box step
-Pistol squat with hand assistance
-Pistol squat with opposing leg not locked
-Elevated pistol squat
-Standard pistol squat

Calf raises
-Calf raises with both legs
-Elevated calf raises with both legs
-Single leg calf raises
-Elevated single leg calf raises

Nordic curls
-Nordic curl negative with posterior pelvic tilt (adjust
difficulty with tilt angle)
-Nordic curl negative with posterior pelvic tilt and pushup
(adjust difficulty with tilt angle, and pushup power)
-Nordic curl negative with pushup (adjust difficulty with
pushup power)
-Standard nordic curl

Sliding hamstring curls

-Sliding curl with posterior pelvic tilt (adjust difficulty with
tilt angle)
-Standard sliding curl
-Sliding curl with one leg
Leg raises
-Knee raises
-Knee raises with one leg extended
-Knee raises extend both legs at top
-Standard leg raises

Hollow body hold

-Hollow body hold with hands on the side (adjust difficulty
with leg leverage)
-Hollow body hold with hands overhead
-Hollow body hold with arm circles

Seated pike lifts

-Pike lift with backward lean and one leg (adjust difficulty
with hand position)
-Pike lift with one leg (adjust difficulty with hand position)
-Pike lift with both legs (adjust difficulty with hand position)

Accessory work (difficulty dependent on weaknesses)

-Knee/leg raise holds
-Pike lift holds
-Hamstring stretches

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