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B1-B2 საკითხავი მასალის პასუხები

1. Alcohol, prohibition and Al Capone

Exercise 1:

Big Bill liked Capone, because he liked his drink. Bill and his drinking friends
in the authorities made sure that Capone did not have much trouble. Capone
had lots of enemies, but most of his enemies were frightened of him. They knew
that Al could kill them, and would kill them, if they were not careful.
Most policemen were very careful not to get in the way of Al Capone, unless
they had to. Most policemen, but not all. A small group of policemen, known
as "the Untouchables", were determined that Al Capone would not escape from
justice for ever. They took several years to do their work, but in the end they
succeeded. Al Capone was finally sent to prison.

2. Profession: Cowboy

Student’s answer

3. Who was George Washington?

Exercise 1:

1. was to become -

2. claimed all land -

3. passed on the governor's message -

4. nearly didn't become the first president -

5. was a learning experience -


Exercise 1:

For most of the winter, which usually lasts from November to April, daytime
temperatures in the city rarely rise above freezing; from time to time, Arctic
winds howl down from the north, and for several days temperatures in the city
may not rise above -20° (and may drop below -40°).

with the cold; those who can't have just two options, to emigrate or to go and
live beyond the Rocky Mountains, beside the Pacific Ocean, in "B.C." – British
But in a city where people are used to cold winters, life carries on as usual.
Canadians have to know how to cope

The easiest way to keep away from the cold of a Canadian winter is to stay
indoors as much as possible! This does not mean that you have to stay at home,
however! Many people keep their cars in heated basement garages which they
can reach without going outside. Cars are often kept warm in winter, with
electric heaters which are plugged into power points.

5. USA: Still looking for Gold

Student’s answer
6. Who was Buffalo Bill ?

Student’s answer

7. Team sports, American style

Exercise 1:

Helmets and protective clothing ,American football

Baseball another popular outdoor game, in Europe
Americans model has spread to other countries of the world, soccer.
Nigel Mansell was famous Formula 1 driver the Indianapolis 500.
All over the world much more popular sport became basketball.
The "world series" . baseball championship, knowing that a American team..

8. Elvis Presley - still "the King"

Student’s answer

9. The story of Silicon Valley

Exercise 1:

Where. the first computer was built

In Manchester, England
Where The campuses at Berkeley and Stamford
In Silicon Valley, near San Francisco.
Who were one different forms of youth culture
The Beach Boys.
Did the best students The Beach Boys
No, they preferred to stay in California.
When had been founded The high-technology industry
In 1968
Where opened Xerox in 1970
In Palo Alto
When was started a small computer company
In 1976.
What was the Arpanet.
It was a sort of primitive Internet.
Is the only center for high-tech in the USA
No, there are high-terch firms all over the USA now.
Where based in Silicon Valley.
Further north, in Seattle.

10. The story of Blue Jeans

Exercise 1:

years in 1853 tailor

The first jeans were made over 160 . by a young
called Levi Strauss. At first, Levi sold to miners; the miners used this
to make .
trausers trausers
Then Levi began making because miners needed that were
strong canveas stiff
very . However, the was really too , so Levi looked
in France called
for a textile which was . He found a textile “serge de Nimes?;
it was just what he wanted
did not like
– except that miners the colour. So Levi coloured
blue jeans
the “denim" blue, and made the world’s first . He also made
became buy
his fortune, because jeans were popular; everyone wanted to
all over most
Today, jeans are popular the world. They are the
canveas in
popular type of the world.

11. America’s oil – a love affair

Exercise 1:

List a) List b)
Petrol is much cheaper in the USA 1 than in Pennsylvania 5
Petrol is more expensive today 2 than it is in Europe. 1
Americans consume more energy 3 than people in Europe. 3
Americans cars consume less petrol 4 than it is today 6
More oil is produced in Texas 5 than it was in the past. 2
Oil will be more expensive in the
than they used to 4
future 6

12. Tornado!

Exercise 1:

about in of
The time was just midday, yet somehow, the space
ten minutes, all the blue had vanished the sky, and the light was
fading fast, as if evening was coming
up dow n trough
. The track twisted and turned, and , woods and
over at out
streams, and then, last, onto an open, treeless,
hilltop. Suddenly Sarah shouted.
"Look, a tornado!"
I pulled the car a stop, and looked back; and there it was. Just
in above
like the movie: the clouds were hanging like a dark ceiling
w ith of
our heads, slate gray tinges brown and green. And there, just
to of
a few miles the south, was the tornado, an inky funnel
dow n to beside
twisting cloud coming right the ground. it, several
other menacing cones were hanging downwards, ready strike. We
could see them moving our direction.
out of into
"Let's get here!" I said, and threw the car gear.
at along
I don't usually drive cars 50 m.p.h dirt tracks, but this time
I did; as we sped the open hilltop, it seemed like there were three
tow ards at from
different storms coming us once, three different
by of across
directions. now we could see waves wind gusting
the grassland, and the time we reached the trees again, branches were
w ere
blowing all directions.
beside across of
Then, the track, we came a group
tourists quad bikes, enjoying a cross-country trip. We stopped the
the to
car a moment warn them, but the tour-guide laughed.
"Tornado?! No! We don't get tornados here!"
to w ith
I wasn't going hang around arguing him, so we just
off to
set again, hoping find a real road where we could move faster
to out of
than the storm. But it was not be. We had come the
dow n into
woods, and were going a valley when suddenly the
in of in
hills front us vanished. It all happened the
of about
space two minutes.
"It's coming this way," shouted Sarah.
"Find some shelter!" said Julie.
There was none - not a tree, not a building, not a bridge, until, just as we
up in
were giving hope, like a mirage the desert, we spotted an old
beyond to
abandoned church. Just it, the sky seemed touch the ground.
tow ards of
As we raced the shelter this - probably the most solid
building miles around - the first hailstones hit us, as big as golf balls,
blowing almost horizontally the windscreen. We reached the church,
and pulled an abrupt halt. Shelter!
by at
then we could see nothing - or least nothing
from about
further us than fifteen meters.

Exercise 2:

Eventually .


At once

w e saw
We came across

tell them of the danger

Warn them

it continued for
It lasted

Exercise 3: -student’s answer

13. Who will be Britain's next King ?

Exercise 1:

w ill
Prince Charles is the heir to the throne, so he become King unless
he decided not to. While Charles is not unpopular, he is less popular than his
mother the Queen, and less popular than his son Prince William.
He w ill probably choose to become King, but he may decide that
he is too old to start a new job. Charles was born in 1948, so by 2026, when the
reaches w ill may
Queen 100, he be 78. He think that at 78
he be stopping work, not taking on a big new career as Head of
State. Yet he may look round and see that Joe Biden became president of
the USA at the age of 78, and decide that 78 is a good age to take on the job.
After all, being President of the USA is a harder job than being King of
England; the President of the USA take political decisions, the King
of England take part in politics.

Exercise 2:

Will be very difficult ____hard________

Unless something unexpected happens ___ unforeseen ______
plays an active part in ___ involve _______
in international situations ________ on the world stage _________
they already have _____ exist. ____________

Exercise 3: student’s answer

15. All about Christmas cards

Exercise 1:

1. no like Christmas with a beer house with cards is no a pub

a house with no Christmas cards is like a pub with no beer

2. you how got so far many have ?

"How many have you got so far?

3. lounge the room there's in much not left

there's not much room left in the lounge
4. Christmas and receiving done "snail mail" is by sending cards still best

sending and receiving Christmas cards is still best done by "snail mail"

Exercise 2:

of around
The number cards that are sent Britain causes an annual

for to
headache the postal service. Each year, the postal service has

on to w ith
take seasonal staff help the extra mail, and postal

sorting offices are stretched their maximum capacity and

sometimes it. In 1994 the service handled about 1.6 billion cards! (or

per in
about 25 cards inhabitant Great Britain, including

in of to
children!) spite advertisements telling people "Post

for raund to off

Early Christmas", few people get sending

before from on
their cards December 10th; and that point , the

dow n
postal service slows .

until of
the age faxes, emails and social media, the pre-Christmas

of for
period often caused a lot problems firms and industry, as
"urgent" letters and documents took several days reach their

dow n by of
destination, slowed the mass Christmas mail!

16. England at Christmas

Exercise 1 Answer the following questions

1. What do people eat at Christmas in England ?

special meal of roast turkey and Christmas pudding

2. What do people send to their friends at Christmas?

The presents have been bought and sent, dozens of cards have been sent and


3. Some people do their shopping at home: how and why do they do this?

Lots of busy people like shopping online, because it is easy

4. Why is Christmas a good time for many big charities?

Many Christmas catalogues come from charities. Each charity has its own

specialities – nature and animals from WWF, the RSPCA and others, Big

charities like these earn a lot of money from their Christmas catalogues.

5. When does the Christmas shopping season really begin?

Christmas arrives at the start of November.

6. How do shops function during the Christmas shopping period?

Many shops need extra staff; some shops sell as much in November and

December as they do in the other 10 months of the year. Shops stay open later

in the evening, and on Sundays too.

7. When do the "New Year Sales" begin?

Nowadays, many shops start their "New Year Sales" before Christmas; some

people therefore wait till the last days, in order to pay less for their presents.

8. How long do Christmas holidays last for many people?

During December and January

9. What do people do during their Christmas holiday period?

In the past, most people used to go to church on Christmas morning; today

some people go to church for a special
Christmas service, but most stay at home to open presents and prepare the
Christmas lunch.
In the afternoon, it's time for more presents, or to watch a good film, or go
our for a walk in the country, or in the park.

Exercise 2:

At Christmas time, Britain ! For most people, Christmas is a time to

relax at last after many long and busy weeks. The presents

bought sent been sent

been and , dozens of cards have
recieved is w aiting eaten
and , the food to be . For two days at least (if not

w iil be
three or four, depending on the year), the shops shut, and

w ill deliver
the postman not any letters. For a day or two, even the


17. Shopping for Christmas

Exercise 1

Most people, however, spend their money Christmas. "Christmas

shopping" is different ordinary shopping, and people like to do it

differently. They go different shops, or different online stores,

more expensive shops very often. They don't just buy food their

supermarket and clothes big department stores. They

look , they take time (if they can), and they choose.

w ith
City shops do their best to attract them exciting windows, and

special offers. the West End of London, shops spend

of on
thousands pounds lights, decorations, and special

window displays. ......

shop assistants, it is a frantic season . There is not much
to for
time rest. Just time a cup of coffee or tea perhaps, then

to to
back work. It's a good season pay! As Christmas gets nearer,

shops stay open longer, sometimes 10 p.m. That means more

for for
pay the staff. ....., a few weeks at least.

Exercise 2
make up questions to which these are the answer

1. Which are the busiest months of the year ?

November and December

2. Are you feeling safe on Christmas Day?

Yes, if you shop on the Internet.

3. Why people spend thousands of pounds on lights, decorations and special

window displays?
They do so with exciting windows.

4. How much do they spend on decorations?

Thousands of pounds

5. What is the name of the largest toy store in Europe?


6. How long have the shops been open

Sometimes not until 10 p.m.

7. Why are the shops overcrowded after Christmas?

Because things are suddenly cheaper.
18. Britain, that island

Exercise 1

1. The seas separating Britain from Europe are . . . . . the Channel and the North
Sea . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Eddie thinks that . . . We do things differently. We don't want to become like
other countries.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. When they go shopping, British people use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Great Britain’s borders have not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. People can’t leave Great Britain by . . . . . . walk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Identity cards . .are . . . . different from. . . . . . the rest of Europe. . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Fish ‘n’ chips were . . . our favourite foods fifty years ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Young Britons are not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Exercise 1

If you ask someone to describe Highlander to you, he will probably
the -
come up with type of image you see in whisky
a a a
advertisements. man wearing kilt and sporran, and
a a the
standing on misty mountain near haunted castle.
the Ø Ø
man plays bagpipes, eats porridge haggis, and
drinks whisky. Now while it is true that whisky is
a the the
indeed favourite drink in Highlands, rest
the a Ø
of image is long way from everyday reality.
the Ø
Few Highlanders wear kilt, except on special occasions or
for ceremony.
What are we like, then, us Highlanders? Quite ordinary in fact! We
enjoy same things that our English, American or
European counterparts enjoy. As young people everywhere, we are
into fashion, music, social media,
Ø the
dances, all kinds of sport. We worry about same things —
Ø the Ø
unemployment, our prospects for future,
war, drugs, pollution; all these things and much more

Exercise 2

Read the article, and decide which of these statements are true, and which are

1. Most of the pupils at Lochaber High School live a long way from the
school. T / F
2. Some of the pupils go home only at weekends. T / F
3. There are no universities or colleges in Lochaber. T / F
4. Most young people want to return and find work in Lochaber after
college or university. T / F
5. Lochaber is a boring town. T / F
6. The writer likes living in Lochaber. T / F

Exercise 3
The truth about Whisky

1. several distilling provides for thousand work whisky people

Whisky distilling provides work for several thousand people

2. which qualities of the whisky come water is used to make the it from

The qualities of whisky come from the water which is used to make it

3. is whisky first transparent made it is actually when

When whisky is first made, it is actually transparent

4. The stored which colour the wooden barrels in the whisky is comes from

The colour comes from the wooden barrels in which the whisky is stored

5. a years whisky sold lot of the several ago thus was made today ,
Thus a lot of the whisky sold today was made several years ago

20. The Wind-Farm controversy

Exercise 1
four of these definitions are definitely wrong! Which ones?

3.as long as: on the condition that- wrong

5. move over to: abolish- wrong

7. the real issue: the fundamental answer- wrong

10.should not go ahead: ought to be abandoned- wrong


Read the article, then decide whether these statements are right or wrong.

1. There were more people in Britain in 1980 than today. R/W

2. There are good fast bus services in rural parts of England. R/W
3. Air pollution and traffic are problems in parts of the country. R/W
4. Young people particularly like living in the country. R/W
5. There is very little crime in rural areas of England. R/W
6. The British population will start to get smaller before the year 2030.

22. Leaving Home... a teenage dilemma

Home or homeless?

Find words or expressions in the article that mean

1. To look for .....................................

2. Teenagers who are sixteen years old .....................................
3. Who go to London .....................................
4. The fact of having nowhere to live. ...............
5. Families with just one parent .....................................


Read the article under the heading then say whether these statements are true
or faIse..
1. Sarah got on very badly with her parents. T/ F
2. Sarah did not do too badly at school. T/ F
3. Both of Sarah's parents were away at work all day. T/ F
4. Sarah is older than her brother and sister. T/ F
5. Sarah does not want to continue selling beads for much longer. T/ F
6. Sarah is homeless. T/ F
7. She ought to find a proper job quite easily. T/ F
8. She has not seen her parents since leaving home last April. T/ F

1. Nikki‘s dad five years ago.

2. William did not at boarding school.
3. British students close to home.
4. Although Tom . Edinburgh.
5; Tom comes see him.

23. Black and British

Add in the word OF in the following sentences, whenever (and only when)
1. Some .... the people were very poor.
2. Some ... men brought their families with them.
3. Few ... cases of racial tension in the 1950's.
5. At the time there were plenty ... jobs for everyone.
6. Not many ... black workers found well paid jobs.
7. Several .... the worst racist incidents took place in London.
8. Anti-racism programmes have been introduced in several ..... police
9. There are many .... different forms of racism.
10. Most ... the black people in Britain still live in cities.

True or false?
Which of these statements are true, and which are false?
1. Rock `n' roll started in the West Indies. T / F
2. Bob Marley recorded with Island Records. T / F
3. Music is one of the easiest ways for young black people to achieve success
in Britain. T / F
4. Race is not usually an issue in the music industry. T 1 F
24. Scouting moves ahead

Scouting moves ahead

Reusing information: Write factual sentences, based on information from this

article, beginning:

Baden Powell was..founded the “Boy Scouts” over 100 years ago
Solidarity is ..... how to cope with difficult situations, how to interact with
other people, and how to play a useful part in society
Over 25 million .... has continued to develop worldwide, to the point that
there are now more scouts than ever before.... over 40 million of them in more
than 200 different countries!
Over 1.3 million ... - the Cubs and the Brownies - are together the largest
youth organisation in the country, with more than 1.3 million members
Today’s scouts and guides ..... still learn how to go camping in the rain and
make camp fires, they also take part in a wide variety of exciting adventure
activities, including kayaking and horse riding, mountain-biking, rock-
climbing, pot-holing and a lot more.
Many Guides do not .....


Interactive exercise
Correct the mistakes
After listening to James Bond talking about himself, one of our trainee
reporters was asked to write a short article about Mr. Bond. Unfortunately, he
made a number of mistakes (about 16). Can you pick them out and correct the
resumé, changing or adding as few words as possible.

James Bond is the most seductive agent working in Her Majesty's Secret
Service.. He's been in the job for over thirty years, as he first joined in 1952. He
says that the world was a dangerous place in those days.
For most of his career, he did not tried to help Reds stealing nuclear bombs
and machines that would control the word. He often got hurt, but he has come
out alive in spite of all his adventures. He believes that he may have a charming
life, because his ancestors were Scottish; but he would not like to die working
in an office.
Bond's father died in the mountains while young James was not a pupil

His school helped him to get a good start in life. Half the boys in the school
went on to become diplomats and government officials and so on, so he made
lots of useful contracts. At school, he also learned how to wear a bow tie.
During his life as a secret agent, the Enemy kept sending beautiful girls to
seduce him; but Bond talked to them when they were a mile off, and in the end
he told her all his secrets; but now he's looking forward to retiring. He is not at
all happy with Daniel Craig, who plays his part in Spectrum, the new James
Bond film.

26. The story of the BBC

Here are the answers to a number of questions. Produce appropriate questions,

using the prompts given.
1. How . . many people listened to BBC during the Cold war?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Answer : Millions listened to it.
2. When . . . . added a lot of news on the radio?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Answer : In 1926, after four years of broadcasting.
3. Why . . . news was not broadcast until after 7 p.m . >?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Answer :In order to avoid competing with newspapers.
4. What . . . . happened in 1936?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Answer :They launched the world’s first television service.
5. How . many. . flickering images were broadcast using>?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Answer :Just 204 - compared to 625 in modern systems.
6. Why . . . . BBC TV stopped broadcasting?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Answer :Because the Second World War had just begun.

27. New Life for Big Ben

New Life for Big Ben

Read the article, and select the correct version of each of these sentences.

1. Although it is very big, Big Ben is also very actual / accurate / clever.
2. Big Ben stands beside the BBC building / the ITV studio / the Houses of
3. Big Ben was built in the 1850s before / while / after / the Houses of
Parliament burned down
4. The present Big Ben bell was made in the North of England / in London /
in July 1859.
5. The clock has occasionally / often / never stopped.
6. Big Ben will begin a new life in 2021 if / after / unless there are some
new problems

Here is some information about Madame Tussaud's: unfortunately the

sentences have been put together wrongly: each sentence contains two parts,
(a) and (b). Join the parts in the most logical way!..

List A
1 In Madame Tussaud's, you must List B
not see everything in the exhibition.3
2 In Madame Tussaud's, you cannot see a lot of famous people.4
3 Most days in summer, visitors visit the exhibition in winter.7
must visit the Chamber of Horrors.5
4Inside Madame Tussauds, you can have a conversation with the wax
5If you are easily frightened, you figures.2
should not buy a ticket.6
6If you don't like long queues, you touch the wax figures.1
should stand in a long queue.8
7If you want to visit Madame
Tussaud's, you have to
8If you have had enough, you do
not have to

29. Looking for the Yeti


Join each pair of sentences together, using which, who, or when.

Example: I‘ve just seen my grandmother. She’s going to climb Mount Everest.
Becomes: I‘ve just seen my grandmother, who's going to climb Mount Everest.

1. The Menhungste is a mountain. 1. Which is in the Himalayas.

2. Chris went there with 5 other men. 2. Who wanted to find the yeti.
3. The yeti goes to snowy regions to 3. Which contains salt.
look for a plant. 4. At that time, man appeared.
4. The «Giganto Pithecus»
disappeared about half a million years 5. They were dead.
ago. 6. Who were in the snow.
5. The members of the expedition 7. He thought he saw a yeti behind
found two sheep. him.
6. The expedition also found large 8. These people live in the Himalayas.
7 No-one found a yeti, except perhaps
one man.
8 «The yeti exists!» say lots of

Find as many different answers as possible for each of the following situations .

student’s answer

30. The Titanic and the Temple of Doom

had old ied
That evening the American who s the case d . For his
part, Murray arranged to have the treasure s back to Britain. However,
it was not long before he l more about the beautiful mummy :
had been
apparently it discovered in a funeral chamber in a dry part of
w ere
the Nile Valley. On the walls of the chamber, there inscriptions which
warned of terrible consequences to anyone who b roke into the tomb.
Murray was pretty sceptical about this warning until a few days later, when a
w as olding hattering
gun he h exploded in his hand, s his arm. The
had to be
arm amputated.

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