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Wordbank Trede 13 & 14 WHITE/BLUE (100 words)

# English Dutch Example

1 amount Hoeveelheid The amount of homework I have to
do is unreal!
2 beauty schoonheid She is so pretty, she’s a real beauty.
3 confidence zelfvertrouwen It takes a lot of confidence to sing in
front of an audience.
4 impression indruk He made a really good first
5 to add toevoegen Just add a little salt and pepper.
6 to capture vangen (in beeld) I want to capture a glimpse of the
lion in my picture.
7 to examine onderzoeken The doctor is going to examine the
8 to prefer liever hebben I prefer coffee instead of tea.
9 to release uitkomen They will release a new Fifa game in
10 to share delen We want to share our photos with
11 to spark ontketenen Greta Thunberg’s speech sparks a
revolution among young people.
12 tripod statief I use a tripod to record my TikTok
13 charger oplader Don’t forget to bring your charger in
case your phone runs out of battery.
14 memory card geheugenkaart My camera had a memory card that
holds up to 5000 photos.
15 to plug in inpluggen You can plug your charger into the
charging port.
16 notification melding This new app sends so many
notifications, it’s annoying.
17 remote control afstandsbediening I want to watch something else but I
can’t find the remote control.
18 screen protector schermbeschermer I have a new screen protector,
hopefully my screen won’t break if it
falls on the floor.
19 search engine zoekmachine My favourite search engine is
20 affordable betaalbaar The new Iphone isn’t affordable for
21 age leeftijd I was born in the year 1989, so my
age is 33.
22 experience ervaring She has a lot of experience in
cooking, she’s been doing it for 20
years now.
23 innovative vernieuwend He has an innovative look on things,
he always thinks of something new.
24 opportunity kans Thank you for giving me this
opportunity, I promise I will do well.
25 overview overzicht Where can I find an overview of
everything I have to study for the
26 science wetenschap I believe in science because it’s all
about facts.
27 skill vaardigheid I love reading books so my reading
skill is very good.
28 to admit toelaten (voor een I got admitted to drone flying course.
opleiding of cursus)
29 to attend bijwonen I now have to attend a couple of
drone flying classes.
30 to explore ontdekken I really want to explore the world.
31 to participate meedoen (aan) We can only participate once.
32 to require nodig hebben It is going to require a lot of hard
work to get to the top.
33 to solve oplossen Can you solve this Maths problem?
34 main reason belangrijkste reden The main reason for me to stay at
home is that I’m tired.
35 to avoid vermijden You should avoid all food with a lot of
36 to give out aan iemand geven Never give out your personal details
to strangers on the internet.
37 to pretend doen alsof There are people out there who
pretend to be somebody else.
38 to report aangeven If you see something suspicious,
always report it to the police.
39 amount hoeveelheid The amount of fake profiles is
40 to ban verbieden They should ban all plastic bags.
41 dump vuilnisbelt They’re going to take all the trash to
the dump.
42 equipment apparatuur I have lots of DJing equipment.
43 rechargeable oplaadbaar The battery is rechargeable.
44 to refurbish opknappen The store can refurbish your old
45 to resell doorverkopen They can then resell the refurbished
46 Responsibility verantwoordelijkheid It is your responsibility that you
make it in time.
47 to shred versnipperen Can you shred all the secret
48 to throw away weggooien Don’t just throw them away! We
might still need them.
49 toxic giftig Don’t drink the water, it’s toxic!
50 Valuable waardevol All the things that got from my
grandmother are very valuable.
51 waste afval There is so much waste in the street,
we should help clean it up.
52 to develop ontwikkelen Mark Zuckerberg wants to develop a
whole new digital world.
53 feature functie, kenmerk My new smartwatch has almost the
same features as my phone.
54 to hide Verbergen I always hide when my parents want
something from me.
55 to leave laten zitten Don’t just leave him there, take him
with you!
56 to release loslaten You should catch the ball and release
it straight away.
57 switch schakelaar Turn on the switch if you want light.
58 audience publiek The audience gave a standing
ovation to the singer.
59 building gebouw The enormous building over there
looks like a hotel.
60 close dichtbij He lives very close to me, it’s a 2-
minute walk.
61 distance afstand There’s a huge distance between me
and my internet friends around the
62 to point wijzen Can you point to the person who did
63 charity liefdadigheid/goede doelen I always give lots of money to
charity around Christmas time.
64 drought droogte (in een land) During the drought of the 70s,
people started using surfboards on
65 earthquake aardbeving Groningen still deals with a lot of
66 education onderwijs Education in Finland is supposed to
be the best in the world.
67 government regering The government needs to do
something about global warming.
68 healthcare gezondheidszorg Healthcare is getting so expensive.
69 natural disasters natuurrampen There are so many natural
disasters like earthquakes every
70 poverty armoede A lot of people in third world
countries live in poverty.
71 sanitation sanitaire voorzieningen Bad sanitation causes a lot of
72 to affect beinvloeden The medicine can affect your
reaction speed.
73 to afford veroorloven/kunnen Many teenagers can’t afford the new
betalen Iphone.
74 to achieve bereiken The United Nations want to achieve
17 global goals by 2030.
75 to be denied ontzegd worden Your access seems to be denied.
76 disability handicap My sister was born with a disability.
77 to fail (an exam) falen, zakken (voor een I really don’t want to fail my exams.
78 gender geslacht I don’t care what gender you are,
you are amazing.
79 global mondiaal We are all very worried about global
80 inequality ongelijkheid There is so much inequality in the
81 lecture lezing I listened to a lecture about women’s
rights yesterday, it was very
82 income inkomen (geld) Because of the drought, the company
had no income.
83 needs behoeften My mum works with people who have
special needs.
84 to pass (an exam) slagen (voor een examen) I’m sure I’m going to pass my
85 primary school basisschool My little brother is still in primary
86 Progress vooruitgang She has made a lot of progress since
she left her old job.
87 pupil leerling I am a pupil at Strabrecht College.
88 to renew vernieuwen They are going to renew all the
furniture in the building.
89 secondary school middelbare school Strabrecht College is a secondary
90 usable bruikbaar All the notebooks that I have from
last year are still very usable.
91 wealthy welvarend The Netherlands is a very wealthy
92 awful vreselijk She would never skip school, it would
make her feel awful.
93 delicious heerlijk My mum cooked a delicious dinner
last night.
94 exciting opwindend, spannend I am so excited for the concert.
95 forest bos I love camping in the forest.
96 habitat leefomgeving Tigers should live in their natural
habitat, not in the zoo.
97 mountain berg This summer we’re climbing a huge
98 savannah savanne There are wild beasts in the African
99 sea zee I have never gone swimming in the
10 shore kust Let’s visit the shore on our holiday.

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