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Disaster Management Base on Geoinformatics

l 2 l l l
Elmira Shamshiry , Behzad Nadi , Mazlin Bin Mokhtar , Ibrahim Komoo , Halimaton Saadiah Hashim
lInstitute for Environment and Development (LESTARI)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 UKM BANGI, Selangor, Malaysia
2Universiti Putra Malaysia. Institute of Advanced Technology (TTMA)

Abstract---Disasters including natural and manmade make fish. They believed that 'Kashima God' has jailed Namazoo
heavy losses in life and property each year. This subject can under a cliff using a rock key, but every time Kashima
affect society, economy, and environment and can be a serious decrease this pressure for some rest, Namazoo quake
threat for development. In 10 years ago over 200 million people barbarically and cause earth to vibrate [3]. Used a GIS-based
are have been effected both life and property. This figure is combined slope hydrology/stability model to assess the likely
seven times more than losses in war. After the earthquake in
impact of a change in hydrological conditions on the
Bam (a city in south Iran), tsunami in south-eastern of Asia,
frequency with. A review on statistics of natural disasters in
fire in Australia, and other disasters, the management of
various parts of the worlds shows that their damages and
disaster has been considered more than before. They have tried
magnitude of landslide activity [4].
to use all facilities and equipment for reduction of disaster
Emergency situations in urban areas require:
damage. Over 80% of necessary data in disaster management
are spatial data. The applications of geoinformatics technology
1) Excellent coordination between different relief /rescue
products particularly derived from space earth observation
satellite and remote sensing integrated with GIS technology to 2) appropriate information (especially geo-referenced
various areas of earth sciences, urban management, information);
geohazards, mapping, planning, early warning system and 3) Intelligence in communicating orders and information.
development has been highly rewarding. Spatial data and Emergency response involves many people: rescue teams
advanced technologies have an important role in disaster on the field, decision-makers at different levels of
management because Geographic Information System (GIS) government, citizens, press. Their tasks, and therefore their
can help in identifying disaster points. GIS combines geospatial data needs, vary drastically from making decision to just
data, and hardware, software that can analyze data to Produce following the development of the situation.
information. GIS mainly involves saving and analysis of data Provided a GIS framework using probabilistic analysis in
according to spatial and attribute data. GIS can combine and order to assess landslide hazard map due to earthquake by
analyze spatial and non-spatial data .We have made an attempt taking into account estimation uncertainties and spatial
to consider disasters management according to facilities and
variability of geological, geotechnical and seismological
role of Geospatial Technology in control of disaster (especially
parameters [5].
The use of satellite data and GIS has opened the door for
immense opportunities in large-scale mapping, 3D analysis,
Key words--- Management of disaster, geospatial,
updating of existing maps, projects planning and decision­
earthquake, 3D GIS.
making [6]. This phenomenal growth in the field of remote
I. INTRODUCTION sensing and GIS is due to the successful launching of series
of satellites and unlimited applications of Geographic
Natural catastrophes cause a lot of casualties and
Information System (GIS). That is because the brain of the
damages in most and especially developing countries because
human is unlimited and day by day more applications and
of being sudden on one hand and extent of influence in the
use of geoinformatics technology are explored and felt for
other hand. These phenomena, other than having casualties
the society. Ancient Chinese believed also earth on the back
and social difficulties over days and weeks after happening,
of some animal and its unusual jolts and movements cause
cause damages and economic inelegance which survivors
earthquakes [7]. Whereas each crisis has its special
will be involved and economic aftermaths have an increasing
characteristics, having information and experience analysis
trend as average annual damages resulting from natural
of past events is of most importance. The role of information
Disasters increased from 20 billion dollars in 1990 to more
before or in incidence of crisis, is giving quick alerts to
than 70 billion dollars in 2004 [1].
prevent uncontrollable situation. Having an information
Among these, earthquake phenomena have most
system and extending it, helps to be ready for giving alerts in
widespread role [2].
occurrence of earthquake and storing its lateral information
Geological instances indicate that million years before
such as damages and manner of effectiveness after
beginning of life on earth, this planet had many experiences
occurrence of an earthquake in case of this kind of crisis [8].
of destructive earthquake phenomena. Ancient Japanese
called earthquake 'Namazoo' which is one kind of giant cat

978-1-61284-486-2/111$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

To forecast an earthquake, it is also necessary to access short time which is variable with respect to the dimension of
an information system, because getting hands from the past is the disaster.
one way to anticipate the procedure of its occurrence. So Aforementioned operation is often performed in short,
with focusing information in one place and proper medium and long term.
categorizing in a way that development and extracting of the
needed information would be easy, is the most important III. SPATIAL DATA AND EARTHQUAKE MANAGEMENT CRISIS
capability of an information system [9]. The information needs to be delivered to people based on
their roles and tasks, time constraints, changing
II. CRISIS MANAGEMENT circumstances, stress, pain and fatigue, disturbed (or lack of)
The distributed management of geo-information, the communication channels, equipment with limited capacity
variety of systems, formats, representations and data and damaged or destroyed infrastructure. There are three
structures, make this task extremely challenging. Today, factors for communication information. They are as follows:
numerous organizations design, store and manage geospatial Available technology (equipment such as hand-held
information about mapping, buildings, topography, utilities, devices, PCs, virtual or augmented reality devices,
etc. These organizations operate independently and their wired/wireless communication, etc.)
work might be even concentrated on an individual life-cycle Level of emergency/danger (is information being
phase. Hardly any of them work within a multidisciplinary delivered to someone actively responding to a fire, or is the
environment, which means they may not have been required person in a safe place)
to develop interoperable systems. Physical characteristics (age, gender, disability)
From late past century, public organizations and NGOs Human efforts to repel earthquakes are now a hatch
have shown interest in recognition of procedures of these called 'earthquake crisis management'. In fact, earthquake
kinds of phenomena and designing some schemes to manage management includes a series of resolutions which indicate
them, because of wide damages and casualties of natural the amplitude of the crisis to some extent, after incidence of
disasters. United Nation also called the last decade of past an earthquake. When an earthquake happens, several
century 'International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction operations should be performed in order to minimize
(IDNDR)' to reach to a safe environment in respect to natural damages which include refuges presentation, medical
disasters and reduce their effects and one of its 7 goals was munitions, etc. To present these services, various kind of
'crisis management'. information should be accessible in an information center in
Crisis management is an applied science which is a tool shortest time. In an earthquake incidence in a specific place,
to systematically observe past events for analysis in order to there is need for hospital reliving and with due attention to
find an instrument which can be used to prevent disaster population information, number of casualties and medical
incidence or be ready for collation and in the other hand in centers capacities around the place of incidence can be
case of incidence, expedite relieving and circumstance gained rapidly and schematizing to save disastrous and
improvements. needed operations. In other words, earthquake crisis
Crisis management is schematization, organization, and management is a tool for systematic observation of crisis and
taking consideration in a way that lead to reduction of analysis in order to find a solution which can be used to
disaster impression on casualties and environment. Crisis prevent outbreaks of crisis or in the case of happening, to
management procedure includes three basic phases which are: reduce their effects, be prepared for quick assisting
preparation for crisis incidence, relieving and responding in operation and improvement of situation.
the case of crisis incidence, and improve recuperation and Prerequisite of this effective management are information
reconstruction after happening. system and information propagation of
Preparation includes some actions which are performed crisis management network. Increasingly progresses in IT
to reduce crisis effects or structuralize made reflections and and telecommunication industry in one hand, development of
developing a mechanism for quick and organized reflection. various information databases on the other hand have led to
Preparation can contain provision of practical programs for accessibility of needed information by user, in any place and
periods after earthquake, instructions and alert system. time [10]. It means that each manager or assistant as a user of
Assisting includes all actions which are done just after this network, using a hand terminal, can retrieve needed
happening of an earthquake. Those actions are taken to save information from central database and use it for decision
some people from death, retinue of their possessions and also making after analysis. In earthquake crisis management other
to eliminate damages in crisis. Responding and assisting than social information and juridical, there will be need of
operations usually are performed in very intolerable spatial and time as well. Scientific studies say that majority
situations and face to very difficult executive specific part of this information is related to a specific position on
problems. Performing responding operation usually require earth or have a spatial nature. So, spatial information has an
experienced staff, facilities, etc. without having a suitable essential role in facilitation of earthquake crisis managers'
program, organization and enough personnel training, the activities.
possibility of this operation's success in saving and Although several studies indicate that using spatial
medicating of injuries, providing shelter and food, operating information will expedite earthquake crisis management,
telecommunication, etc. would not be possible. The time there are some basic difficulties in gathering, distribution,
period needed for responding operation is usually limited to a accessibility and utilization of needed spatial information for

earthquake crisis management. These problems have more Topologic relations such as VIClllity and connectivity
show off in incidence of the crisis [11]. Whereas should be concerned for output models.
management process in these phases is dynamic one. In the B 3D IMAGE CREATIONS: GIS SHOULD HAVE ABILITY
other words, relief officers in site and people who analyze OF CREATION AND UTILIZATION OF MORE THAN TwO
phenomenon in crisis room and make decision for that, need DIMENSIONS
to access updated information about current circumstance of Nowadays, GIS software is under anisotropic
the phenomenon. The most important piece of spatial triangulation networks (TIN) which are responsible for some
information in earthquake crisis management is: basin area, needs in this part.
population, geology of roads, transmission lines, earthquake C GEOGRAPHICAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT:
background, and meteorological data and also the ability of Earthquake GIS should Have the Ability of
coverage of maps. So, any problems or delays in data Incorporation of Raster and Vector Data and can Analyze,
gathering, distribution and utilization happen, negative Mix and Visualize Both Type of Data Simultaneously.
effects on the quality of earthquake crisis management can be Management of large volume of digital data and digital
seen. operations need management operation for storage, recovery
and updating datasets which is one of most important task in
Geographical information system (GIS) is a platform for
storage, maintenance, management and analysis of Advanced technology across remote sensing and
geographic information and is designed to handle such data geographical information system and Sciences (GIS) are
which have spatial and descriptive nature simultaneously. becoming very powerful tools to manage natural disasters,
What makes data handling in GIS different from others is the urban studies and etc. throughout day events in the world.
existence of spatial data. Moreover, because of very strong GIS be a platform to stores several layers of information
user interface in GIS, it can be used for visualization of can attain the major part of goals in crisis management. By
explored knowledge. The GIS in recent years has emerged as executing spatial overlays, using logical relationship and
a powerful tool. It has integrated capabilities of spatial manipulation of over layer information certain decision can
analysis database management and graphic visualization and be made. Overall, the application of GIS in crisis
has been widely adopted for building geotechnical expert management is making some proper decision based on valid
systems [12]. The GIS-based geotechnical expert systems information in order to reduce damages and quick crisis
have been developed to forecast and reduce natural hazards control.
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possibility of performance of complex analysis related to common elements in handling this kind of crisis.
spatial and non-spatial data, it is assumed to be the most
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