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Yogyakarta Itinerary

Day Destination: Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta, Special Region

of Yogyakarta

1 Where to eat: Inside the train

What to do: Rendezvous at Bandung Train Station,
Stasiun Hall
Where to stay: NadaSofi Guesthouse, Perumahan Villa
Seturan Indah, Yogyakarta
How to get there: Picked up at train station by pak
supir (our rented drivers)

Day Destination:
1. Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (Palace

2 Complex, Yogyakarta City.

2. Taman Sari, Sultanate of Yogyakarta Water
3. Historical visit & Sunset watch at Candi
Prambanan (Prambanan Temple)
Where to eat:
1. Have a quick lunch somewhere around
Yogyakarta City
2. Dinner at Yu Djum Nasi Gudeg (Jogjakarta
Local Food)

Day Destination:
1. 0400 Sunrise Watch at Objek Wisata Punthuk

3 Semambu, Borobudur Nirwana Sunrise

2. Historical trip to Candi Borobudur (Borobudur
3. Merapi Jeep Tour at Merapi Mount
Where to eat:
1. Power up lunch with Nasi Padang on our way
to Merapi Mount
2. Dinner at Nasi Ayam Bakar Kalasan
Day Destination:
1. Water activity (rafting) at Objek Wisata Goa

4 Pindol, Wonosari
2. Ecotourism at Desa Wisata Bobung Putat
Pathuk, Kidul Mount
3. Snorkeling at Sadranan Beach, Kidul Mount
4. Stasiun Yogyakarta Tugu
Where to eat:
1. Quick lunch after water rafting at street stall
2. Dinner at train station
How to get there:
1. Fetched by pak supir to Stasiun Yogyakarta
Tugu (Departure 2330)

Day Destination:
1. Stasiun Hall, Bandung

5 2. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

Where to eat:
 Breakfast at Bangi Kopitiam
What to do:
 Return to Dormitory of Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, Bandung
How to get there:
 Sent by private transport courtesy of Ailani's

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