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Figure 1 Borobudur Temple

Yogyakarta which also known as Jogja Magelang) and 65 districts spread on Sleman,
or Jogjakarta, is a city and the capital of Klaten, Bantul, Kulon Progo and Magelang
Yogyakarta Special Region in Java, Indonesia. It regencies. While urbanization sprawls,
is renowned as a center of education (Kota Yogyakarta-Magelang and Surakarta are being
Pelajar), classical Javanese fine art and culture agglomerated in a few years. The Dutch name of
such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and the city is Djokjakarta
puppet shows. Yogyakarta was the Indonesian
capital during the Indonesian National
Revolution from 1945 to 1949, with Gedung
Agung as the president's office. One of the
districts in Yogyakarta, Kotagede, was the
capital of the Mataram Sultanate between 1575
and 1640. The city is named after the Indian city
of Ayodhya from the Ramayana epic. Yogya
means "suitable, fit, proper", and karta,
"prosperous, flourishing" (i.e., "a city that is fit
to prosper"). Its population was 388,627
inhabitants at the 2010 census and its built-up
(or metro) area was home to, 4,010,436
inhabitants spread on 2 cities (Yogyakarta and
The area of the city of Yogyakarta is pleasure garden. No longer used by the sultan,
32.5 square kilometres (12.5 square miles). the garden has been largely abandoned. For a
While the city spreads in all directions from the time, it was used for housing by palace
kraton (the Sultan's palace), the core of the employees and descendants. Reconstruction
modern city is to the north, centered around efforts began in 2004, and an effort to renew the
Dutch colonial-era buildings and the commercial neighbourhood around the kraton has begun.
district. Jalan Malioboro, with rows of pavement The site is a developing tourist attraction.
vendors and nearby market and malls, is the
primary shopping street for tourists in the city, Nearby to the city of Yogyakarta is
while Jalan Solo, further north, is a shopping Mount Merapi. The northern outskirts of the
district more frequented by locals. city run up to the southern slopes of the
mountain in Sleman Regency (Indonesian
language – Kabupaten). Gunung Merapi
(literally "mountain of fire" in
Indonesian/Javanese), is an active stratovolcano
located on the border between Central Java and
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is the most active
volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly
Figure 2 Jalan Malioboro since 1548. The South Of Merapi is Kaliurang
Park. The volcano last erupted in November
At the southern end of Malioboro, on 2010.
the east side is the large local market of
Beringharjo, not far from Fort Vredeburg, a
restored Dutch fort. At Yogyakarta's centre is
the Kraton, or Sultan's palace. Surrounding the
kraton is a densely populated residential
neighbourhood that occupies land that was
formerly the Sultan's sole domain. Evidence of
this former use remains in the form of old walls
and the ruined Taman Sari, built in 1758 as a Figure 3 Merapi Mount Eruption
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