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ORGANIZATION OF CnGARIZATIONS OF IMMUNDGLOBUUN GENES ee a toe 8 all ™ IgM ni Beat nniigm + nied Antigen ttimnutalion _—— Beall Se ce OE EM oe —> Fox various ‘solypee of antihoatig KOK Memory call —» Pere various iscty hee Goum Line 3 Aomatic vanistion modal :- Geum Line theot EO aren fe Conthibuled to mares ma § {ems me raat Garctic me ven Rema vvasuiation Ueory — Genome a os eis fhe nO: demas ro. of tg foun Bon poturh o Lasige a : mein one axe germatee dx Somatic calle by ™ Powyes & Bennet _— 2. gore ons borypepite sree 2 rapes traaang Ror or, Gerce encode. a pings 16 hight chain era. feru fon Vario le. S agin one fox teratant xogion Tone garoa's one oo iemmant _ pug un Wea. 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