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This Memorandum of Understanding is executed at Hyderabad on this 9th day

of March 2024 at Hyderabad

SMT. T.S. SHRAVANTHI W/o S.Jagannath.
aged about 33 yrs, Occ: Housewife,
R/o 9-3-375, Regimental Bazar,
Secunderabad, T.S.
Hereinafter called as the Party of the First Part, for the sake of brevity for this
SRI. S.JAGANNATH S/o Sri P.Satya Raj
aged about 39 yrs, Occ: Private Employee
R/o S-58, 11th Main Road, Ashwanth Nagar,
Banglore, Karnataka

Hereinafter called as the Party of the Second Part, for the sake of brevity for
this MOU.
WHEREAS the Marriage between the parties hereto was performed and
solemnized on the 08th March, 2018 at Sai Gardens, Hyderabad, as per Hindu
rites and customs and out of the said wedlock one Girl by name Baby
J.Gauthami was born on 13th December, 2018.

AND WHEREAS the party of First and Second part herein have resided as
husband and wife at Banglore Karnataka.

AND WHEREAS the First Party has filed several cases against the Second Party
and his family members i.e. 498-A, MC, DVC which are pending adjudication.

AND WHEREAS due to intervention of the well-wishers the matter is

amicably settled and the Second Party agreed to allow the First Party to his
company for the better prospectus of their daughter J.Gauthami on the
following conditions.


I. That both parties herein have agreed to stay together in the
matrimonial society as wife and husband.

II. That the both the parties herein shall maintain harmonious and cordial
relationship with each other family members and maintaining of such
relationship shall be out of free will and spontaneous consent of the
parties herein and shall be not out of any coercion duress or any
external influence.

III. That both the parties herein shall respect the sentiments and feelings of
both the parties, which may impact the conjugal relations of the parties

IV. The First party hereby undertakes that she will withdraw all the cases in
July 2024 in lieu of amicable settlement against the second party and
his family members.

V. The Second party agreed to maintain the First Party and it is the duty of
the Second party to bear all the educational and other expenditure of
their daughter.

VI. The parties hereto have in terms of the settlement shall withdraw the
allegations as leveled by them against each other and will see that all
the pending proceedings against each other are being closed in July

VII. The parties do hereby agree and confirm that they have no grievances
against each other and withdraw all the proceedings if any initiated
against each other either before any forum in July 2024.

VIII. The Parties hereto hereby agree that they will not file or initiate any
proceedings in future against each other in view of amicable settlement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this MOU

under their respective hands hereunto duly authorized.




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