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[J 4 2 Listen to the telephone call. Choose the best word or phrase ~ erect 10 MARKET LEADER TEST FILE Progress test 1 (Units 1-3) a, b or cto complete the sentences. © Alan works in.. SUPE + 2) Marketing Technical support ©. Phone sales 1 Sofia has a problem with her.. a) telephone b) computer mobile phone 2 Alan asks about the computer’. a) Internet connection _b)_ model number ©) delivery date 3 Sofia spelis her... aaa @) department name ——b)_‘first name last name 4 Alan.. a) cansendatechnician b) can come to Sofie’s office) _can’thelp Sofia 5 Sofia has a meeting. a) inthe morning b) inthe aftemoon 9 tomorrow 49 3 Listen again. Complete the form. eee tee Name of caller Department Phone number Office number Technician appointment time Complete the conversation with words from the box. arestaurant August Friday Barcelona Germany golf Poland Polish Is Kasia fom... eemany.*7 No, she ist, She's from Warsaw in. Really? And is her husband als0 ......:.+..000» Yes, he is. Does Kasia work athome one day every week? Yes, that’s right. She works at home every When does she usually go on holiday? eo >e>o>o> <4. ttisn't a busy month in the office. ,in Spain. She goes on holiday every. She usually goes back to Poland but last year she went to... at the weekend? > Do you and Kasia sometimes play. B No, Kasia doesn’t play but we sometimes g0 t0..-..ereetsese” after Work. © Pearson Education Limited 2012 PHoTOcoPIABLE 4 i i i i PROGRESS TEST1 [Ey Match the sentence beginnings with the endings. 0 I don't like going a) tomusic. 18 Jorge quite likes 'B) holiday in August. 19 Pete and Gregor often play ©) watching football on TV. 20 Nick works d) tothe gym. 21 Wenever listen e) hours. 22. Susan oves going 1) outtorestaurants. 23 usually go on 8) from home once a month. 24 Piet often works flexible h) football on Sunday. [Gi _ Choose the best words to complete the sentences. © Ican’'tmove this chai. t's too light (Reavy). 25 We can't meet in my office. It isn’t (big / small) enough. 26 Liam's presentations are too (long / short). Yesterday, he talked for four hours! 27 My holiday was nice but it wasn't (stressful / relaxing) enough. We were very busy every day. 28 | can't hear you. The restaurant is too (quiet / noisy). 29 | don’t like this book. It isn't (interesting / boring) enough. 30 | didn't buy the new Mercedes because it was too (cheap / expensive). | don't have €100,0001, OT: Complete the conversation with words from the box. ‘are does don’t how is 'm what what's where works ? Ursula Becker. Nice to meet you, Ursula, My name's David Lopez. you a sales manager? No, I'm not. ! work in television. * your job? 1'm Director of Advertising. ? do you work? ‘AtChannel 10. your wife in television, too? No, she isn't. She works for a magazine. does she do? She's a graphic designer. * she travel inher job? No, but she sometimes... ” at the weekend. _* often does she do that? Two or three times a month. What about you? Do you work at the weekend? ew >er>ear>ar>or>or>ar>ea>o > No, I. E_Putthe words in the correct order to make sentences. 12 MARKET LEADER TEST FILE ° time What you do work start? Whattime de you startwork?. 40 afternoon They're the usually in busy. a the you Why money need do? 42 nine o'clock He's before never work at . 4B this much How cost does ? ‘44 sometimes work to walks Dean . ‘45. on work you often How do Sunday ? Match the questions with the replies © Where are you from? a) _'mstaying atthe Hiton in the town 46 What's the reason for your visit? eee ines ee ) bert een 48 What's your hotel tke? aes See ae 4) work flexible hours, which is great. ‘50 What do you do in your free time? gral duadelen ian Meee ee 1) We're doing quite well. 5 filer viany fouls Sweat 8) The roomis very comfortable. you work? 1) Fromtime to time. 53. What do you like best about 1) Pm from italy. your job? ‘Match the sentence beginnings with the endings. 0 54 55 56 57 58 59. 60, Call me back Can speak to thavea The invoice is There's We can give you Hello, thisis hm very sorry a) incorrect. b) arefund. Georg Sipos, please? tohearthat. ge ©) Pat Carter speaking. a piece missing. later, please. problem with my new laptop. zeae (© Pearson Education Limited 2012 PMOTOCOPIABLE i EEO 0 PROGRESS TEST 1 Read the article and decide if the statements are true or false. © ClaraShihisa student. False 61. Clara Shih studied a book called The Facebook Era. 62. She worked at Google. 63 Her company is called Hearsay Social. 64 She started her company in Hong Kong. 65 She says starting an Internet business isn't too expensive. Young CEO worked at Microsoft, Google marketing. And all before ‘umed 29. Clara Shih has computer science large companies manage their activity money (o create a business on the degrees from Stanford and Oxford, on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. _Internet. Now, young peo Salesforce and wrote The Facebook the US with her parents when she was opportunites. Era, the first book about Facebook four. Her parents worked hard and Shih believes that technology In February 2011.she launched her allows young businesspeople 1 ‘own company. Hearsay Social helps a start because it doesn’t costa lot of with and Shih moved from Hong Kong to good ideas have great business she they taught Shih to work hard. Cr Read the article again. Choose the best option - a, b or c~ to complete the sentences. 0 Atuniversty Clara studied @ computerscience _b)_ Chinese business 66 Clara Shih wrote about... ter science. a) accounting b) design marketing 67 Hearsay Social. snveno Socal networking sites. a) sells products through b) helps businesses use ©) introduces people on (68: Shin's parents are from.. ; a) the us b) Hongkong =) the UK 69. The article says Shih learned..... a) about herd work b) Chinese from her parents. 0) touse computers 70 Shih says... helps young businesspeople. @) travel b) education technology Write about your usual weekend. Say what you like to do and what you don't like to do. Write 50-60 words. At the weekend, I usually get up at...

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