REE ALL: A Battletech Shortstory

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Counterstroke of the Draconis Combine Sevren, winter 3024 Four months after the invasion by Lyran forces Another ghost town on the northern continent In free fall, the airborne Loki elite unit came down, roaring and tumbling like no other thunder on war torn planet Sevren. With their JumpPacks flaming the ground, they had only started them a few meters above the upper rooftops of this destroyed and frozen city ruin. Their impact was hard, but there was less time and no place to feel the pain. Adrenaline rushed through the veins of those only four men. With the knowledge that their enemy was close, closer than planned, their mood changed immediately. Goddamn, command dropped us at the wrong position, yelled the Lyran squad member who first set foot on the surface. He targeted on a road block behind his back. Were outside the prime defence perimeter. Destination anywhere, what Vincento?, a second gagged. Yeah, thats the result when your company-commander thanks his rank to good relationships. Then thank god that your squad-leader has none, sounded the rough and unchangeable voice of Captain Mannig. Vincento, Steyss, shut up and get your asses into cover. Fayden, check the situation. With his head down and back lent on a car wreckage, he tore his gasmask off his face. They wouldnt need much of their drop-equipment expect of one. Your JumpPacks stay with you, men, he considered in view of the house-high barricade which closed the whole street behind them. They would like to carry those twenty kilos extra in exchange for not being trapped, fighting with a wall in their backs. Mannigs eyes got closer under his bandana as he mustered their dead-end. It was a barrier made of torn out street parts, industrial wreckage and anything else that would be big enough to stop a tank. Rebel-trademark, he thought. Maybe even a mech will have problems with this. He could only imagine that in those forsaken Nethers, rebels spread like fungus by the help of self-interested manufactures. The invasion on Sevren in July gave new hope to Steiners loyalists after the failed attack thirteen years ago. Winfields Brigade, the Rough Riders and the Thirtieth Lyran Guards were about to turn the tide on this planet, but they were needed elsewhere on the continent. Now, after the distraction of Lyran Commonwealth from this city, the Draconis Combine sniffed a chance for a counterstroke and falling in their backs. During the district by district re-capturing of House Kurita, all the Archon could do was supporting the rebels as well as he could. Which meant with less-possible casualties of men and material. In the eye of the Archon, four men were a low price to pay for leaving a grain of sand in his main foes gear unit. However, for those four men, every other of them was everything they had. None would admit that this price would be paid unnecessary. Captain, enemy infantry spotted, got Mannig informed by a dark-skinned soldier hed called Fayden. The man pointed with his muscular arm into the direction where the silhouettes in the street disappeared in the mist. Unlike the other members of his squad, he wore no shoulder plates on his Lyran blue and grey armor to share the same level of movability. Their steeled body-shape and heavy armor almost made them to giants on battlefield. Giants who could strike from above and stamp every infantry under their boots. But they were nothing in comparison to the sound of the machines which came walking down a few streets away, letting ground shake. Though they could not be seen, their out streaming fear was omnipresent. And worse, concluded Mannig, unlocking his assault rifle with his thumb. All right, thats the plan: we got twenty minutes till our reinforcements arrive. At this time the 2

enemy will either find a way round the barricade or break through it, so dont think were just gonna sit round here and wait. They will come this way right to us, supposed Fayden, who watched the movements of the enemy-spearhead. Seems that rebels have laid road-blocks to every damn street in the whole Nethers round their bunker. The rest is covered by buildings. So they will risk a frontal attack, it makes no difference from which side. Then we must get through those buildings, suggested Mannig. If we find no way, we must wait how these meckies deal with such dead-end. And get through it after our enemies did?, asked Vincento cynical. That doesnt sound like were going to contact the rebels head in time. Why dont use our JumpPacks to get over that wall, Captain? No, we had luck when we landed, but we wont have once again, explained Mannig. If those mechs get our heat-signals, they hit us without seeing their targets. We must spare our JumpPacks for later, when it comes to close combat. Now, stay in cover and listen to me. When we reach the bunker soon enough, maybe we can send a signal to the DropShip that will let them think about the insertion-zone of our reinforcements. I dont want them to be landed in the hell of nowhere like we did. We need them inside the defensive line, all right? Good, so lets march off. Fayden, get to that building on left street-side and find an entrance! Vincento, Steyss, you stay back and watch our flanks. Roger, every squad member nodded inside his collar-like neck-protection. They all knew what to do. Sporadic laser fire was opened the moment Fayden held his head out of cover. The air was filled with heat and the wavy track single rays laid into glooming surrounding. Ice shifts were molten immediately, where the bolts hit the layer of coldness. Mannig followed his comrade through the shots, heading for the next shelter. Like one man, Vincento and Steyss pushed their backs away from their concrete cover and brought their heavy weapons into firing position. But different to their foes, their coolness allowed them to wait with open fire. For that time, it would only be a waste of ammunition. The first mech arrives, were gone, Vincento wanted Steyss to make clear. His buddy looked at him sceptically. Yeah, what the hell did you think?, asked Steyss for his sanity. Just cant wait that our Captain finds a way out of this mess. Mannig pursued Fayden on his footsteps while they were ploughing through the urban area. There were many objects to hide, but only a few to really trust of being safe. Most wouldnt be able to hinder a jet of cutting through. Those raddled wrecks around were witnesses to the power the weapons could deal. The two soldiers sprinted to the sidewalk snowed under fractions of the tumbled-down building. When Mannig made out the main door beside a crashed bus on the house wall, he sent in Fayden to have a look at the inside. Mannigs attention was needed on the windows of the upper levels, so that he couldnt even look after his attackers firing from the street. Vincento and Steyss would have to do this job for him, but he was curious to hear against which kind of force they were combating. By the silence of his comrades guns, he though could assume that their threat had not become too dangerous yet. Eager for action, he was wiping on his toes while kneeling in front of the doorframe, waiting for his scouts response. Captain, clear!, echoed the voice of Fayden out of the entry area. No instant too soon, Mannig called his rearguard back into formation to meet them in the lobby for report. Sir, some groups of infantry, announced Steyss who first appeared inside the dusty atmosphere of the concrete structure. We didnt fire a single shot, to make them think they can deal with us in small number. 3

Good, contended Mannig. What could you find out about their origin? Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, definitely, Vincento affirmed after sharing a look with his fellow. I could see them clear, Third Dieron Regulars, Captain. The Ever-Vigilant , repeated Mannig the proper name of this unit. As expected. This unit specializes in city combat. Well, we will test their loyalty today. The Lokis sneered. They knew too well the attitude of the warriors from their hostile House Kurita. Their engagement almost reached on fanatism, the codex of the ancient samurai bred in the brain of every servant under the Coordinators control. But before strength, the soldiers of Lyran were about to put their foes patience to the proof and their arrogance. We have to make it to the rooftop, clarified Mannig. The elevators broken down, noticed Steyss at the right side of the entry area. But this wouldnt have been a good idea anyway, he discerned in the look of his Captain. We take the stairs to our advantage, Mannig continued. Without defer he rushed up the hallway which was draped in bleached out vermillion wallpapers. Every pillar was battered and caused great stir, when he and his men came by and touched their edges to push them up faster. But being covered in clouds would not be bad for the retreat. They will have the same way to go, Mannig thought of his chasers. Steyss, let them earn every single floor, he encouraged the last men behind. Yes, Captain, Steyss answered and stopped arriving at the first storey. There are many. Mannig wouldnt have to look back to be assured that his Corporal was preparing his grenades. As soon as he heard movement at the starting newel, he dropped a frag. The explosion sounded dull in the deep of the angular corridor. It was far out of range for Mannig and his Lokis, but not so for their persecutors. Steyss still leant against the column, harkening for a return from below. But there came fierce revenge from somewhere else he didnt expect. Flames blew through the broken window behind him, grasping on the ceiling. He raised his arm to cover his face with his heatabsorbing bracer and duck instinctively. As recently as he detected that the fire was going to rain down on him, he realised that he had to roll forward. Flammenwerfer, cursed Mannig, recognising their characteristic effect. He couldnt move on, till Steyss was out of danger. His rearguard was cut by an inferno that forced him to flee downstairs, right into the arms of an up creeping enemy. Combined, Mannig and Fayden bent down over the handrail and opened fire. Vincento who was next to his trapped companion, loosened another grenade from his battle gear and threw it out of the window. The blaze extinguished and Vincento benefited the chance to get to his mate. While Mannig and Fayden laid cover fire down the hoist way, volleys zipped by them vertically answering from the ground. Vincento tried hard to pull out Steyss who had incurred into the line of fire, both letting their rifles sing. Straightway they had clearance, Steyss stood up to his feet and sprinted back to his squad. A second later, the whole floor ignited in a burst of new flames. Onward!, Mannig lead them out of the fire breath of the Draconis-dragon. Leave a track of frags behind, men! We wont need them anymore, when were out of doors. I understand, Captain, Steyss called frenzy. It would be commiserable to die with an unused weapon in your belt. Mannig was glad to hear that he was fine again. At least the encounter with the flamethrower had caused that his men now saw it as highest priority to gain ground. Vincento caught up with Fayden, because he was already the last in line. Steyss had outrun them after his shock.

You know, Fayden, normally in such situations, I would be becalmed to have a wall of fire in my back, remarked the black-haired Lyran. But those crazed Kuritas would go through hell just to catch us. Fayden bow his head over the second floors bulwark and a beam zoomed right past his ear. Youre right, he murmured before proceeding. They are really mad. Another grenade was unleashed from his big hand, spinning down the stairwell. The next window opened the facility to let in inferno. It seemed obvious that every officer of the Draconis Combine had learned to neither spare his enemies, nor his own men. The end justified the means. Coughing the Lokis came blundering up the steps. Three floors down, three to go at least. By the presence of every window they had to keep low and stay close alongside the hand rail, where shots witnessed their detection. Sometimes their enemies even advanced to only half a floor behind them. They faced each other on opposite stairs, laying laser fire across the hoist way. The pillars surface was martyred by the impacts, smoking holes were torn into the wallpapers and blood painted them in a more intense colour than they had ever before. Such an amount of energy was released from its shackles in such close quarters. The dust clouds were dense and ashes rained from the carbonized ceiling. Nonetheless, Mannig could now see his opponents for the first time clearly. Draped in their rugged armor of light tan, as they pressed themselves to the wall to fuse with their surrounding. Neck moved in under the shelter of their helmets, visors glowing. Their swords enveloped with faint flames that could do no harm to them. Somehow, the Captain managed to capture this critical moment of confrontation for him, only by surprise. Something bigger knocked on the wall from outside, wanted to get in. When the first shockwaves spread through the chamber and let the carpet to their feet curl, it was clear, that the enemy used heavy weapons. A salve of fragmentations on the outside wall shook the foundations of the whole building. Plaster together with bricks loosened out everywhere of their adjustment. Mannig got his head down under an old couch which stood at the entrance to the corridor in floor number four. The soft seats reduced the damage of the boulder, though he didnt know how his mates would have overcome this. He looked up through a cloud of liner hovering around, to see his men coming up on their feet again. As they entered his corridor, he had to open fire on everything else that came crawling up the stairs, between the outlines of the first three shapes. Like trained, it was now time for an organized withdraw. Mannig waited with heading back, till his last man clapped on his shoulder. Signalized, that the first in the row would now bother about the cover fire, he could eventually start, his enemies already closing in at him. He didnt even totally turn, when the next bad news were receiving him. Grenade!, shouted Fayden who had got into position under the doorframe of an abandoned flat. Steyss who was at the very front could leap behind the column for coming steps. But for Mannig and Vincento was no cover at hand. They dashed through a bursting door and both hit the ground, before the frag was split into hundreds of pieces. As reaction, Mannig threw his own grenade back against the corridors wall, then helped Vincento up to get ready for the jump. After fragmentation, they hurried back to their hidden squad members. Fayden loomed out of the next dwelling when his comrades rushed over. With their hands supporting their climbing, they pulled themselves up the stoop. Ringing was in their ears. The first energy packs got low when they reached level five.

When Fayden didnt see anyone of the attackers at the end of the gangway, he halted, raising an eyebrow with mistrust. How could their advance grow so much in only one single storey? He held back Mannig, grabbing his Captains shoulder. What is it?, he expressed incomprehensibly. Steyss and Vincento, both steady themselves on their weapons, greeted the pause to draw breath. Fayden shook his head as he looked back at the corridor. Cant help, but I fancy those walls come closer. With an expression of disbelief, Mannig bow his head aside. No reason to doubt your sanity, soldier, he determined after a wink. When it comforts you, they do. There was no time to think about the bottom of this phenomenon, only the thought of getting away briskly. Over the next store, the strip light came down swinging around. The shadows acted up like in a roundabout. But something told Mannig that he was at his full presence. That was no trick any hallucinogenic gas played to him. Indeed the walls were closing in wherever they set foot. Soon it would be clear to everyones mind, that Mannig wouldnt like to know about the cause. Were on top, was Steyss tickled when he first reached the sixth floor. But how do we get on rooftop?, he scanned the ceiling for some escape hatch with haste. Vincento and Fayden had taken tables and furnishings to entrench behind them. Their improved fortification would grant Steyss only a fraction of a minute more to find the exit. They were just about to take up a stance, when suddenly the wall morphed again, but this time, collapsed entirely. Through the debris and sudden incident light that blinded the overtaken fighters, only one thing could be perceived. A huge steel joist, which smashed Vincento and Faydens cover to bits. Whoa, bad company!, Fayden gave off the same moment he receded. Mannig was lying on his side, stroked down by the gigantic blow the machine-melee weapon had dealt. The insignia of the Kurita dragon, a slim black monster on scarlet ground stared at him, buried in the metal. A hundred inch of steel beside his face, in which he could see his own dread visage, mirrored for a blink. He rolled away to evade a touch of the forceful cudgel that was pulled out of the buildings edge just as quick as it came down before. And then there was nothing in the room they had first been. Only a gap. Mannig held his hand in front of his eyes to preserve them from the garish light the outside attended with. Snow fell in the interior from the eaves. As he stood up, the wind was blowing strong right into his face. He screw his mouth up full of anger. Meckies, he grumbled. The gods among death-machines had come. It was a Panther BattleMech, as Steyss could see of the powerful I-steel beam the huge fiend in human shade counterfeit wielded. But he was not alone. A second BattleMech must have mounted the roof. Thats too less self-confidence against four men, jested Vincento but his laughter elapsed. The Lokis drew in their heads under the creaking ceiling. They were pinned down from above by a BattleMech while their well-known pursuers ascended the stairs. It would only be a matter of time, till they would be squeezed by cudgel or foot. This is not gonna end like this, Mannig shook his head in a grim mien. He was ready for everything except sitting here and wait. As I questioned once before, Steyss raised his voice getting busy by the tumult on the steps. How can we now get out? The answer followed automatically, when the BattleMech paled the whole roof from the building. This way?, stretched Vincento his thumb upwards. 6

No, follow me, we go bypath, Mannig interrupted, facing the BattleMech-threat too near for his liking. JumpPacks ready, men! We fly the coop!, he commanded without losing time. Outside through the broken wall. I want to see short jumps. No time to target our heat-sources, nodded Fayden insightfully. Mannig was already on the way. Charging forth with his heavy furniture, he leaped out through the cut the Panther cudgel had left in the wall. His companions didnt remain in the cabriolet-corridor a second more. Steyss, Fayden and Vincento followed their leader and started their JumpPacks on the edge of the building. They knew there was no time to fall behind. The breach spit out gunfire behind their backs as the Draconis infantry reached their last position. Under their feet marched a whole company of Kuritas down the street. A steal girder strike of the Panther pulled out Mannig of his thoughts. Aimed alongside the eaves, where Mannig and his men got cover from the upper Jenner BattleMech, it cleaved only through concrete, leaving a cloud of dust behind and boulders that rained down on the next Kuritas who stormed the building. The hovering troopers heaved themselves up on the vault again, to circumvent the mech on top. But some rockets already drafted over their heads, as they lost their heat source by the shut-down jump-engines. The Panther hadnt lost them from his firing range. The Lokis rolled forward to get in cover from this steel joist thrashing rocket launcher. On the roof, only the Jenner could be dangerous to them. At once he had turned. But when he accomplished his movement, the Draconis chargers already found a way to climb out on the opened housetop. The hunt has risen to next level. At least we have one direction free of enemies now, Steyss argued when he met the panoply. Dont be too sure, sunny-boy, retorted Fayden keeping low. They soon will have outrun us. With a mistrusting glance behind his back, he perceived that their followers were close. But the Jenner on the roof didnt focus on the Lyran specialists anymore. His weapons fired above their heads, to another target that was more menace to him: some defensive tower of the rebels. Blistering heat-rays were exchanged by the two opponents, while four lonely warriors unbend beneath them on the roof. Oh, oh, we got plenty hostiles heading forward to the rebel-bunker, Vincento sighted when he had risen to his full height. Down the streets the assault was in full progress. The road block was to be vanquished right now by a trampling Dragon, which tried to make up leeway. At the same pitch a dozen troops climbed up the broken asphalt and ice walls like red fire ants. Um Steiners Willen, they sent a whole lance, Steyss sweared. Then one must be hiding, answered Fayden. I see only three meckies. Yeah, three to deal with us, but dont you think there is one attacking the bunker? Trust me, there is a fourth somewhere, insisted Steyss on his bad feeling. The more danger, the more honour, the Captain spurred on his men over the rooftop. For he knew well, that their equipment was much heavier than their chasers. And the attackers below were on the same height to their designation. No slowdown, men! Reinforcements ETA in ten minutes. If theyre in luck, resumed Steyss firing his gun in hit and run action. We even leave some work for them, Vincentos grimace concluded. The exploding chimneys around them granted only short period cover. But it was also enough incentive to keep moving, brushing aside the shivers and heat-rays that scratched their armor. The edge of the buildings end was approaching in front of them. The more they advanced towards the gap, the bigger the insight they got what happened around them. The roadblock 7

still hindered the ground shaking Dragon from getting through, but this BattleMech could also perform his due. He laid indirect fire in a wide arc over the barricade and raked everything with javelin-missiles, infantry scouts gave him as targets. Left down on the street vapour trails and rocket-propelled grenades drew a line out of the ruin windows. The resistance had delved themselves in the destroyed halls who kept the admittance to the bunker. Scattered and covered with dust and wreckage, the ground seemed too had opened and swallowed them. Out of nowhere snipers stroked hard. But against a BattleMech they had no chance. As soon they had located them, the mechanized warriors took them on board. A sharpshooter could only shoot a few times at best, before getting pulverized. For a RPG-soldier, the odds were even more against him. But in the moment, those statistics were unappealing for Mannig. Only the life of four men counted, for everything else around them was far away. He would get them through the front line. The auto cannon on the defensive tower ahead never stopped firing, sawing through metal and flesh. It was their life assurance as long they had to jump down from the rooftop and cross the wide courtyard which lay on verge of the main entrance. They paused when they alighted beneath the eaves of the building they had left. The auto cannons aim signalized them, that there were still heavy pursuers on the roof behind. From the left street Kuritas on foot broke through all obstacles and outdistanced the entrenched Lyrans on the mural, charging the court. They outnumbered them three to one, but their only purpose was to reach the bunker facing the yard, which made them inobservant of every threat in their back. Now it was time for the mop up. Especially when Mannig heard the sound of breaking concrete, coming closer through the building. This Panther BattleMech wouldnt chop through pillars, wouldnt he? Mannig consulted his watch. Five minutes remaining. It was now or never. He battered his body from the wall and started running like hell. One after another, Vincento, Fayden and Steyss joined his side, forming a wedge that would clash against the enemy squad. They didnt hear them coming. They cowered close together behind the shelter of a frozen fountain. They didnt annotate the brisk footsteps mounting the stairs to the well. When the last in their row detected a rattling noise in his neck, it was too late. He turned his head behind his shoulder and his gaze grew stiff before it got smashed by a blue-grey metal boot. The second one was stretched down before he could notice what happened to his buddy. A bang with a gun barrel hit his body, but how? He thought he had parried the stroke with his own rifle. Incredulous he stared at his weapon, broken up in two parts. Then it became dark and cold. Mannig stopped using the VibroBlade on top of his rifle and wielded his gun like it was meant to be. He had traded on melee to get into the crowd, forbidding every enemy that followed, to shoot at his squad without hitting friendly. Because there were more Combine soldiers than Lyrans at the fountain...yet. Katanas were drawn. Bayonets devoured. The ice of the frozen well reddened. The Captain hoped the head of the rebels could see that. It was beyond belief that the Lyrans survived their heroic stand. But they were better trained, better equipped and had the avail of surprise on their side. Dragging their heavy armor turned to account now. Every scar was paid back twice. Even if their injuries were lethal maybe, they didnt allow themselves to accept them. They knew they had to hang on till reinforcements arrived. As long they had adrenaline left rushing through their blood streams, and a flicker of consciousness, they would fight on. But after all, they had dissipated themselves too long in this onslaught. There were still half of the enemies left, when from the roof the Jenner came cracking down in a single leap, hitting the ground like a meteor. With his cockpit lowered, like a bear that pulled in his head under gargantuan neck and shoulders. His arms were spread out wide, each holding two MediumLaser. His kin were not far. 8

The mural crashed behind him as the Panther threw himself through the breach, stepping forward like an ancient samurai-god. His steel joist levied and dust running from his helmet, he stood like a statue after his walk through walls. No one could have foreshadowed that a whole building wouldnt stop a BattleMech. Equally to the fact, that the barricade of hulked up bitumen and sealing ice could be broken. Alongside the street, where the building walls were covered with frozen snowdrifts like rock, the patience of the Dragon paid dividends. His second MediumLaser on back milled with slight tracking, charged shots through the congealed water till it would reveal a small tunnel. He knew he had time in this siege, hidden in the ice like a parasite, but not so his prey. Mannig wouldnt care anymore to stay and watch the Cat coming crouching through the last icicles, shattering them to splinters. More than ever before, it was time to go, before that could happen. The two red beams were already melting their ambience, letting an enlightened silhouette shining through the glassy sheet. To the bunker, Mannig ordered his men, before he turned himself and ran. He saw the main entrance door not far ahead, above it the auto cannon-tower silent. It was over against enemy BattleMechs but where they withdrew, would be no place for them. They would have to catch them head-to-head. The four specialists disappeared under the massive entrance archway, were several rebel soldiers greeted their presence, though it was only a drop in the ocean. A thin opening was left between the two steel-gates to save the last that had endured on the outside. No one else will come, the Captain determined to the rebel guard. He didnt need to add except Kuritas. The soldier nodded. Close the gates, he commanded the central. Wait, Mannig held him back. Vincento knew what his Captain planned. He removed a spider mine from his backpack and buried it in front of where the door was left ajar. Then he returned to the interior. Who is your leader?, the Lyran Captain asked. Lyn. You can find her belowground, the soldier pointed at the passage were steps leaded downstairs. He napped. Mannig kept moving again as the door closed behind them in a thud. They hadnt fulfilled their obligations yet. It was first priority to contact the rebel head and somehow manage to get out by the help of their reinforcements - should the occasion ever arise. Otherwise it was just deferring Kuritas advance on the planet. The underground corridor must once have been a backyard of older buildings, before some greater storeys were set upon them just as roofs. Tall pillars hindered the far ceiling to come down. It was a place were bars and warehouses found their niche, hidden in the absence of sunlight. But this was before war. Like everything else in this city, those halls stood devoid of people. The wind did the rest to classify this scene as a ghost town, for their path down was only enlightened by dim bulbs which swang in the light breeze the bulkhead had let in. The air was filled with a mouldered smell, but nowhere rebels were to be seen. It seemed like they had gambled their last cards in the outer surrounding area. Steyss was just speaking out what everyone was thinking. Its so empty that I fear, this place is mined with booby traps. Bang! An explosion hocked the squad members out of tension. It was Vincentos spider mine at the bunker entrance. He smirked worn out. Now I know who shares your anxiety, Vincento spouted. Fayden walked ahead, silently. He was the first who left the stairs behind. Its just here, round the corner, his voice attained to Mannigs ear. They reached the base in time. It really was nothing more than a storage depot, the rebels had chosen for their central. Probably it was an area placed at disposal from even the same 9

corporation which supported the resistance with money and gear. Behind boxes and outlays, the last underground fighters had gathered to die together. At least that was just as it looked like. There was no escape from the backside of the den, which was buried by an avalanche of snow. The huge icicles were still lying on the ground were they had fallen. In the middle of the hall, Mannig sighted an exalted throne in the dark. Well, he sighed, mounting up the broken stairs. A pale skinned woman was facing him from her seat, with silver-blue hair like their ambit. Her eyes glowed in rust-coloured orange, as the Lokis Captain loomed in front of her. To the minute, Mannig broke the hush. Im Captain Mannig from the Lyran Lokis. We havent much time, so please forgive my directness. Reinforcements arrive in a minute. Lyn nodded in silence. A sword stacked out of the stone floor at her feet, showing Mannig that it was a Kuritan. What can we do?, she wanted to know, intervening his sceptical expression. Hold on, Mannig returned immediately. He bow his head aside, to take a look behind her. It was like there was laying a corpse, black boots and a black suit. Some kind of ninja... How much of you will come?, she asked before he could end his thought. A mech... for the moment, he replied, inspecting the dead body on the socket. It had been an assassin. But how could Lyn eliminate this commando? Mannig also found the answer like his predecessor, when it would have been too late. He was staring right into a barrel from the moment he had set food on the throne-pedestal. Lyns seat was connected with a spring gun, installed right on top of her headrest. They will come in waves, no matter what reinforcements we got, tossed in one of the rebels. He limped a step forward, an old man with long, unkempt hair and bearded. It doesnt comfort me to have a mech outside there, when we are sitting here, waiting on a loopy kamikaze-killer who blows our asses up by bomb. He pointed at every man in the lines of the rallied resistance, his other hand slung over his shotgun. You all know it, it would only save our neck, if this mech would be down here, right on our side. A murmur went through the queues. Only Fayden looked at the ceiling, the back domain, which formed a whole glacial cave. Then lets do it, Fayden took centre stage. Do what?, his Captains eyebrow raised. Bring this damn mech down here, emphasized his soldier. The caused surprise got louder, but Mannig and Lyn both looked up, followed by the old shot gunner and the rest of his squad. How far to the surface?, Fayden calculated. Forty-four yards, answered the old man quick like a shot. I know this hideout like the back of my hand. And there is no storey in the way?, cared Fayden. Not if you hit the right vector, he assured. Its like falling into a crevasse. Then lets do this, the dark-skinned Lyran said with conviction. Captain? Where is your radio?, asked Mannig the rebel head without hesitating. Bring it to him, Dougan, she assigned the old bearded who sallied to one of the outlays. Good, remarked the Captain in contentment. We drop that mech under the planets surface. His last words still echoed in the hall, when suddenly Lyns spring gun spit out burst fire of her head restraint. The projectiles missed Mannigs ear by a hairs breadth as he ducked. Incoming!, sounded Vincentos infuriated yell from behind the boxes he used as cover. The entire chamber fired back, throwing a swarm of projectiles and laser beams against the intruders. A whole squad came storming across the edge, throwing grenades in a fanatic 10

whirl. While the other hand wasnt removed from the trigger till they died. Brass jingled on the stone floor, the smoking barrel of laser guns glowed in the dark. Some frags detonated in the rear section of the base and blasted rebel defenders behind their shelter. One Kurita stormed the socket at the centre, forcing Mannig and Lyn to get behind the throne. The tried and trusted gun spit dealt with the rest. As far Mannig could see, his men were doing well. Steyss and Vincento entrenched behind columns, having learned by example that the boxes could grant no shelter against shells. Some of their allies who didnt believe that, were dead now. Together with several freedom fighters, Fayden consented to acquire a heavy weapon from the outlays. They could need every support till the BattleMech arrived - and till it would work. One thing was clear: the bunker doors must have been fused by the BattleMechs. Which meant the end was not far off. Mannig started to ran to the other side, where Dougan waited for him. There would only be a few seconds left to change the drop position and adjust the altitude. He skipped into the outlay, Dougan had gone for the radio. Here, thatll work, the old man uttered, reaching him the phone. I realigned the antenna to your DropShip. The Goatpaths Bone?, ensured Mannig, harvesting a self-evident nod. Thanks!, he grabbed the phone like it was a life line that pulled them out of their graves. Goatpaths Bone, here is Captain Mannig, can you hear me? The radio crackled. Here is Goatpaths Bone, kommen. All right, we need to change drop zone, imparted Mannig, considering the notes Dougan handed over to him. New insertion point at Juliette-India-Four-Nine-Seven, altitude minus forty, I repeat, minus forty. No time for questions about that. Understood, the operator confirmed delayed. Reinforcements are on the way. Good luck, Captain. Dougan and Mannig looked up when Lyn appeared in the outlay. With Vincento, Steyss and Fayden in tow, there was no need to say that the main hall had been taken. Tell us our chances, Vincento asked with a desperate laugh. I dont know, confessed Dougan while Mannig was preparing to play out his last trump. Dont know if it will work. When the JumpPads are turned on too late, the MechWarrior will break all his bones. The Captain bent down and activated a magnetic field, out streaming from his heels. If it happens to early, hes hanging in the air like in a spiders net. Then Mannig animated his men to do the same, all turning their soles in a humming noise. So personally, I favourite possibility number three: everything is all plain sailing and we survive. Mannig agreed. Thats what Im supposed to do. He stepped to the wall and just walked it up like gravity had changed to another direction. Leading by example, the whole squad followed its Captain and got in cover on the ceiling. Hanging headlong, they put their weapons over the outlays window frame, activating their rifle-sights which were linked to a small visor on their left eye. Their gun-placed camera showed them everything that approached in the other room. Shades proceeded everywhere in their perimeter. Now they can come, Fayden whispered, his whole body hidden on the ceiling. The signal of their regiment arrived, another grumble spit out from heaven. In breach, the BattleMech came piercing through surface, earth quaking and bursting ice. There was a heartbeat of time standing still, when the huge machine collided with the ground. Then the gates of hell were opened by it.


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