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Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role

The competency regarding quality improvement focuses on the nurse educator as a

lifelong learner, recognizing that there is never going to be a point at which improvement cannot

be made. Some of the subcategories include “engages in activities that promote one’s

socialization to the role” and “participates in professional development opportunities that

increase one’s effectiveness in the role” (NLN, 2005).


This competency is easily met through my efforts in my master’s program, in particular

the course in which I am currently enrolled. My preceptor teaches a senior level baccalaureate

nursing class and I try to attend as many of them as possible and take notes on information that is

less familiar to me. This demonstrates my commitment to learning by showing that I am never

too proud to learn; I will never be above learning with undergraduate students.

At first, I felt a little silly that I was taking notes in a nursing school course despite

already having my bachelor’s degree and having passed the NCLEX. The overwhelming

majority of information in the lectures was a review for me. But I did feel a responsibility to stay

attentive to the class and recognized that some of the topics were not ones I had considered for

years now but that were still important, like disaster management or malignant hyperthermia. I

ultimately came to the conclusion that by taking notes I was simultaneously gaining knowledge

(or reinforcing current knowledge) while also functioning as a role model for students to also pay


In addition to dedication in the classroom, I am participating in the Day of Dialogue this

semester, which is a day-long conference for students to help start conversations regarding
minority groups, social justice concerns in the classroom, inter-abled people groups, etc. This is a

great opportunity as a future educator for me to continue to grow in my knowledge of people that

are different than me, and hopefully equip me with tools to teach to all of my students in a more

equitable manner.

Significance within the Competency

Graduate students in a nurse education program alone should meet this competency

because a graduate degree is symbolic of a lifelong learner, demonstrating a desire to keep

growing and moving forward. But more than that, I have met this competency by being

intentional in my practicum thus far to take in as much as I possibly can, even from

undergraduate course material. Continuous quality improvement requires a level of humility,

saying that the work is never completed, and I am able to recognize that I am not too proud to re-

learn topics such as emergency preparedness or family dynamics.


NLN (2005). Core competencies of nurse educators with task statements. National League for


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