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What is jazz?

I. All the stories that refers to African American culture
in the US, due to slavery.

Jazz is the collective music that allows for

individualism to flourish.

jazz is a form of communication rather than a form of


History of Jazz


• African music includes some form of call and

In Africa call and response is more of a connection

between audience and performer.

African music wasn't primarily an art form, was more

of a communication form, art as a tool.

▪ 1619 the first Africans arrived the continent in James town, Virginia.

▪ By 1798 every state in the country had banned the importation of new slaves.

▪ Between 1619 and 1798 there were 400,000 Africans that were stolen and
brought to this country.

Syncretism in jazz.

▪ European ideas that came directly to jazz, came through

rag time and other early influences.

▪ Even those influences were filter through cultural

experiences of African American people.


Influences of jazz.

▪ The earliest influences on jazz are work songs and the

black Baptist church.

▪ Work songs as the first form of purely African American


▪ Music was allowed mainly because the oppressor wanted

their workers to increase productivity.

▪ The use of Christianity to convert African American so

they could be considered "people".
▪ Civil war and the emancipation of the slaves that opens
the opportunity for the first brass band.

country blues
and Ragtime.



• The first and most important jazz music that exist as folk
and as an art form.

• Is the foundation to all American music.

• Comes directly from the African American community.

• In order to sing the blues, you must have the blues.

• 1912 the first sheet music for blues.

Blues continuation...

• One of the most distinguished factors of blues is

that it usually features some kind of initial line,
repetition of that line and a rhythmic line.

Country blues.
• The first recorder artist was Blind Lemon
Jefferson in 1920.

• Classic Blues was a female singer with a band.

• August 10, 1920 crazy blues is recorded and

sold over 1 million copies.


Ragtime music
• Ragtime music was the most popular music in
America for about 25 years.

• So popular that by 1901 was considered "a

popular wave in the wrong direction".

• 1907 the American federation of musicians

order their member to stop playing ragtime.

• Rag time is primarily piano music.

• By 1911 there were 295 different piano manufacturers.

Today only 3.

• The most important city in rag time is Sedalia Missouri.

New Orleans and the creoles.

• Storyville function as an incubator rather than a place of

birth for jazz between 1897 and 1917.

• One of the most important population of New Orleans

were the creoles.

• There was two different kind of creoles; american-

european and creoles of color.


• Creoles of color were the product of sexual assault from

slave owners.

• 1724 the code of Noir made legal to free children's that

were product of sexual assault.

• Creoles of color were primarily associated with

their European heritage.

• By 1894 the Louisiana legislation passed a new law

designated to anyone with African American ancestry to
be considered a "NEGRO".

• This force the creoles of color to join the African

American community.

Buddy Bolden

• Legend of jazz, he was the first musician with a parade.

• He ran a barbershop.

• Considered the best cornetist in New Orleans.

• Directly influence by the Baptist church.

• 1906 his alcoholism and mental health destroy his playing.

• Eventually declared legally insane, died at 54 in 1931 due to


Papa Jack Laine

• 1805 first band.

• Well known because of the diversity it had.

• 1917 he retires without having recorded.


Minstrel Shows

• Was the primary vehicle that helped with the expansion of

jazz everywhere.

• It represented north and Eastern European American

stereotypes of what african American culture was like.

• Most of the writers of song had no knowledge about the

south, Steven foster was one of them.

• Represents the first real opportunity of work for African Americans


• The original creole orchestra featuring Freddie Keppard.

• By 1915 they were in Chicago.

• Made it all the way to California.

• By early 1917 they were in New York.

• They were never recorded.

Other Facts

• Electric recording until 1925.

• For the first 8 years jazz was recorded with no


• Dixieland Jazz Band launched the jazz era after

recording "Livery stable blues" in 1917.

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