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Indonesian Values and Ideology

Resume and Guiding Questions

1. What is ideology? What is value? Give some examples of Indonesian values!
2. What were the reasons behind the birth of Pancasila. On June, 1945? Who made the
foundation? What is the role of Pancasila for Indonesia yet to be born?
3. Mention the first formulation of Pancasila and the actual one (!945 Constitution’s ver-
sion). Why the first principle of the former was Indonesian Nationality? Explain your an-
4. Explain the differences between liberalism; neoliberalism; socialism; and capitalism, as
well as each of their problem concerning justice! How does the fifth Sila try to create bal-
ance among those contrasting ideologies? Explain your answer!
5. What is justice? How many kinds are there? Explain and give some examples! Can you
relate justice to Pancasila, especially the fifth Sila? What is the meaning of Social. Justice
fo the whole fo the People of Indonesia? Is there any relation to Socliasm? Explain your
6. What are human rights? Do you think that human rights are valid in absolute way? Why?
Explain your answer and give some examples!
7. What was the background of the rise of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948?
Mention and explain 4 aspects of Human Rights in it! Do you think that Indonesia rati-
fied it? Explain your answer!
8. What do you think about the practice of human rights in Indonesia nowadays? Give some
concrete examples!
9. Do Pancasila nad the Constitution of 1945 guarantee human rights? Provide several ex-
amples of the enforcement of human rights in Indonesia nowadays!
10. The September 30 tragedy is an example of the challenges in the implementation of jus-
tice and human rights according to Pancasila. Explain the process of revealing the truth
and the kinds of justice involved regarding the damages suffered by the victims, family,
and society? What are your ideas for other conditions and necessary methods for recon-
11. The first Sila is the result of a compromise following rigorous debates among multiple
factions of Indonesia’s Founding Fathers. Explain the chronological series of debates and
the contrasting perspectives that led to the first Sila’s current composition, from
BPUPKI’s First Session to the adoption fo the Constitution of 1945!
12. Act No. 12 of 2011 on Formulation fo Statutory Regulations places Pancasila as the
source of all sources of law. Explain the legal and philosophical reasons behind the en-
joyment by the Pancasila of such a formal position!
13. The Founding Fathers “invented” the Pancasila Democracy, which they argue to be suit-
able for the culture of the Indonesian people. Why did they think this? Describe some of t

heir arguments by using examples, explain the requirements of conducting “musyawarah
until mufakat”!
14. What is the importance of multiculturalism for Indonesia, State the models of integration
in the plural societies. Which one is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika? Explain your answer and
give example! What are the effects of a decline in multiculturalism?
15. By describing the manifestation of Pancasila in Indonesia’s forge in relations, what can
you conclude about Pancasila’s response toward globalization?
16. Can you explain the role of Indonesia in the global world during old Order, New Order,
Reformation Order until Now? What are the differences and what is the problem? What
are the challenges of today world for Indonesia? Explain your answer and give some ex-
17. What are the implications of Industrial Revolution 4.0 for education, human values, and
implementation of social justice in Indonesia?
18. What is the problem and the challenge of Unity of Indonesia? Can you explain and give
some examples?

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