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Actn Oecologicu 19 (3) (1998) 227-240 / 0 Elsevier, Paris

Identifying functional groups for response to disturbance

in an abandoned pasture
Sandra Lavorel I*, Blaise Touzard ‘, Jean-Dominique Lebreton I, Bernard Clement 2

’ Gntw d’Prolo,yic fonctionnelle rt holutivc; CNRS UPR 9056, 34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France.
’ U.M.R. C.N.R.S. 6553 Kcobio’, univmiti dr Rennes I, rampus de Beaulieu, 35042 Bennes c:edex, France.
* Cwre.sponding author (fax: (3?) 46 7 412 138; e-mail: lu7lorel@ce~~.cnrs-mop./i-)

Received September 26, 1996; revised February 17, 1997; accepted September 26, 1997

Abstract - In an abandoned pasture in Brittany, we compared artificial small-scale disturbances to natural disturbances by wild boar and undis-
turbed vegetation. We developed a multivariate statistical approach which analyses how species biological attributes explain the response of com-
munity composition to disturbances. This technique, which reconciles the inductive and deductive approaches for functional classifications,
identifies groups of species with similar responses to disturbance and characterizes their biological profiles. After 5 months of recolonization, arti-
ficial disturbances had a greater species richness than undisturbed vegetation as a result of recruitment of new species without the exclusion of
pre-existing matrix species. Species morphology, described by canopy structure, canopy height and lateral spread, explained a large part (16 %) of
community response to disturbance. Regeneration strategies, described by life history, seed mass, dispersal agent, dormancy and the existence of
vegetative multiplication, explained a smaller part of community response to disturbance (8 %). Artificial disturbances were characterized by
therophyte and compact rosettes with moderately dormant seeds, including a number of Asteraceue and other early successional species. Natural
disturbances were colonized by leafy guerrilla species without seed dormancy. Few species were tightly related to undisturbed vegetation and
were essentially grasses with a phalanx rosette morphology. The functional classification obtained is consistent with the classification of the com-
munity into fugitives, regenerators and persistors. These groups are structured according to Grubb’s model for temperate grasslands, with regene-
rators and persistors in the matrix and fugitives taking advantage of gaps open by small-scale disturbances. The conjunction of functional diversity
and species diversity within functional groups is the key to resilience to disturbance, an important ecosystem function. 0 Elsevier, Paris

Plant functional group I disturbance I land abandonment I mullivariate statistics

1. INTRODUCTION They are characterized by a set of common biological

attributes that correlate with their behaviour. In pre-
The effects of human-induced changes in distur- vious studies, functional groups for response to distur-
bance regimes are of important concern to recent eco- bance have been identified using more or less
logical research stimulated by several international extensive sets of traits (see [25] for a complete
programmes (Diversitas, Global Change and Terres- review). Overall, life form appears to have the largest
trial Ecosystems; [lo, 381). Land use policies in effect since this trait is correlated with other functio-
western Europe have been leading to the abandonment nally important traits such as plant size. At the scale of
of large areas of previously cultivated or grazed land. particular communities, species tend to belong to a
In some regions, this process has been occurring since limited number of life forms. For example, temperate
the beginning of the century and accelerating since the grasslands are structured as a matrix of perennials
fifties. Such regions offer the opportunity to study the (mostly grasses) with a ‘shifting cloud’ of short-lived
effects of the removal of agricultural pressure on vege- forbs (therophytes and hemicryptophytes) in the inter-
tation dynamics and diversity. To expand results stitial gaps [ 191. Therefore, response to disturbance
obtained from these natural laboratories and to gene- should be defined using a more detailed set of traits in
rate predictions for regions where land abandonment order to identify groups that will allow the prediction
has started only recently (such as north-western of the effects caused by changes in disturbance
Europe), it is essential to identify general rules freed regimes.
from particular species identities and based on their In Brittany, land abandonment started at the begin-
biological characteristics. Relevant traits will relate to ning of the twentieth century. Landscapes were ini-
response to disturbance. tially fine-grained mosaics of pastures and cultivated
Functional groups are defined as groups of species fields separated by a complex network of hedgerows
(taxa) with similar responses to a given factor [15]. [7]. A first phase of agricultural intensification led to
228 S. Lavorel et al.

the abandonment of less productive and less accessible Systemic herbicide (Glyphosate 5 % solution, Roun-
fields, and to an increase of the grain of the landscape dup@) was applied in 20 quadrats. Two weeks later, the
with larger plots without hedgerows. Currently, due to litter and all dead plant material were removed. For 10
a recent wave of land abandonment, whole blocks of of these quadrats, the top 3 cm of the soil were dis-
land are being returned to a dynamics where anthro- turbed mechanically with a hoe. Treatments were ran-
pogenic disturbances have been replaced by soil dis- domly allocated among the thirty quadrats: IO controls
turbance by wild mammals (essentially moles, rabbits with no disturbance (labelled Control), 10 disturbed
and wild boars), browsing of woody species by deer, quadrats without superficial soil disturbance (‘litter
and fire. In early successional herbaceous-dominated disturbance’, henceforth labelled LitterDis) and 10
communities, soil disturbances by earthworms, moles disturbed quadrats without superficial soil disturbance
and wild boar are frequent and can affect up to 50 % of (‘soil disturbance’, henceforth labelled SoilDis). An
a field every year. In this study, we compared artificial additional ten 1 m* quadrats were chosen using a Latin
soil disturbances of two different intensities to natural square design in two 5 x 5 m wild boar disturbances
disturbances by wild boar and intact vegetation in a (‘pig disturbances’, henceforth labelled PigDis) loca-
pasture abandoned for 3 years. In order to identify ted around the plot. These disturbances dated from
functional groups for response to soil disturbance, the winter 1994 and affected the top 6 to IO cm of the soil.
composition of the recolonized disturbances after one Species presence in the quadrats was recorded bi-
season were analysed in relation to 8 traits describing weekly from mid-April to early August. Species
plant morphology and regeneration strategy. A series composition data analysed for this study included the
of multivariate ordinations were used to quantify total of all species observed in each quadrat over the
which part of the disturbance effects are due to these period. In the area, the phenological optimum occurs
traits, and to identify and characterize the functional in mid-June. Species richness in each quadrat and the
groups. cumulated richness over the 10 quadrats for each treat-
ment were recorded on that date. Total vegetation
2. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS cover was recorded at its maximum which occurred in
2.1. Study site
The disturbance experiment was carried out in a 2.3. Species traits
c. 2 ha abandoned pasture, in Coetquidan (47”55’ N, Eight traits were selected to describe plant mor-
2”15’ E), a military camp located in an abandoned phology and regeneration strategy. Morphology of the
agricultural area since 1912. The pasture was last cul- established phase was described by three traits cap-
tivated 40 years ago. Since then, it has been managed turing the way a plant occupies space: canopy struc-
as a pasture, with hay making in the spring and ture (sensu [ 171) plant height, and lateral spread
grazing in late summer and autumn. (sensu 1171). The regeneration strategy was characte-
The climate is temperate, with an annual rainfall of rized by the life cycle, three seed traits (seed mass.
600 to 800 mm spread over 150 to 185 days. The mean seed dispersal mode and the level of dormancy) and
annual temperature is 10 “C, with mean minimum the capacity for vegetative reproduction. Attribute
temperatures of 1.5 “C in January and mean maximum nomenclature and data for the majority of species were
temperatures of 23 “C in July. The soil, resting on a obtained from Grime et al. [17]. Missing information
substrate of Brioverian schists, is classified as brown on seed characteristics of several species were found
acidic and organic [ 141. The vegetation is classified as in Guyot et al. [20]. Quantitative and categorical data
a Luzulo-Brometum. It is dominated by a matrix of were reclassified so as to obtain classes with reaso-
perennial grasses (Anthoxanthum odoratum, Bromus nably balanced representations. The resulting classes
commutatus, Dactylis glomerata, Holcus lanatus, Poa and their designations are presented in table I.
trivialis) and perennial forbs (e.g. Cirsium arvense,
Leucanthemum vulgare, Ranunculus repens, Trifolium
pratense) where annuals recolonize patchy natural dis- 3. STATISTICAL ANALYSES
Vegetation cover and species richness were analysed
2.2. Experimental disturbances using one-way ANOVAs of the effect of disturbance
Artificial disturbances were created in April 1995. treatments.
Thirty 1 m2 quadrats were placed at random in a Multivariate ordinations were used to quantify
16 x 16 m plot chosen at the centre of the pasture to which part of the disturbance effects is due to these
avoid edge effects. The plot was fenced in order to traits and to identify and characterize the functional
protect the experiment from wild mammals. groups.
Functional groups in an abandoned pasture 229

Table I. Species attributes for the identification of functional groups for the response to disturbance.

Trait Levels Categories

Morphology Canopy structure (S&m) 2 1 Rosette Rosette or Semi-rosette

2 Leafy Leafy stems (no basal rosette)
Canopy height (CHei) 3 Hl < 100 mm
H2 101-300 mm
H3 > 300 mm
Lateral spread (LatS) 4 Thero Therophyte (limited extent)
Compact Compact: Perennial < 100 mm)
Phalanx Phalanx: Perennial lo&250 mm
Guerrilla Guerrilla: Perennial > 250 mm

Monocarpic: annual or biennial

Regeneration Life history (Lhis) 2 AnBis
Seed mass (SMas) 3 SMal Very light: < 0.33 mg
SMa2 Light: 0.33-l mg
SMa3 Heavy: l-10 mg
Dispersal agent (ADis) 3 I WIND Anemochorous
2 zooc Zoochorous
3 UNSP Autochorous, barochorous, hydrochorous
Seed dormancy (SDor) 3 SDol None or low dormancy
SD02 Moderate dormancy
SD03 Strong dormancy
Vegetative multiplication (MVeg) 2 I NoVeg No vegetative multiplication
2 MVeg Vegetative multiplication possible

Our data set consisted of three tables: ples and those of species [16]. As such, and as
the sample- species table Y, with presence-absence indicated in its name, it expresses in an optimal way
(O/l) data for the p species (columns) in the n = 40 the correspondence between samples and species.
samples (rows); The relationship between the sample scores and
- the treatment table X, with 4 treatment levels environmental variables can be based on a multiple
(Control, PigDis, LitterDis, SoilDis) represented as regression [32]. However, this two-step procedure
q = 4 columns for the four categories over n rows (the (ordination, then regression) is not optimal [33] since
y1samples): there is no particular reason for CA axes, which reflect
- the trait table Z, with 8 traits representing a total of the strongest differences between samples in species
composition, to reflect the differences which are most
r = 9 levels (columns) for morphological and 13 levels strongly related to environmental variables. Canonical
for regeneration traits, characterizing the p species correspondence analysis [39] of Y with respect to X
(rows). goes one step further: it looks for ordinations of sam-
Because multivariate relationships between such ples which are linear combinations of the environ-
tables are not trivial to analyse, we developed a new mental variables in X. It can be viewed as a canonical
method that allows the optimization of the search for correlation analysis between the indicator variables of
correspondence between species, environmental varia- species and the environmental variables weighed by
bles and species biological traits. Below, we detail the the distribution of species in samples. As such, it
rationale for that method and the logistic steps expresses in the best possible way the correspon-
involved (figure I). dence between species and environmental variables. In
A classical approach would have been to obtain mathematical terms, it reduces this correpondence to
simultaneous ordinations of the rows and columns of the CA of the sample x species table predicted from
Y, and then to relate the scores of the rows (samples) the environmental variables by regression, i.e. a pro-
to environmental variables (here, the treatments), and jection, and can be noted as CA(PxY) [S]. Further
the scores of the columns (species) to traits. Corres- links with discriminant analysis are developed by
pondence analysis (CA) is recommended for such an Lebreton et al. [26].
analysis since it can be viewed as a canonical correla- The same rationale can be used to directly relate
tion analysis between the indicator variables of sam- samples to traits. One starts from the transposed table

Vol. 19 (3) 1998

230 S. Lavorel et al.


species m


e11vt .var. m

Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the steps involved in the multivariate analyses of the relationships among species composition of vegetation
samples (table Y), environmental variables (envt. var.) characterizing those samples (table X). and species biological attributes (table Z).

Y’, in which species appear as rows and samples as by treating the trait table Z by correspondence ana-
columns. The CCA of Y’ with respect to Z is a cano- lysis. The axes of the analysis represent linear combi-
nical correlation analysis between the indicator varia- nations of the r attributes. The first s axes with the
bles of samples and the traits. It can be denoted as largest variances were retained as new synthetic
CA(PzY’), or as CA(YPz’) because of the symmetry attribute variables (SAVs). The resulting matrix U was
inherent in CA. used as a substitute for Z. This technique is classical in
While in the CCA of Y with respect to X, samples regression for improving robustness (see e.g. [40]
appear as statistical units in which the environmental p. 138 ff.). The full characterization of the functional
variables are measured, in the CCA of Y’ with respect groups in terms of biological attributes required a
to Z, species appear as statistical units in which the return to original attributes. The positions of the ori-
traits are measured. ginal Y attributes on the axes of the analysis
Following Bacou et al. [2], we went one step further CA(PxYPJ were obtained by substituting in the linear
by using CA(P,YP& This analysis is a canonical cor- combinations of the variates of U, which are the first s
relation analysis between environmental variables and axes of CA(Z), the original attributes in Z. This was a
traits weighed by the bivariate sample-species distri- means of obtaining an approximation of CA(P,YPa
bution. Algorithmically, it can be obtained from a robustness against a high number of attributes Y.
standard CCA programme as the analysis CCA(Y’PJ Calculations were performed using the software
with respect to Z, or CCA(YPa with respect to X. By package Biomeco 4.2 [27]. Further details on the tech-
directly linking traits and environmental variables and nical steps within the software can be obtained from
by looking for a maximal correlation, it provides a the authors. We thus obtained simultaneous ordina-
canonical approach to the problem of the relationship tions of the s synthetic attribute variables, and of the (I
between biological attributes and the environment. environmental variables (treatments), with the highest
Effectively, this procedure makes it possible, through possible correlations, in decreasing order. The traits,
the set of canonical coefficents, to project over a single species and samples were positioned on the corres-
multidimensional space the positions of treatments ponding axes. Since this CA with a double linear
and those of life history traits. constraint was a special CA, that of PxYP,‘, the stan-
The total variance of the data set of species compo- dard graphical approach for the interpretation of CA
sition Y is measured by the inertia of CA(Y) (hence- could be used. In practice, the projections of the dif-
fort denoted CAI). Therefore, the predictive power for ferent treatments on the axes of CA(PxYP,‘) were
each of the further analyses can be measured by a mul- used to interpret those axes. Species were then allo-
tivariate correlation coefficient (MCR [35]) equal to cated to a functional group if their projections along
the ratio of their inertia to that of CA(Y). those axes overlapped with the projection of a given
A further difficulty was that the number of attributes disturbance treatment. The same method was applied
(traits by categories) (r) was large relative to the to associate biological attributes to disturbance treat-
number of species Go). Different attributes are also ments. In previous analyses not presented here, this
likely to be correlated due to trade-offs among traits. It procedure was tested against a hierarchical classifica-
was then necessary to reduce the dimensionality of the tion on the correlations of species (and similarity of
trait table and at the same time to take into account the traits). Since the results were entirely convergent, we
correlation patterns among attributes. This was done will present only the graphical interpretations.
Functional groups in an abandoned pasture 231


i LitterDis


Control Pig
Figure 2. Effects of disturbance treatments on species richness. Mean Figure 3. Projection of the different disturbance treatments in the
and standard deviation of number of species per quadrat. plane of the first two axes of the CCA of the effects of disturbance
treatments on species composition (CCAl).

4. RESULTS among quadrats of 2.183. CCAl of Y with respect to

4.1. Effects of soil disturbance on species richness the treatments (table X) explained 27.6 % of that vari-
ance (table Zr). The first axis of the ordination sepa-
In natural undisturbed ovegetation, vegetation cover rated the artificial disturbances (soil and litter dis-
is 100 %. Over the growing season, recolonization turbances) from the undisturbed control vegetation and
achieved 80 % cover for the litter disturbances and the natural pig disturbances, which were separated by
60 % for the soil disturbances. However, there was no the second axis (figure 3). The first three axes had con-
difference between treatments (F(2,30) = 0.285, tributions greater than 10 % to the variance, and were
P = 0.61) due to the large variance in the disturbed retained to model species composition according to
quadrats, where cover ranged from 20 to 100 %. treatment effects.
A full vegetation list with traits for the 45 species
encountered in the quadrats is presented in the 4.3. Canonical analyses of the patterns of
Appendix. The artificial soil disturbances resulted in a association among species attributes
37 % increase in species richness relative to undis-
turbed vegetation (t(9) = 4.714, P < O.OOl), with soil Attributes of the established phase are known to
disturbances having a higher richness than litter dis- often show independent correlation patterns from
turbances (t(9) = 3.545, P < 0.01) (figure 2). Natural regeneration attributes (e.g. [28, 361). As a conse-
disturbances on the other hand did not differ signifi- quence, it is difficult to identify functional groups
cantly from undisturbed quadrats (t(9) = 1.050, n.s.). based simultaneously on adult and regeneration traits.
Cumulated species richness for ten 1 m2 plots per For that reason, the attribute data were split into two
treatment increased from the control plots (29 species) separate tables describing species morphology
to soil (32 species) and litter disturbances (38 species), (canopy structure, plant height, lateral spread; a total
suggesting that artificial disturbances favoured a group of 10 variables) and regeneration strategy (life cycle,
of disturbance-specialists which were added to the seed mass, dispersal mode, dormancy, vegetative
compositional background of undisturbed vegetation. reproduction; a total of 13 variables).
Pig disturbances had the lowest cumulated richness The CA of the table of morphological attributes
with only 20 species. (CA2), was strongly influenced by the effect of canopy
structure. The first 2 axes separated rosette plants from
4.2. Canonical correspondence analysis of the leafy plants (figure 4). Within these groups, the second
effects of soil disturbance on species composition axis represented a gradient in height, and more gene-
The CA of the table of species composition Y, CA1 , rally in volume. Five morphological groups were iden-
estimated a total variance of species composition tified. Within leafy plants, 1) small plants with mod-

Vol. 19 (3) 1998

232 S. Lavorel et al.

Table II. Results of the multivariate analyses. Changes in species composition depending on disturbance treatment (CCAI); natural patterns of
correlation among morphological (CA2) and regeneration traits (CA3); effects of morphological (CCA2) and regeneration attributes (CCA3) on
community changes due to disturbances.

Analysis Factor i Eigenvalue h, Canonical car. car, 5% inertia

CCA I I 0.347 0.589 57.7

Effects of disturbance 3 0.169 0.41 I 28.1
on composition 3 0.085 0.292 14.2
Z.h, = 0.601
MCR = 0.276

CA 2 I 0.535 0.732 26.8

Morphological traits 2 0.424 0.651 21.2
3 0.342 osxs 17.1
4 0.325 0.570 16.3

CA3 I 0.348 0.590 21.x

Regeneration traits 2 0.304 0.55 I 19.0
3 0.233 0.483 14.6
4 0.215 0.464 13.5

CCA 2 I 0.24x 0.49x 71.0

Effects of morphology 2 0.079 0.7X0 2 .5 s
on disturbance response 3 0.023 0. I so 6.5
n, = 0.349
MCR = 0.160

CCA 3 I 0.143 0.378 83.5

Effects of regeneration 2 0.025 0.159 14.8
biology 3 0.003 0.054 1.7
Zh, = 0. I7 I
MCR = 0.07X

erate lateral spread (phalanx strategists) were opposed The first four axes of each correspondence analysis,
to 2) large species with large lateral spread (guerrilla representing 81 % and 69 % of the total variance of
strategists) and 3) therophytes with long stems. Within vegetative and regeneration traits respectively, were
rosettes, the second axis represented a height gradient retained to form the synthetic attribute variables.
from 4) small compact plants to 5) long-stemmed
therophytes or compact tussocks. 4.4. Canonical correspondence analysis of the
The CA of the table of regeneration attributes effects of species attributes on variation between
(CA3), was dominated by life cycle effects, vegetative treatments
multiplication and seed mass on the first axis, and seed
mass on the second axis (figure 5). The first two axes 4.4.1. Plant morphology
separated 5 regeneration strategies based on subdivi- In the CCA of the effects of morphological attributes
sions within seed mass classes: 1) heavy seeded spe- on variation in species composition between treat-
cies, with a mix of monocarpous and perennial ments (CCA2), species morphological attributes
species; 2) light seeded species with vegetative multi- explained 16 % of the variability among disturbance
plication, separated into 2a) strongly dormant and 2b) treatments (table If). The first two axes separated leafy
moderately dormant zoochorous seeds; 3) very light- plants, associated with natural and artificial soil dis-
seeded, anemochorous species, separated into 3a) turbances, from rosettes, associated with artificial
annuals and 3b) perennials. As expected, there was litter disturbances and controls (figure 6). Soil distur-
little overlap between these species groups and those bances were colonized by small-statured leafy phalanx
obtained based on morphological attributes. strategists. Natural pig disturbances were strongly
Functional groups in an abandoned pasture 233

Figure 4. Correspondence analysis of the morphological attributes (CAl). Morphological groups were identified by overlaying the projections of
species and attributes (codes as in table fl in the plane formed by the first two axes of the analysis. The two major groups of canopy structure are
delimited by solid lines encompassing the projections of species with leafy vs. rosette canopy structure. Numbered morphological groups listed below
are delimited by dashed lines encompassing the projections of the representative species.

Morphological group Representative species

1 Short phalanx leafy species Bellis perennis, Hypericum humifiisum, Prunella vulgaris, Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica serpillyfolia
2 Guerrilla leafy species Agmstis capillaris, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Linaria vulgaris, Lotus uliginosum
3 Leafy therophytes Anagallis arvensis, Bromus commutatus, Cerastium glomeratum, Senecio vulgaris, Trifolium dubium, Vicia tetrasperma

4 Compact rosettes
short Hypochoeris radicata, Ox&is europaeum, Poa trivialis
medium Plantago lanceolata, Plantago majo Rumex acetosella
long Malva moschata, Rumex crispus, Taraxacum oficinale
5 Rosette therophytes Crepis capillaris, Crepis vesicaria, Cirsium vulgare, Daucus carota, Kickxia elatine, Sonchus aspec Senecio jacobae,
Viola tricolor

4 Axis 1 J

associated with leafy guerrilla strategists. Litter distur- storey in established vegetation or as part of the reco-
bances favoured the recruitment of rosettes with a lonization of disturbances.
moderate above-ground volume, in particular annual
Asteraceae (Crepis sp. pl., Senecio sp. pl., Sonchus 4.4.2. Regeneration traits
asper). Controls had little specificity, reflecting the
fact that disturbances led more to the recruitment of In the CCA of the effects of regeneration attributes
species absent from intact vegetation than to an actual on variation in species composition between treat-
loss of species. The classification characterized them ments (CCA3), regeneration attributes explained only
as a small group of rosette phalanx species which are 8 % of the variability among disturbance treatments
often dominant in undisturbed vegetation. Overall, the (table ZZ). Therefore, species profiles in relation to
natural groupings identified by CA1 were retained as treatments were less strongly distinguishable than
response groups to disturbance. Leafy therophytes and those for vegetative traits (figure 7). The first axis,
short compact rosettes were the only groups not asso- which represented 83.5 % of the variance, separated
ciated with any of the disturbance treatments, which species with no or low seed dormancy from species
suggests that these small species are a component of with moderate dormancy. The second axis showed a
the vegetation common to all states. They would in seed mass gradient from light, wind-dispersed seeds
fact be species which can survive either as a, under- associated with control quadrats to heavy-seeded spe-

Vol. 19 (3) 1998

234 S. Lavorel et al.

Figure 5. Correspondence analysis of the regeneration attributes (CA2). Regeneration groups were identified by overlaying the projections of species
and attributes (codes as in table I) in the plane formed by the first two axes of the analysis. Three numbered regeneration groups (listed below) based
on seed mass are delimited by solid lines encompassing the projections of species within each class of seed mass. Light-seeded species (group 2) arc
further split into two graphically disjointed dormancy subgroups (2a and 2b) delimited by dashed lines. Within very light-seeded species (group 3).
annual and perennial species overlapped graphically.

Regeneration group

1 Heavy seeded

’ species without vegetative multiplication: ’ non anemochorous

-0.13 0.26 0.64 1.0

Axis 1

ties represented in artificial disturbances. Relation- negatively correlated with axis 1, were associated with
ships between treatments and seed mass are to be species without dormancy and generally wind-dis-
considered with care since the second axis represented persed seeds. Finally, undisturbed controls, negatively
only 14.8 % of the variance. Artificial litter and soil positioned along axis 2, were associated with species
disturbances were not separated by the analysis. They having very light anemochorous seeds with moderate
were positively correlated with axes 1 and 2 and asso- dormancy. Unlike vegetative attributes, the natural
ciated with moderate dormancy. Within this group, groupings identified by CA2 were not well conserved
3 subgroups could be distinguished according to seed by CCA3. Groups based on seed mass (gradient figu-
mass. In general, artificial disturbances favoured many red in dotted lines onfigure 7> were not relevant to dis-
Asteraceae and other species regarded as early succes- turbance response and were split between treatments.
sional. Natural pig disturbances, which were strongly In particular, the group of very light seeded species was
Functional groups in an abandoned pasture 235

Figure 6. Ordination of treatments, morphological attributes and species by CCA2. Functional groups were identified by overlaying the projections
of treatments (in bold), morphological attributes (codes as in table r) and species in the plane formed by the first two axes of the analysis. The two
natural groups of canopy structure (leafy and rosette) are separated along axis 1 by a dotted line. Numbered morphological groups listed below are
delimited by solid lines encompassing the projections of the representative species correlating with each disturbance treatment. Within group 3.
species are further split into two graphically disjoint subgroups of lateral spread (3a and 3b) delimited by dashed lines.

Functional group Attributes Representative species

1 Soil disturbance Leafy, phalanx, short Bel/i.s perennis, Hypericum hum$usum, Prune/In vulgcrri.s, ti~roniccr chomaetlrys

2 Pig disturbance Leafy. guerrilla

3 Litter disturbance a Compact rosette

l , .

l Leafy i \ 3a;

, ‘\

i -- :,
-1.79 1.10

Axis 1 ~

split between artificial disturbances and controls. Spe- Artificial disturbances (litter and soil) were charac-
cies with light, strongly dormant seeds did not appear terized by therophytic and compact rosettes with mod-
as representative of any of the treatments and would erately dormant seeds, among which a number of
then be common to all as a background component Asteruceae and other early successional species often
with occasional germination and vegetative spread. encountered as agricultural weeds. In the case of natu-
ral disturbances and undisturbed vegetation, species
4.5. A functional classification for response classifications according to morphological vs. regene-
to disturbance? ration traits were somewhat discordant. Some species
Groups of response to artificial and natural distur- associated by morphology with one type of treatment
bances identified either on the basis of morphological appeared associated with the other by regeneration
traits or on the basis of regeneration traits generally strategy. Because the analysis relative to morpholo-
converged towards a classification into three groups gical traits had a stronger explanatory power, we
(tabZe III). Within these broad response groups, par- would favour that classification. Natural pig distur-
ticular species would be allocated to different sub- bances were then associated with leafy guerrilla spe-
groups depending on whether the classification was cies, while control quadrats tended to support phalanx
based on morphological or regeneration traits. rosettes and mostly grasses.

Vol. 19 (3) 1998

236 S. Lavorel et al.

Figure 7. Ordination of treatments, regeneration attributes and species by CCA3. Functional groups were identified by overlaying the projections of
treatments (in bold), regeneration attributes (codes as in ruble r) and species in the plane formed by the first two axes of the analysis. The three natural
groups of seed mass are separated along axis 2 by dotted lines. Numbered regeneration groups listed below are delimited by solid lines encompassing
the projections of the representative species correlating with each disturbance treatment. Within group 1, species are further split into three
graphically disjointed subgroups of seed mass (la, b, c) delimited by dashed lines,

Functional group Attributes Representative species

1 Artificial disturbance Moderate dormancy

Soil disturbance or a very light seeds Achilles millefolium. Cerustium glomeratum, Crepis capillaris, Kickxia &tine,
litter disturbance Senecio jacobae, Senecio w&are, Sonchus asper
b light seeds, zoochory Daucus carom, Anthoxantum odoratum, 0xali.r europeurn, Prunella vulgaris
c heavy seeds Cirsium arvense, M&a moschata, Plantago lunceolato

2 Pig disturbance No dormancy, Cirsium w&are, Lolium perenne, Rumex acetosellu


3 Control Very light, anemochorous seeds, Holcus lam&s, Poa trivialis, Linnrirr wlgaris
moderate dormancy


5. DISCUSSION tified did not entirely overlap with the results of the
inductive classifications.
This study develops a new method of direct iden-
tification and characterization of functional groups in In our example, the function analysed was commu-
terms of biological attributes. This method proposes nity response to disturbance. The same approach
a reconciliation of inductive and deductive approa- would apply to any other function by using relevant
ches [42]. The multivariate approach takes into environmental variables in the initial CCA. Appro-
account patterns of correlation among attributes and priate trait selection is a prerequisite to the success of
simultaneously derives species classifications that the approach since traits taken into account in the
relate to function by identifying sets of traits which canonical analysis constrain the final results if they are
correlate with species response to environmental fac- strongly correlated with a number of other traits (as is
tors. This method makes it possible to go one step the case for plant size or seed mass). This selection
beyond an analysis that imposes patterns of correlation needs to be inductive, and thus necessarily subjective,
of attributes identified by CA (inductive classification) based on expert knowledge [42]. The number of traits
onto further ordinations associated with environmental which can be chosen will however be constrained by
variables [37]. The classifications obtained are defi- the number of species needed for the analyses to
nitely deductive as the response groups that we iden- remain robust [39]. In the example analysed here, the

Acto Oecologica
Functional groups in an abandoned pasture 237

small number of species put limitations on the number disturbed vegetation. The dynamics of these commu-
of traits which could be taken into account. nities is consistent with the model of a perennial
Functional groups based on morphological attributes matrix of dominant species where gaps are needed for
were closely related to natural attribute groupings the recruitment of specialized species with poorer
based on canopy structure. On the other hand, for competitive abilities to occur [19].
regeneration attributes, natural seed mass patterns Species’ response to different disturbances was well
were not directly relevant to disturbance response for correlated with their morphology, in particular to
which seed dormancy was the functionally meaningful canopy structure. Similarly, McIntyre et al. [31] found
trait. The response groups identified were generally that in Australian temperate grasslands, Raunkiaer’s
consistent between the analysis on morphology and life forms [34], which overlap with Grime et al.‘s [17]
the analysis on regeneration traits, although sub- canopy structure categories used in this study, were
groups based on detailed species biology differed. By well correlated with response to soil disturbance. In
essence, our two classifications and their intersection their study, soil disturbance favoured therophytes and
into broad response groups could not allocate all spe- flat rosette chamaephytes. In our case, soil distur-
cies into a definite group because multivariate ana- bances created artificially or by wild boar were colo-
lyses give prominence to species with contrasted dis- nized by leafy (or protohemicryptophyte) species,
tribution patterns. Species which are evenly distributed while therophytes and rosettes were more frequent in
across treatments, i.e. species indifferent to distur- the artificial litter disturbances and the undisturbed
bance, would be located near the origin of the axes and vegetation. Consistent with previous results, soil dis-
not appear in a classification based on correlations turbances were colonized by generally small statured
with those axes. In addition, group limits are neces- species [3, 131. In general, morphologies favoured by
sarily fuzzy because the classification operates on a disturbances appeared to be those achieving efficient
double continuum of responses and biological attri- ground cover and light capture by spreading their
butes. leaves flat on the ground and being quite compact.
The analysis of the recolonization of natural and The difference in morphological attributes between
artificial disturbances showed that disturbances signi- artificial soil disturbances and sites where dead bio-
ficantly increased species richness by favouring the mass was left on the ground suggests that the low stat-
recruitment of new species without eliminating origi- ured leafy phalanx species are unable to compete with
nal species from undisturbed vegetation. Most studies litter. Inhibitory effects by litter are often species-spe-
involving animal or artificial small scale disturbance cific [6, 111, but we are not aware of systematic inves-
have also found greater species richness in disturbed tigations of these effects in relation to species
than in intact vegetation (e.g. [ 1, 21, 241). Species morphology. Bergelson [4] found that the recruitment
richness was increased locally by the opening of the of two small leafy annuals (Senecio vulgaris and
matrix dominated by perennial grasses and forbs (e.g. Capsella bursa-pastori) was inhibited by grass (Poa
Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne, TrifXum annua) litter. Effects on rosette species can be positive
repens). Disturbances favoured a group of distur- (Erigeron annuu.s [ 11I), absent (Verbascum thupsus
bance-specialists (table III group 1) which were added [6]) or negative (Centaurea nigra, Dipsacus sylvestris
to indifferent species present in both undisturbed and and Hypericum perforatum [6]).
Table III. Functional classification of species response to disturbance

Functional group Morphological Attributes Regeneration Attributes Representative species

I Artificial disturbances:
Soil disturbance Leafy, phalanx. short Be//is perumis, Hypericum humifusum, Prunellu vulgaris,
Veronicx chamaedrp
Litter disturbance Compact rosette Moderate dormancy Ma/vu moschatct, Plnnfago lanceoiutu, Pluntago majo
Rosette therophyte I Cirsiwn vulpre, Crepis ccrpillaris, Crepis vesicurirr,
Daucus carotu, Kick.& e&tine, Senecio jacobae,
Sonchus usper

2 Pig disturbances Leafy, guerrilla No dormancy Agrostis capillaris, Cirsium arvense, Linaria vulgaris,
Trifolium repens

3 Undisturbed vegetation Rosette, phalanx Very light, Dactylis glomeratu, L&urn perenne, Trifolium pratense
wind dispersed seeds

Vol. 19 (3) 1998

238 S. Lavorel et al.

Canopy gaps and disturbed sites are often associated triggered the recruitment of fugitives, mostly small
with short lived species [3, 13, 19,231. Here, the vege- and short-lived species with moderate dormancy,
tation comprised one third of annual or biennial spe- present in the underlying seed bank. Natural distur-
cies but these were spread evenly across treatments. bances are colonized by persistors, probably essen-
Regeneration niches were not determined by life his- tially vegetatively (guerrilla species) or through long-
tory but primarily by seed dormancy. Artificial distur- distance seed dispersal. These rapidly exclude the
bances favoured species with a quick response seed weakly competitive fugitives.
bank (moderate dormancy) whose germination was This conceptual model associating the dynamics of
triggered by exposure to light. Species with no dor- disturbance response to species biology contributes to
mancy observed in natural disturbances would have understanding one component of the relationship
been dispersed at the end of the 1994 vegetative between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
season and germinated in the spring of 1995. Previous Indeed, resilience to disturbance is an important eco-
studies have found that soil disturbances were colo- system function [22]. Our analysis points to two
nized preferentially by light wind-dispersed seeds [5, aspects of old field plant diversity that contribute to
311. Although these species were relatively abundant this resilience. Firstly functional diversity, the exist-
in the germinable seed bank [41], they failed to colo- ence of several functional groups favoured under dif-
nize artificial disturbances. ferent conditions, is the key to the persistence of the
The comparison between artificial disturbances and system in the face of disturbance. The analysis of the
natural disturbances provides insights into the dyna- regeneration traits emphasized the role of the soil seed
mics of recolonization. Differences in species compo- bank which provides a buffer against variability in the
sition can be seen as a result of disturbance age, since frequency of disturbances. Secondly, species diversity
wild boar disturbances were approximately one year within functional groups would be expected to provide
old. Then, disturbances first favour the germination of a second buffer against environmental variability. Dis-
species with good colonizing ability thanks to their flat turbances may occur under a variety of environmental
morphology. These are rapidly displaced by guerrilla conditions (e.g. climatic, microsite) which will favour
strategists colonizing vegetatively from edges and with different individual species. The persistence of the
fast-growing, strongly competitive, seedlings from whole community will then be mediated through lot-
large seeds [30]. Alternatively, Fahrig et al. [12] tery mechanisms with storage effects (sensu [9])
showed that annuals are favoured by intermediate dis- within functional groups.
turbance frequencies, while high disturbance frequen-
cies select for long-distance clonal dispersal. Pig Acknowledgements
disturbances are known to recur at the same locations This study was funded by a grant from the minis&e de I’Enseigne-
for several years and hence, would select for guerrilla ment Superieur et de la Recherche, DPSTS, Action Biodiversite. We
strategists. Finally, natural disturbances were also the thank C. Lacombe for the graphics. The manuscript was improved
most intense in our design and would therefore be thanks to the comments of two anonymous referees.
expected to support lower species diversity than the
less intense artificial disturbances [29].
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Vol. 19 (3) 1998

240 S. Lavorel et al.

APPENDIX. List of species recorded and biological attributes (from [17]). Codes for traits are those listed in table I.

Morphology traits Regeneration traits Frequency in quadrats

Species Scan CHei LatS LHis SMas ADis SDor Mveg Control LitterD SoilD PigDis
- - - - - -
Achilles millefolia 2 2 4 2 1 I 2 1 0 4 1 0
Agmstis capillaris 1 2 4 2 1 1 3 1 4 0 0 3
Anagallis arvensis 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 0 0 9 0
Anthoxantum odoratum 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 10 0 0 6
Bellis perennis 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Bromus commutatus 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 0 4 0 0 0
Cerastium glomeratum 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 2 6 9
Cirsium arvense 1 3 4 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 5 0
Cirsium vulgare 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 0 0 9 0 6
Convolvulus arvensis 1 3 4 2 3 3 1 1 7 0 7 0
Crepis capillaris 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 3 9 10 4
Crepis vesicaria 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 1
Dactylis glomerata 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 0 6 0 1 0
Daucus carota 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 0 2 10 10 7
Festuca rubra 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 0 0 0
Geranium dissectum 2 3 1 1 3 2 3 0 7 8 10 0
Holcus lanatus 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 10 4 0 10
Hypericum humtjkum 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 0 3 6 0
Hypochoeris radicata 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 3 10 10 7
Kyckxia elatinr 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 4 7 0
Leucanthemum vu&are 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 8 8 10 6
Linaria vulgaris 1 3 4 2 1 1 2 I 2 4 4 0
Lolium perenne 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Lotus uliginosum 1 3 4 2 2 3 3 1 0 1 1 0
Malva moschata 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 0 1 3 3 0
Mercurialis annua 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 0 0 4 IO 0
Oxalis europaeum 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 8 6 0
Plantago lanceolata 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 0 7 10 10 8
Plantago major 2 2 2 2 I 2 3 0 0 4 3 0
Poa trivialis 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 6 0 0 6
Prunella vulgaris 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 4 I
Ranunculus repens 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 1 8 10 10 10
Rumex acetosella 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 4 9
Rumex crispus 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 0 2 0 1 0
Senecio jacobae 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0
Senecio vulgaris 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 0
Sonchus asper 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 0
Tarazacum oflcinale 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 8 9 10 1
Trtfolium dubium 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 0
Trtfolium pratense 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 0 5 0 0 9
Trifolium repens 1 1 4 2 2 2 3 1 0 9 9 3
Veronica chamaedqw 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 I 2 I 9 1
Veronica serpyllifolia 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 0 0
Vicia tetrasperma 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 0 1 0 0 1
Viola tricolor 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 0 0 1 0

Acta Oecologica

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