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Submitted To:
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Date: MARCH, 2024

Supervised by: Sanjay Hadiyal

Principal & Lecturer Department of BCA
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Final year project has been accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree of BCA in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

IIBank and ATM Simulation

Developed By Mallick Habib BCA Sem-6 of Batch 2023/24

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I, Mallick Habib, declare that the project report entitled “Bank and ATM
Simulation” submitted to Maharaja Krishna Kumar Sinhji Bhavnagar
University for consideration of degree of Bachelor of Computer Application
(BCA) embodies our own work with suggestion received during the work,
which have been suitably acknowledged.

Habib Mallick
Project Creator

Roll no:31


E-Mail Address:

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I certify that this project “Bank and ATM Simulation” is the original work of the above-
named candidate and has been done under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge and
belief, this work which embodies the work of candidates themselves, has been duly
completed, fulfils the requirement of the ordinance relating to the final year of Maharaja
Khrishna Kumar Sinhji Bhavnagar University and is up to standard in respect of content,
presentation and language for being referred to the examiner. The work has never been
submitted anywhere. It’s only submitted to Maharaja Khrishna Kumar Sinhji Bhavnagar

Project Guide:


Mr. Sanjay Hadiyal

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 I would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to my reverend

teacher and supervisor Sanjay Hadiyal, Principal & Lecturer, Department
of Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), Shree Adarsh BCA College,
and, for hir untiring guidance, constant supervision, enthusiastic
encouragement, sagacious advice and an effective surveillance
throughout the entire period of my project & thesis work and preparation
of the manuscript
 I greatly say thank you. Wish to express my heart full thanks to all of my
honourable teachers of the Department of Bachelor of Computer
Application (BCA), Shree Adarsh BCA College.

 I sincerely thank our Head of Department Mr Sanjay Hadiyal who is

having a vast knowledge of DBMS & MYSQL, System Analysis and
Design & Programming concepts which are the building block of
project and for giving me the chance as well as the support for all the
time being.

 I also want to express my appreciation to my classmates and friends

who helped me in one way or another during the course of developing
this project. They endured the long hours of my absence during the
development of this project.

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 I also wish to thanks to the members of HDFC Bank, for providing me

some banking software specifications and for their cordial behaviour
during my project & thesis work.

 I deeply express my respect to my parent and my teachers for their

blessing and constant inspiration in every step of my education.

 I am very thankful to my all friends for their help and company during
the project & thesis work and for giving me the encouragement to carry
out the work.

 Finally, I express my gratitude to the Almighty God, the most beneficent

& the most merciful, for granting me the opportunity to write this intern
project report.

Mallick Habib S.



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 The Bank and ATM Simulation is an application for maintaining a

person's account in a bank. In this project I tried to show the working of
a banking account system and cover the basic functionality of a Bank
Account Management System.

 To develop a project for solving financial applications of a customer in

banking environment in order to nurture the needs of an end banking user
by providing various ways to perform banking tasks. Also, to enable the
user’s workspace to have additional functionalities which are not
provided under a conventional banking project.

 The Bank and ATM Simulation undertaken as a project is based on

relevant technologies. The main aim of this project is to develop software
for Bank Account Creation and Management of ATM System. This
project has been developed to carry out the processes easily and quickly,
which is not possible with the manuals systems, which are overcome by
this software.

 This project is developed using JAVA, HTML language and MYSQL use
for database connection. Creating and managing requirements is a
challenge of IT, systems and product development projects or indeed for
any activity where you have to manage a contractual relationship.

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 Organization needs to effectively define and manage requirements to

ensure they are meeting needs of the customer, while proving compliance
and staying on the schedule and within budget.

 The impact of a poorly expressed requirement can bring a business out of

compliance or even cause injury or death. Requirements definition and
management is an activity that can deliver a high, fast return on

 The project analyses the system requirements and then comes up with the
requirements specifications. It studies other related systems and then
come up with system specifications.

 The system is then designed in accordance with specifications to satisfy

the requirements. The system design is then implemented with MYSQL,
JAVA and HTML. The system is designed as an interactive and content
management system.

 The content management system deals with data entry, validation

confirm and updating whiles the interactive system deals with system
interaction with the administration and users.

 Thus, above features of this project will save transaction time and
therefore increase the efficiency of the system.

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Table of Contents

Topic Page No

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………… 5

Abstract ………………………………………………………………... 6

Chapter 1: (Introduction)
1.1 Background …………………………………………………………

1.2 Objective …………………………………………………………….

1.3 Purpose ………………………………………………………………

1.4 Scope ………………………………………………………………...

1.5 Applicability …………………………………………………………

Chapter 2:(Requirement and Analysis)

2.1 Problem Definition …………………………………………………

2.2 Requirement Specification ……………………………………….

2.3 Hardware & Software Requirement …………………………….

2.4 Planning and Scheduling ………………………………………...

Chapter 3: (System Design)

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3.1 Overall System Design Using Designing Tools ……………...

3.2 Data Dictionary ……………………………………………………

3.3 Input/Output Design ………………………………………………

Chapter 4: (Testing & Implementation)

4.1 Testing Approach Used …………………………………………

4.2 Test Cases ………………………………………………………....

4.3 Implementation Approaches …………………………………...

Chapter 5 :(Conclusion)

5.1 Conclusion ……………………………………………………….

5.2 Limitation of System ……………………………………………

5.3 Future Scope of System ………………………………………

5.4 Bibliography …………………………………………………….

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Introduction & Project Details Information

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 1.1 Background
The Background is categorized into three parts



In front end the use of JAVA has been implemented.


o JAVA is a general-purpose computer programming language that is class

based and objects-oriented language.
o James Gosling initiated the JAVA language project at Sun Microsystems
(acquired by Oracle Corporation) of U.S.A in June 1991.
o The language was initially called Oak after an oak tree that stood outside
Gosling’s office. Later the project went by name Green and finally renamed
Java from Java coffee.
o It promised “Write Once, Run Anywhere” (WORA), providing no cost
runtimes on popular platforms. It means that the compiled Java code can run
on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.
o Sun Microsystems released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in

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o The new version J2SE (JAVA 2 Standard Edition) 1.2 was released in
December 1998, had multiple configurations built for different types
of platforms. It can be used to develop client - side standalone application or
o J2EE (JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition) targeted enterprise applications, J2ME
(JAVA 2 Mobile Edition) targeted mobile application.
o In 2006, for marketing purposes, Sun renamed new JAVA 2 versions as
JDK Beta 1995
JDK 1.0 January 23, 1996
JDK1.1 February 19, 1997
J2SE 1.2 December 8,1998
J2SE 1.3 May 8,2000
J2SE 1.4 February 6, 2002
J2SE 5.0 September 20, 2004
JAVA SE 6 December 11, 2006
JAVA SE 7 July 28,2011
JAVA SE 8 (LTS) March 18, 2014
JAVA SE 9 September 21, 2017
JAVA SE 10 March 20, 2018
JAVA SE 11 (LTS) September 25, 2018
JAVA SE 12 March 19, 2012
JAVA SE 13 September 17, 2019
JAVA SE 14 March 17, 2020
JAVA SE 15 September 15, 2020
JAVA SE 16 March 14, 2021
JAVA SE 17 (LTS) September 14, 2021
JAVA SE 18 March 22, 2022
JAVA SE 19 September 20, 2022
JAVA SE 20 March 21, 2023
JAVA SE 21 (LTS) September 19, 2023

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o Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java
Virtual Machine (JVM). The syntax of Java is similar to C and C++.
o Java Bytecode is an intermediate representation of Java language code, rather
than converting it into machine code.
o End users commonly use a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on their
o Also, it has influenced many programming languages like Hack, C#, Kotlin,
PHP, Python, JavaScript etc.
o Java is third most popular programming language in 2022 according to GitHub,
after Python and JavaScript.

To design this project the use of NETBEANS IDE 20 has been done.


o NetBeans is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java.

NetBeans allows applications to be developed from a set of modular
software components called modules. NetBeans run on Windows, MacOS,
Linux and Solaris. In addition to Java development, it has extensions for
other languages like PHP, C, C++, HTML5 and JavaScript.
o It’s supported in various Operating System like Windows, macOS, Linux,
Solaris etc.
o The NetBeans IDE is written in Java and its available in 28 languages,
which requires a license of Apache License 2.0.

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o NetBeans began in 1996 as Xelfi (word play on Delphi), a Java IDE
student project under the guidance of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
at Charles University in Prague.
o In 1997, Roman Staněk formed a company around the project and
produced commercial versions of the NetBeans IDE until it was bought
by Sun Microsystems in 1999.
o Sun open-sourced the NetBeans IDE in June of the following year. Since
then, the NetBeans community has continued to grow. In 2010, Sun (and
thus NetBeans) was acquired by Oracle Corporation.

o Under Oracle, NetBeans had to find some synergy with JDeveloper, a

freeware IDE that has historically been a product of the company, by 2012
both IDEs were rebuilt around a shared codebase - the NetBeans Platform.
o In September 2016, Oracle submitted a proposal to donate the NetBeans
project to The Apache Software Foundation, stating that it was "opening
up the NetBeans governance model to give NetBeans constituents a greater
voice in the project's direction and future success through the upcoming
release of Java 9 and NetBeans 9 and beyond".
o The move was endorsed by Java creator James Gosling. The project
entered the Apache Incubator in October 2016.

o The IDE is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Previously, from July
2006 through 2007, NetBeans IDE was licensed under Sun’s Common

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Development and Distribution License (CDDL), a license based on the

Mozilla Public License (MPL).
o In October 2007, Sun announced that NetBeans would henceforth be
offered under a dual license of the CDDL and the GPL version 2 licenses,
with the GPL linking exception for GNU Classpath.
o Oracle has donated NetBeans Platform and IDE to the Apache
Foundation where it underwent incubation and graduated as a top-level
project in April 2009.

 MySQL Workbench
o MySQL Workbench is a Visual Database Design tool that integrates SQL
development, administration, database design, creation and
maintenance into a single integrated development environment for the
MySQL database system.
o It is the successor to DBDesigner 4 from and replaces the
previous package of software, MySQL GUI Tools Bundle.
o The developer of MySQL is Oracle Corporation.
o MySQL is written in C, C++ and Python

 Features
Prominent features of MySQL Workbench are:

 General

o Database Connection & Instance Management

o Wizard driven action items
o Fully scriptable with Python and Lua
o Support for custom plugins
o Supports MySQL Enterprise features (Audit Log, Firewall, and
Enterprise Backup)

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 SQL Editor

o Schema object browsing, inspection, and search

o SQL syntax highlighter and statement parser
o SQL code completion and context sensitive help
o Multiple and editable result sets
o Visual EXPLAIN
o SQL snippets collections
o Unicode support

 Data modelling

o ER diagramming
o Drag'n'Drop visual modelling
o Reverse engineering from SQL Scripts and live database
o Forward engineering to SQL Scripts and live database
o Schema synchronization
o Printing of models

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 Database administration

o Start and stop of database instances

o Instance configuration
o Database account management
o Instance variables browsing
o Log file browsing
o Data dump export/import

 Performance monitoring

o Performance Schema metrics

o MySQL instance dashboard
o Query statistics

 Database migration

o Any ODBC compliant database

o Native support: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQL Anywhere,
SQLite, and Sybase ASE

 Licensing and editions

o MySQL Workbench is the first MySQL family of products that offer two
different editions - an open source and a proprietary edition.

o The "Community Edition" is a full featured product that is not crippled in

any way. Being the foundation for all other editions it will benefit from all
future development efforts. The proprietary "Standard Edition" extends the
Community Edition with a series of modules and plugins.

o As this business decision was announced soon after the takeover of MySQL
by Sun Microsystems, this has caused speculation in the press about the future
licensing of the MySQL database.

 It is now the second most downloaded product from the MySQL website
with more than 250,000 downloads a month. Before that it was voted
Database Tool of the Year 2009 on

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 MySQL Workbench has been reviewed by the open-source community and

print magazines.


 Overview
o MySQL is an open-source relational database management
system (RDBMS).[5][6] Its name is a combination of "My", the name of
co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter My,[7] and "SQL", the acronym
for Structured Query Language.

o A relational database organizes data into one or more data tables in

which data may be related to each other; these relations help structure the
data. SQL is a language that programmers use to create, modify and
extract data from the relational database, as well as control user access
to the database.

o In addition to relational databases and SQL, an RDBMS like MySQL

works with an operating system to implement a relational database in a
computer's storage system, manages users, allows for network access and
facilitates testing database integrity and creation of backups.

o MySQL was owned and sponsored by the Swedish company MySQL

AB, which was bought by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle
Corporation). In 2010, when Oracle acquired Sun,
Widenius forked the open-source MySQL project to create MariaDB.

o MySQL is a component of the LAMP web application software

stack (and others), which is an acronym for Linux, Apache,
MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python.

o MySQL is used by many database-driven web applications,

including Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, and WordPress.

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o MySQL is also used by many popular websites,

including Facebook, Flickr, MediaWiki, Twitter, and YouTube.

 History

o MySQL was created by a Swedish company, MySQL AB, founded

by Swedes David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Finnish Michael
"Monty" Widenius.

o Original development of MySQL by Widenius and Axmark began in

1994. The first version of MySQL appeared on 23 May 1995. It was
initially created for personal usage from mSQL based on the low-level
language ISAM, which the creators considered too slow and inflexible.

o They created a new SQL interface, while keeping the same API as
mSQL. By keeping the API consistent with the mSQL system, many
developers were able to use MySQL instead of the (proprietarily
licensed) mSQL antecedent.

 Features

o MySQL is offered under two different editions: the open source MySQL
Community Server and the proprietary Enterprise Server.

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o MySQL Enterprise Server is differentiated by a series of proprietary extensions

which install as server plugins, but otherwise shares the version numbering system
and is built from the same code base.

o Major features as available in MySQL 5.6:

 Cross-platform support
 Triggers
 Cursors
 Updatable views
 Online Data Definition Language (DDL) when using the InnoDB Storage
 Performance Schema that collects and aggregates statistics about server
execution and query performance for monitoring purposes.
 Transactions with save points when using the default InnoDB Storage Engine.
The NDB Cluster Storage Engine also supports transactions.
 SSL support
 Query caching
 Sub-SELECTs (i.e. nested SELECTs)
 Full-text indexing and searching
 Embedded database library
 Unicode support
 Multiple storage engines, allowing one to choose the one that is most effective
for each table in the application.
 Native storage engines InnoDB, MyISAM, Merge, Memory (heap), Federated,
Archive, CSV, Blackhole, NDB Cluster.

 Commit grouping, gathering multiple transactions from multiple connections

together to increase the number of commits per second.

 The developers release minor updates of the MySQL Server approximately every
two months. The sources can be obtained from MySQL's website or from
MySQL's GitHub repository, both under the GPL license

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 Limitation

o When using some storage engines other than the default of InnoDB,
MySQL does not comply with the full SQL standard for some of the
implemented functionality, including foreign key references. Check
constraints are parsed but ignored by all storage engines before MySQL
version 8.0.15.

o Up until MySQL 5.7, triggers are limited to one per action / timing,
meaning that at most one trigger can be defined to be executed after
an INSERT operation, and one before INSERT on the same table.

o No triggers can be defined on views.[101]Before MySQL 8.0.28, inbuilt

functions like UNIX_TIMESTAMP() would return 0 after
03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038.

o In 2017, an attempt to solve the problem was submitted, but was not
used for the final solution that was shipped in 2022.

 1.2 Objective
1. Main Goals:
o Our motto is to develop a software program for managing the entire bank
process related to Administration accounts customer accounts and to keep each
and every track about their property and their various transaction processes
o Hereby, our main objective is the customer’s satisfaction considering today’s
faster in the world.

2. Customer Satisfaction:
o Client can do his operations comfortably without any risk or losing of his
privacy. Our software will perform and fulfil all the tasks that any customer
would desire.

3. Saving Customer Time:

o Client doesn't need to go to the bank to do small operation.

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o This application enables the customers to perform the basic banking transactions
by sitting at their office or at homes through PC or laptop.

4. Protecting the Customer:

o It helps the customer to be satisfied and comfortable in his choices, this
protection contains customer’s account, money and his privacy

5.Build Up Capital:
o An Individual can build up a large capital with a little but constant investment
in our banking system.

6.Encourage Internet Banking

o With Internet Banking, the brick-and-mortar structure of the traditional banking
gets converted into a click and portal model, thereby giving a concept of virtual
banking a real shape.
o Thus, today's banking is no longer confined to branches. E-banking facilitates
banking transactions by customers round the clock globally.

7.Persistent ATM Services

o To provide a sustained ATM service, without any interruption to
our customers who have sign-upped in our software.

8. Stay Away from Long Queue

o ATMs help to avoid the hassle of standing in long queues at the
bank even for simpler transactions like withdrawing money.

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 1.3 Purpose

 The main aim of designing and developing this Internet banking System JAVA
primarily based Engineering project is to provide secure and efficient net banking
facilities to the banking customers over the internet.

1. Easy Login:
 MYSQL database used to develop this bank application where all banking
customers can login through the secured web page by their account login id and

2.Various Options:
 Users will have all options and features in that application like to deposit as well
as withdraw money, and can change their pin, also they can check their mini
statement with option of fast cash.

3.Less Complex for User:

 The Traditional way of maintaining details of a user in a bank was to enter the
details and record them.
 Every time the user needs to perform some transactions he has to go to bank and
perform the necessary actions, which may not be so feasible all the time. It may be
a hard-hitting task for the users and the bankers too.

4. Online Banking Inspiration:

 The project gives real life understanding of Online Banking System and activities
performed by various roles in the supply chain. Here, we provide automation for
banking system through Internet.
 Online Banking System project captures activities performed by different roles in
real life banking which provides enhanced techniques for maintaining the required
information up-to-date, which results in efficiency.
 The project gives real life understanding of Online Banking System and activities
performed by various roles in the supply chain.

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5.Management Efficiency:
 Now a day’s, managing a bank is tedious job up to certain limit. So, software that
reduces the work is essential.
 Also, today’s world is a genuine computer world and is getting faster and faster
 Thus, considering above necessities, the software for bank management has
become necessary which would be useful in managing the bank more efficiently.

6.Overcome Manual Problem:

 All transactions are carried out online by transferring from accounts in the same
Bank or international bank. The software is meant to overcome the drawbacks of
the manual system.

7. Secure:
 The software has been developed using the most powerful and secure backend
MYSQL database and the most widely accepted web oriented as well as
application oriented.

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 1.4 Scope
 The Scope of this project is to help the user in every step they need our
A. Creating New Accounts-
 The application can be used to create two different types of accounts by the
customers, which are Savings Account and Current Account.
 It helps save the hustle for the customer to visit the bank physically and create/use
these accounts.

B. Depositing Money-
 As the world is moving towards the limited use of paper currency, depositing or
transferring money from one bank to the other will become as easy as clicking a
few buttons using this application.

C. Withdrawing Money-
 Requests can be sent through the application to ask for money withdrawal as well.

D. Account Holder List-

 This is a feature for the admin. The admin can view the list of all the account

E. Balance Enquiry-
 The customer can check their balance via this application.

F. Changing Passwords/PIN-
 The customer can easily change the passwords and pin numbers using the

G. Various Types of Accounts-

 The user can create various types of account such as Recurring Account &
Fixed Deposit Account.

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 1.5 Applicability
 This System is built for various application that you can perform easily
with just little knowledge of Banking Software.
 Bank Account Management System keeps the day-by-day tally record as a
complete banking system.
 It can keep the information of Account type, account opening form, Deposit
fund, Withdrawal, and Searching the transaction, Transaction reports,
Individual account opening form.
 User can approve its own user account activation before it can be used
view statement history.
 It gives you a Unique Sixteen Digit Card Number which makes it a robust
feature and keeps you secure from Hackers.
 It provides you a Strong pin number so it’s easy to remember.
 Customer gets to know his last login date and time each time he logs in.
 Customer can check all transactions made with their account.
 Customer can check their account statement of any date,
 Customer can request for ATM which means they don’t need to any branch
of bank to deposit or withdraw money.
 Customer can request for Cheque Book in which the customer can pay them
 Customer can also check for E-Statement in ATM which contains their
transactions history and it also display their final current balance.
 Customer can enable their Internet Banking which makes banking more
secure and maintains your privacy.
 It facilitates the customer with E-Mail and SMS, so that the customers get
notified 24/7.
 It gives you a option for Mobile Banking, which enables you to do banking
transactions anywhere you want.
 Customer can change their password whenever they wish to do so.
 Passwords are stored as encrypted dots with an additional random account
number for added security.

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Modules and Requirements

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 2.1 Problem Definition

 Although the basic type of services offered by a bank depends upon the type of bank
and the country, services provided usually include: Taking deposits from their
customers and issuing current or checking accounts and savings accounts to
individuals and business.

 Extending loans to individuals and business, cashing cheque, facilitating money

transactions such as wire transfer and cashiers’ cheque, Consumer & commercial
financial advisory services, financial transaction can be performed through many
different channels.

 To develop a system that will overlook the activities going transaction the particular
bank without manual processing. All transaction will be updated automatically by
using the information stored in record.

 The main motive behind this project is to develop a system which will able to
handle the overall tasks going inside the institutions without much effort.

 . Dispute between the customer and the Bank in this service is subject to the
jurisdiction of the courts in the Republic of India and governed by the laws
prevailing in India.

 The Bank reserves the right to modify the services offered or the Terms of service
of Bank. The changes will be notified to the customers through a notification on the

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 2.2 Requirement Specification

 To use this Bank & ATM Simulation, it requires some specific requirement for the
user to login and newly register.
 This requirement contains some primary requirement and some temporary
requirement, so it’s not necessary to fulfil every requirement specification.
 The Requirement Specifications are as Follow:
i. Login Details:
o The login details require your Two most important and confidential number
which is the Account Number and PIN number.
a) Account Number:
 The Account Number is provided by our own Bank & ATM
 It comprises of 16 Digit Account Number which you might
think is a rigid and long number, but its necessary for security
b) PIN Number:
 The PIN number is usually kept of 3-to-4-digit number by
many Banking Institutions, as its easy to remember for all age
of people
 This PIN number is a random number provided by our bank
and ATM system.
 For security purpose the PIN number is kept in black dotted
symbols, so you can’t see the entered pin in numeric values.
ii. Registration Details:
o The registration details define you to make A new registration in our system.
o The aim of our registration is not only known to you but also it encourages
you to join VISTA and be part of our Family, and let’s make our country
“The Innovation of Tomorrow’s World”.
o The required Registration Details are as follow:
a) Name of User:
 Name of the new user is at the top where the user has to
enter his or her Name.

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 For validation the name must be entered only in String value

and also it can’t be kept null.
b) Name of Father:
 The name of Father is required for registration.
 For our Future Scope we are thinking to add Husband name
along with Father name.
 The validation for father name is same as name which
means you can only enter String value and it can’t be kept
c) Date of Birth:
 The selection of Date of Birth is made easy as we have
provided you a Calendar.
 You can either type the date manually or you can select from
d) Gender:
 You can select your Gender, as we have provided Options
of Male, Female and Other.
e) Email Address:
 To get every single alert you need to know, the system has
provided you the option to enter your Email Address.
 For validation the input requirements are you should enter a
valid email with @ and .com.
f) Marital Status:
 The marital status gives you options to select your current
status of marriage with options like Married or Non-
Married or Other.
g) Address:
 Here the user can enter his/her permanent address.
h) City
 Here the user can enter his/her city.
i) State
 Here the user can enter his/her state.
j) Pin code
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 Here you can enter your pin code of the city.

k) Religion
 Here the user can select his/her Religion.
l) Category
 Here the user can select their caste category.
m) Income
 Here you can select your income that you earn annually.
n) Educational Qualification
 Here you can select current Educational Qualification.
o) Occupation
 Here you can select your Livelihood Work you do.
p) Pan Number
 Here you have to enter your PAN number.
q) AADHAR Number
 Here you must enter your 12-digit PAN number.
r) Senior Citizen
 Whether you are Senior Citizen OR Not Please let us know.
s) Existing Account
 Do you have an existing account please let us know.
t) Account Type
 Here you can select what type of Account do you want.
u) Card and PIN number
 Here you get your Random Card number and Pin number
generated by the system.
v) Services Required
 Here you can select what type of services do you want from
our institution.
w) Acknowledgement
 Here you can Accept that all the details you have provided
us are correct and you want access in our system.

iii. ATM Requirement

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 After you Successfully Register with your details, you directly jump
to the ATM section.
 If you’re already registered you can directly Jump into ATM section
with just your Card Number and PIN number.
 After successfully entering in the ATM section, you can use our
 The Feature included of ATM are as follow:
a) Deposit:
 This feature enables our customer to deposit their valuable
money or cash into the system.
b) Withdrawl:
 This feature enables our customer to withdraw their money
or cash from the system.
 Also remember that an individual can’t withdraw beyond
their deposit value.
c) Fast Cash:
 This feature is an alternative for withdrawal button.
 The customer can also withdraw money without typing the
amount, which saves time to all other customer.
d) Mini Statement:
 This feature helps the customer to check their transactions
since they have opened their account.
 It shows both Deposit and Withdrawal transaction with
exact time and date.
e) Pin Change:
 This feature helps our customer to change their pin
provided by our system.
 To keep it secure and confidential we have provided the
service of keeping the password in black dot.
f) Balance Enquiry:
 This feature helps our customer to check their current
balance in their account.

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 2.3 Hardware and Software Requirement

 Hardware Requirement Specification:

Processor: Intel Pentium III or later

Main Memory (RAM): 256 MB
Cache Memory: 512 KB
Monitor: 14-inch Colour
Keyboard: 108 Keys
Mouse: Optical Mouse / Touch Pad
Hard Disk: 160 GB

 Software Requirement Specification:

Front End/Language: JAVA (JDK 21)

Back End/Database: MYSQL
Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

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 2.4 Planning and Scheduling

 ‘Project Planning and Scheduling’, though separate, are two sides of the same coin
in project management.
 Fundamentally, ‘Project planning’ is all about choosing and designing effective
policies and methodologies to attain project objectives.
 While ‘Project scheduling’ is a procedure of assigning tasks to get them completed
by allocating appropriate resources within an estimated budget and time-frame.
 It is evident that ‘project planning and scheduling’ go hand-in-hand and
are essentials of project management.
 In a nutshell, ‘Project planning’ is an elaborative process that includes all details of
the project, from its inception to completion.
 And ‘Project schedule’ is the tracker that monitors the sequences and tenure of
project-related tasks.


 Finalizing  Feasibility  Started the  Unit Testing
of Project Study of design of of all Pages
Definition project Application
 Integrity
 Requirement Testing of All
Analysis &
 Worked on pages
the User
 System
Testing of
 Creating whole current
the Bank Project

 Creating
the ATM
features for

Developed By Mallick Habib BCA Sem-6 of Batch 2023/24

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