Individual Work My Daily Routine and Hobbies

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My daily routine

On days when I have school I always get up at seven o'clock, have

breakfast and brush my teeth, after that I get dressed, comb my hair and
finally I go to school on the bus at eight o'clock.
Usually I start my class at eight hours and fifteen minutes, but on
Wednesday I start at nine hours and ten minutes. I usually have lunch at
half past one but sometimes it is at half past noon.
After lunch I have classes until a quarter past five, but on Fridays they end
earlier. After school I go to home, have a shower, do my homework and prepare
my school bag, and at eight o'clock I go to my grandparents house for dinner,
after dinner dressed my pijama and brush my teeth, next me and my mom go to
sofa watch TV and at ten o'clock we go to bed.
During the weekend I do little, on saturday I wake up there for nine
o´clock, have breakfast, brush my teeth and have a shower, next I get dressed
and comb my hair, for the rest of the morning I clean my room, have lunch in my
grandparents house at midday and in the afternoon I take the opportunity to do
my homework and study a little. At eight o'clock I have dinner and go to bed at
eleven o'clock. On Sunday I also wake up at nine o'clock, have breakfast, brush
my teeth and get dressed, next I help my parents clean the house a little, after
I play games on my cell phone or read a good book in my bedroom. After lunch
my parents and I went to the sofa to watch CSI on TV.
Before dinner I will prepare the school bag for the next day. Have dinner, watch
a little TV and go to bed because the next day I have work!

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