Syllabus and Scheme of BOC 12-7-16

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G. H.


Name of Department : First Year Engineering Department

Subject Code : BITL104 Course Title : Basics of Computing Applicable to Programmes - Semester
Contact Hours : L :02 T : ---- P : 02
1. B.E. –I/II
Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 02 H

Relative Weightage : CAE- 10 TAE- 10 ESE- 30 Total- 50

Practical - Ext. - 25 Int.- 25 Total- 50

Credits : 02 Semester : SECOND Semester Subject Area : Programming

Course Objective
1. To apply knowledge of Operating System and Linux Commands and Networking.
2. Able to Design algorithm for solving a problem.
3. Able to solve a problem by using various C concepts.
4. Able to apply advanced concept in various areas.

Course Outcome (Preferably – 3, Maximum – 5 )

Student shall be able to
1. Demonstrate the knowledge of Operating System, Linux Commands & networking.
2. Analyze the behavior of fundamental programming constructs.
3. Develop & Analyze Algorithms for solving problems
4. Demonstrate the knowledge of various concepts of C Language such as loops, selection, iteration,
5. Develop solutions using functions, recursion & pointers.
6. Demonstrate knowledge of advanced concepts

Details of Course :

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Operating Systems: Introduction, Windows, Linux-Basic command. 5 Hours

Computer Networks: Introduction, Peer to peer connection, LAN, MAN,

WAN, Internet, Wireless network.

2 C Fundamentals: Algorithm, Flowchart, Program development steps, 7 Hours

Basic structures of C language, C tokens. Data types, Declaration of
variables. Assigning values, Arithmetic, Relational and logical operators.
Increment and Decrement operators. Control operators, Expressions,
Evaluation. I/O operations, If and SWITCH statements. WHILE, DO-
WHILE and FOR Statements. Programming Examples under linux.

3 Arrays, string & structure 7Hours

One and Two Dimensional Arrays, Initialization, String variables,

Declaration, Reading, Writing, String handling functions, User defined
functions, Variables and storage classes. Recursion, Preprocessor, Structure
definition. Initializing, Assigning values, Passing of structure as arguments,
Unions, Programming Examples.

4 Pointers & File management 5 Hours

Declaration and initializing pointers, Pointer based expressions, Arrays,

Strings. FtmGt.iol1s and structures, C program examples, File management
in C, Opening and closing, I/0 operations on files. Programming Examples.

5 Enumerated Data types & Functions 7 Hours

Enumerated data types, Renaming data types with typedef( ), Type casting,
Bit wise operators. and bit manipulation. pointer to pointer, Pointers to
functions, Functions Returning pointers, Functions with variable number of
arguments, Dynamic memory allocation. Programming Examples.

Suggested Books ( Minimum – 3 ) :

Sr. Year of
Title Author Name Publisher Edition
No. Publication
1 Computer Reema Thereja OXFORD University 2016 Second
Fundamentals & Press Edition
Programming in C
2 Programming in E. Balgurusamy Tata-Mcgraw Hill- Third
ANSI C Edition.

3 Thc C Kerningham amd Prentice Hall PTR; 2 (April 1, Second

Programming edition 1988) Edition

4 LET US C Y. C. Kanetkar BPB Publication 1991 8th

5 Unix & shell Yeshavant Kanetkar BPB Publication. 1 Jan 2002 3rd
Programming Edition
Name of Department : First Year Engineering Department
Applicable to Programmes - Semester
BITP104 Term Work:Any Ten experiments
1. B.E. –I/II
SESSION: 2017 - 2018
List of Experiments
Sr. No. Name of Experiments

1 Perform the basic Linux commands. CO1

2 Demonstrate program on if else, nested if else CO2,CO


3 Demonstrate the concept of Loop. CO4,CO


4 Demonstrate switch case statement CO4,CO


5 Demonstrate program on function, recursion and function prototype. CO5,CO


6 Demonstrate program on 1-D and 2-D array CO5

7 Demonstrate program on string operation. CO5

8 Demonstrate program on structure in C. CO5

9 Demonstrate program on pointer CO5

10 Demonstrate program on operation on file CO5

11 Team Viewer CO6

12 MOOCs CO6

13 Video Chat :- Anti Meeting, Google Hangout, Google Fem CO6

14 Installation of Antivirus : Quich Heal, Kasperesky CO6

15 Installation of Printer : HP Printer, Canon Printer CO6

16 Design and Uploading of HTML web Pages CO6

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