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Speed of Speech and Persuasion

Article in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology · October 1976

DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.34.4.615


277 1,948

4 authors, including:

Geoffrey Maruyama Keith Valone

University of Minnesota Twin Cities 6 PUBLICATIONS 412 CITATIONS

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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
1976, Vol. 34, No. 4, 615-624

Speed of Speech and Persuasion

Norman Miller, Geoffrey Maruyama, Rex Julian Beaber, and Keith Valone
University of Southern California
The relationship between speaking rate and attitude change was investigated
in two field experiments. Manipulations of speech rate were crossed with (a)
credibility of the speaker and (b) complexity of the spoken message. The re-
sults suggest that speech rate functions as a general cue that augments credi-
bility; rapid speech enhances persuasion. No support was obtained for infor-
mation-processing interpretations of the effects of a fast speaking rate. The
increased persuasion produced by fast speech could not be attributed to dis-
ruption of effective counterarguing. These findings emphasize the importance
of perceptual and evaluative factors in the persuasion process at the expense
of a more rationalistic information-processing view of how man responds when
confronted with an influence attempt.

Although many of the persuasive communi- tions of such variation that might contribute
cations received during daily life are orally to differences in persuasion. Yet, even though
presented, the characteristics of speech that Foulke and Sticht (1969) have most recently
affect persuasion are rarely studied. More- studied the effects of speed of presentation on
over, studies that do examine delivery style comprehension, its effects on persuasion re-
typically treat it as a global variable. For main unexplored.
instance, Dietrich (1946) studied the dyna- McGuire (1969) characterized attitude
mism of a speaker's style, Bettinghaus (1961) change as a stochastic process that flows
assessed the effects of overall speaking effec- from attention through comprehension, yield-
tiveness by comparing trained and uncoached ing, retention, and action. Although rate of
students, and Bowers (1965) examined the speaking might theoretically be expected to
effects of extroverted and introverted deliv^ influence any of these processes, it initially
ery using dramatic arts students to simulate seems plausible to focus on how it affects com-
style. The persuasive effects of more discrete prehension. In their review, Foulke and
characteristics of oral delivery, such as inten- Sticht (1969) showed that when significant
sity, pitch, speed of presentation, or specific results are found, most are in the direction
emotional qualities apparently more rarely of lowered comprehension when speed of
elicit attention. speech is rapid.2
Several considerations suggest that speech If a fast speaking rate does reduce com-
rate might be an important variable. Texts on prehension, then it should also curtail per-
speech (Allen, Anderson, & Hough, 1968; suasive power (Eagly, 1974). However, since
Monroe & Ehninger, 1974) have reported the results of most studies in the comprehen-
considerable individual variation in speaking sion literature are not significant, it may
rate with 120-180 words per minute as the make more sense to look for the effects of
lower and upper limits of normal speech.1 It speed in some other stage of the persuasive
is a short step to imagine theoretical implica- process, such as yielding. To focus away from
comprehension seems particularly sensible, in
Preparation of this article for publication was
aided by support from National Institute of Mental
Health Grant MH26094, awarded to the first author, For example, radio announcers are often noted
and a Haynes Foundation Fellowship to the second for their rapid speech rate. Lumley (1933) deter-
author. mined the average speech rate of 25 radio speakers
Requests for reprints should be sent to Norman to be 162 words per minute, with a standard devia-
Miller, Department of Psychology, University of tion of 19.40 words per minute.
Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, It should be pointed out that a majority of the
California 90007. studies have found no significant effects.

that the high speeds used in the prior re- response; he can simply reject or discount
search equaled or exceeded the upper limits what is said. Under these conditions, speaking
of the range of normal speech. Consequently, rate should not substantially attenuate ability
one might reasonably assume that the speed to resist, and consequently, should have little
manipulations in these studies were suffi- impact on persuasion. Although there are few
ciently powerful to have shown an effect if direct tests of the role of counterarguing in
one does indeed exist. the persuasion process (Miller & Baron,
How might speed affect the yielding phase 1973), the reasoning above does make a clear
of persuasion? A fast speaking rate might dis- prediction. It suggests that if fast speech does
rupt any covert attempt to counterargue disrupt counterarguing, there should be an
against the persuasive content of the message, interaction between speaking rate and credi-
thereby increasing persuasion. Whereas any bility. Alternatively, if speaking rate simply
effects of speed on comprehension or counter- functions as a credibility cue, no interaction
argument disruption can be conceptualized as would be predicted. Instead, as previously
message factors—characteristics of the mes- suggested, fast speech should enhance per-
sage that affect persuasion—speaking rate suasion regardless of the speaker's credibility.
may alternatively act as a source factor. That The results of two studies that begin to
is, it might provide cues for viewing a fast delineate the relation between speed of speech
speaker as more knowledgeable, competent, and persuasion (Beaber & Miller, Note 1)
and facile. In this case a rapid speaking rate suggest that speech rate functions as a cue
constitutes a credibility cue and on this basis for increased credibility. The first experiment
should likewise enhance persuasion. of Beaber and Miller investigated rate of
Although the comprehension interpretation speaking and credibility of the source in a
of speaking rate does make a distinct predic- 2X2 design. In addition to finding the credi-
tion—less attitude change when speech is bility manipulation to be successful (the high-
rapid—both the counterargument disruption credibility source was seen as more knowl-
and enhanced credibility interpretation make edgeable and more trustworthy), the fast
the opposite prediction—greater attitude speaker was perceived as more knowledgeable
change with a rapid speaking rate. How can and more trustworthy. In addition, the com-
these two hypotheses be separated? First, munication was perceived as more complex
with respect to the counterargument disrup- but also clearer and easier to understand
tion hypothesis, if rapid speech does indeed when presented by a fast speaker. These find-
disrupt covert counterarguing, then, as im- ings suggest that a rapid speaker is perceived
plied by Kiesler and Mathog (1968), the im- as more competent, since it takes a skilled
pact of speaking rate should vary with the speaker to present complex material clearly.
credibility of the speaker. According to their However, since credibility was manipulated
argument, when the message is counteratti- by varying both ability and trustworthiness
tudinal and the speaker possesses substantial in this first study, the specific component of
credibility, counterarguing tends to become credibility that speed enhanced cannot clearly
the most viable mode of resisting influence. be specified. Certainly, there are situations in
This should be particularly true if one is which high ability and trustworthiness do not
highly involved in the issue (Osterhouse & necessarily occur together. The most obvious
Brock, 1970). However, counterarguing is or- example is a used car dealer who, despite his
dinarily an elaborate internal response, one expertise, is not always viewed as trust-
requiring time and mental energy. A com- worthy and may be seen as even less believ-
munication spoken rapidly should reduce the able if he speaks very rapidly.
available time and increase the difficulty of Therefore, in a second experiment Beaber
making such covert responses. Consequently, and Miller manipulated trustworthiness inde-
increased speed should facilitate attitude pendently from expertise to investigate
change. On the other hand, a person listening whether or not the persuasiveness of an un-
to a speaker who lacks credibility can resist trustworthy communicator would be enhanced
influence by using a less elaborate internal by rapid speech. In the first study, any effects

of trustworthiness could have been obscured subjects might have construed the situation
by the difference in expertise of the com- as a test. Consequently, the predicted inter-
municator. Whereas in the first experiment action between credibility and speech rate
the communication advocated "offshore dril- might have failed to receive support because
ling for oil," in the second experiment it the situation demanded extremely high atten-
argued that "The Mazda is the best car value tion regardless of the level of the speaker's
around." The communicator was depicted as credibility. Thinking that they might subse-
a used Mazda salesman with something to quently be tested on some aspect of their re-
gain from his persuasiveness (low trust) or as tention or comprehension, subjects might have
a former Mazda salesman who currently focused more on the content of the arguments
worked in a bank (high trust). Thus, exper- regardless of the level of credibility assigned
tise was held constant. This manipulation to the speaker. According to this view, where-
seemed most likely to produce an interaction as faster speech might indeed produce some
between speed and credibility and thereby minor enhancement of credibility, its more
test the generality of speed as a cue for en- important, potent, pervasive, and normal con-
hanced credibility. In this instance, an un- sequences are those affecting information
trustworthy fast speaker should appear to be processing, whether decreasing comprehension
less believable than an untrustworthy slow or alternatively disrupting one's ability to
speaker; contrarily, a trustworthy fast speaker counterargue. Yet, in laboratory experiments,
should be more believable than a trustworthy these effects cannot be observed; attention
slow speaker, replicating the outcome of the and vigilance to content is made so asymp-
first study. totically high by the implicit demands of the
Manipulation checks showed that the trust- laboratory that the normally weaker and less
worthy speaker was in fact rated as more important credibility enhancement effects re-
trustworthy and, furthermore, that the manip- main as the only ones to be observed.
ulation was independent of expertise, since In terms of these arguments, a field setting
the high- and low-trust speakers were rated might provide a more adequate test of the
as equally knowledgeable. As in the first ex- information-processing interpretations of
periment, rapid speech enhanced ratings of speaking rate. Since the public accepts on-
both trust and knowledge. Further paralleling the-street interviewing with little suspicious
the first experiment, measures of persuasion questioning, test expectancies might not op-
also showed the rapid speaker to be more erate when a field experiment is concealed
persuasive. behind this type of facade.
In summary, then, these two experiments
strongly argue that speaking rate operates as EXERIMENT 1
a very general and powerful credibility cue. Experiment 1 manipulated speech rate and
The results clearly contradict information- speaker credibility in a field setting to deter-
processing hypotheses concerning rate of mine their effect on attitude change and per-
speech. If fast speech had impaired compre- ceptions of the speaker. Since in the Beaber
hension, it should have likewise reduced and Miller (Note 1) experiments the trust-
rather than augmented persuasion. Alterna- worthiness dimension of credibility did not
tively, as argued in the first experiment, if interact with speech rate but rather func-
fast speech had interfered with covert counter- tioned as a cue that unidirectionally enhanced
arguing, it should have more strongly facili- credibility, no attempt was made to manipu-
tated persuasion when credibility or trust- late orthogonally the competence and trust-
worthiness was high than when it was low. worthiness dimensions of credibility.
If, despite the data of these two experi-
ments, one is intent on saving the compre- Method
hension or counterargument disruption hy-
Subjects and experimenters. Subjects were 359 per-
potheses, one might argue that the proper sons living in the Los Angeles area. They were indi-
tests have not been performed. Since both of vidually approached in a public area by 1 of 14 ex-
these experiments were laboratory studies, perimenters, each of whom conducted multiple repli-

cations of the design.3 Experimenters were male and ings were reproduced from the master tapes and
female undergraduates enrolled in an upper-division delivered via cassette recorders.
psychology class at the University of Southern Cali- Dependent measures. After listening to the tape,
fornia. subjects were asked to indicate orally their agree-
Procedure. Each experimenter assigned a subject ment with a series of statements. Agreement was
to each cell before starting the next replication. The indicated on 10-point Likert scales (midpoint = S.S),
order of cells was determined by random assignment with higher numbers indicating stronger agreement.
but was constant across replications and experi- The statements concerned global agreement with the
menters. All subjects were individually run. They main contention of the communication, perceived
were approached in a variety of public settings, such speaker characteristics (knowledgeability), perceived
as parks, various on-the-street locations, other clarity of the presentation, and the personal coffee-
campuses, shopping malls, and door-to-door in vari- drinking habits of the subject.
ous neighborhoods.
The experimenter approached the prospective sub- Results
ject and introduced himself (herself) as an inter- Inspection of the credibility manipulation
viewer from radio station KSC for the program
People's Forum, which was described as being con- check indicated that the high-credibility
cerned with topics of interest to the listening audi- source was perceived as more knowledgeable:
ence. Subjects were told that tapes had been made Ms — 7.93 and 5.19 in the high- and low-
containing listeners' opinions on various topics. The credibility conditions, respectively; / * \ 1 , 13)
interviewer asked the subject to listen to a tape on
the current day's topic ("The danger of drinking = 89.1, p < .001. This effect was determined
coffee") and then to give his reaction to it. If the by testing the main effect against the Experi-
subject agreed, the interview was continued by menter X Condition interaction, since this
describing the author of the tape and playing it for interaction was significant.5 This most con-
the subject. servative test (using the significant interac-
Persuasive communication. The communication
was approximately 400 words in length. It argued tion term) also revealed a significant effect of
that coffee is a hazardous drug; caffeine in large credibility on perceived understanding: Ms
doses is a poison and can cause damage to and = 8.71 and 8.07 in the high- and low-credibil-
fluttering of the heart, headaches, migraines, cold ity conditions, respectively; 7^(1,13) = 7.8,
hands, and stomach ulcers; by decreasing appetite
and by leading to insufficient sleep, coffee lowers p < .05. The effect of speech rate on knowl-
resistance to disease; by providing momentary en- edgeability approached standard levels of
ergy, it hides symptoms of other medical problems; significance: Ms = 6.93 and 6.12 in the fast-
it adversely affects teeth and gums; it is addicting
and causes withdrawal symptoms; and in conclusion,
like cigarettes, it should be classified by the govern- 3
The authors wish to express their sincere appreci-
ment as hazardous. ation to Susan Anderson, Evie Baker, Laurie Brand,
Credibility. In the low-credibility condition the Pat Brotman, Gayle Caviglia, David George, Med-
speaker was introduced as a locksmith, whereas in rith Hose, Judi Kammerman, David Mace, Steve
the high-credibility condition he was introduced as Mayer, David Quezada, Alan Seims, Francis Troll,
a biochemist. To augment the credibility manipula- and Jan VanSchaik for their able assistance in the
tion, errors in pronunciation, grammar, and word collection of the data.
usage were inserted into the speech of the low-credi- 4
The high-credibility-slow-speech rate was 99.6,
bility speaker, while retaining the same content and the high-credibility-fast-speech rate was 194.4, the
meaning. After describing the speaker, the experi- low-credibility-slow-speech rate was 104.8, and the
menter played either a fast or slow version of the low-credibility-fast-speech rate was 195.8 (words
recorded message and then asked the subject to per minute). For the two Beaber and Miller (Note
answer a few questions. 1) studies, a rate of about 110 words per minute
Speaking rate. The speaker used in this experiment was used in the slow-speech conditions, while a rate
spoke at approximately the same rates as did the one of about 190 words per minute was used in the fast-
in the Beaber and Miller (Note 1) experiments. The speech conditions. Despite the similarity of speech
speaking rate in the low-speed condition averaged rates, the different communicator used in the present
102 words per minute, whereas in the high-speed study should increase the generalizability of the
condition it averaged 195 words per minute.4 These results.
rates were achieved by simply instructing the speaker Different experimenters produced different mag-
to practice delivering the speech as rapidly and nitudes of effect with the credibility manipulation.
slowly as possible while controlling his level of en- Therefore, each effect was tested against its inter-
thusiasm and involvement. Tapes were made on action with experimenters. In effect, then, we are
studio-quality equipment. Overall volume was bal- using a mixed model with experimenters as a random
anced across tapes by matching average volumes on factor, testing each fixed effect against its interaction
five sample segments of each tape. Cassette record- with experimenters.

and slow-speech conditions, respectively; F(l, studies and in Experiment 1 did not provide
13) = 4.4, p < .0.6, again, by the more con- especially novel arguments to the listener, nor
servative test. Thus the high-speed speaker did they deal with particularly unfamiliar
tended to appear more knowledgeable. topics. In persuasion paradigms that offer
An analysis of variance on the postcom- novel arguments or topics, adequate process-
munication agreement measure (using number ing of message content should become more
of cups of coffee drunk daily as a covariate) salient. From this standpoint, it can be
yielded main effects that approached signifi- argued that for the topics used in the re-
cance when tested with the conservative ex- ported studies, subjects had counterarguments
perimenter interaction error term: Ms = 6.13 readily available and therefore did not experi-
and 5.44 in the high- and low-speed condi- ence the high rate of presentation as being
tions, respectively; F(l, 13) = 2.80, p < .13; disruptive. Elaborate processing of the mes-
Ms = 6.28 and 5.33 in the high- and low- sage was not necessary. A more sensitive test
credibility conditions, respectively; F(l, 13) of the counterargument disruption hypothe-
= 4.41, p < .06. Thus the high-speed com- sis might require novel communications for
munication was more persuasive than the low- which simple retrieval of stock counterargu-
speed communication.6 The fact that the ex-
perimenters used in this study lacked much
experience (which probably accounts in large All effects are highly significant (p < .01) when
part for the Experimenter X Condition inter- the standard, and less conservative, within-cell vari-
ance is used as the error estimate. However, to
actions) might well have reduced the strength revert to this more typical error estimate means
of the effect of speech rate. Further, some re- that these results cannot be generalized beyond the
searchers have argued that effects in the particular set of experimenters used to collect these
field are typically weaker than those in data. This is of course normally true for virtually
the laboratory (Hoviand, 1959). In addi- all experiments reported in psychological journals, in
that few researchers test their effects against the
tion, examination of the tapes revealed variability of different experimenters' outcomes.
an instance of a glaring nonfluency (re- Most use only a single experimenter. If the results
peated stuttering over one word) in the were significant using the more conservative error
high-credibility-high-speed speech. As shown estimate (the interaction with experimenters), their
external validity would be enhanced in that they
by Miller and Hewgill (1964), nonfluen- presumably would obtain with any of the experi-
cies typically lower perceived credibility. menters from the larger population of which these
Consequently, this should have further re- 14 constitute a random sample.
duced the effect of the speed manipulation. In attempting to defend the counterargument
Despite these difficulties, it should be noted explanation, some might argue that people primarily
use covert counterarguing to resist persuasion when
that the data did not support either the com- they are involved with or have a personal concern
prehension prediction—less persuasion under about the topic. While we have not explicitly ma-
high speed—or the counterargument predic- nipulated involvement, we can indirectly explore
tion—a Speaking Rate X Credibility interac- this notion by attending to an individual difference
measure of the extent to which our subjects were
tion showing a speed effect under high-credi- likely to be concerned with the topic. It is reason-
bility conditions but no speed effect in low- able to assume that subjects who report being heavy
credibility conditions.7 Instead, they support coffee drinkers are likely to be more concerned and
the view that rapid speech serves as a credi- involved with a speech emphasizing the dangers of
bility cue and thereby enhances persuasion. drinking coffee. The results of the analysis of covari-
ance argue against the view that covert counter-
arguing is used to resist persuasion primarily when
EXPERIMENT 2 one is concerned with the issue. The persuasion ef-
fects are found even though personal involvement
Although the credibility hypothesis con- (number of cups of coffee drunk per day) was co-
tinued to receive general support from Experi- varied out. If speech rate affects persuasion by inter-
ment 1, there may still be special circum- fering with counterarguing and if counterarguing
only occurs when the topic is involving, removing
stances in which speech rate functions to dis- the effect of involvement via covariance analysis
rupt counterarguing. The communications should also eliminate any effect of speech rate on
used in both Beaber and Miller (Note 1) persuasion,

ments would not suffice as a means for re- "novel" topic. Three levels of speaking rate
sisting influence. Therefore, for the present were employed to ensure that the effects of
experiment, a novel topic, "The dangers of speech rate are not curvilinear and to extend
hydroponically grown vegetables," was chosen further the generality of earlier findings.
to ensure that subjects would be forced to
process novel arguments. Method
Although a more sensitive test of the Subjects. A total of 90 males and females, chosen
counterargument hypothesis might be created from the mall of a large open-air shopping center,
by using a more novel communication topic participated in the study.
Procedure. Subjects were randomly assigned to
and simply replicating one of the earlier stud- the six cells of the design before replication. The
ies that examined the Speech Rate X Speaker procedure and facade largely paralleled that of Ex-
Credibility interaction, a more potent criti- periment 1. The experimenter approached subjects
cism of the initial experiments would still re- individually and introduced himself as an interviewer
from radio station KSC who was interviewing peo-
main unresolved. The predicted Speed X ple on the street for the program People's Forum,
Credibility interaction rested solely on the which was again described as being concerned with
hypothesized differential salience of counter- topics of interest to the radio audience. Subjects
arguing as a means of belief defense in high- were told that tapes had been made containing lis-
versus low-credibility conditions. Although teners' opinions on various topics. The interviewer
asked the subject to listen to a tape on the topic of
Kiesler and Mathog (1968) provided experi- the day ("The dangers of hydroponically grown
mental support for the assumption that vegetables"). If the subject agreed to hear the tape,
counterarguing is the preferred mode of de- the interview was continued by describing the author
fense when the speaker possesses high credi- of the tape and playing the tape for the subject.
The speaker was ostensibly introduced as Charles
bility, alternate interpretations of their data Travis, a produce manager at Ralph's Ranch Market
are possible (Baron, Baron, & Miller, 1973). in Hollywood. The topic of the tape was chosen
In addition, since a credibility manipulation because it had been previously determined that few
only indirectly affects orientation toward con- people know what the term hydroponics means, let
tent, it is difficult to specify the range over alone understand the arguments favoring or opposing
hydroponic growing methods. Lacking arguments,
which content orientation is varied. Failures subjects are unlikely to have a defensible attitude
to produce the predicted interaction may only regarding the value of hydroponics.
reflect a weak manipulation of orientation Persuasive communication. The communication
toward and away from content. was approximately 300 words in length. After defin-
ing hydroponics, it mentioned a number of "prob-
A more direct test of the counterargument lems" with hydroponic methods: the need for fre-
hypothesis should use variables more clearly quent tests to ensure proper chemical concentrations
related to information processing. Theoreti- in the growing medium, the small size of crops pro-
cally, message complexity should have more duced, the excessive cost of and trouble with equip-
ment, algae on crops, and finally, cellular defects and
pronounced effects on the difficulty of pro- genetic abnormalities of crops.
cessing information. Indeed, highly complex Speaking rate. Fast, moderate, and slow tapes
messages may force the listener to restrict his were all delivered by the same person (but not the
or her covert activity and focus entirely on speaker used in Experiment 1). The average speech
message comprehension. With complex com- rates were 191, 140, and 111 words per minute in
the fast-, moderate-, and slow-speech condition,
munications, processing difficulties should be respectively. The speaker practiced the delivery of
near their ceiling, leaving little room for speed the speech six times immediately before taping. In
effects. However, with simpler messages, an addition, the slow-speech version was recorded first.
increased rate of speech should reduce the It was hoped that these measures would reduce
available time for counterargument produc- differences in patterns of inflection between condi-
tion, thereby facilitating persuasion. In sum, Message complexity. The content of the two com-
there should be an interaction of speed and munications was the same. As described above, it
message complexity on attitude change. argued against the use of hydroponic methods of
To test the interaction predicted by an growing vegetables. In the simple communication the
ideas were expressed in simple (vs. compound) sen-
information-processing model, Experiment 2 tences with few parenthetical or qualifying clauses.
manipulated speech rate and message com- In the complex communication the very same ideas
plexity in a 3 X 2 factorial design using a were expressed in compound sentences (formed by

combining the simple sentences of the simple com- 1) studies. In addition, the linear progression
munication). In addition, the complex message used of means for both the agreement measure and
extended qualifying clauses, set in a sequence that
would be confusing without careful attention and
the speaker perception measures adds greater
complete comprehension. generality to the earlier studies and argues
Dependent measures. After listening to the tape, against curvilinear effects within the normal
subjects were asked to indicate orally their agree- range of speech rates.
ment with a series of attitude statements. Agreement
was indicated on a 10-step scale (1-10), with higher GENERAL DISCUSSION
numbers indicating greater agreement. In addition to
measuring agreement with the speaker, there were The data of these field studies support the
notion that rapid speech functions as a credi-
questions to measure perceptions of the speaker's
intelligence, knowledge, and objectivity. bility cue. In this regard, it is noteworthy that
across several messages and speakers, as well
as in both laboratory and field settings, rap-
Since no predictions were made regarding idly spoken communications were more per-
main effects for message complexity (i.e., it suasive than those spoken slowly. Indeed, one
was primarily included to investigate the might be inclined to assert confirmation of a
presence of Complexity X Speed interactions), new law: "Beware of the fast talker." How-
message complexity was analyzed by a multi- ever, it is important to point out that while
variate analysis of variance across all de- these studies primarily manipulated speech
pendent variables. This analysis indicated no rate and did attempt to control some of the
differences between complexity conditions. In obvious variables such as volume, enthusiasm,
addition, there was no hint of a Message etc., that apparently naturally covary with it,
Complexity X Speaking Rate interaction, as in no sense can we claim that our effects are
predicted by the counterargument disruption entirely or purely attributable to speed of
hypothesis for measures of persuasion (i.e., speech. There may yet be residual factors,
agreement with speaker). These data argue naturally co-occurring with rapid speech rates,
that speech rate does not affect counter- that enhance persuasion. Only with computer-
arguing. In consonance with this interpreta- assisted construction of experimental materials
tion, although Chaiken and Eagly (1976) can we hope to isolate speed per se as the
found that complexity decreased persuasion, critical factor. In support of our own interpre-
they found no relation between their com- tations, however, Smith, Brown, Strong, and
plexity manipulation and counterarguing. Rencher (1975) have used computer-assisted
In the absence of a significant interaction, manipulation of speech rate and have shown
the focus should turn to the main effects for that greater competence is attributed to those
speed of presentation. A faster rate of speech who speak at a faster rate.
produced more persuasion: 77(2,84) =4.00, It is also interesting that fast speech within
p < .02; Ms = 4.62, 5.95, and 6.10 for low-, the normal range apparently does not inter-
moderate-, and high-speed messages, respec- fere enough with reception to disrupt com-
tively. Furthermore, in consonance with Ex- prehension. While we have tended to empha-
periment 1, faster speech resulted in percep- size the imperviousness of comprehension to
tions of greater intelligence: F(2, 84) = 2.31, speech rate, it is worth noting that it was not
P<A; Ms =5.70, 6.45, and 6.83; greater directly assessed in the present studies. Conse-
knowledge: F(2, 84) .= 2.59, p < .08; Ms = quently, an ancillary view is that whereas
6.46, 6.80, and 7.53; and more objectivity: speech rate may well affect comprehension
JF(2,84) = 4 . 4 1 , p<.01; Ms = 3.83, 3.93, (when adequately measured), comprehension
and 5.76. in and of itself is not very important in the
Taken together, these results provide strong persuasion process.
support for the credibility enhancement inter- While we have generally argued that the
pretation of speaking rate. They offer no sup- data oppose the counterargument disruption
port for the conuterargument hypothesis and hypothesis, one other interpretation warrants
essentially replicate the data from the first consideration, namely, the effort justification
experiment and the Beaber and Miller (Note effect, which is derived from dissonance

theory. Rapid speech may enhance persuasion tation of one's values when forming a final
by increasing the effort required to process opinion on the topic.
and comprehend the speech content ade- 2. The communication must be lengthy.
quately. The enhancing effects of effort on The number of facts must be sufficiently sub-
persuasion are well documented (Osterhouse stantial, detailed, and interrelated to leave
& Brock, 1970; Zimbardo, 1965; Zimbardo & one puzzled about how one's values apply to
Ebbesen, 1970). Baron et al. (1973) argued the "proper" concluding opinion, unless one
that such effort expenditure need not involve does possess a fairly complete understanding
physical activity but might simply be a of the facts regarding the issue.
psychological or cognitive process. If so, rapid 3. Finally, one's task should not simply
speech might produce its effect as a conse- require that one offer an opinion. Instead,
quence of the increased effort required to stemming from one's opinion, there should be
comprehend it. action or behavioral consequences, which if
Another consideration is that the present not intended for oneself, should apply to oth-
research used paradigms in which the listener ers. If there are no direct and personal deci-
could not interact with the speaker. The im- sion consequences, the topic of communication
pact of stylistic variables in social interaction should at least be one that is similar to those
paradigms may be quite different. High speech for which there were decision consequences
rate may reduce opportunities for response in in the past.
a conversation by eliminating pauses. Under When we consider the topic used by Chai-
these circumstances, a listener may find a ken and Eagly (1976) and compare it with
high speech rate frustrating and consequently our own, our failure to find complexity effects
might resist influence. becomes more understandable. Our topic, the
Finally, the effect of the manipulation of danger of hydroponically grown vegetables,
complexity in Experiment 2 warrants addi- was novel to most respondents. It argued,
tional consideration. From the standpoint of largely on the basis of unfamiliar technical
traditional learning theory approaches to per- information, for a conclusion that the listener
suasion, the failure to find a main effect of essentially had to accept on faith. Further, its
less persuasion with a more complex message length was brief (approximately 300 words).
seems puzzling. Indeed, Chaiken and Eagly On the other hand, their communication, the
(1976) find empirical support for this "Victoria Company Case," was preceded by
expectation. Yet, further reflection on and a handout that provided background infor-
comparison of their procedures with our own mation concerning a dispute between the
suggests numerous reasons for the discrepancy company and its newly organized union em-
between findings and, further, suggests cir- ployees over the fact that the management
cumstances under which one might expect a had failed to provide the Christmas bonus
highly complex message to reduce persuasion. that the workers had typically received. For
Complexity should interfere with persuasion this preliminary information, presenting both
in circumstances where comprehension of con- union and company views, subjects were given
tent critically affects the persuasion process. approximately 5 minutes to process the infor-
The following are circumstances that might mation. Then they received the "case discus-
maximize the importance of comprehension. sion" of a law student who was presumably
playing the role of the lawyer brought in to
1. The communication topic should disin- arbitrate the case. This "case discussion"
cline one to rely on expert opinion. Rather, constituted the persuasive communication and
one's opinion should rest largely on one's own was at least three times the length of our own
values in combination with an understanding persuasive appeal. Finally, it is important to
of the relevant facts. The facts should not be note that the subjects were led to believe
too technical but relatively easy for the lis- that they were assisting the psychology de-
tener to understand and should have a mean- partment in evaluating the ability of students
ing instrumental to the appropriate implemen- at a New England law school to argue legal

cases. In other words, their expressed opinion messages received daily. To the extent that
would have action consequences for others* one possesses only a limited amount of infor-
The procedure used by Chaiken and Eagly mation-processing time and capacity, such
(1976) to manipulate complexity largely scrutiny would disengage the thought pro-
paralleled our own. Yet, from the standpoint cesses from the exigencies of daily life*
of our preceding arguments, it should be ap-
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