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• Describe what conduction is and how heat is transfer When solid (metals) are heated, their particles at the point
in solids. of heating vibrates more than other particles at
• Explain why some materials feel warmer than others. other parts of the metal. The parts with more vibrations are
• Differentiate between conductor and insulator felt as hot while other parts with less vibrations are felt as
KEYWORDS cold. If the heating continues, the vibration will continue
Thermal energy, conductors, insulators, warm cold, and spread to other parts of the metal. Hence thermal
particles. energy transfer.
The three modes of heat transfer base on the different
materials that are subjected to heat are: conduction
convection and radiation.

A metal spoon feel cold while a plastic spoon of the same

temperature feels warm when touched. This is because
thermal energy is transferred more quickly from our hands
to the metallic parts than to the plastic spoon.
Conduction is the mode of heat transfer that takes place
CONDUCTORS : These are materials that easily carry heat or
in solid through direct contact by the vibration of the
electric current.. Glass and metals are good conductors of
particles of the solid about its main/fixed position.
All materials do not conduct heat energy equally. The
INSULATORS : These are materials that are poor carriers of
energy is transfers from an area of higher temperature to
heat or electric current. Examples of insulators are wood,
an area of lower temperature.
wool, paper, cloth, plastic, rubber.
OBJECTIVES Water molecules/particles close to the base of the pan gets
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: warmer (more energy, moves faster and more apart) as
❖ Describe what happens in convection. water above are cooler with less energy.
❖Explain how convection currents are formed ❖ The less dense energetic warm water rises as the dense
KEYWORDS cool water drops to take its place.
Convection, Current, Land breeze, Sea breeze ❖ The warm water at the base becomes less dense.
Transfer. This process continues causing a circulation called
CONVECTION convection current . It happens in liquids and gases (fluids).
Convection is the flow of thermal energy (heat) through a Convection current occurs because there is uneven heating
fluid from places of higher temperature to places of lower of the fluid.
temperature by the actual movement of heated fluid
In convection particles with higher energy move from one On a hot day, the Sun heats the land during the day more
location to another carrying their energy with them. That quickly than the water. This makes the air on land (above
is heat transfer occurs when particles with higher energy the ground) to get hotter and move upwards. Cooler air
move from warmer to cooler parts of the fluid. from (above) the sea moves to replace the hot air on land.
This is called sea-breeze.
At night, the land cools quickly but the sea doesn’t. this
leads to a reverse of what happened during the day as cool
air from land blows back to the sea ( land-breeze).

Heat from the pan is transferred by conduction to the

water at the base of the pan, and the process of
convection takes some few steps:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
❖ Describe what radiation is.
❖Describe how a body can reflect or absorb
❖State some source of infrared radiation, and the
similarities between light and infrared
Radiation, emit, Absorb, Spectrum, reflect,
RADIATION The best emitters and absorbers of radiation are dull
Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy through surface, black surface, and larger surface area. Black
space (Vacuum) without any material. There is no cloths for example makes one sweat more when
collision or movement of particles as it is in under the sun.
conduction and convection because it does not The worst emitters and absorbers of radiation are:
require any material medium. This radiated energy shiny surface, white surface, and small surface area.
warms an object when it is absorbed. Radiant heat Shiny, white or silver surfaces reflect radiation away.
energy moves from an area of higher temperature to ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM
an area of cooler temperature. The electromagnetic spectrum is a set of radiation
that are emitted by our sun. The spectrum consists
of the following waves: Radio wave – microwave –
infrared – visible light – ultraviolet – x-rays –
Gamma rays
All the waves travel with the same speed and have
different wavelengths, frequencies and energies.
Every object emit radiation regardless of its These waves are arranged in order of decreasing
temperature. The intensity of the radiation emitted wavelength and increasing frequency. Radio waves
by an object depends on its temperature. have the longest wavelength, lowest frequency and
REFLECTING AND ABSORBING RADIATION energy as Gamma rays, shortest wavelength, highest
Our bodies can absorb and emit thermal radiations. frequency and energy.
Radiation can pass through solid, liquid, and gas. Visible light can be split into different components
The color and texture of an object affects its ability (ROYGBIV). These are
to emit or absorb thermal energy by radiation. Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Indigo-Violet.

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