Dashboard 3

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Learning Relationship Management (LRM) System High-Level Task Flow:

User Registration

New users register with the system

Account verification through email or mobile number

User sets up a profile with personal and academic information.


Upon login, users land on a personalized dashboard

The dashboard displays announcements, upcoming events, and suggested learning paths.

Course Selection

Users can browse and search for available courses

Filter and sort courses based on preferences

Enroll in selected courses.

Learning Path Creation

Users create learning paths by selecting specific courses

Define milestones and completion goals.

Course Content

Access course materials, including documents, videos, quizzes, and assignments

Participate in discussions or forums linked to each course.

Progress Tracking

Monitor course and learning path progress

Receive notifications for upcoming deadlines.

Assessment and Feedback

Complete quizzes, assignments, and exams

Receive feedback and grades

Access detailed performance analytics.

Certificates and Achievements

Upon course completion, users receive certificates

Accumulate badges and achievements for milestones.


Communicate with instructors and peers through messaging or discussion boards

Request assistance or clarifications.

Personal Library

Save course materials, notes, and resources

Create a personal knowledge library.

Feedback and Ratings

Users provide feedback on courses

Rate courses and instructors.

Administration (Instructor/Content Creator)

Instructors create and manage courses

Upload content and assignments

Review student performance.

Notifications and Alerts

Receive system-generated and course-specific notifications

Stay informed about course updates and deadlines.

Support and Help

Access a help center for FAQs and guides

Contact support for technical or course-related issues.

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