Narrative Essay

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Staphy Potted

English Narrative Essay

Mrs DeVilliers
Grade 12


Catalia was a petite ,beautiful small township girl, that did not live so far off the big city.
She always wore beautiful dresses to school and all the boys always said sweet words to
her. But a few girls never really had the same taste as the boys they never liked her the way
she always had something pretty on and the fact that she is beautiful and the boys talk about
her. She got their attention every single time.

On the month of march exactly on the 8th the morning of her birthday she had woken up with
a bright smile and crusty face ready for school. She took a very cold shower just to feel the
little tingles on her body. She had goosebumps the type of goosebumps that tried so hard to
conserve the heat. She dressed up in her purple dress unifrom. On her way to her college
school she passed her primary school and all she thought of was the old memories of her old
friends of the time she was her loneliest and her own friends decided not to be there for her
they gave her the silent treatment all because she stood up for herself and confronted her
friend. she gazed at her old school for no longer than a minute and came back to reality she
suddenly made a cringey facial expression hence she was being reminded of that past as a
child . Catelia never really had good tastes when it came to friends.

Well she had made new friends in college. It was the period before break and the seniors
where having their favourite subject only because it was more of a free period. The kind of
subject that teaches you about intamcy ,drugs,and about our diversity, yes you guessed it is
was Life Orientation . The loud laughs in class and girls gossiping in the corners and the
boys up to mischiveous deeds obviously smelling like green trees with eyes as red as if they
were under water. Catalia was at her desk in the corners close to the windows as she liked to
gaze outside the window and would daydream into a fairtytale world just to escape class in a
creative way . It made her feel even more comfartable and safe. Monica was Catelias friend
but she always had a bad motive. She tried finding ways to embarrass Catelia she had bad
comments about her every single day just because her own boyfriend was talking to Catelia
and he was always fond of her and the only person he always asked monica about was
Catelia . Monica was the type of girl to take pictures in graveyards .Everyone thought she
was mental. On this very day and period she was tired of hearing her boyfriend ask about
Catelia and so she wanted everyone to hate her . She decided to shout and blurt out false
accusations saying Catelia was selling drugs and had a sex tape. This shocked Catelia and
her jaw dropped. Why would Monica go to such an extent as to say that?. The whole class
stared at Catelia and did not even take a minute for the whole of the seniors even those she
had considered as her friends also started judging and commenting. Nothing good came out
of their mouths.The poor girl had to hear what people actually thought about her even her
own friend . These last few mins of the period and Catelia had to deal with drama on her

Catelia did not waste time and called on Monica and confronted her at her desk in the corner
about this rumour and asked her why would she do such a dramatic and bad thing thats not
what makes a beautiful girl she exclaimed she went on and told her that even if their not
friends anymore from that day onwards. She shouldnt have to disrespect her like that but
Monica only responded in swear words until Catelia told her that only pretty girls say nice
things. Monica felt so offened because the whole class laughed and she walked straigh down
to Catelia and bashed her head against the glass window. She hit her again and Catelia
could taste the blood coming out of her mouth. Monica grabbed Catelias hair and pulled it out,
since it was braids it was easy for it to come out. Catelia could swear that she was going to
get a big headache after this. Catelia knew she had to do something. Throwing her hardest
punch on Monicas left cheeck, she could even feel the skull as she punched. Monica could
feel the pain ripple through her cheeck. Catelia thought that her friends would stand by her
side but instead they betrayed her and didnt take her side when the teachers asked the girls
who started the fight after that all they stopped talking to Catelia and she felt all alone
everyday she sat in class feeling all alone even though shes surrounded by people . She
found out that her friends also started the rumour. About her. Only because of jelousy and

Catelia learnt that the thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies but from
your friends. Its very important to know how to protect your heart when it comes to friends ,so
do not always give all of your energy to people who would never stand by your side. Do not
rely on friends but on family. Catalia may have been betrayed by her friends but she still is
able to make new friends and now she can tell when a friend is toxic or bad for her

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