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A. Część leksykalno – gramatyczna:

I. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź:

1) It’s ………………………… river in Europe.

a) longest b) the longest c) longer

2. ‘Will you write to me?’ – ‘Yes, I ………….

a) do b) write c) will

3. …………………. get up early every morning?

a) Do she have to b) Does she have to c) Does she has to

4. You ……………….. to the doctor.

a) should to go b) should going c) should go

5. ………………… a sandwich?
a) Would you to like b) Would you like c) Will you like

6. There aren’t …………………….. cinemas here.

a) some b) the c) any

7. ……………………….. Italy?
a) Is she b) Comes she from c) Is she from

8. I …………………… a postcard to my parents now.

a) write b) am writing c) writing

9. She phones me …………………

a) twice a week b) two a week c) twice times a week

10. What …………………………… yesterday?

a) you buy b) did you bought c) did you buy

11. There is a washbasin ………………………… the corner of the room.

a) at b) in c) to

12. This is the house ……………………… she lives.

a) what b) this c) where

Mark: …. / 12

II. Ułóż zdania z podanych elementów:

1. in / is / TV / room / set / my / a / there /

2. I / not / in / was / yesterday / park / the /
3. is / my / hot / too / tea /
4. good / history / am / at / I /
5. Saturday / always / the / does / my / shopping / on / mother /

Mark: …. / 10

III. Z podanych elementów ułóż zdania pytające:

1. does / where / she / live / ?

2. sing / well / you / can / ?
3. colour / hair / what / is / her / ?
4. she / the / washing / is / now / dishes / ?
5. yesterday / to / they / early / go / did / bed / ?

Mark: …. / 10

IV. Zakreśl właściwy wyraz lub wyrażenie:

1. I am very working / busy today.

2. I was born on the five / fifth of November.
3. Don’t speak / say so fast.
4. I got / gave a camera from my aunt last week.
5. My sister is higher / taller than me.
6. I don’t want to listen / hear to the radio just now.
7. Nicky is absent from school today. She is at house / home.
8. Let’s have / catch a bus.
9. What’s your father’s job / work?
10. The students must teach / learn 30 new words tomorrow.
Mark: …. / 10

B. Komunikacja:

I. Wstaw brakujące pytania:

1. A: ………………………………………….?
B: Very well, thanks.
2. A: ………………………………………….?
B: It’s quarter to five.
3. A: ………………………………………….?
B: I’m a teacher.
4. A: ………………………………………….?
B: It’s two pounds fifty.
5. A: ………………………………………….?
B: Yes, please. I’m looking for trousers.
6. A: ………………………………………….?
B: I’m cooking dinner.
7. A: ………………………………… today ?
B: Monday.
8. A: ………………………………………….?
B: I’m twenty.
9. A: ………………………………………….?
B: She’s Spanish.
10. A: ……………………………………… . ?
B: His eyes are blue.
11. A: ……………………………………… ?
B: How do you do!
12. A: ……………………………………….. ?
B: Yes, it’s S – M – I – T – H.

Mark: …. / 12
II. Uzupełnij dialogi, wpisując właściwe wyrażenie:

1. A: I’m sorry I’m late.

B: That’s ………………………………………..
2. A: Do you speak English?
B: Yes, ……………………………………….....
3. A: Let’s go to the cinema.
B: ………………………………………., I can’t.
4. A: Could you give me that yellow book?
B: …………………………………………. are.
5. A: ……………………………………… like a coke ?
B: Yes, please.
6. A: Father is taking us to McDonalds!
B: That’s …………………………………………
7. A: Can I use your telephone?
B: Yes, …………………………………………..
8. A: I am good at biology.
B: Me …………………………………………….

Mark: …. / 8

C. Czytanie ze zrozumieniem:

COMPETITION: My favourite things

Name: Matt Gleason Age: 17

School subject: My favourite school subject is Geography. I like learning about other countries and studying
maps. I’m very keen on travelling. I visited six countries. Last year I was in India with my parents. My father
worked there for four months and I was at a school in Delhi. I’m going to study Geography at university next

Person: My favourite person is my Uncle Bob. He’s my father’s brother and he lives in Oxford. He’s thirty-
five years old and he’s a tennis coach. I always stay with him and my aunt in the summer holidays and I have
a great time. Last summer my uncle and I played tennis every day. At the end of my holiday, I was a very
good player. Now I’m the captain of the school tennis team.

Month: My favourite month is December. It’s my birthday on the twelfth of December so I get birthday
presents and Christmas presents in December. I like the food which we have at Christmas. I like snow and
cold weather. I sometimes go skiing in Scotland or in Austria in my Christmas holidays.

Place: My favourite place is ‘Earthgreen Club’ in our town. It’s a club where they play folk music. The
music is great, the people are friendly and you can get good food there. It’s not expensive. A lot of students
go there. I usually meet my friends there at the weekend.

a) Które zdanie jest prawdziwe? Zaznacz je:

1. Matt is a Geography student at Oxford University. ……
2. Matt likes travelling, sports and folk music. ……
3. Matt always plays tennis in his summer holidays and goes skiing in his Christmas holidays. ……
4. Matt lived in India with his father when he was young but now he lives with his aunt and uncle in Oxford.

Mark: …. / 2
b) Zaznacz zdania jako prawdziwe ( T ) lub fałszywe ( F ):

1. Matt’s father worked as a teacher in India. ………….

2. Matt’s favourite person is his brother. ………….
3. Matt is keen on tennis. ………….
4. Matt’s birthday is 2nd December. ………….
5. Matt hates Christmas food. …………..
6. Last Christmas, Matt was in Austria. …………..
7. Matt likes listening to folk music. …………..
8. Matt usually goes to the Earthgreen Club on Wednesday evenings. …………..

Mark: …. / 8

D. Wiedza o krajach obszaru anglojęzycznego

I. Odpowiedz na pytania w języku polskim:

1. Podaj imię / tytuł obecnej królowej angielskiej:

2. Na jakie cztery krainy geograficzne dzieli się Wielka Brytania? Wymień je.
3. Jakie święto obchodzi się 31 października w krajach anglojęzycznych?
4. Jakie miasto jest stolicą Wielkiej Brytanii?
5. Jakiej waluty używają Brytyjczycy?
6. Jakie kolory widnieją na fladze Wielkiej Brytanii?
7. Jak nazywa się największa rzeka w Anglii ( przepływa przez Londyn )?
8. Podaj nazwę najbardziej znanego w Wielkiej Brytanii zegara / wieży zegarowej:

Mark: …. / 8

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