HSI Index

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Health & Safety Standards (HSIs)

100 - General
HSI-101.pdf Life Saving Rules
HSI-103.pdf SJR Personal Safety Training
HSI-105.pdf Safety Concern Resolution
HSI-106.pdf Industrial Injuries and Illnesses
HSI-108.pdf Working With Bird Droppings
HSI-110.pdf Wireless Communication Devices
HSI-111.pdf Hot Work Permit
HSI-113.pdf Refinery Excavation Permit
HSI-114.pdf Radiography Work Permit
HSI-117.pdf Joint Health Safety and Environment Committee Terms of Reference
HSI-118.pdf Job Safety Analysis
HSI-119.pdf Flagging Barricades and Warnings
HSI-120.pdf Safe Work Process
HSI-122.pdf Lightning Protocol
HSI-123.pdf Gas Detection
HSI-124.pdf Refinery Permit Coordinator
HSI-125.pdf Critical Task Safety Pause
HSI-126.pdf Safe Access to Operating Areas
HSI-129.pdf Thermal Stress
HSI-130.pdf Scaffolding
HSI-131.pdf Safe Entry to Refinery Analyzer Shelters
HSI-132.pdf Safe Use of Small Tools and Equipment
HSI-133.pdf Entering MCC's Substations Rack Rooms Marshalling Rooms UPS Rooms & Laboratories
HSI-134.pdf Safe Entry to the South Flare Area
HSI-135.pdf Building a Reporting Culture (Potential vs. Actual Injury Ratio (PAIR))
HSI-136.pdf Welding and Allied Process Exposure Control
HSI-137.pdf Contractor Approval and Site Requirements
200 - Protective Equipment
HSI-202.pdf Respiratory Protection
HSI-203.pdf Lifting Devices Manbaskets Materials and Equipment
HSI-204.pdf Personal Protective Equipment
HSI-205.pdf Fire Extinguishers: Inspection and Replacement
HSI-206.pdf Working at Heights
HSI-207.pdf Hearing Conservation
HSI-208.pdf Safe Management of Naturally Occuring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
HSI-209.pdf Safe Use of Drinking Water in Process Areas
HSI-210.pdf Benzene Control Program
Health & Safety Standards (HSIs)

300 - Chemical Handling

HSI-301.pdf Safe Handling of Flammable Liquids and Gases with High RVP (Exceeding 20psi)
HSI-303.pdf Safe Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
HSI-305.pdf Safe Handling of Asbestos Products in the Refinery
HSI-307.pdf Radiation Safety Procedures
HSI-308.pdf Safe Handling of Hydrogen Sulphide
HSI-310.pdf Working Around Corrosives
HSI-312.pdf Safe Handling of Propane Cylinders
HSI-313.pdf Safe Handing of Lead-Containing Paints and Coatings in the Refinery
HSI-314.pdf Management of Hazardous Products
400 - Equipment Handling
HSI-402.pdf Safe Practices for Entering and Working in Confined Spaces
HSI-403.pdf Lockout / Tag Out
HSI-405.pdf Blinding of Equipment or Processes
HSI-406.pdf Working on or Near Exposed Energized Parts
HSI-407.pdf Use of High Pressure and Hot Water Wash Equipment in the Refinery
HSI-409.pdf Use of Vacuum Trucks
HSI-413.pdf Request to Isolate Roadway
HSI-414.pdf Safe Use of Portable Ladders
HSI-415.pdf Safe Practices for Powered Mobile Equipment (PME) in Process Areas
500 - Transportation of Dangerous Goods
HSI-501.pdf Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Quality Control Monitoring

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