030 Question Words

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CUI – Centro Universitario de Idiomas

Speaking Topic

Question Words
 Before the session, complete the
dialogues below using the words in the box. Find the answer
key on the next page.

How What When Where Who Why

1. A: _____________ do you like pizza?

B: Because it’s delicious.

2. A: _____________ do you get here?

B: I always take a taxi.

3. A: _____________ are you eating?

B: I’m eating sushi.

4. A: _____________ do you go to the gym?

B: I go to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays.

5. A: _____________ are you talking to?

B: I’m talking to my friend.

6. A: _____________ are you going?

B: I’m going home.

Speaking Session
CUI – Centro Universitario de Idiomas

Answer key:

1. Why
2. How
3. What
4. When
5. Who
6. Where

Speaking Session

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