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5 steps to create Gmail account

1 - Open in web browser, click Create Account, then select “For myself”.

2 - Create your Google account with provided username, please ensure name matches what you filled in
job application.
3 - Complete personal information to help your account secure and set up recovery option. Please note
that phone number is optional, but if you chose to add it, it can be only associated with one Gmail

4 - Add your phone number to get more, feel free to check More options and make your own choice.
5 - Please confirm Google privacy and terms by clicking“I Agree” button to complete account set up.
Then you will see the first email from Google. Well done and Congratulations!

6 – To help you verify Gmail account created as expected, please send an email to us at from your Gmail account just created with subject: Gmail account for
[your full name].

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