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SYNTHESIS ethanol: a way to turn Waste into Ethanol

What about the idea of producing fake ethanol? At first glance, the idea of turning hydrocarbons such as
coal into ethanol is unrealistic, but in reality, this idea is not as far-fetched as people think. Synthesis
ethanol is exactly the product of such experiments. Synthesis ethanol is formed and produced through a
thermos-chemical process where different resources, mainly hydrocarbons such as coal, are heated to
form syn-gas. Syn-gas is then altered to bio-fuels through a method known as Gasification where
hydrocarbons are placed in high temperatures and pressured in an oxygen-controlled atmosphere; thus
forming synthetic ethanol.

Synthetic ethanol is chemically identical to bio-ethanol which mainly consists of sugar based or grain
based plantation. Synthetic ethanol is not as harming to the environment to produce and its output of
energy when burned is the same as bio-ethanol. This makes synthetic ethanol a great source to fabricate
Ethanol. On the other hand, there are a few drawbacks to this method of production. A major problem
is, even though this method is not as environmentally damaging than producing bio-ethanol, this
procedure requires the usage of hydrocarbon fuel or fossil fuels. Another issue is the excessive amounts
of time that is required to make a reasonable amount of ethanol through this method.

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