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What is advantage of 1 tier and 3 tier

Answer:-**1-tier architecture:** Advantage lies in simplicity as the entire application runs on a

single machine. It offers straightforward setup, minimal complexity in deployment, and faster
communication between components due to their proximity, suitable for small-scale applications.

**3-tier architecture:** Advantages include scalability, flexibility, and modular design. It separates
presentation, logic, and data layers, allowing easier maintenance, reusability, and scalability. It
supports distributed computing, enabling better resource management and improved performance.

2. What is presentation and Database layer

Answer:-The **presentation layer** refers to the user interface of an application. It’s where the
interaction between the user and the system occurs. This layer includes components that display
information to the user and handle user input, such as GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces), web pages,
mobile app interfaces, etc. Its primary goal is to present data in a human-readable format and gather
user input to pass it to the application.

The **database layer** (also known as the data layer) is where data storage and retrieval occur within
an application. It comprises the databases and systems responsible for managing and organizing data. It
involves storing, manipulating, and retrieving structured information efficiently. The database layer
handles data integrity, security, and ensures the reliability and availability of data to other parts of the
application or to users when needed.

3. What is the command for checking the disk usage

Answer:-The command used to check disk usage in many Unix-based systems, including Linux, is `df`.
Running `df` without any options will display information about the disk space usage for all mounted

For more detailed information, you can use `df -h` to display the usage in a human-readable format
with sizes in MB, GB, etc. Additionally, `df -a` will display all filesystems, including those that are not
currently in use.

4. what is Top command used for

Answer:-The `top` command in Linux and Unix-like systems is used to display real-time system
resource usage. It provides a dynamic, continuously updated view of processes running on the
system, sorted by various criteria like CPU usage, memory usage, and more.

When you run `top` in a terminal, it shows a list of processes along with information such as CPU
usage, memory usage, process IDs (PIDs), user, uptime, and more. It updates this information
periodically, allowing users to monitor system performance, identify processes consuming high
resources, and manage system resources by interacting with running processes (e.g., terminating or
changing priorities).

5. what is SSH

Answer:-SSH stands for Secure Shell. It’s a network protocol that allows secure remote access to a
computer or server over an unsecured network. SSH provides encrypted communication between
the client and the server, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over the network.

It's commonly used by system administrators, developers, and users to access and manage remote
machines, execute commands, transfer files securely, and tunnel other network services securely
across an insecure network. SSH uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the remote computer
and allow users to securely log in and perform tasks on the remote system as if they were directly
connected to it.

6. Command to get cpuinfo

Answer:-cat /proc/cpuinfo

To retrieve CPU information on a Linux or Unix-like system, you can use the `cat` command to read
the `/proc/cpuinfo` file.

Here's the command:


Cat /proc/cpuinfo


This command will display detailed information about your system’s CPU(s), including model name,
architecture, CPU cores, cache sizes, flags, and more.

7. Command to get memInfo

Answer:- To retrieve memory (RAM) information on a Linux or Unix-like system, you can use the
`cat` command to read the `/proc/meminfo` file. Here's the command: ```bash cat /proc/meminfo
``` Executing this command will display detailed information about your system's memory, including
total memory available, free memory, used memory, swap space, buffers, cache, and more.

8. Can you name 2 SSH tools

Answer:- To retrieve memory (RAM) information on a Linux or Unix-like system, you can use the `cat`
command to read the `/proc/meminfo` file. Here's the command: ```bash cat /proc/meminfo ```
Executing this command will display detailed information about your system's memory, including
total memory available, free memory, used memory, swap space, buffers, cache, and more.

9. Can you name 2 RDP tools

Answer:Certainly! Two popular Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) tools are: 1. **Remote Desktop
Connection (RDC) by Microsoft:** This is a built-in tool in Windows operating systems that allows
users to connect to remote computers or servers using the RDP protocol. 2. **TeamViewer:** A
cross-platform remote access tool that supports not only RDP but also other protocols. It enables
users to remotely control computers, share screens, transfer files, and conduct online meetings
across various platforms.

10. What is event viewer ?

Answer:-Event Viewer is a built-in Windows tool that allows users to view and manage system logs,
application logs, and security logs on a Windows system. It records events related to system,
security, and application activities.

It provides a centralized location to view logs, errors, warnings, and informational events generated
by various components of the operating system and installed applications. This tool helps system
administrators and users troubleshoot issues, diagnose problems, and monitor system activities by
providing detailed information about events, errors, and warnings that occur on the system.

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