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Secret Keeper Character Stories

Every shift, if you are not assigned another specific position (i.e. Greeter), choose one of
these characters, and at least one of the stories described as your Story for the day. This is your
role for the day, and when you are on “stage” (anywhere in the park) you should assume this
role at all times (really dive into it and have fun!).

Many of these stories have been inspired by what I’ve seen, heard, or you’ve all told me
that you all do, and that work very well! We will continue to add to the Story Pool as more ideas
and different themes and seasons are upon us throughout the year.

If you have a clear, thought out story idea that fits into one of these characters and
would like to use that as your story for the day, fantastic! Discuss it with your Top Secret Keeper
for them to approve it!

Music Keeper
o Motivation: You are obsessed with the idea of communicating with the invisible
clan members through music.
o Stories: Choose one of the following stories when taking on the role:
▪ Story 1. “I am here by (clan) house today, because I think that they
communicate through music and I am trying to see what kind they like
• Ask visitors to tell you what instrument they think is the (clan)s
favourite and help you play it. Listen for prompts in the clearing’s
sounds as answers and signs that the (clan) likes it or doesn’t
like it.
o Props: Various musical instruments.
▪ Story 2. “I am here today trying to write a song for the great Lord Elfwin,
will you be my band?”
• Ask visitors to pick an instrument and conduct them in a playing
of your song.
o Props: Various musical instruments.
▪ Story 3. “Communication through music is key to understanding the
clans, don’t you think? Can you help me see how well I’m doing?”
• Ask visitors to guess the song you are playing on an instrument.
• Ask them to play you a song and see if you can guess theirs.
o Props: Various musical instruments

Recipe Keeper
o Motivation: You are consumed by the idea of figuring out what the clans eat.
o Stories
▪ Story 1. “What do you think it is that a hobgoblin eats?”
• Take place by the Hobgoblin’s house and the giant pot.
o Have a variety of ingredients laid out for visitors to
choose from.
o Ask them to add things to the pot that they think might
make a good stew for Hobgoblins.
o Once they’ve added the ingredients to the pot, give it a
stir, then claim that yes! This does seem like something a
Hobgoblin would eat!
o Reach into the pot and retrieve a sweet to give them for
the successful recipe! (bit of slight of hand)
▪ Story 2.
• “I want to make a meal for the [clan] but I don’t know what
ingredients to use. What do you think a [clan] eats?”
o Choose a clan clearing.
o Write out the name of a clan and ask visitors to come up
with an ingredient for each letter in the clan’s name.
▪ Props: notebook and writing utensil

Mystery Keeper
o Motivation: You are always seeking to solve mysterious happenings that have
gone on in the Village and learn more about the clans through investigation.
o Stories:
▪ Story 1. “There has been a crime!”
• Find groups on the Village green and ask if they will help you to
solve a crime. The cherry stem from the Magic Muffin has been
• Reports have said that there was the sound of large footsteps,
and maybe a burp or even a pump! Who could that have been?
• Take them through the bad clan side and ask them to listen for
the sounds described, gather more helpers as you go if you come
across them.
• End up in the Troll Clearing where you hear the sounds described
and ask them to search around until they find the stem!
• Reward them with a secret.
o Props: Spy glasses
▪ Story 2.
• You are searching for evidence that could help to uncover what
[clan] may look like.
• Search through the trees and around and inside the clans house
for clues that may give evidence as to what they look like.
• Listen to the sounds around each clan to suggest size, shape,
form, etc….
• Ask the visitor to draw a composite sketch for you from the clues
you’ve gathered.
o Props: Spy glasses, notebook, marker/pen/pencil

Wish Keeper
o Motivation: You are enamoured by the Wishing Tree and love nothing more than
to help people make wishes with his help.
▪ Story 1. The Wish Dance
• Be near the Wishing Tree, always doing something.
o i.e. Counting his branches, listening at his mouth like he
is whispering to you, writing down your thoughts on
wishes, etc…
• When visitors arrive, ask them “if you could wish for anything
right now, what would it be? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t
• “What you should do now, is whisper your wish into your hands,
• Then have them do three dance moves that you describe. The
sillier the better!
o Stand on one foot!
o Shake your bum!
o Wiggle from head to toe!
o Etc…
• Then have them feed their wish from their hands into the Wishing
Tree’s mouth.
• They’ve done it! “I hope your wish comes true!”
• Props: No required Props
▪ Story 2. If Wishes were Bubbles
• Be near the Wishing Tree with a bubble wand.
• When visitors approach, ask them to make a wish.
• “Now, think really hard about your wish and take a deep breath.
Now fill up your cheeks with your wish and blow!”
• Hold the bubble wand out for them to blow some bubbles, then
watch carefully how many bubbles they blow and where they go!
• Then “read” Their wish, as though they were tarot cards.
o If they blow toward a particular clan, say that clan has
taken on your wish personally! Perhaps they will work
hard to help it come true!
o If there are a lot of bubbles, say there must be many parts
to that wish!
o If the bubbles pop against the Wishing Tree that is the
most lucky thing ever! Things look so good for your wish!
• The outlook is ALWAYS good!
o No matter what happens with the bubbles, keep a
positive spin on it.
o NEVER say the wish will definitely come true.
▪ We don’t want to give false hope to a child who
wished their dog was still alive….
• Have fun interpreting the bubbles!!
Magic Keeper
Sports Keeper

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