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Abstraction - removing unnecessary details and including only relevant details

Decomposition - breaking down a complex problem into smaller more manageable parts

Dealing with many different stages of a problem at once is much more difficult than breaking
a problem down into smaller problems to solve each one at a time.

Advantages of decomposition;
- Makes problems easier to solve
- Different people can work on different parts of the problem at the same time,
speeding up development
- COmponents of one program can be used in another

Subprogram - a block of code given a unique name within a program

Subprograms are used to break down a larger program into a series of smaller more
manageable problems.

Benefits of subprograms:
- Easier to code
- Easier to debug code
- Can be reused in another program
- Speeds up program development

- Anything supplied to the program so it can meet its goals
- Usually input by the user
- Consider an appropriate variable name and datatype for the input

- Consider what calculations need to be performed while the program runs
- Does any data need to change format or datatype

- Consider what your program needs to output
- Consider what form the output needs to be in
- Consider an appropriate variable name and datatype for any output

Pseudocode - a text based alternative of representing the sequences of steps in an


Pseudocode is a simplified form of programming code.

Pseudocode allows us to lay down the logic of a problem without having to worry about the
strict rules and syntax of a particular language.

Flowchart - a method of representing the sequences of steps in an algorithm in the form of a

Structured datatype - a sequence of items which themselves are datatypes

String - a sequence of characters

Array - a sequence of items with the same datatype

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