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Figure 1


Figure 1 shows two liquids at different temperatures. What is the difference between the particles at Q and R? A B C D Size of particles Mass of particles Volume of particles Distance between particles

Figure 2


Figure 2 shows the arrangement of particles in 3 different states P, Q and R at room temperature. Which of the following represents oxygen, mercury and carbon? A B C D Oxygen P Q Q R Mercury Q P R Q Carbon R R P P


In an experiment, 50 cm3 of alcohol and 50 cm3 of water are mixed. The final volume of the mixture is less than 100 cm3 because the alcohol molecules

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A B C D 4.

move faster than the water molecules. combine chemically with the water molecules. fill the spaces between the water molecules. molecules evaporate when mixed with the water molecules.

Figure 3 shows the set up of an experiment.

Figure 3 What is the possible explanation for the observation? A B C D The particles of copper sulphate move faster than the gel particles. The particles of copper sulphate are smaller than the gel particles. The particles of copper sulphate are attracted by the gel particles. The particles of copper sulphate diffused into the spaces between the gel particles.


The experiment shown in Figure 4 is to prove the movement of particles in solid, liquid and gas.

Figure 4 The conclusion that can be made from the above experiment is

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A B C D 6.

the movement of particles is the fastest in solid. the movement of particles is the fastest in gas. the gas particles are arranged very closely together. the movement of particles is the same both in gas and solid.

Table 1 shows the properties of three states of matters P, Q and R. State of matter P Q R The kinetic energy of particles Very low Very high Average Table 1 What are the states of matter P, Q and R? A B C D P solid solid gas liquid Q gas liquid solid gas R liquid gas liquid solid The attractive forces between the particles Very strong Very weak Weak


Table 2 shows the density of five types of substances. Substance V W X Y Z State of substance Liquid Solid Solid Solid Solid Table 2 Which solid will float on top of liquid V? A B C D Solid Z only. Solids X and Y only. Solids W and X only. Solids X, Y and Z only. Density 1.2 0.8 0.6 2.5 1.4

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An iron ball is dropped into four gas jars containing liquids O, P, Q and R as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 The density of liquids O, P, Q and R in a descending sequence is A P Q R O B O P R Q C Q R P O D R P O Q


Figure 6 shows two objects P and Q in liquids S, T and U in a gas jar.

Figure 6 The explanation about the objects and liquids P and Q are I Object P is less dense than object Q and liquid U. II Liquid T is denser than liquid S and object P. III Object Q is denser than liquid T and object P. A B C D I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

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The mass of substances H, I, J and K is stated in Table 2 below. The volume for all the substances is 5 cm3. Substance H I J K Table 2 If the density of glass is 2.5 g cm-3, which of the following labeled as H, I, J and K is glass? A B C D SECTION B H I J K Mass (g) 8.8 10.0 12.5 15.6

1. Diagram 1 shows three sets of apparatus P, Q and R used in an

experiments to study the movement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas. Table 1 shows the results of the experiments.

Diagram 1

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Observations Time taken The gel turns purple. 2 days The water turns purple. 2 hours Both gas jars are filled with 5 minutes smoke. Table 1 a) (i) In which experiment does the movement of particles is the slowest? ____________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (ii) Arrange the sets of P, Q and R in the order of the movement of particles, from the fastest to the slowest.

Experiment P Q R

[1 mark] b) In experiment R, the smoke rises to the top of the gas jar after a few minutes. Why do smoke particles move so quickly in air? ______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] c) A student realises that there is a gas leakage in the laboratory. (i) How would he identify that the gas is leaking? _________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (ii) State two actions that the student needs to take before he reports about the leakage to his science teacher? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

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2. Diagram 2 shows an experiment carried out to determine the density of a

stone, with a mass of 21 g.
t h m e a s u r i n c y li n d e r g r e a d

a t e r

l s t o n e


Diagram 2 Define the density of an object. ____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]



Find the volume of the stone. _________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

ii) Calculate the density of the stone. [2 marks]


Name the method used in determining the density of the stone above. ____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]


Suggest a precaution that must be taken during the experiment. ____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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3. Diagram 3 shows an experiment to determine the density of sugar solution.

Empty beaker mass= 15g

Beaker with 30 cm3 of sugar solution mass= 100g Diagram 3

a) What is meant by density? _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] Based on the information in Diagram 3, calculate the mass of sugar solution. _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] c) (i) Calculate the density of sugar solution.


[2 marks] (ii) Suggest one way to increase the density of sugar solution. __________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (iii) What happens to an eraser if it is dropped into the beaker of sugar solution above? (Density of eraser = 3.30 g/cm3 ) __________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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4. Diagram 4 below shows three objects of various densities placed in the liquids of various densities. P A Q R B Diagram 4 a) Arrange the objects and liquids in descending order of density. _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] b) Suggest an example of each liquid A and B. A: ____________________________________________________________ B: ____________________________________________________________ [2 marks] c) Give examples of objects P and R. P: ____________________________________________________________ R: ____________________________________________________________ [2 marks] d) State two examples of transportation that use the principle of density of matter. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

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