Collective Bargaining Agreement

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COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ‘THE ASSOCIATION OF BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS OF GHANA (ABCECG) ! AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS WORKERS’ UNION (CBMWU) OF GHANA TUC AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED WORKERS UNION (CAWU) (AS. MINORITY GROUP) UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION OF THIS BOOKLET IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAW. © FOR THE PERIOD 15? JANUARY, 2015 TO 31ST DECEMBER, 2016 “ 11 12 13 14 15 1.6 17 25 an 22 23 24 25 2.6 2.7 31 3.2 33 34 35 3.6 37 38 3.9 3.10 3.41 3.42 3.13 3.14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Table of Contents Interpretation GENERAL Parties to the Agreement Purpose of the Agreement Scope of the Agreement Exclusion Clause Duration of the Agreement Interpretation of the Agreement Labour Regulations and Ratified Conventions UNION STATUS Recogni Union Shop Union Security Provision Union Notice Board Check-off (Trade Union Dues) Permission for Union meetings Admission of External Representatives CONDTIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Employment Procedure and Probation Creation and Classification of New Jobs Hours of Work Wages and Salaries Overtime Working Time Lost Through Pay Days and Times Payroll Records Workmen's’ Compensation Training Within /Outside Industry Filling of Vacancies Incentive Schemes Transfers Sexual Harassment (iti) BRWUNNN 4a 4.2 43 44 45 46 51 5.2 53 5.4 55 5.6 61 6.2 63 64 65 66 7 72 73 81 8.2 83 84 85 8.6 87 88 8.9 8.10 B11 8.12 8.13 8.14 LEAVE Annual Leave ‘Annual Leave Travel Days Casual Leave Sick Leave Maternity Leave Public Holidays FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE EMPLOYER Provision of Shelter Provision of Baths and Cloak-rooms Safety and Health Provision of Medical facilities Funeral Grant Death Benefit ALLOWANCES Tools Allowance Out-of-Station Allowance Transfer Allowance Acting Allowance Special Allowance Call-in Allowance DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE Absence from Work ‘Absence during Working Hours Discipline and Discharge TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Grounds for Termination of Employment Types of Contract of Employment Notice of Termination of Employment Remuneration on Termination of Employment Exception Resignation Benefit Summary Dismissal Severance Pay Severance Benefits Ex-Gratia Award Entitlements/Benefit Long Service Award Sale of company Used Properties Length of Service Ww 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 7 18 19 19 20 20 20 2 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 30, 91 9.2 93 9.4 95 96 10. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Grievance Procedure 30 Strikes and Lockouts 31 Licences for Drivers/ Operators 31 Examination Fees/Expenses 31 Transport 31 Supplementary Agreement 32 GENERAL PROVISION ON SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES 32 APPENDIX “A” 33-35 APPENDIX “B” 36 APPENDIX “C” 37, a) b) ¢) 4) e) f) 8) h) INTERPRETATION Basic wage shall be the total sum of money as indicated in Appendix “A” & “B”. Basic Monthly Pay means the Daily Basic wage multiplied by 27. Hourly Rate is defined as in Clause 3.5 (d) of this Agreement. ABCECG means the Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors of Ghana. CBMWU means Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Union of GTUC GTUC means Ghana Trades Union Congress SINC means Standing Joint Negotiation Committee CAWU means Construction and Allied Workers Union. Sub-Contractor is any person named in the contract as sub-contractor or a person appointed as a sub-contractor by the main contractor for a part of the work and/or legal successor in title to each of these persons < 1 ai COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ASSOCIATION OF BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS OF GHANA AND CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS WORKERS’ UNION OF THE TRADES UNION CONGRESS OF GHANA AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED WORKERS UNION GENERAL 1 PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made between the ASSOCIATION OF BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS OF GHANA negotiating on behalf of all Contractors and Employer's in the Civil, Building and Road Industries (hereinafter called the Employer) and the CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS WORKERS’ UNION AND CONSTRUCTION AND ALLIED WORKERS’ UNION (hereinafter called the Union ), officially certified under the Labour ACT, 2003 (ACT6S1) to negotiate with the Employers on all matters connected with the employment or non-employment or the terms of employment or the conditions of labour of any of the ‘employees for whom the Union is certified to negotiate. The date from which this Agreement becomes effective is January 1", 2015. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement is to promote mutual co-operation and understanding between the Employer and the Union and to set forth herein basic rates of pay, hours of work and other conditions of service. 1.3. SCOPE OF THE AGREEEMENT 2) This Agreement shall apply to all employees of members of the Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors of Ghana and any other Employers’ Association operating in the Construction and the Building industries with prior permission from the ABCECG-CBMWU/CAWU Standing Joint Negotiating Committee. b) This Agreement shall apply to all permanent, probationary and non-permanent employees (casual) who are in the Employment of the Employer on or before the date of this Agreement. ) __Itshall equally apply to all permanent, probationary or non-permanent employees. (casual) who are engaged by the employer while the Agreement is in force. 14 1s 4) e) Whenever such staff applies for approval to be covered by this Agreement loyer who will be located in other parts It shall also apply to all employees of the Empl 1 of the Employer's facilities, of the country as a result of extension or transfer The agreement shall also apply to sub- contractors in that they have to observe and apply the labour conditions and payments agreed at the SINC t, notice should be given to the employer promptly after the Mother Union has granted such approval. EXCLUSION CLAUSE ai ‘Any Contractor who is not a member of the Association of the Building and Civil Engineering Contractors of Ghana (ABCECG). The ABCECG or the CBMWU or CAWU or both are at liberty to institute legal action against any employer who uses this Agreement without approval from ABCECG, CBMWU and CAWU DURATION OF AGREEMENT a The duration of this Agreement, except for wages and salaries, shall be two years, commencing from the effective date of this Agreement. etore the end of the first year, the SINC shall meet to review wage levels to take effect from the first day of the second year; namely: ~ the 1" of January, 2015 and 1* January, 2016. ‘The duration of wages and salaries shall be one year commencing from the 1" January, 2015 to be reviewed towards the end of the year and the reviewed rates take effect from 1" January, 2015 and 1 January, 2016. 16 17 INTERPRETATION OF THE AGREEMENT ‘a. The final conclusive interpretation of the provisions of this agreement shall be made by the Standing Joint Negotiation Committee (SINC) subject to the relevant pro\ of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) ions No circular, decision or any alteration that amends, varies or revokes any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is approved and directed by the SINC LABOUR REGULATIONS AND RATIFIED CONVENTIONS Where this Agreement is silent, the provisions of Labour Laws in force and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions relevant to the Construction Industry and ratified by Ghana shall apply. In accordance with the ratification by the Government of Ghana of ILO Convention No. 94 on Public Contracts, all employers on public contracts shall respect fully the provision under this Clause as follows + Respect the freely exercised rights of workers, without distinction, to organize into trade unions and further to defend their interests as well as the protection of those workers who exercise their rights to organize; . Respect the prohibition of forced or compulsory labour in all its forms; . Respect the prohibition of employment of children below eighteen (18) years; . Ensure the equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value; . Ensure fair and reasonable conditions of health, safety and welfare at all work places and sites; . Ensure that workers have equal access to jobs and training on equal terms, irrespective of gender, race, colour, political opinion or social origin. 22 23 2.4 UNION STATUS, RECOGNITION ‘a, __ The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and appropriate representative to conduct Collective Bargaining on behalf of its members b. Each party to the Collective Agreement shall ensure that its members understand the provisions therein and apply them in full UNION SHOP a ‘The Employer recognizes the right of the union to designate Shop Stewards to deal with such Union business as may from time to time be delegated to them by the Union and other matters pertaining to this as laid down in the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) or any amendment thereto. in case of necessity for the termination of employment of the Shop Steward / Accredited Union Official for any reasons whatsoever, contact will be made with the Union before the intended action is effected, Incase of the necessity for the transfer of the Branch Secretary or Branch Chairman, @ copy of the letter transferring him will be sent to the Officer ~ in ~ charge of the Union in the Region where the transfer is taking place. UNION SECURITY PROVISION a, Union Officers have responsibility for ensuring that objective criteria are used to make selection fair with customary arrangement or agreed procedure in the event of work — force reduction. b. Union Officers shall be among t he last to be made redundant except where special reasons justify a deviation from this principle. In this case, it shall be resolved with the Mother Union. UNION NOTICE BOARD The Company shall provide Notice Board to be used by the Union at a Location agreed between the Union and the Employer, for the display of notices of Union Meetings, educational and social activities and agreements concluded between the Union and the Employer. Only notices on these subjects may be displayed G 5. 2.5 CHECK OFF (TRADE UNION DUES) A trade Union to which this section applies may issue to the employer of any workers who are members of that trade Union, a formal letter or notice requesting the employer to deduct from the wages/salaries of his or her workers covered by a certificate issued under Section 99 of the Labour Act, the percentage of the salary/wage or the sum specified by the Trade Union; and to pay over the sum deducted as may be directed by the Trade Union and subject to this Section, the Employer shall comply with the notice. ‘A sum which an employer has in accordance with a notice under this section deducted from the wages/salaries of a worker to the trade union shall be paid over not more than one month after the date on which the wages/salaries are paid. 2.6 PERMISSION FOR UNION MEETINGS “A, The Employer agrees that the Union is permitted to gather its members who are his employees for Union Meetings provided that the Employer's permission for each meeting has been obtained at least 24 hours before such a meeting is. scheduled and that such meeting or gathering shall not: damage property of the Employer ii be held during official duty hours (except with Employer's permission) The Employer reserves the right to recover the cost of tables and chairs and any other articles damaged by the Union at such meetings. The Employer shall allow representatives and/ or officers of the Branch Union on working days to attend meetings called by the Union, provided that the Union notifies the Employer of this request at least seven days before the date of such meeting and stating the names of the employees to be permitted to attend except in the case of emergencies in which case twenty-four (24) hours’ notice will be given. Each Employer shall allow a branch officer or representative of the Union up to an aggregate of 30 man-days per year to attend Union meetings. However, any expenses so incurred shall be borne by the Union, 27 3a 3.2 ADMISSION OF EXTERNAL UNION REPRESENTATIVES (2) The Employer will permit Union representatives from Headquarters and Regional Branches, etc to be admitted to the Employer's premises in connection with Union business. (6) Visiting Union representatives will comply with the Employer's normal procedure for -ors with respect to security, safety etc. (c) Visiting Union representatives will not interrupt or interfere with any work without the employer's permission. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURE AND PROBATION Employment procedure shall comply with Labour Laws. (a) Onengagement, an Employment Card shall be prepared for each employee, showing the grade and initial wage rate/salary scale. (b) An employee employed on probation shall be confirmed as permanent at the end of three months if found suitable and satisfactory. The employer shall write to the affected worker confirming the appointment. Should the employer for one reason or ‘another fail to write to confirm theappointment of the worker, he/she shall be deemed under this Agreement as confirmed. (0. Any ex-employee who has satisfactorily been employed and is being re-engaged for the same duties need not be put on probation if the period in between does not exceed twelve (12) months. (é) If an employee is declared redundant during probation period and is re-hired in the same position, the days worked prior to the time he/she was declared redundant shall be credited to him to determine completion of his/her probationary period, provided the time in between is less than three months. (e) Ifthe employer cuts down its labour force in accordance with this Collective Agreement, and then decides to recruits within six month, it shall recrut from among those who have been laid off. CREATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF NEW JOBS Any question relating to classification of new trades, occup pay will be resolved by the Employer and the Union. In case of out O7 disagreement, reference will be made to the Labour Department, 7 33 3.4 HOURS OF WORK (2) Normal working hours shall not exceed forty (40) hours in any week worked from Monday to Friday. The actual daily working hours will be at the discretion of the various Employers in consultation with the Local Consultative Committee made up of Management and Union representatives. (b) Watchman may be engaged on eight (8) hour per day or twelve (12) hour shift basis. (c)__ Awatchman engaged on eight (8) hour per day shall be paid as in Appendix “A” (Groups 2 and 3). (d) Watchman engaged on twelve (12) hour shift basis shall operate from Monday to Friday through to Sunday with one (1) day off, that is a day shift (6am-6pm) and a night shift (6pm-Gam). No shift period shall exceed twelve (12) hours. 12 hours shift rate for Night Watchman ~ GH¢ 20.66 12 hours shift rate for Day Watchman : GH¢ 19.64 (e) For the avoidance of doubt, for watchmen and security personnel only, a week shall be six (6) days with the seventh day as off-duty day. However, the off-duty day shall be agreed upon between the worker and the Employer. WAGES AND SALARIES fa) (b) () Wages shall arranged in Appendix “A” attached to Agreement New rates applicable for the period 1* January 2016 to 31% December 2016 will be negotiated at the SINMC level before the end of the year 2015. Salary Advance Salary Advance will be granted in accordance with internal arrangement to be instituted by the Employer and the Local Union. 35 3.6 f. Soft Loan The Employer will at its discretion grant a soft loan to an employee, on request. The loan so granted shall not exceed the accrued terminal benefit of the employee and shall be recovered by monthly installments in such a way that any of the deductions to be made shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the wage or salary of the worker. OVERTIME WORKING (a) Time worked in excess of the normal working hours as defined in Clause 3.3 above will be paid as overtime rates. (b) Overtime working will not be compulsory but will be carried out where necessary. (c) Where the normal working week is forty (40) hours, worked from Monday to Friday, overtime will be paid at the following rates:- Monday-Friday - Normal hourly rate x1.25 Saturday : Normal hourly rate x1.50 Sunday/Holiday Normal hourly rate x2.00 (d) The basic hourly rate is defined as the daily rate of the worker divided by eight (8), rounded to the nearest Ghana cedis (GH¢) (e) Overtime hours grossed up over the month (in the case of monthly paid employees) and other pay interval as applicable should be calculated to the nearest whole hour, for payment (f) In the event of an agreed holiday shut-down period, workers on essential services and /ar who are required to work part or all that period shall be paid at twice the hourly rate on all days affected, including declared Public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. (g) Clerical staff who work overtime shall be paid overtime allowance at the agreed overtime rates. TIME LOST THROUGH CAUSES BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE PARTIES (a) The sub-clause 4 of Executive’ Instrument 34, Daily Rated Workers (minimum remuneration) shall apply. This clause reads: “Every Employer shall pay to each worker the full minimum remuneration for each day on which such worker attends work whether or not wet weather prevents him from carrying on his normal work and whether or not it is possible to arrange alternative work for him on such a day’ oe 9. 37 38 3.9 (b) Where suitable protective clothing has been provided to allow the continuation of work in wet weather, then employees so equipped are required to continue working (c) TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF WORK ‘Any break in service of an employee not exceeding three (3) months caused involuntarily by temporary suspension of work shall be disregarded for counting the length of service and entitlement of an employee PAY DAYS AND TIME (a) Pay day shall not normally be later than the last working day of the month ‘Any variation shall be agreed by the Union and Employer. (b) _lfpayment has not commenced within half an hour of close of work on payday, then employees will be paid for the waiting time at the overtime rate applicable. PAY ROLL RECORDS (2) The Employer shall keep records of wages/salaries paid and these records shall be signed or thumb-printed by the employee at the time of payment. (b) Each employee shall have the opportunity to see his/her time card at the end of the month. A copy shall be presented to him for his/her retention. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION (a) Inthe event that an employee suffers occupational disease, dies or suffers personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of his/her employment, the Workmen’s Compensation'Law in force will apply. (b)__ AUnion representative shall be present in all cases of payment of Workmen's Compensation by the Employer. (c)__ An Employer may engage the services of a reputable Insurance company to render the above service. Whatever the circumstance, the worker shall not be worse off by any such arrangement from what he/she would have earned under the Workmen's Compensation Law in force. « 10. 3.10 341 3.12 3.13 ‘TRAINING WITHIN / OUTSIDE INDUSTRY. (a) The Employer will encourage and assist employees to attain higher levels of education and skills in those fields of education and crafts applicable to the Employer's interest through internal and external training in accordance with the N.V.T.1 Act 52 (1970). (b) Where the Employer directly nominates worker(s) for any course the Employer will be responsible for the full cost of the course. (Where the employee pursues a course with the approval of the employer, the Employer's shal re-imburse tuition fees, cost of educational materials and ‘examination fees to the successful employee. FILLING OF VACNCIES (a) _ Whenever a post becomes vacant or is created, prior consideration will be given to. filling it by promoting existing staff. (b) Employees will, whenever possible or practicable, be formed through internal Girouler of vacancies as they occur to enable employees in other departments of the company on lower. grades to apply. INCENTIVE SCHEMES incentive schemes, such as annual bonus, are desirable but should be left to the individual Employer to operate his/her own scheme in consultation with their Local Union representatives. ‘TRANSFERS. All employees of this industry are transferable on duty to any town of station where the Employer operates throughout Ghana. Written transfer notices should be served on the employee fourteen (14) clear days before the effective date of departure to the new station. nemergency cases the employee will comply with transfer instruction of the ‘employer within forty eight (48) hours and the shop steward notified accordingly. {a) The Employer shall be responsible for the provision of or payment of transport and transportation of the personal effects and not more than one wife and three dependents under eighteen years of (18) age. {b) Under no circumstance should transferred workers traveling 10 their new places be, transported on the platform of open trucks. a 11. () (d) MOBILITY ALLOWANCE Where the nature of the job is such that an employee is moved continuously from location to location, a mobility allowance of twenty percent (20%) of the monthly ‘wage/salary shall be paid to such employee every month. REPATRIATION On leaving the service on grounds of ill-health, retirement or old age, the Employer shall bear the cost of travelling. expenses of the employee, his/her spouse and three dependants (under ‘18’ years of age) to his home town, In the case of the employee who leaves the services on grounds of redundancy or termination (other than summary dismissal), the Employer shall bear the cost of travelling expenses of the employee and family to his/her place of engagement. Fares paid will not exceed the approved State Transport Company fares prevailing at the time. 3.14 SEXUAL HARASSMENT {a) (b) Sexual harassment shall mean any unwanted advances made by an employer, his representative or by an employee to another worker, which creates fear of ation or job insecurity and may lead to intimidation of the victim or compel him/her to think about leaving the employment. It shall be an offence to engage in sexual harassment. An employee who accuses another of this offence before an employer shall have his/her case investigated by a Joint Committee of equal representatives of Management and the Union; and the ‘Committee shall: make recommendation for appropriate action to be taken. 12. 4. 4a 42 43 LEAVE ANNUAL LEAVE {a) Annual leave shail be in accordance (Act 651) the relevant provisions of Labour Act, 2003, (b) Employees who have done twelve (12) months continuous service shall be granted leave with pay at basic rate as follow: th Up to Non-Supervisory grade (daily rated) - 21 Working Days. ii, Supervisory grades (monthly salaried) ~ 28 Working Days. (c)__ Leave may be commuted for payment in lieu by agreement between the Employer and the Employee. (a) INTERRUPTED LEAVE ‘An employee whose leave is interrupted shall be paid the transport cost involved. ANNUAL LEAVE TRAVEL DAYS (a) Employees proceeding on leave will be granted travelling days with pay at consolidated basic rate’as follows:- (b) For all workers, the total number of days allowed for the in and out journey is two (2) days, CASUAL LEAVE (2) Casual leave may be granted on compassionate grounds, on request by the employee, prior to its being taken. {b) Casual leave will be granted to an employee up to ten (10) days in any calendar year after the employee has taken his/her annual leave. (c) Casual leave may be deducted from unclaimed annual leave, if any, byrqysyal agreement with pay. 13, 44 4s SICK LEAVE (a) (b) ©) (d) Sick leave, paid at basic rates, shall be granted to employees who are absent from work due to short illness, where such absence on excused duty is authorized by a Medical Certificate, issued by Employer's Doctor or approved Medical Practitioner. Employees who become invalidated and upon Medical authority shall be in such condition for long period of time, will be permitted to take the authorized exemption of duty on medical grounds and paid for, as follow:- Length of Service Full Pay Half Pay 3 months ~3 years 2 months 2 months Above 3 years — 8 years 4 months 4 months Above 8 years 6 months 6 months ‘Any payment after the above schedule should beat the discretion of the Employer. It is agreed that authority from a traditional healer, licensed by the Association of Traditional Healer and approved by the Employer, shall be accepted and granted same facilities and recognition as accorded to the Orthodox Medical Practitioner mentioned above. The Employer may offer an alternative job to a worker whose incapacitation was due to injuries he/she sustained in the course of his/her duties. MATERNITY LEAVE (a) (b) (c) ‘A female employee having completed at least 12 months, service prior to her confinement shall be granted 12 weeks maternity leave, paid at basic rates. Following the employee's return to work, she shall be allowed feeding time of one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon until the child is nine months old. ‘An employee may be granted additional period of maternity leave before or after, confinement where such absence is authorized by a Medical Practizjoner. 14. 4.6 Ss sa 5.2 5.3.1 (4) The Employer shall be responsible for medical attention for a female employee during the ante-and post — natal period for any female employee who qualifies for maternity leave as in sub — section (a) above. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Public Holidays shall be in accordance with the Holidays Law currently in force or other announcement as applicable. FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE EMPLOYER PROVISION OF SHELTER (a) tis agreed that shelter will be provided by the employer atiroads and building works at vantage points on such projects for use of the employees against rain and as rest places during noon breaks. These shelters would also:be used by the employees, during meal breaks while on the site. These shelters would be equipped with benches and tables. {b) The Employer undertakes to provide canteen facilities in accordance with the Factories, Offices and Shops Act, (Act 328), 1970. PROVISION OF BATHS AND CLOAK - ROOMS Bathrooms and cloak ~ rooms where provided for in - door employees shall comply with the relevant Factories Act. SAFETY AND HEALTH The provisions of the labour Act 2003 (Act 651) PART XV Occupational Health, Safety and Environment shall be strictly observed. (a) The Employer shall make reasonable provisions for the safety and health needs of ‘employees. The employer shall provide adequate protective and safety equipment and these will remain the property of the Employer. The Employer shall provide the following minimum protection: - 15. Designation Minimum Protection i Watchman Torch light and safety boots ji, Tradesmen/Operators Masks (for welders), aprons, helmets,working gear, boots, nose covers. These shall be appropriate to the works as possible. Office worker Management will provide appropriate protective measures against hazards which may arise out of the use of modern equipment and work methods appropriate. iv. Storekeeper Aprons and groves DURING RAINING SEASONS IV. All workers Rain coats (b) () (a) (e) Management shall provide dust'masks for workers on the road and in dusty sites, including quarries, and those who Work with cement and petroleum products. Protective or safety equipment supplied by the Employer shall be solely for the use of employee in the performance of his/her duties. The employee is required to ensure the equipment issued is available for use at the place of work whenever required. It shall remain the property of the Employer for a maximum of twelve (12) months. Itis agreed that any employee who loses or deliberately causes damage to such protective clothing or equipment shall be made to pay for the full cost of a new one to be provided by the Employer. To promote safe working conditions and feeling of safety consciousness among the employees, a Joint Safety committee of the representatives of the branch union and Employer shall be established at each site. The Committee shall meet as and when necessary to discuss such issues as will promote safer working conditions. 16. 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.4 (f) The employer in conjunction with the Union, shall provide instructions, train and supervise safety and preventive measures to avoid dangers at work. (g) _ itis recognized that some companies have quarries, asphalt and cement batching plants as part of their operations. It is agreed that employees engaged in these operations shall be covered by the following conditions; Medical check-up before employment and final check-up before discharge. Each case will be dealt with between the employer and the Local Union. (h) Incase of employees at quarries, precast, asphalt and dusty areas, there shall be medical check-up twice (2) a year by the Company's Doctor. The employer shall supply two (2) sets of uniform to all female employees once a year (of twelve months). It is an infringement of the spirit and letter of this Agreement for an Employer to engage any worker in any operations which require the basic protection enumerated above and fails to provide them to the worker. It is an infringement of the spirit and letter of thisiagreement for an Employee having been provided with the protection, to fail to use them to work, FIRST AID: The employer shall provide first.aid equipment and services at all work places and project sites. PROVISION OF MEDICAL FACILITIES (a) Employees should register under the NHIS and use the facility to seek medical attention. New employees should register during their probationary periods. (b) The Company shall pay for the registration/premium of the employee and spouse and three (3) children below eighteen (18) years under the NHIS. Where they are under SSF only the registration fees shall be paid. (c) Refund of Drugs prescribed which are OUTSIDE NHIS list can only be effected at a limit ‘of GH¢270 per year. G 17. 5.6 (4) Medical attention shall however exclude the provision of spectacles, dentures and major surgical operations as defined by Medical Officer. (e)__ Before an employee attends an approved herbal clinic he/she shall seek the approval of the Employer. (f) Medical free bonus of GH¢50.00 shall be paid to employees who throughout the year did not make use of provision of medical facilities. (j) Both the Employer and the Workers’ Union shall pursue the National Aids Program. FUNERAL GRANT On the death of an employee, the employer shall bear the cost of the following;- a. Coffin or the provisions for Muslims ~ GH¢ 600.00 flat. b. Transportation of personal effects of the deceased to his/her hometown in Ghana. ¢. Transportation of the body to the place of b i Burial at locations at or near the site ~ GH¢400 ii, Burial at locations outside the site - GH¢S00 d. Donations: - A flat amount of GH¢ 500 NB: — Inall Funeral Grant will amount to GHC 1,500 if it takes place in the locality and GH¢1,600 outside the locality e. On the death of the spouse or any of the children under the age of 18 years of an ‘employee, the employer shall bear the cost of the provision of coffin and transport to the place of burial in Ghana and donation at the discretion of the employer. f. The employee will be required to produce death certificate or affidavit in case of tt death of spouse or child. 18. 5.6 6.0 61 DEATH BENEFIT On the death of an employee, the employer shall pay to the affected employee's su ing spouse or children, or in their absence, his/her beneficiary/next of kin, a death benefit as stated below:- fa) (o) iC) one (1) month’s pay Under one (1) year service two (2) months pay For each year of service. Fractions of a year shall be calculated pro- rata. This benefit preludes all other terminal awards, for example, termination/resignation, severance and ex-grate. Above one (1) year service ~ ALLOWANCES: TOOLS ALLOWANCE (a) (b) () Artisans and tradesmen who possess and are required to use the prescribed set of tools listed in Appendix “C” will be paid an allowance of GhC1.00 for each day of attendance to work. Artisans and tradesmen who possess and are required to use a set of tools sufficient to carry out their duties willlbe allowance of Ghp 0.70 for each day of attendance to work. Tools owned by artisans and tradesmen receiving tools allowance under clause 6.1 (a&b) above must be clearly and permanently marked as properly of theemployee and registerad as such with the employer. < 19. 6.2 63 6.3.1 63.2 6.4 (OUT -OF -STATION ALLOWANCE (2) Anemployee, who is required to work outside his/her station for one day and beyond, but not exceeding three months shall be paid out-station allowance for each night of stay outside the station. Payment for any period after the three months shall be between the employer the local Union and the affected worker. (b) Where the employer provides accommodation, the worker shall be paid GH¢20.00 per night as out — station allowance. (c)__ Where the employer does not provide accommodation, the employee shall be paid out-of-station and accommodation allowance of GH¢60.00 per night. ‘TRANSFER ALLOWANCE Permanent Transfer Permanent Transfer shall refer to transfer for a period exceeding three (3 months and following allowances shall be paid. (a) Atransfer grant of Two (2) months basic salary/wage {b) Transport to convey the employee and his/her dependants to the new work place. Temporal Transfer Temporal transfer shall to refer to transfer for a period of less than (3) month’s duration, and the following shall be paid:- (2) Where the employer provides accommodation, the worker shall be paid GH¢20.00 per night as out ~of -station allowance. (b) Where the employer does not provide accommodation, the employee shall be paid out-of-station and accommodation allowance of GH¢60.00 per night. ACTING ALLOWANCE Where a salaried employer performs the full duties of a post in a higher classification he/she will be paid an allowance equivalent to the difference between the employees current salt and the minimum salary for the grade in which he/she is acting. 20. 65 No employee will be eligible for acting allowance unless he/she continuously carried out the duties of the post in higher grade for not less than 14 working days. The allowance will be in lump sum at the end of the period An employee who performs the duty of a higher post at least three months and who under normal circumstances would have become eligible for consideration to fill the vacancy existing in the grade which he/she is acting may be considered by the employer for promotion to fill the post substantively. Trainees, however, will be required to act in different posts for varying periods and the work involved will not therefore be entitled to this allowance. SPECIAL ALLOWANCE c. Night Allowance Employees who normally work standard day time hours but are required to work night shifts, part of which falls between the hours of 10 pm and\6 am for production reasons, will be paid an allowances of 25% (twenty-five percent) of his/her basic daily rate for each night shift worked. Employees ‘who normally work during the night by reason of their duties such as watchmen will not be entitled to receive night shift allowances. d. Height Allowance Employees working on exposed structures such as masts, towers and scaffolding, shall be paid allowances for each working day as follows: - Less than 10 (ten) meters... Nil 10(ten) meters and above-but less than 20 (twenty) meters... 2 GHe 1.00 20 (twenty) meters and above-but less than 30 (Thirty) meters and above.. GH¢ 2.50 30 (thirty) meters and above but less than 40 (Forty) meters. GHE4.00 GHC5.00 40 (Forty) meters and above. G 21.

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