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TASK 1: Weather, climate and seasons

1.What is the climate of Hungary like?

Hungary has a typical continental climate with hot dry summers and
mildly cold snowy winters.
2.Where is Hungary situated?
Hungary is located in Central Europe.
3.How does enviroment problems influence the climate of Hungary?
Temperature records are broken in Hungary every year due to the
4.What crops are grown in Hungary?
The most known crops in Hungary are corn,wheat and sunflowers.
5.Which is your favorite season and why?
My favorite season is spring because at that time it is not so warm and
many trees bloom at this time.
6.What is weather generally like in spring or winter?
Winter is usually quite cold and the spring weather is pleasant.
7.What do people often do in summer.
Everyone goes on vacation and swims because it's hot.
Why dont most school children like autumn?
I think it's because the new school year starts then.
8.What is the climet in England like?
I think its a colder than Hungary, as it is located much further north
than Hungary.
9.Why do English people like talking about weather?
I think that’s a tradition for British people, they usein it to help them
talk about topics.
10.In what climetic conditions would you like to live and why?
I love living in continental climate, because i already used to it and
predictable for me.

TASK 2: Buying flowers for your mother's birthday.

You: Good morning, I'm looking for some flowers for my mother's
Flower Shop Assistant: Good morning! That's lovely. Do you have any
particular flowers or colors in mind?
You: Well, she loves roses, especially pink ones. But I'm open to
suggestions if you have any other ideas.
Flower Shop Assistant: Pink roses are always a classic choice for
birthdays. We have a beautiful selection of them. Would you like a
bouquet or an arrangement?
You: I think a bouquet would be perfect. Maybe mixed with some
other flowers to add some variety.
Flower Shop Assistant: Of course! How about we add some white
lilies and baby's breath to complement the roses? It'll create a lovely
You: That sounds wonderful. Could you make it look elegant but not
too formal?
Flower Shop Assistant: Absolutely. We can tie it with a soft ribbon
and include some greenery for a natural touch. Would you like it
wrapped or in a vase?
You: I think wrapping it would be nice. And do you have any small
cards? I'd like to add a personalized message.
Flower Shop Assistant: Yes, we do. You can write your message, and
we'll attach it to the bouquet.
You: Perfect. Let's go with that.
Flower Shop Assistant: Great! I'll put together the bouquet for you. It
should only take a few minutes.
Flower Shop Assistant: Here you go! One beautifully arranged
bouquet of pink roses, white lilies, and baby's breath, wrapped with a
ribbon and ready to go.
You: It looks amazing. Thank you so much for your help.
TASK 3: Getting a summer job
If I’m in search of a summer job first I would ask my friends whether
they know about vacancies. I would read job advertisements, surf the
net and go to the Jobcentre. Jobs are advertised in daily papers,
magazines, professional journals and on the Internet. I would also
send my CV and cover letter to firms that might employ me. A CV
contains personal details, such as the candidate's name, address, phone
number, nationality, date of birth, and marital status. You must give
details of your education and qualifications, your previous experience,
your language and other skills. You may also include a list of your
interests. I would collect all kinds of information about the firm and its
activities. Then I would think over the possible questions of the
interviewers and my responses.

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