Bibliografia Curso OPS

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Orientações para a Prática da


• APA, American Psychological Association. (2014). Guidelines for Clinical Supervision in

Health Service Psychology.

• APA, American Psychological Association (2015). Guidelines for Clinical Supervision in

Health Service Psychology. American Psychologist, 70, 1, 33-46.

• APA, American Psychological Association. (2017a). Ethical principles of psychologists

and code of conduct. Retirado de:

• American Psychological Association. (2017b). Multicultural Guidelines: An Ecological

Approach to Context, Identity, and Intersectionality. Retirado de:

• Bernard, J., & Goodyear, R. (2009). The fundamentals of clinical supervision (4th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

• BPS, British Psychological Society (2007). Guidelines for supervision. BPS, Division of
Counselling Psychology.

• BPS, British Psychological Society (2010). Professional Supervision: Guidelines for

Practice for Educational Psychologists. British Psychological Society.

• CPA, Canadian Psychological Association (2017). Ethical Guidelines for Supervision in

Psychology: Teaching, Research, Practice, and Administration.

• Creaner, M. (2014). Getting the Best Out of Supervision in Counselling and

Psychotherapy: A Guide for the Supervisee. SAGE Publications Ltd.

• Falender, C. (2014). Clinical supervision in a competency-based era. South African

Journal of Psychology 2014, Vol. 44(1) 6-17.

• Falender, C., & Shafranske, E. (2004). Clinical supervision: A competency- based

approach. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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• Falender, C. & Shafranske, E. (2007). Competence in Competency-Based Supervision

Practice: Construct and Application. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38
(3), 232–240.

• Falender, C. (2020). Ethics of Clinical Supervision: An International Lens. Psychology in

Russia: State of the Art, 13(1), 42–53.

• Gonsalvez, C., & Calvert, F. (2014). Competency-based Models of Supervision:

Principles and Applications, Promises and Challenges.

• Knight, C. (2008). Trauma-informed supervision: Historical antecedents, current practice,

and future directions. The Clinical Supervisor, 37(1) Retirado de:

• Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (2017). Competências de Supervisão. Lisboa.

• Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (2020). Recomendações para a Prática da

Supervisão em Psicologia. Lisboa.

• PBA, Psychology Board of Australia (2018). Guidelines for Supervisor/as.

• Ellis, M.V., Berger, L., Hanus, A., Ayala, E.E., Swords, B.A., & Siembor, M. (2014).
Inadequate and harmful clinical supervision: Testing a revised framework and assessing
occurrence. The Counseling Psychologist, 42, 434-472. Retirado de:

• OPA, Ontario Psychological Association (2015). Supervisee Responsibilities.

• Pettifor, J., Sinclair, C., & Falender, C. (2014). Ethical supervision: Harmonizing rules and
ideals in a globalizing world. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8(2), 1-
10. Retirado de:

• Von Treuer K., & Reynolds, N. (2017). A Competency Model of Psychology Practice:
Articulating Complex Skills and Practices. Front. Educ,. 2 (54). Retirado de:

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