New Appeal 2024

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As-Salāmu ͑Alaykum Wa-Raḣmatullāhi Wa-Barakātu

Dear respected brother and sister,

I hope this email finds you in the best of your health and spirits of Imaan.
We bought a 5 storied building with 1.3M for our Masjid and school to facilitate our
all programs. To close the building we were obligated to take Qardh Hasanh and Shariah
Loan. So far we paid Qardh Hasanah & some of shariah loans totaling around $650K.

Now we SINCERELY and URGENTLY seek your support to return Shariah Loan (650K) in this
blessed month of Ramadan.

RasulAllah (SAW) said: " The Best Sadaqah is The SADAQAH in Ramadan.
(Thirmizi 663)
Ibn Abbas (RD) reported: The RasulAllah , (SAW) was the most generous of people
and he was even more generous in Ramadan when Gabriel would meet him.

“Ramadan is an honorable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied
in it”.
Please share this request for support with your family and friends for making an impactful

Please support this cause in this blessed month of Ramadan via:

✅ CHECK PAYABLE TO: Jamiah Darus Sunnah

Mail to: PO Box 180213, Brooklyn, NY 11218

✅ Zelle - / Phone.718.316.5601

✅ Venmo -

✅Paypal -

Your brother in Islam,

Mufti Khalid Kawser,

President JDS

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