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(Proponents: First name Middle name Last name)



(This paper shows the general instructions for writing the research report/paper. All words inside the
parentheses () must be replaced or deleted. Use A4 size paper 21cm x 29.7 cm, a 1-inch margin on all sides,
Bookman Old Style font style with 10 point size, single-spacing for abstract and keywords. Limit the number of
words from 150 to 250 words only. The abstract is ½ inch indented left and right. Remember, an abstract and
keywords are constructed once you are done with the entire research report. Include here the following in
concise form: research problem, general statement of the problem only, research design,
participants/respondents, research instruments used, data collection methods, major results/findings,
conclusions, and one major recommendation.)

Keywords: (4 – 8 keywords preferably taken from the title or research questions. Use Bookman Old style font
with a 10-point size)


(This paper consists of parts of the research report/paper with instructions inside the parentheses
which must be removed or replaced by the correct content. Note: Only the words inside the
(parentheses) must be removed/deleted. The paper must be in A4 size with a 1-inch margin on all sides,
and 1.5 spacing using Bookman Old Style font style with 12 points. The number of pages must be 10-40
pages in all with 5,000 words up to 10, 000 words only. Follow the rules of grammar, proper
punctuation marks, diction, and the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style of
writing. Use present tense only for verbs for the proposal and past tense for the completed and finished
research. Don’t copy-paste any text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing plagiarism.
Use paraphrased borrowed ideas/concepts to discuss your chosen research topic with proper
citation. Always justify the alignment of your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is
academic research following formal Philippine English. Hence, save your file using the format: Grade
Level-Section_Group No. Example: 12-HUMSS D_Group No. 1)
(The title must have 12 to 15 words including the main topic, centered alignment, bold space, and
Bookman Old Style font style with a 14-point size. Follow the rules of grammar, proper punctuation
marks, diction, and Americal Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. Capitalize only the nouns,
pronouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Use common and specific words. If you need to write the
scientific name, write it in italics. Avoid Acronyms in the title)

(The proponents must be written by First Middle Last name starting from the leader down to members.
The names of proponents must be written in Bookman Old Style font style with a 12-point size and
centered alignment. Don’t bold-face or italicize. Also, the email address must be written in order the
same as the proponents in Bookman Old Style font style with a 10-point size, centered alignment)

(In the introduction, include the background of the study – In the first paragraph, write what different
authors knew about your topic/research problem in the global context with proper citation.)

(In the second paragraph, write what different authors knew about your topic/research problem in the
national context with proper citation and legal bases (Laws, Deped Order, Regional Memorandum,
Division Memorandum) with proper citation.)

(In the third paragraph, 3. the research setting, situation/context, and research problem in the locality
with data from the previous years or months.)

(In the fourth paragraph, write what different authors did not know about your topic, and the rationale
or reasons why did you choose this research topic.)

(In the fifth paragraph, write the benefits that other people may get from your study.)

(Paraphrase any text taken from the sources and put proper citations. Always cite the source of
borrowed ideas or information using the following format of APA - 1. Surname of author (Year) or 2.
(Surname of the author, Year). Always justify the alignment of your sentences. The general tone of the
research paper is academic research following formal Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8
coherent sentences with one main idea only.)

Literature Review

(In this section, discuss the main topic thoroughly with proper citation of borrowed ideas/information.
Start discussing the general idea going to a specific idea from literature in the Philippines and abroad.
Add at least 30 literature and related studies including the findings in summarized form. Paraphrase any
text taken from the sources and put proper citations. Don’t copy-paste any text from sources or the
internet. Avoid committing plagiarism. Use multiple sources of literature. Always justify the alignment
of your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research following formal
Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only.)
(In the last paragraph, write the research gap stating that few or no study has been conducted similar to
your study supported by authors. Paraphrase any text taken from the sources and put proper citations.)

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

(In this section, discuss the theories/framework/model supporting your study thoroughly with proper
citation of borrowed ideas/information. Start discussing the general idea going to a specific idea. Don’t
copy-paste any text from sources or the internet. Paraphrase any text taken from the sources and put
proper citations. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always justify the alignment of your sentences. The
general tone of the research paper is academic research following formal Philippine English. In every
paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only.)

(In the last paragraph, discuss the concepts of your study including the variables/constructs found in
your conceptual paradigm. Also, discuss the content of your research paradigm. Don’t copy-paste any
text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always justify the alignment of your
sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research following formal Philippine
English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only. Below is an example of a
Conceptual Paradigm. Delete Figure 1 after replacing it with your figure.)

Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm
Research Questions

(In this section, write the whole statement of the problem including the general objective and specific
objectives in question form. The general statement of the problem is a reiteration of the research title
written using “The study aimed to…..” The specific objectives (minimum of three) must be in question
forms supporting the general objective.)


Research design

(In this section, discuss the specific type of research you are using in your study thoroughly with
proper citation of borrowed ideas/information. Start discussing the general idea going to a specific
idea. Also, explain your reason why your chosen research design is the most appropriate to use in your
study. Don’t copy-paste any text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing plagiarism. Use
paraphrased borrowed ideas/concepts to discuss your chosen research design with proper citation.
Use the past tense of the verb. Always justify the alignment of your sentences. The general tone of the
research paper is academic research following formal Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8
coherent sentences with one main idea only.)

Participants/Subjects/Respondents of the Study

(In this section, discuss your participants for qualitative research, subjects for quantitative research, or
respondents for survey research in terms of quantity and quality/characteristics like age, sex, socio-
economic status, and learning ability thoroughly. Discuss the sampling method you use in choosing the
participants and the reason for choosing a specific type of sampling method. Use the past tense of the
verb. Don’t copy-paste any text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always
justify the alignment of your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research
following formal Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea

(In this section, discuss your research instruments in collecting data like questionnaires, checklists,
rating forms, interview guides, test papers, rubrics, FGD, documents, etc. thoroughly. Discuss how many
items are in your instruments, how you developed the instruments, where you got the ideas/ items for
your instruments, and how they are validated and pilot-tested in detail. Use the past tense of the verb.
Cite the source of your adapted/adopted instruments with proper citation using APA 7th edition style.
Paraphrase any text taken from the sources and put proper citations. Don’t copy-paste any text from
sources or the internet except references. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always justify the alignment of
your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research following formal
Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only.)

Data Collection

(In this section, discuss in detail how you secure permission from the authority, how you collect data
from your target participants, and how the research instruments are retrieved thoroughly. Also, discuss
the roles of every researcher – what part/process of the research paper is done by each researcher.
Use the past tense of the verb. Don’t copy-paste any text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing
plagiarism. Always justify the alignment of your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is
academic research following formal Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences
with one main idea only.)

Ethical Considerations

(In this section, discuss in detail how ethical procedures and principles are applied in the study
thoroughly like securing permission from the authority, giving parental consent for the minors or
assent form, securing the confidentiality of data, avoidance of harm, dissemination of findings, and
storage of data properly. Use the past tense of the verb. Don’t copy-paste any text from sources or the
internet. Paraphrase any text taken from the sources and put proper citations. Avoid committing
plagiarism. Always justify the alignment of your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is
academic research following formal Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences
with one main idea only.)

Data Analysis

(In this section, discuss in detail how will you analyze the data. Write the name of statistical formulas
and their uses for analyzing quantitative data and/or procedures in the analysis of qualitative data. Use
the past tense of the verb. Don’t copy-paste any text from sources or the internet. Paraphrase any text
taken from the sources and put proper citations. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always justify the
alignment of your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research following
formal Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only.)

(In this section, present the summary of data in tables or figures with numbers and titles. Above every
table or figure, write the explanation in paragraph form with literature supporting the findings. Use past
tense in explaining the findings. Below shows the sample Table 1 and sample Figure 2 with the
explanation above. Delete the sample table and figure after you place your table/figure. Don’t copy-
paste any text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always justify the alignment
of your sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research following formal
Philippine English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only.)

(Table 1 below shows the descriptive statistics of the participants' pretest and posttest scores. The
pretest scores range from 4 to 20, while the posttest scores range from 11 to 29. It reveals that the
posttest mean score (x̄=20.85) is higher than the pretest mean score (x̄=13.46). It implies that the
students performed better in the posttest examination than in the pretest. The increment in mean score
from the pretest to the posttest reveals that the YouTube video playlist enhances the student's
academic performance in the examination, similar to the findings of Farhan (2019). The video materials
improve the learning experience, similar to the findings of Moghavvemi et al. (2018). Students have
control over their learning since the videos are available online anytime. Also, they can repeat watching,
post anywhere and leave communication with the teacher, similar to the findings of Ranga (2017).)

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics of the Pre-test and the Post-test Scores

Test Minimum score Maximum score Mean SD

Pretest 4 20 13.46 3.57

Posttest 11 29 20.85 3.22

(Figure 2 below reveals the benefits obtained by the students after watching the YouTube video playlist.
By watching the mathematics videos, students understood the mathematics concept quickly since the
videos were made by the teacher explaining the content lesson. Learning improvement happened after
watching the videos since the teacher explained the content well, similar to the finding of Muniyandy et
al. (2015). It makes the mathematics lesson clear since the students have control over the video, and
they can watch the video repeatedly at any time. Also, the students were capable of answering the
assigned activities and performance tasks. Hence, their interest in learning mathematics became high
since they were motivated to learn more by watching the video. They wanted to watch videos because
these would improve their academic performance (Bardakcı, 2019). Hence, they were interested in
watching the YouTube videos since they are related to their mathematics lessons, similar to the findings
of Zhou et al. (2020).)

(The findings above are supported by the words of the students below taken from the interview

(“Most of the time after the lesson, I barely remember what the teacher just tackled, that is why
YouTube video playlist helps me to remember and make it easy for me to understand the lesson more.”-
Participant 6

“When I watch my teacher’s video lessons, I will understand my lessons better. It will be easier to
answer my homework.” – Participant 12

“Watching YouTube videos boost my interest in learning the mathematics lessons more since I see my
teacher explaining the lesson content, giving examples and solutions to a mathematical problem.” –
Participant 18)

Figure 2

Benefits the Students Derive from Watching the YouTube Video Playlist

(In this section, discuss the general objective of the study only, discuss your major findings and make
interpretations of your findings supported by the literature. Use the theories to interpret the results.
Cite the practical implication, theoretical implication, and limitations of your study. Don’t copy-paste
any text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always justify the alignment of your
sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research following formal Philippine
English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only.)

Conclusions and Recommendations

(In this section, discuss your conclusions by answering the research questions directly based on your
findings. Don’t add literature in this section. Hence, discuss in paragraph form the major limitations of
your study and make recommendations for future researchers or concerned people. Don’t copy-paste
any text from sources or the internet. Avoid committing plagiarism. Always justify the alignment of your
sentences. The general tone of the research paper is academic research following formal Philippine
English. In every paragraph, 4 to 8 coherent sentences with one main idea only.)


(The following provides examples of referencing for different sources following the APA 7th edition
reference style. Pls delete this after you make your own reference list.)

Bain, J. D. and McNaught, C. (2016). Academics’ educational conceptions and the design and impact of
computer software in higher education. In C. McBeath and R. Atkinson (Eds)The learning superhighway:
New World? New Worries? Proceedings of the Third International Interactive Multimedia
Symposium. Perth, WA: Promac Conventions, 5659.

Beckleheimer, J. (2014). How do you cite URLs in a bibliography? [Online] Available: [1995, December 13].

Breen, R., Lindsay, R., Jenkins, A. and Smith, P. (2021). The role of information and communication
technologies in a university learning environment. Studies in Higher Education, 26(1), 95-114.

Calfee, R. C. and Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication.
American Psychological Association.

Haldane, J. (2017). Higher education after ideology: Whose crisis? What

knowledge? In R. Barnett and A. Griffin (Eds) The end of knowledge in higher education. London:
Cassell, 53-66


(Construct one or two paragraphs acknowledging the contributions of different people.)

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