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Pedagogical Portfolio

Neil McInroy

July 25' , 2018

Reflecting on my Professional Practice: The Ethical Standards of for the Teaching Progression


How is the ethical standard of Care reflected in my practice?

Creating a caring environment for my students is essential achieve desirable outcome from the students. First, I
would get to know your students and the lives they live. This is especially important if my students are from a
different cultural or socio-economic background. I would actively listen to my students and ask them for
feedback. Moreover, I would reflect on my own experience with care as I believe this way, I would be able to
make an actual emotional connection with my students. I speak to every student each day and leave no student
out of discussions we are having during class. Listening is very important to meet students’ needs, and their
curiosity. After my mini lesson, I stop to listen student follow up question, their feedback on the lesson. When
the students speak to me, I stop and make sure, that I'm fully listening so that I can provide the necessary
feedback they need. I want to create an inclusive environment to make the learning accessible to every student
not just few. Educators need to be willing to work towards helping all the students reach their learning goals. For
example, I take time to talk to students when they reveal to me about something they were worried such as an
assignment or test whether it's in my class or not. Caring feedback from me to students can create a positive
atmosphere in the classroom that can transcend into positive energy and will reflect into students’ words
and action.

I believe, a teacher who seriously listens to students, is listening for the inherent meaning behind what
students are saying, then checks in with them to make sure the students understood properly. This
proclaims students’ dignity and helps develop a trusting relationship between teachers and students.
By asking the students to provide feedback on the experience they had, teacher value their opinions and
experiences. It creates a classroom culture where students feel safe to ask questions and take chances, which
will help them grow academically. I want to treat my students in the same way I wanted to be treated in my
childhood. These strategies can help feel the true need of students in right direction. Creating proper lesson
plans that both engage students, but also connects to the curriculum is very important for student learning.
Giving the students the opportunity to learn through various teaching strategies and differentiated instructions
to help satisfy to all learning styles is also vital as well.
How is the ethical standard of Trust reflected in my practice?

Trust is the basis of any relationship, and it's one of the most vital things for a teacher to
develop with their students. Establishing trust should start the moment students enter the
classroom. To build a fair, open and honest relation, I will welcome new ideas and experiences
as it will broaden students’ mind. I will challenge the thinking by asking to follow up questions
that trigger deep thinking, challenge existing views, and students learn to judge the situation
with non-biased attitudes. I will also support positive interactions and encourage positive
relationships. To do this I will rewards reflection of trust and respect in the classroom to inspire
students to trust both the adults and other students in the classroom. This strategy ensures that
all students work well together and enhance the whole classes learning atmosphere.
Implementing lessons which resonate with multicultural classrooms help build up foundation of
trust between students and teacher.

It is my plan of action, to create a trustworthy environment where students can actively learn,
express their opinion/ideas and not be afraid to take risks. My role as a teacher is to help student
create/find their own learning style and help them to reach their full learning potential. With
each student being unique teacher must promote fairness by implementing student learning
though various methods to help meet the needs of each student. Teacher must make proper
accommodation and modification for the special need students. Teacher’s communication needs
to be compassionate, mindful, and authentic. Non-verbal communication (body language) can
also offer insights into individual’s ability to see clearly, feelings and attitudes towards a
subject. As a part of openness in classroom atmosphere, I like to co-create learning goal,
success criteria, and assessment strategies with my students.

Justification: 1.3

According to the International Centre for Academic Integrity (ICAI), the five fundamental
values of building trust and integrity among students are: responsibility, respect, fairness,
trustworthiness, honesty. Students with high degree of self-efficacy stand up for predominant
moral principal. In my study of students who developed sense of trust, they also possess
integrity, respect, and have a desire to become socially engaged. Students with high moral
background reported that teachers helped them believe in themselves through modelling
desirable manners and actions. (


How is the ethical standard of Respect reflected in my practice?

There is a saying about respect, it says, treat others the way you want to be treated. In the
classroom, I want to follow certain principal to implement respectful environment. I want to
establish a democratic classroom where the diversity in cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, and
religion are recognized and celebrated through class lessons and outside the formal lessons. All
kids need to be heard about their needs and wants. Students who show respect and are shown
respect feel safe around their peers and teachers. Teachers need to listen to them to learn
students’ prior knowledge, their learning in different phase of the lessons and provide feedback
on their performance. Recognizing when the students demonstrate kindness, good manners,
empathy, and respect for others is another good way to establish respectful culture in the
classroom. The recognition needs to be intrinsic rather than extrinsic as intrinsic motivation is
more effective and sustainable in the long term. I want to promote fairness in the classroom
through things such as rules or instructions suitable for all.

I want to teach students, how to apply critical thinking and scientific methods to the field of
science itself—specifically in terms of issues of equity, inclusion, and justice. My students will
think the merits and demerits of scientific innovations and the impact of the innovation on life
(both human and animal life), environment and ecosystem. For example, the students will
research on the impact of global warming and climate change from different perspective such as
from the perspective of a bear or a spider or birds. The students will also wonder how these
animals are adapting to the changing environment, how can we prevent the extinction of
vulnerable animals, and medical research and its implication on life.


I think, my philosophy of education reflected in terms of honoring human dignity, emotional

wellness, and cognitive development. Creating a connection with students based on mutual trust
and respect can enhance curriculum outcome and student success. An effective educators
maintain his/her relationship with the students and the community through mutual
understanding. Having a reciprocal understanding will allow a teacher to better connect with the
students and continue their climb to their full potential. I shall address the student need to find
out variety of learning strategies, learning assessments and reflections to be used within the

How is the ethical standard of Integrity reflected in my practice?

There are several ways I want integrity to be reflected in my classroom.

Instill integrity into the classroom culture: I want integrity as the norm in my classroom. I
want to articulate integrity by telling my students what the expectation from them in terms is of
maintaining honesty in assignment submission, and other academic activities. Most often, student
plagiarize to get good grades, or to get better marks. I think, performance-based assessment
(assessment for/as learning) on the process (not product) can help my student not to get worried
about mark but inspire them to learn deeply.

Importance of teaching moral vocabulary: According to the Center for Academic Integrity, the
five fundamental values of academic integrity are: responsibility, respect, fairness,
trustworthiness, and honesty. (Source:

I would include the teaching of these five values into the curriculum and help students use the
vocabulary to examine a range of historical topics and current events related to social justice.

Respond appropriately when unexpected academic behavior takes place:

When I find out that cheating has taken place, I would listen and show respect for their thinking,
and then restate my expectations that duplicity does not align with my expectations in my

Use quotes to ignite meaningful conversations:

Prominent quotes can be used at the beginning of the conversation to help students reflect on
topics related to integrity, moral development, and other manners that help them develop positive
work habits and respectful interactions.

In the school, community, and society, integrity is the basis of social harmony and action. Our children
deserves a world that values truth, honesty, and justice. As an educator I believe that all students are unique
in their own way. It is our duty to uphold an environment where students can actively learn, express their
ideas and not be afraid to take risks. An educators should help student create/find their own learning style
and help them to reach their full learning potential. Expectation of integrity must therefore be clearly
articulated, from the beginning of the course, and throughout the course by linking curriculum with course
materials. I would encourage my student to make the integrity a priority.
Strategies to Support Equity and Inclusive Education
(Consider using the collaborative wiki/google doc from the Inclusive Classroom Module)

Some great strategies that support equity and inclusive education are put into place to ensure
that all students from all backgrounds have the opportunity to reach their goals. We are all
continuously learning how to create an environment within our schools and communities that
has a sense of belonging and equality. With the inclusion of context such as documents,
programs, guidelines can help promote equity and inclusion education in Ontario classrooms.
Having resources available to all individuals to increase existing skills, awareness and
understanding regarding equity and inclusive education is very important.

Reflecting on my Professional Practice: The Standards of Practice for the Teaching



How is the standard of Commitment to Students and Student Learning reflected in my practice?

I want to treat students equitably so that they can be successful in school and can rise to high
expectations. By providing differential strategies and still make them accountable to the high
expectations that all students receive, we can make big difference in the outcome. All students at
all social, emotional, and learning levels receive the same support materials, schedules, and
achievable routes to achieve the same learning goals. An educator knows his/her students
individually, as knowing individually will help to learn which factors might affect their learning.

Motivation: In my lesson planning process, I always consider how the material is relevant to my
students' lives, because when individuals see the reason for learning, their motivation increases.
In addition, I want to deliver feedback on students' learning to help them maintain their

Formulate lesson based on students’ intellectual ability: I want to consider intellectual ability
as I think different intellectual abilities resembles differing learning capability. For example,
some people have an easier time remembering information than others; some students can freely
understand abstract ideas, while others need tangible examples.


When student engage themselves though building connections and exploring real issues, they
tend to learn better. This way, students get to understand the changing world around them.
Lessons with experiential activities make learning memorable to them and the learning contents
stay in their mind for a longer period.

I want to implement classroom equity by implementing culture of respect and trust. Regardless
of background or abilities, each student should be given the proper support needed to
accomplish academic success, and the distinctive talents and capabilities of each learner should
be celebrated and encouraged. My students will be self-motivated to accomplish any challenge
as “students who are more motivated to learn persist longer, make higher quality effort, learn
more deeply, and perform better in classes and on standardized tests”. (Ref: https://www.future-

How is the standard of Professional Knowledge reflected in my practice?

Ongoing professional learning: I am increasing my professional knowledge by taking some AQ, ABQ and
by workshops arranged by school board. I often reflect on new methodologies to improve student learning
through new methods in improving scientific literacy, fruitful instructional models, and their links to the
curriculum. The believe, the ongoing learning from various sources will enhance my knowledge as a
teacher so that I can develop student learning to a satisfactory level (See: Professional Learning
Framework for ideas on expanding knowledge and enhancing skills).

1. Professional Knowledge and Scientific Literacy
To understand the background of practice into broader theoretical contexts, it is important to enunciate
the significance of scientific literacy in the context of professional learning.
2. The importance of scientific literacy and professional knowledge: According to the Ontario
Curriculum Grades 11 and 12- Science, 2008, p. 40 and 41, I believe that the importance of science
literacy has an enormous importance in understanding the world and the natural laws which
administer chemistry, biology, or physics. Adopting a scientific approach is important in making
sensible decisions, which are evidence-based. In addition, the knowledge and skill set in analyzing
scientific literacy is crucial in making objective decisions through critical thinking. Key aspects of (1)
critical thinking is “questioning, predicting, hypothesizing, analyzing, synthesizing, examining
opinions, identifying values and issues, detecting bias, and distinguishing between alternatives" (The
Ontario Curriculum Grades 11 and 12- Science, 2008, p 40.) Literacy in science also aids to develop
(2) scientific investigation skills (The Ontario Curriculum Grades 11 and 12- Science, 2008, p 40.).
3. How I would promote scientific literacy and investigation skills in my classroom:
There are several ways I want to promote scientific literacy in my classroom as follows:
1. By creating appropriate environment in my classroom. For example, I want to put relevant poster of
the scientific topic I am teaching.
2. By incorporating technologies to boost my students’ literacy skill, and to differentiate according to
students’ level in the subject matter.
3. A multi-disciplinary approach can be effective to improve scientific literacy.
4. By enabling groupwork (homogenous and heterogenous) among students and by guiding them in peer
tutoring effectively.
5. By collaborating with colleague in devising appropriate lesson plan to improve scientific literacy
along with scientific investigation skills.

Peggy (2020), Science and Literacy -
4. How my professional knowledge would reflect my instructional and management practices in the classroom:

I would follow constructivist approach by Vladimir Vygotsky and Piaget’s theory of intelligence to increase
the outcome of my science class. I will use up to date instructional strategies such as 5E learning model,
inquiry-based learning, experiential learning strategies to enhance student outcome as successful and
independent investigators.

1. I will use most approach of assessing students learning so that they will be able to assess themselves and
set strategies to improve their own learning.

2. I will use my knowledge of technologies in differentiating the process of learning, assessing the
knowledge and skills of the students.

3. I will use collaborative classroom management and groupwork strategies to increase student participation.

5. Concept Mapping: The students should master mind mapping skill as early as possible as mind mapping has
multiple benefits such as, it helps in framing the information in a credible way. Expressing multifaceted ideas
and the relationships between them in a diagram form helps to consolidate ideas around a fundamental
concept from which all other ideas develop. Mind maps can be used in an array of contexts and for different
reasons, including summarizing, organizing, or developing concepts related to a specific topic.

6. Demonstration and investigative lab experience: I will use my knowledge to set up interactive demonstration
aided by peer tutoring and peer assessment. I will use my knowledge to guide my students conducting inquiry
based experiential laboratory experience.

Standard: Professional Practice:


Discuss how this conceptual framework can be used to inform your own ongoing professi onal

Continuing progression as an educator is a lifelong journey and ongoing learning is important for
success in the classroom. It is not only effective to my teaching practice but is important to student
learning as well. As an educator I am always trying to connect through learning programs where I can
continue to work and stay informed about new knowledge and technologies. My own professional
development through online learning has had a significant impact on my teaching effectiveness. Also
becoming a participant in new technology allows for enhanced professional development. There are a
variety of ongoing professional learning opportunities that I have been able to partake in while
continuing to develop vital skills and knowledge as a teacher.

I have continued my ongoing professional learning beginning with my Senior Health and Physical
Education ABQ which I had just finished prior to starting the Biology ABQ. However there are a variety
of on-going learning practices and classifications such as collaborative and leadership. I never really
put in any thought of all the existing categories that are presented on the mind map in the document
as I have been focused on completing the necessary additional qualification. I notice some very
interesting and valuable categories within the mind map that could greatly improve my teaching
practice. The category that I noticed first was the athletic headline because that is where I continue
my ongoing professional learning the most. I try and coach as many teams as I can but have notice
many more learning opportunities that I feel would be great to incorporate.
Overall, my on-going professional learning opportunities can range to a variety of categories and there are
many ways that I can continue that learning. I'm interested in some of the workshops that are
available to me both from the board and the community. I have to broaden my range of on-going
professional learning to benefit the most as I continue through my teaching practice.
How is the standard of Professional Practice reflected in my practice?

Not all students learn the same and making sure that your classroom is engaging and promotes a
positive learning environment is very important. As an educator I attempt to create a classroom
that caters to a variety of learning styles. By doing this all students have the opportunity to
achieve their highest potential and have a progressive experience from lessons taught in the
classroom. 1 use various amounts of differentiated instruction and assessment to allow students
to demonstrate their knowledge in a way that is most comfortable to them and can allow them to
attain their highest evaluation. Also, implementing new technology within my teaching can allow me
to present material in a variety of methods.

Justification: 9,3

Making accommodations is very important in the classroom you teach and help students achieve
their highest potential. All student benefit from various teaching strategies applied from the
teachers in the classroom and giving students these tool create a positive learning environment
where they are able to excel. Varying accommodations such as presentation, response and
setting help remove barriers that students may be having trouble with while still meeting the
expectations set out for them. The accommodations change how a student learns the material but
not the material itself. Where I experience accommodations the most is when I teach Health and
Physical Education. Students can sometimes struggling participation in some activities because
their fine motor skills and muscle coordination many not be as strong as other students. During a
basketball unit some students were having trouble getting enough power under their shot to
reach the basket. Students had the option of using a lighter utility ball instead of the basketball
to practice their shot form on the basketball nets. They were still able to complete the required
steps and apply proper shooting technique while shooting on a basketball net.

There was also a student I had that had trouble writing which made it difficult for them to
transfer all their idea to a written form on a written assessment. So when we had health quizzes,
I would read them the questions and they would verbally explain the answer. I would then
write down the answers they gave rue onto their quiz. This allows them to express all their ideas
while completing the required expectations.


How is the standard of Leadership in Learning Communities reflected in my practice?

Creating students success is important through collaboration and communication. For students to
achieve high achievements there must be a connection between schools and community
collaboration. Being a community leader through learning allows me to create a more effective
learning environment for students. I attempt to use collaboration to emphasize and utilize
partnership, such as extended learning and activities programs that allow positive communication.
As a leader being an active facilitator of these collaborations permits for the most benefit for students.
giving students the opportunity for collaboration is very important and creating these learning communities
to discuss ideas will help students and others to grow as learners.

Justification: 14.1

The change was creating a Physical Education open house for parents and students to attend
because there had begun to be a decrease in involvement from the parents to connect with the school.

I have a background in Physical Education, so most of the parent involvements I was a part of were
with the Phys Ed department. The last school that I was at implemented a Physical Education
open house present by the Physical Education Department. The goal was to promote physical education
through collaboration and through the community while demonstrating what is happening in physical
education. For the PE open house students and parents participate in a PE lesson together consisting of
culminating games. This was a chance to educate parents about the physical education program and the
fun activities that students engage in when in PE. A lot of the time the parents would express how
different physical education has changed since they were in school.
Parent engagement is vital for students to achieve their highest potential. It is important that parents
are not just involved at the school, but support at home learning as well. The article “Parent
Engagement” notes that schools should listen to what parents think and are concern about. Having
communication and conversations with the parent allow for mutual understanding of which the student is
a learner. Creating these conversations helps teacher’s better support students by framing discussion
questions with the student.



How is the standard of Ongoing Professional Learning reflected in my practice?

On-going learning has been present throughout my teaching practice; however the amount of this ongoing
learning I hope increases in the future. There are a great number of ways to continue your ongoing
learning such as basic qualification, extracurricular, classroom experience and volunteering. By
completing these practices educators have a better opportunity to create the best learning environment for
their students.
Justification: 12.3a
Discuss how this conceptual framework can be used to inform your own ongoing professional
learning. Continuing progression as an educator is a life long journey and ongoing learning is
important for success in the classroom. It is not only effective to my teaching practice, but is
important to student learning as well. As an educator I am always trying to connect through
learning programs where 1 can continue to work and stay informed about new knowledge and
technologies. My own professional development through on line learning has had a significant
impact on my teaching effectiveness. Also becoming a participant in new technology allows
for enhanced professional development. There are a variety of ongoing professional learning
opportunities that I have been able to partake in while continuing to develop vital skills and
knowledge as a teacher.

I have continued my ongoing professional learning beginning with my Senior Health and
Physical Education ABQ which I had just finished prior to starting the Biology ABQ. However
there are a variety of on-going learning practices and classifications such as collaborative and
leadership. I never really put in any thought of all the existing categories that are presented on
the mind map in the document as I have been focused on completing the necessary additional
qualification. I notice some very interesting and valuable categories within the mind map that
could greatly improve my teaching practice. The category that I noticed first was the athletic
headline because that is where I continue my ongoing professional learning the most. I try and
coach as many teams as I can but have notice many more learning opportunities that I feel
would be great to incorporate.

Overall, my on-going professional learning opportunities can range to a variety of categories

and there are many ways that I can continue that learning. I'm interested in some of the
workshops that are available to me both from the board and the community. I have to broaden
my range of on-going professional learning to benefit the most as I continue through my

Curriculum Map (front Curriculum Module)

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The curriculum map is a great way to organize the topics that coordinate with which grade
and the distinguished between applied academic, college or university preparation. You could
even expand the curriculum map to have sub point of each concept as well as the expectations
both overall and specific, l use curriculum mind mapping in Physical Education in a variety of
aspects. Breaking up the health curriculum into the key concepts such as nutrition, anatomy and
learning profile. It’s great to make sure that you are incorporating all aspects of health into your
teaching and student learning.
Theory of Action

Incorporating the “Theory of Action” elements into a collaborative and inquiry activity within a science
classroom can allow for students to think critically. This will allow them to apply their knowledge to
real world situations and can create a sense of accomplishment in science. As an educator we must
exercise the practice of observing, discussing and analyzing our teaching and students learning.

The objective is to create a better collaborative atmosphere in the classroom through discussion and
observation. Also, understanding the importance of collaboration and communication and how it can
increase the classroom environment. How I will do this is engaging students in discussions and
encouraging them to as question and present their ideas. Creating assignments and activities that
promote collaboration and discussion so all students can present their thoughts.

Making collaboration with the community as well can teach students on-going communication and
incorporation of the community. Transferring their knowledge to the outdoor environment through science
related concepts such as community gardens or community science fairs encourages collaborations.

Final Reflection

How has this AQ modified your approach to teaching and learning? What are your next steps?
This AQ has modified my approach to teaching and learning and has created a variety of pathways to
continue my on-going professional learning. Throughout my teaching practice I have focused on both
teacher and learner centered approaches to teaching. This allows for very effective discussions as all
parties are contributing valuable concepts and ideas that they have. Students are able to connect their
prior experiences and able to share these knowledges to further saturate the discussion. This connects to a
collaborative approach as well where I encouraged group work, team work, and partnership and group
discussion so that all students can express their ideas to the class.

How it has been modified while participating in this course is with the involvement of an
interactive approach where the students are able to create discussion while I guide them and facilitate
these discussion. I like this approach because students are able to ask question to other students and
build off of these questions through the answers of their classmates. Furthemiore, new questions arise
from these discussions and the opportunity to further each students thinking is present. Students are able to
uncover and discover new knowledge through collaboration while continuing to express their ideas. I
feel it is important to promote engagement within the classroom and I feel that student’s engagement
and focus is much more prevalent when there are effective discussions. However I as the teacher need
to make sure that through these collaborations and discussions those students are understanding and
retain the required content that is expected of them.
My next step is implicating the approaches more effectively in the classroom environment.
Continuing to be a lifelong learner is very important to me and has been part of my teaching
philosophy since the beginning. Continuing to explore the use of technology within the
classroom and incorporate visual technology to help improve the classroom environment and the
student’s ability to learn. Continuing to develop as a teacher is very important as the world is
changing, new research is being presented and fellow teachers are creating great discussions.
The most effect professional development for me is collaborative and active learning.

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