Book 2

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Book Report 2


Journal: 1
01. 1

Brief Summary:

Prologue. It starts with Lara waiting in a McDonald's for her date. It was a half-blind
date, because she didn't know him but he knew her. Her date met her online and
they've had long conversations. She's nervous and anxious about him. And about her
ex too, since he was manipulative.and gaslighted her. He threatened to commit
suicide if she left. Her best friend, Berta, told her to call her if everything is alright,
so she can make sure Lara didn't die.
01. Eventually he appears. Gerard, the guy she only knew as "Wilde" sat across from her
and she began interrogating him with things she didn't know about him. He was from
Tarragona, Catalonia. In the end, she finally trusts him. And she finds him very
attractive. He pays for her meal and notices she's nervous. She tells him it's because
of her ex, Jordi, whom she is afraid of barging in through the door. Right at that
moment, he texts her.
02. Earlier that day, a police officer found the dead body of a young man near an
abandoned house, away from civilization. He doesn't have any documentation on him,
just a photo of a girl, Lara G. He was found by a shepherd. Irene Castell is the
detective. On the date, Lara is insecure about herself but Wilde reassures her. Then
he starts getting insecure about his physique and his appearance. Lara reassures him
she's not disappointed with the view. He asks her why she's so defensive. She trusts
him after he told him there's nothing to know about it.
03. The doctor and detective start to argue about the dead body. Doctor Millen saying
that Irene is disappointed about it being a suicide and not a murder. Irene wanted to
bring the case to court, but they didn't have a reason. There was no homicide. The
Doctor starts an external autopsy. The body fell horizontally and was missing the left
shoe which was in a nearby bush. The ribs were broken and so was the spine. Back to
the date, Wilde asks her why she played his game. She responds with how secretive he
was and how he already found her on a main account before he found her. He says his
game was spontaneous but had some plans. It was so she fell for his personality and
not his looks. She keeps interrogating him, so he offers her that one night to convince
her. She's 17 and he's 19. She asks him why “Wilde” and he responds with “because of
Oliver Wilde, the writer.”
04. The doctor and the detective get on top of the building and start building theories.
There's nothing on the building, not even a goodbye letter to his family. They find a
bracelet, then more theories start. From an accident to homicide. Wilde asks her why
she likes a book called “The advantages of being an outcast”. She replies that she
likes it because of the main character, since he's an outcast. She said she likes guys
that fall out of the ordinary. Then she says that he's out of the ordinary.

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