SA Block and Sinus Arrest

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Sinus Block and Sinus Arrest EKG


NOTE: With SA Block the R-R interval measurement can be within plus or minus 2 small boxes. If it is greater than
the plus or minus 2 small boxes it is a sinus arrest.

With SA Block the R-R interval measurement is within plus or minus 2 small boxes. Here is how you
report a rhythm with a sinus block: NSR with a Sinus Block. Note how you do NOT
have to state where the block is.

With SA Arrest the R-R interval measurement is greater than plus or minus 2 small boxes. Here is how
you report a rhythm with a sinus arrest: NSR with a Sinus Arrest. Note how you do
NOT have to state where the arrest is.

EKG student correct interpretation (interpreting what you see). Below we see 'NSR with sinus
arrest into TWO Junctional escape beats'. Note that the author states 'escape rhythm as the
author is noting that this escape rhythm CONTINUES as a junctional rhythm after the sinus

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