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com a brand new and revised edition of Quiet

10 13 29 31 46

Whats inside? There and back again Facebooks not so close friends. Cloud computing Segway Personal Transporter The White TigerBook Review

Page 14

Meet your D.R.s

University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University

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Front; from left: Anantika Nautiyal, Aanchal Bajwa, Satya Vrat Shukla, Rajat Kashyap, Sunny, Arushi Narang, Ethi Chaudhary, Arushi Berry, Ishita Ray. Behind; from left: Piyush, Abhinav Badola, Rishabh Behal, Dhruv Bhanot, Karan Kumar, Abhijeet Singh Rathore, Anupama Gumber, Mohnisha Sharma, Anshul Kashyap. People not in the photo: Akshit Kumar, Deepayan Dutta, Gursimran Singh, Hardik Dhamija People who have also worked on the magazine: Anshuman, Sankalp Sardana, Neha Singh
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From the desk of

It gives me immense pleasure in unfolding this issue of Quiet. The magazine facilitates and boosts the exuberance that bursts forth from every corner of the campus and reverberates throughout. This edition is 12th in the series of the campus magazine which harbors the valued thoughts of the students and further sets a benchmark for the forthcoming editions. I believe that academics solely cant prove credible enough for wholesome education. An individual needs to have an emotional quotient (EQ) in addition to intelligence quotient (IQ). Ones own perception is imperative for education. This EQ and personal viewpoint is put forward in Quiet. I congratulate the Magboard team for their endeavor. Enjoy reading!! Prof. Renu Vig Director

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from the desk of

Editor (teacher in-charge)

n this e-age where everything is cyber and with most things getting micro and truncated from short messenger service , twitter , microblogs to et-al , it is heartening to see a tremendous effort by the students in putting together the magazine in the traditional mode which has its own place in our minds and hearts. I hope the readers will enjoy it as much as the effort made by the students in compiling it . God Bless Nisha Tayal Teachers In-Charge: 1. Nisha Tayal 2. Inderdeep Kaur Aulakh 3. Roopali Garg 4. Kalpana Dahiya 5.Veenu Mangat

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Few Words from

The Convener
ur institute could rightly have been called the University roller coaster of Engineering and Technology the ups and downs and surprises that are offered during our journey though college equal, or rather, surpass those that can be provided by any fun ride anywhere in the world. This fast paced journey has been captured in the pages that follow. It gives us inexplicable levels of joy to bring to you YOUR very own magazine QUIET 11. This magazine attempts to add the literary and cultural component to the mix that UIET is. It, however, does not forget the basic essence of the institute which proudly flaunts Engineering and Technology in its name and essence of the in brings to you t brings to you a technical section as well TECHILA. We owe lot to the We owe a lot to t teachers in charge who have been there to guide us. I would also like to thank the entire MagBoard team and everyone who has worked on the magazine for their contribution. But more than anything we are grateful to you the readers and the writers! It could not have been possible without you. We hope that you enjoy QUIET11 as much as we enjoyed (and as much as we worked hard!) to bring it to you. On Behalf of Team MagBoard Karan Kumar Convener

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Dear readers,

feel very delighted on having Quiet11, finished! The process, though went through many irritating hurdles like software limitations, workflow problems, frequent crashes, hangs etc. But Im happy to see the end results. End-Time touches have really stood-out!

Designing doesnt have any limitations, but your interpreter sometimes shows up some! I originally initiated this project in CorelDraw X5! Thereafter, the number of pages grew to some limit along with my patience! On encountering those silly crashes and hangs (crash frequency => directly proportional to no. of pages => directly proportional to my patience), my patience gave up and I was compelled to switch to some other application. I choose Adobe InDesign CS5.5 and i lived happily thereafter...! Hah! I hope you didnt assume it as a joke! My personal experience with InDesign really went so well that it did change my life! I Ive tried my best to synthesise this of needs + thought and I hope, the readers get Design is to make synthesis somea remarkable notice of this, while information + colors in order to create rts! reading the magazine! The pages are r thing greater than the sum of its pa vivid and simple in design. The color v harmony has been chosen such that h the pages design blends well with the topics. I would also like to mention the tiring efforts put up by our budding designers; Rishabh Behl, Sunny and Abhinav Badola. I now sign-off, hoping readers to have a pleasant reading time... -Rajat Kashyap
RK Deisgns

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Shrishti Warman ECE 4rd Yr

Shrishti Warman ECE 4rd Yr

Shrishti Warman ECE 4rd Yr

Ethi Chaudhary CSE 3rd Yr

Ethi Chaudhary CSE 3rd Yr

Ethi Chaudhary CSE 3rd Yr

Rajat Kashyap Mech. 3rd Yr 7 | Quiet 11

Rajat Kashyap Mech. 3rd Yr

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at ed because hom she lov eone w silence, ritten by som room, deep that it was w was motionless in that ignity d g nd it seeme nality and d er. Everythin h a commanding perso ing a letter a ire, dy was read d in that lett it ished his att iddle aged la encompasse hich embell nly a man w Am . Sudde rld was ast forty hakra w er entire wo g to be heard stars and an Ashok C ing for the p that point, h were waitin d been hold e ,the s ith hich she ha ining outsid heard storie uniform w f the letter w ering and ra s if some un in a green iled a d take hold o m. Dressed .It was thun The lady sm ently tried to red that roo on her face bhs, room. ente e and g ble. She n, Saura ad frozen se to his wif the coffee ta to a their so and tears h he came clo ok his wife a picture on ression less p towards Ashok to . She was ex d her hand loss. Col. eight hours She stretche r the parents ping fo e in ages. the first tim sky was wee er. How e room , for th st . his brave fath on entering rated the pa tr y, just like e coun refuse ? e commemo d fight for th could God laughed as sh the army an attle . How fight a b d to join always wante little boy? He wanted to ravest soloy, Saurabh b Being the b brave As a young wish of the ION VIJAY. ies were ot grant the on OPERAT - Tiger Hill . The enem 99. He was could God n b the ia mber 12, 19 had to clim nged to Ind rgil on Septe g what belo t. Saurabh in Ka claimin nd Cap nthusiasm t was posted e task of re mfortable a was full of e His regimen brave as allotted th tion very co d, his heart erland . The giment he w de their posi erland. His eyes sparkle rve his moth ed writing, the dier of the re p of the cliff, which ma th se strength to from his mo e to start present at th and uproot the invaders the almighty to give him t a piece of paper and ou ill ed h request He took treacherous heaven and sk was left. st a single ta looked up to and he idnt climax, ju in case he d arents. ady for the his parents vey to his p ldier was re He so delivered to anted to con t happened. essage he w it should be ly the wors last m fortunate tions that lear instruc himself . Un iend with c dred pieces fr to a hun letter to his uld tear it in He gave the then he wo If he did, come back. e back. of that. s* did not com word spoke f the *apsara ier and every hospitality o ng rave sold yab y ,fighti g the warm as written b ith the enem ven enjoyin The letter w ce to face w ld be in hea d D ad , I fa letter, I wou at . Mom an at- coming ou know th you get this brave r? It was gre e Kargil wa by the time a privilege ,y the death of not lament at I fought th y life for my countr y is Dear mom , this e mother th m rt. You must be really proud of me, a heavy hea n you imagin . d sacrificing st . Ca countr y an our life with ou both mu motherland safety of my cry or lead y ting for my . I am sure y for the do not ity, figh joy of wn son d with dign a lot . Please ives me the to be your o ve you both ldier and die pray to God that he g ed ier happens lo of a brave so old boy nam t if the sold ld iers. So wha ves a 9 year lived the life . ,then I wou I sold n happens Dad, there li ility to you e so happy. reincarnatio is responsib rmy again . ht makes m thoug Indian A ing on th I thank other, if a joining the grets and m nd I am pass ry month . y life too and I have no re s. 7000 eve education a t e Indian Arm give him R ing after his n in my nex quest you to me to join th e been look ing your so v fe. be vely boy . I re encouraging ere I have lived a full li village . I ha hi in Daras indeed is a lo ely upbringing and for Kanc son , he nt spent h very mome ke your own such a lov Treat him li to me . In e y heart for m ed e bottom of ever happen you from th was the best thing that . It just like dad ity . ou till etern I will love y bh Capt . Saura K Kargil , J &


rave B

Surbhi Sharma ECE, 3rd Yr

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Letter To Gandhi
Dear Gandhiji, You left us 62 years ago. If you were still around, you would have been 140 years old. However, we have not forgotten you. You are on every banknote and most stamps. There are many statues of you. Prestigious roads in almost every city are named after you. Our politicians try to model themselves on you. They wear the fabric you promoted, they quote you at every instance, theyve got a photograph of you in their ofces and some even eat and live like you. There are books, TV programmes and movies about you. Seriously, youd be impressed at how much we still adore you. However, there are things that wont make you feel proud. The India you spent all your life trying to free, is far from free. True, the colonists are gone. But there are still millions of poor people. In 60 years, we are still among the poorest nations on earth. This lack of money leads to a lot of problems in healthcare, infrastructure and education. In education, for instance, many children still dont go to a good school. Those who do, dont get into good colleges. And those who go to college, dont get good jobs. We need to get rich, and fast. Not only to make more schools and colleges, but also because most Indian problems are linked to lack of money. Yet, it is considered un-Indian to think that way. The young generation, which thinks like that, is considered materialistic and greedy. The older generation takes the moral high ground - slowness in work is termed patience, non-stop discussion and no action is called careful consideration and lack of improvement in standards of living is countered with claims about the need to live with austerity. And yes, in many cases politicians who speak like this claim to be your fans. The younger generation wishes you could come down for one day and clarify these points. Is progress unIndian? Is change bad? Is a desire to see my country as rich as some other nations materialistic? Is getting things done fast impatience? If you blessed our purpose of making a developed India, the job would become so much easier. The young generation needs you down here for something else too. We have a new battle here, just like the one you fought with the British. The enemy is not so clear like it was in your case - the colonists. Our enemy is the old school of thought, or rather the people who defend the old school of thought. They do this in the name of antiquated Indian policies, culture and values. You could help identify this enemy more clearly. Many people who are at the helm of affairs now have served India for decades, maybe with good intentions. But obviously, they dont want to accept they screwed up. We wish they would though and wed have a national day of shame. It wont be easy, but from there we can make a new beginning. But they wont, for, they are in power. And to defend themselves and their ways, they dont mind crushing the aspirations, ideas and talent of an entire generation. Yes, there is a lot of talk of India being a young nation and youth power. However, youth power is the biggest myth going around India right now. Of course, youth has spending power - we can buy enough simcards, sneakers and zzy drinks to keep many MNCs in business. But we do not have the power to change things. Can the youth get a new college opened? Can the youth ask the government to give tax incentives to MNCs to relocate jobs to smaller towns? No way. We are wooed, used but seldom heard. If you came down, you could unite us. You used religious festivals as social events and propagated your cause. You understood that people need entertainment to bind them. Perhaps, we could integrate colleges in the same way, link all colleges - maybe for their annual festivals - and the message of change could be channeled through them. We have amazing technology such as the Internet now. You would use it so well. If the youth unites, there could actually be youth power. With our purpose blessed, enemy identied and youth united - we could take the rst steps towards the new Indian revolution. After all, China had one, and only after that, did they get on the path of true progress. But if it is not feasible for you to come back, well have to try to bring about change ourselves. If we can be inspired to do that, we can say we have not forgotten you and understand the meaning of your birthday. We hope you had a good one up there! Lots of love, The younger generation. Rewin Koul CSE, 3rd yr

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after 25 years... ost of the people today time think that all the mysteries of the universe have been unveiled successfully by the scientists, a part of which is true, but not completely. At the basement of the Royal eld apartment was a place where David found spiritual, emotional and scientic satisfaction. He could spend days, months or even his entire life working in his laboratory which was the outcome of years of toil and his love for physics. In that lab David and his team which comprised of six other young and capable scientists were carrying out an experiment whose repercussions had the potential of changing our past, present and future. Surprisingly, there was a rhythm in the mayhem inside the lab. People called him a prodigy, owing to his extraordinary intellectual capabilities at such a young age. With great spirits and head held high approximately sixty graduates of the Harvard University entered the convocation hall. All the people present were extremely excited and were counting

There ndback gain

the last few seconds of convocation commencement ,except for David, whose mind was occupied with a heavy thought. Two years back David had started his lab work on the subject TIME TRAVEL AND PARALLEL UNIVERSE . All his batch mates advised him to stop his crazy work because they believed that he would never arrive at any conclusion and even if he did, the scientic society would not accept it. The success of his project was everything he wanted. Though he had arrived at some astonishing and miraculous mathematical conclusions which proved time travel, but that was just not sufcient, practically proving his point was an onerous task. He remembers his uncle telling young David about ALBERT EINSTEIN and his work on the general and special theory of relativity. That generated his interest and he decided to dedicate his entire life to the world of physics. The huge commotion in the hall suddenly settled down with the arrival of the headmaster and all the professors. The ceremony was wrapped in an hour and all the graduates head-

TIME TRAVEL is it possible?

ed straight for the ball party which was organized at the club Kape. That night the ball started rolling and it never ended. While everybody was easing out at the party, David was working and he knew that he was extremely close. He could not believe what the huge LED screen showed, adrenalin level rose up his throat and he shrieked at his discovery, a discovery that could revolutionize the face of science. Finally it was ready, a machine that was capable of moving the space inside it at a speed near the speed of light. David stepped into the machine, he did realize that he was putting his life at stake but he had always lived for this moment. One of the consequences of Einsteins special theory is called Time Dilation the time lapse between two events is not invariant from

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one observer to another, but is dependent on the relative speeds of the observers reference frames, which precisely means that a clock slows down in a frame which moves at a very high speed (and may be approaching the speed of light). Twenty ve years later.......... All the pass outs of the batch 2010 of Harvard University planned a reunion and everyone was cordially invited. There was a broad smile at everyones face, for they were meeting each other after twenty ve long years. Suddenly everyone present at the hall became horror struck, as if they had seen a dinosaur in the 21st century. But what they were seeing was no less than seeing a dinosaur. David entered the hall and he looked exactly as he had on the day of convocation. He did realize that his arrival had raised everybodys heartbeat. Realizing the gravity of the situation he went towards the podium and started saying what sounded impossible to everyone. Dear friends, yes its me David. I know that the same question is troubling you all. And here I am to give you all a satisfying answer. He told them about the success of his project and

that he had demonstrated I am eagerly waiting for David and his co workers time travel to them. to practically prove time Twenty ve years were travel and hyperspace. Do equivalent to few seconds you think its possible? Will in that machine and there- they make it? fore aging could not touch me, as you all know that a Surbhi Sharma clock slows down in an ac- ECE, 3rd Yr. celerated frame. Next day all the city newspapers were full of stories of Time Travel. Critics dismissed it by asserting that he simply got a plastic surgery done. A lot of stories were doing the rounds, as David was not ready to give a public statement as he feared that his discovery could be disastrous in the wrong hands. Bella, his love, was deeply disturbed. Years passed by with no sigh of David. Bellas parents got her married for they thought that it was the best way of healing her wounds.The thought of losing his love devastated his dream and he woke up. That day, after returning from the convocation ceremony he had slept while working and fantasized quite convincingly about the entire experience of time travelling. So nothing had actually happened. He narrated his dream to his lab partners, they all had a good laugh and nally the work at the lab resumed.

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Essence of

When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day. -Mahatama Gandhi

awakened to this position of questioning his suffering, unless he realizes that he doesnt want suffering but rather wants to make a solution to all suffering, then one is not to be considered a perfect human being. Humanity begins when this sort of inquiry is awakened in ones mind. In the Brahma-sutra this inquiry is called brahma jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa. Every activity of the human being is to be considered a failure unless he inquires about the nature of the Absolute Truth.

The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to deliver mankind from the nescience of material existence. Every man is in difficulty in so many ways, and in the Therefore those who begin to question why they are suffering or where same way Arjuna also was in difficulty in having to fight in the battle they came from and where they shall go after death are proper students of Kurukshetra. for understanding Bhagavad-gita. The sincere student should also have a firm respect for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a student Arjuna surrendered unto Shri Krishna, and consequently this Bhagavad- was Arjuna. gita was spoken. Not only Arjuna, but every one of us is full of anxieties because of this material existence. Our very existence is in the atmos- Lord Krishna descends specifically to reestablish the real purpose of life phere of nonexistence. Actually we are not meant to be threatened by when man forgets that purpose. Even then, out of many, many human nonexistence. Our existence is eternal. But somehow or other we are put beings who awaken, there may be one who actually enters the spirit into asat. Asat refers to that which does not exist. of understanding his position, and for him this Bhagavad-gita is spoken. Actually we are all swallowed by the tigress of nescience, but the Lord is very merciful upon living entities, especially human beings. To this end He Bhagavad Gita Questionout of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a spoke the Bhagavad-gita, making His friend Arjuna His student. few who are actually inquiring about their position, as to what they are, why they are put into this awkward position and so on. Unless one is 13 | Quiet 11

Facebook is a social networking website which has become as integral as anything else in our lives. It is basically, for most of us, a medium to connect with strangers, relatives, friends and even foes in certain cases. An important feature of it is the Friends List which has the closest to the Not so Friends List Anyway, this article is basically an attempt to draw attention to the people whos updates cross the territory labelled Bearable and go on to tread on the one labelled Insanely Annoying. Yes, Im talking about those so-called friends whose status updates rile and irritate on an hourly basis. So here I am introducing a few of them: 1. The King/Queen of Shorthand: The person on your friends list who has this annoying habit of using shorthand for GAWD KNOZ WT FRM OF ENG(For the ignorants God knows what form of English). My point here is that using abbreviations of all forms is totally acceptable and even abbreviating to some extent(read ppl,msg,bal,ttyl,tc,fb) is alright but for certain updates, I actually feel like I need to be in the queue buying Shorthand for Dummies. Status Update: I kno m kewl bt i wndr ware lyfz takin me,i wndr wat 2 do nxt.mayb i shud 4get it nw nd thnk abt it l8r.w8in 4 ur rplys 2 mah upd8. 2. TheTeary One: The girl who uses social networking to gather prayers for her miserable and very transparent life. Status update: Life keeps presenting me with challenges and I keep knocking them down. Pray for me ppl :( :( (And then some moron will press like) 3. The Jobless One: The guy who doesnt do much, has stupid thoughts but updates his Facebook status every minute Status update: Inside the library! Haha im such a geek! (30 minutes ago) Just picked up a Salman Rushdie... guess hus entering Geekdom! (22 minutes ago) Couldnt get through even a page...if it werent for his hot ex-wife that dude would soooo not be famous! (14 minutes ago) 4. The Proud Punjabi: The newbie parents who eerily put up pictures of their precious new-borns as their prole pictures and pretend like they can talk and have relevant thoughts. Status update: Baby Ishan thinks that everyone who came to visit him in the hospital is super duper awesome! 5. The Wannabe Intellectual: The guy who has an inspirational quote for every hour of the day and would love to share it. Status update: Never look down on anybody unless youre helping him up 6. The No clue why Liked One: The girl who is massively popular and you have no idea why. Status message: I just ate a grape!! -33 friends like this And below that a nincompoop goes: Awwww! Really? Miss you hon! <3 <3 7. The Excessive emoticons Dude: Ok, emoticons do express but even words do! Status message: Hurray!! I <3d my day! :D :P : ) ;) B) ;;) =)) Thnx everyone! :* ;;) ;) :D (OK,me knowing so many of them makes me feel like Im one of these. :P ) Note: This article has not been written by keeping any person (especially in my friends list) and resemblance to anybodys status is purely coincidental. It is not intended to harm anyones emotions. Not removing/blocking me will be highly appreciated. -Dhruv Bhanot EEE 3rd yr

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Meet your D.R.s

Magboard conducted an interview with the DRs (Department Representatives) and follwing were the questions asked by them; Q.1) Why did you stand for the election? What were your motivations? Q.2) In your opinion, what all the characteristics of a perfect DR? Q.3) What changes do you think you can bring in your departments within your allotted term? Q.4) How helpful has the faculty been since your appointment? Q.5) What all changes do you think UIET needs to become one of the premier national colleges? Q.6) Finally, what is your favourite thing about UIET?

Yuvraj Sharma

1. Inspiration- Mohit Monput across the demands of ty Taneja. Mismanagethe student population. 5. The conclaves, events, Should be a good listener. fests should be promoted ment by the previous DRs. Wanted responsibility, to on a national scale. R&D should be encouraged. learn on the job leadership 3. Seminar room, try to stop skills and networking. fee hike, convocation., digitalization of the library. 6. Library. Peaceful with a wide selection of books for 2. Must have good manageus to pursue. ment skills. Must have good 4. Very helpful, always ready to listen to us and guide us. oratory skills, to be able to

should be conducted. 2. The person standing for students, so that they get the post should be eligiindustrial exposure. ble according to norms as 4. Since the day i got nomi- 6. Nescafe!!!! its mainly its nated faculty has very location in the campus of mentioned. He should be esteemed Panjab Universiapproached by students fairly acted as a touch bearer to me. They have ty. Its a home-like feeling and bold enough to represent them to head officials. always motivated me and being here. Teachers are keep on reminding me my very interactive. The deThe DR should be resourceduties. They suggest me partments here give an exful and honest enough to posure to different fields understand the needs and with agendas and help me in life. The fresh green enimprovement of the colreaching out the officials 1. Its the thought that can lege. through correct procedure. vironment motivates us to make you bring a change. be active towards our goal. Our college has the poten- 3. Within my allotted term 5. To become a premier natial to reach a height. What I would defiantly try my tional college UIET has to it needs is a push. So seeing best to enhance the grades improve its level. Talented the support of my friends I of UIET in terms of acade faces must be inspired was pretty sure if I take a .More attention should be mics,infrastructure,perf step to focus the needs and given to academics. Tech/ ormance and placements. improvements of UIET,the Special attention will be cultural fests should be college can definitely uptaken seriously and more given to organise industrial lifted and educational trips for seminars and competitions

Ritesh Chawla

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Ritika Chadha
1. Well i really wanted to work for the college, and lead the students to make this a better institute.... And that was the biggest reason for my decision to contest in the elections. There are some things that i wanted to do, some changes that i wanted to bring........ That was my biggest motivation to go ahead with the elections 2. Well no one is perfect.... So I would define the charac-

Ill be taking small steps taken and there are many teristics of a good DR. He/ other small things need she should be able to comtowards climbing this big to be done to improve our municate well with all the ladder. placements and to compete students and faculty of the with the top colleges of the college, understand their 4. Everyone has been really co-operative. All the faccountry. problems and requirements and be in a state to ulty members and directake proper measures and tor maam have listened to 6. The best thing about this college is its growth. In a find the required solutions. our opinions and talked to small tenure of 8 years it is us...... We really look forMoreover he/she has to be ward to working together competing with the NITs in self confident, a good leadterms of admissions and is er, determinant, honest, in the next one year as a already on the 31st posijust and should have that team in making every vention in the outlook. if in 8 fire in him/her to work. ture successful beyond exyrs we can grow so much, pectations. there is an exceptional 3. I will be fulfilling my 3 dedication in every person agendas, which include 5. There are a lot of things to associated with this colextending library timings, be done....... More practical lege which makes us stand creating a womens cell, oriented teaching methods out..... And that is the edge need to be introduced. Inand a boardroom. Moreover that we have over the other dustrial visits need to be i want to be able to solve organised to provide the colleges which makes me the problems our students proud to be a part of this students with a greater face in their day to day institute. exposure of the techniroutine in college, and i really want UIET to be among cal world. More projects and initiatives need to be the best colleges of India.

Abraham Lincoln- the people with different ideology and dynamic perspective are my motivations.

to solve their problem and help them in all possible manner are our duties.

Vivek Kumar
1. If a person is dynamic and he wants to benefit society and want to bring a change in system with his thoughts then he needs a authority which can be achieved through elections. I am a student of UIET and i have seen many loopholes in the college which can be corrected easily if someone takes the charge of it, so i stand in elections. Many people like Steve Jobs and

4. This is one of the weak 2. The DR is a way for stupoint- teachers and ofdents to put their genuine fice people dont know us. problems in front of colBut they are always helpful lege authority or in front and cooperative and always of university. The perfect help in taking UIET to new DR is the student who is a heights. But I personally 6. The favourite thing in UIET good listener and a good is the strong bonding in feel that the communicacommunicator with some Seniors and juniors which tion gap between a DR and diplomatic skills to handle in not seen in many collegfaculty must be filled in situations. es. And this bonding brings some manner so that we both of them together and can have better under3. When we stood in elecso they all can develop colstanding and work togethtions, we all had some lege and develop themer for the same cause. agendas which well now selves. try to implement in UIET 5. As I have said earlier also for its development and that there are some small benefit. On the other hand, small things which must our main power are the be taken care of and sustudents who elected us pervised for the improvement of college. And the and have faith on us, so 16 | Quiet 11

students should be alert so that they can point out the things which should be modified and all the DRs will work together for rectifying it and then in no time we can reach to the list of premier college in INDIA.

Nice Guys nish last - Just another Green day song or an aphorism we might have come across thousands of times? Actually it is much more than that. A syndrome, a nice guy syndrome! A research problem to nd if its really true!! Let me start with the obvious question in our minds Who exactly are the nice guys?? It depends, is what I would say For professors, the front benchers?! For neighours, the guys who have never been caught ogling the girls on gehri route(Lucky chaps!!) For relatives, the ones who have not been tracked down with girls yet perhaps?! Now imagine a girl calling us nice guys, it simply means, being just friends, brotherly gures, body guards to protect them from all the evils in this world (we ourselves??!), In a nutshell, be present on Rakhi day! Further, I guess we all know better! ;) We can thus, imagine the complexity of this statement but do WE actually believe that Nice guys nish last? And how do we indeed react on being addressed this way??! It depends, is what I would say againIf a professor considers you a nice guy; a good internal grade is guaranteed! Hi5! ;) If family friends consider you nice, you actually managed to keep up your familys name (good job!) 17 | Quiet 11

Now consider a girl uttering the very same words, Nice Guy/Good Boy! this is when we feel dumbstruck! In reality we do not know how to react, or if I may say, where to run! I reckon we might want to run to that proverbial (Hindi) pond of water to drown ourselves in the new found shame. Girls might call us nice guys, but I do not think it would really matter anymore, because I can bet, you would hardly nd us showing interest in them ever again! This is a rule of life which deserves a mention in the bro code if not in the Vedas! ;) Nice Guy/Bad Guy its for you to decide As far as I am concerned, I would like to have all the fun, be considered bad by girls, but be truly nice and yet not nish last! J Babaji urf Guruji - Anshul Kashyap Electrical & Electronics, 4th year

recently read a book by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter titled Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I must admit, it was a far more inspiring and engrossing read than anything I had encountered lately. What makes it impressive is the way the author tends to get us hooked to each chapter as if he is telling his own story. The book itself is about financial literacy and advocates financial independence through asset protection and amelioration, and liability elimination. What happens in reality is this: Right from day 1, parents grill their children to attain high grades and work relentlessly towards finding a good job and what the child ends up becoming, is a graduate with a job but without any ounce of financial knowledge in his brain that is filled up to the brim with bookish stuff that would never get him any place near rich.

s Financial ndependence mperative?

and their labour is money itself. They invest, elf The buy real estate, take risks, start their own ke risk enterprises and work out formulae to multiply their asset-base. Different strata of society have different attitude towards money, life and work. This very difference further widens the economical gap by an exponential amount. Wealth is measured as the number of days the income from his assets will sustain a person, and financial independence is achieved when his income from assets exceeds his expenses. It is imperative for each person to be taught the value of financial literacy and capital management so that he is able to independently keep track of his accounts and arrive at a stage where he can be called wealthy.

Neha Singh There is a reason as to why the rich keep CSE- 3rd yr. getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. The reason is the stark contrast in what a rich dad would teach his ward and what a middle class or poor dad would. The rich lay emphasis on finding loopholes in the system that could save taxes, build assets and do off with liabilities. The middle class and poor people lay emphasis on education and jobs. Hence the child ends up working at a place where he has no say whatsoever, where his boss has the final word, where he works for money and the government and his workplace ridicules his hard work. The rich, on the other hand, make money work for them. They are their own bosses
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Religion Diaries
he reason I am troubling my cold fingers is because I think my article might help people (and more specifically small children) not face the brunt of religious discrimination. further aggravate this situation. When I heard this, I was devastated thinking about the little child. She must have been heartbroken. Religion meant nothing to her. Since then whenever I see her, I hear a helpless cry from all people suffering The other day my neighbors, a Muslim from such a cause. This is for each one family (I hate referring that), who have of those. a small girl named Aliza, had to receive the ugly shock of todays society discrim- Being a Hindu kashmiri pandit and havinating between a Hindu and a Muslim. ing heard stories of our families sufferOne day she came back home dejected. ing during the militancy period in the A classmate of hers had refused to be 90s I have generally been surrounded by her friend as her parents had warned her talks which differentiate between Hindu that Muslims were not good people. The and Muslim people. poor girl was in a state of shock. I wont blame the friend, because todays hypo- However I have always been unable to critical society and media and parents understand why it is so. I remember, in

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my childhood, I used to go to a catholic school, which was one of the best schools in the rather outdated city. We used to have a subject called moral science. In it we used to have stories about different religions. I loved the fact that being a catholic school, it still emphasized on other religions stories too. At school, I had always been taught to consider that no religion is different from the others. In fact once my teacher asked me in my moral science class, which religion I supported and I said I dont know maam!. To be very honest after about 12 years, I still dont know. The teacher taught us that if we were ever asked which religion we followed, we should answer humanity. This answer left such a deep impression on me that I still remember it. This is one of the most fundamental things I have learnt at school, and I am pretty sure that I would never forget such teachings in my whole life. However as I grew up, the society suggested otherwise.

My memoirs of school were restricted to formulas and derivations, which to be very honest, I didnt have any intention to apply further in life. Everywhere around me, I was surrounded with Hindu Muslim division, thanks REWIN KOUL to the incessant bombings. CSE 3rd Yr. However, I never forgot the lesson taught to me at school. I dont believe Muslims or their religion is any way responsible for any terror in any part of the world. Yes, a portion of the Muslim

population is fanatical about its religion, but I think we have such people in Hinduism or Sikhism too. But being a small community compared to the Hindus, these groups become more prevalent. If Muslims have the jehadis, Hindus have the shiv seniks. However, it is the case with only a few groups of people. And India being a very religion-fearing nation, faces the brunt of such a division. Maybe I am going too far, but all I want to emphasize is that we, we the people, or I might say we, the educated are at fault. We should drive away such notions of religious contributions to the wrong doings in society altogether. All I want is to let that child to know that there is no such thing as a Muslim being different from a Hindu. All I want is to get her smile back. All I want is that she never again has to ask her mom the question Maa kya muslim hona bura hai?, which she asked that day. All I want is to see her happy. I have always been told that I am a Hindu. To be very honest I dont think I am. I dont think I belong to any religion. In the words of our Father, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, I am a Muslim, a Sikh, a Hindu and a Jew and so are all of you.

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Division of States In

he seduction for kingdom and glory were the root causes for the banishment of Almighty. Yes I am talking about the Lord Ram. At that time, it was Kekeyis two promises and now it is somebodys fast unto death. Earlier the sufferer was the Lord Ram and now it is the common man. Mahatama Gandhi quoted on Oct 6, 1946 : They may cut me into pieces but they cannot cease me to befriend all Muslims and hold them as prisoners of our love. But the same force worked when Nehru and Patel persuaded him that if the Congress did not approve of the plan, the control of the government would pass to the Muslim league. And lugubriously, the rancor of that division is still a Live Wire. Yes friends, the states have been divided into smaller ones right from the British rule in the name of simplifying governance. Of course, I am talking about the division of Bengal to asunder the unity of Hindu and Muslim hearts. Nowadays, its the instigation by the political parties in the wake of unequal distribution of resources in order to fill the lucrative vote banks. More number of states means more CMs of the same party, means easy black money and power for another 5 years to the central government. I vehemently oppose the makers of the constitution who empowered the parliament to


reorganize the states by a simple procedure. Although the affected states are free to express their views, but, they cannot stop this from happening.

I think with the human tendency of Nuclear Families, we will soon have Nuclear States ready with Nuclear weapons to get more share of land or petrol or water! So as undering the states, one rich in resources with metro cities and plunging the other into extreme poverty is of no use. If by chance, two adjacent states have different political parties in power, then without doubt, their CMs would die before sharing a resource. This scarcity of resources would lead to mutual disputes and no scope of peace and prosperity. The solution for true growth is friendship, integrity in order to utilize the resources most efficiently and not division. The need of the hour is the true intent of the government to deliver what it promised. It shouldnt make false promises if standing up to them impairs its ability to stand itself. Agam Sehgal TPC HR head

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So Beautiful
have always been very fond of nature since the day I opened my eyes to this amazing world and have been discovering beauty in everything that surrounds me. Be it a little insect with black spots on its red body or be it a whole range of mountains under the cloudy sky; everything around is simply beautiful. Simply, because Gods job is not to stun. He created everything with such generosity that it easily blends into every other thing around. Every object of nature complementing the rest of it. God knows no divisions. Veil a single element for a while, and it feels incomplete. See, even He practises the holistic approach. He has created the world in its best form. The small things equally as important as the big ones; He knows no biasing. So take care of small things and the big ones will automatically fall into place . plain the reason for me not removing the spider webs from the walls of my hostel room considering their unbeatable patterns. As they say, beauty resides in the eye of the beholder. I believe, the ugliness sprouts from the agitated grey matter of over exhausted mind-set too stubborn to appreciate any beauty around them. So next time you find a fault with any bodys nose, take it as an alarm ring. Your mind-set has turned into a jungle with weeds of ugliness; its time to spade them out to turn it into a beautiful garden. Its not that no one can have the figures on his face misshaped or misplaced; its your focus thats on the wrong things. Every person has got something special in him; has been born with his own gift of beauty. We as beholders, need to shift our focus to this special quality. Beauty is not always substantive or visual. It dwells within us, grows double the moment we start apBeauty resides in every cre- preciating it. A Thing of Beauty is ation of the Almighty, he has not sweeter than the sweetest melodies made a single mistake( might have ever heard (as you can compose reminded you of some twisted nos- your own melody every time you es or misplaced eyes and ears). My behold it) and it lasts forever. love for beauty may very well exSo lets celebrate the Beauty of Life with full fervour. Lets dance along with the magical trees tapping on the beats of the wild wind whizzing past the forest. Take a moment to enjoy a childs giggle, and you can get the same glee on your face too. Feel the glory of the rising sun and the dignity with which it sets. Let the calmness of the moon soothe your burning soul. Walk bare foot on the wet grass and observe the dew pearls on broad leaves. Close your eyes for a second, relieve your self from all your shackles, and then reopen them to the world to dive in the ocean of the beauty of your own soul. Priyanka Juneja ECE, 3rd Yr.

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hile looking at the columns of Inner Voice in HT, the first thing that strikes my mind is the meaning of inner voice. It seems to urge us to seek within us and search our true self compiling the thoughts by self-introspection and self-realization of a soul.

Just as poet Pablo Neruda in his poem Keeping Quiet emphasized on the need for self-introspection. It is in this moment that we realize our follies, our virtues, and our ultimate purpose for which we are rushing here and there; day and night. In todays busy life, very few people have a few moments to spare -to sit in silence, seek God and thus realize their true self. Someone once said, God is the friend of silence. Sitting silently for sometime with closed eyes is better than going to temples and praying for accomplishment of our tasks.

ever spared time to seek God in silence? Am I so busy working for myself that I forget to remember God, my Creator? Am I so involved in creating differences, building up walls of hatred and jealously that I have forgotten that in the end, we all are children of one God? Do I always pray to Almighty for my purpose? Dont I have any relation with God beyond such purposes? In these moments, I surely believe we all will come to know that from the dawn to the dusk, we are working, praying, speaking and doing everything else for our own selves. Have we ever thought that there are many more children of that same God suffering more than us? By sorting out differences on the basis of caste, creed, status and even gender, we greatly displease our Almighty and take him farther from us. Mother Teresa said Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray.

moments for self-introspection and realization, to wipe out the evils of hatred, envy, exploitation and to make space for togetherness, brotherhood, tranquility and realize the strength of humanity. Lets shed away the differences we harbour in our hearts and minds and stand together as the children of the same God. Service to mankind is the only way to get closer to God. Before starting our day lets remember the prayer:Awal Allah noor upay, Kudrat ke sab bandey, Ek noor te sab jag upjaya, Kaun bhale ko mande. It is a message to all the people reading this article as it is the above said qualities that will make us work together for our country, which has taught us to have high regards for humanity and mankind. ARPAN ECE 3rd Yr.

How many of us have ever So, lets stand together to asked ourselves these questions- work and pray not only for ourself, Do I know who am I? What vices but for the whole mankind created and virtues do I possess? Have I by the same God. Lets spare a few 23 | Quiet 11

The Mathematicians


here once lived a great mathematician in a village outside Ujjain. He was often called by the local king to advice on matters related to the economy. His reputation had spread as far as Taxila in the North and Kanchi in the South. So it hurt him very much when the village headman told him, You may be a great mathematician who advises the king on economic matters but your son does not know the value of gold or silver. The mathematician called his son and asked, What is more valuable - gold or silver? Gold, said the son. That is correct. Why is it then that the village headman makes fun of you, claims you do not know the value of gold or silver? He teases me every day. He mocks me before other village elders as a father who neglects his son. This hurts me. I feel everyone in the village is laughing behind my back because you do not know what is more valuable, gold or silver. Explain this to me, son.

So the son of the mathematician told his father the reason why the village headman carried this impression. Every day on my way to school, the village headman calls me to his house. There, in front of all village elders, he holds out a silver coin in one hand and a gold coin in other. He asks me to pick up the more valuable coin. I pick the silver coin. He laughs, the elders jeer, everyone makes fun of me. And then I go to school. This happens every day. That is why they tell you I do not know the value of gold or silver. The father was confused. His son knew the value of gold and silver, and yet when asked to choose between a gold coin and silver coin always picked the silver coin. Why dont you pick up the gold coin? he asked. In response, the son took the father to his room and showed him a box. In the box were at least a hundred silver coins. Turning to his father, the mathematicians son said, The day I pick up the gold coin the game will stop. They will stop having fun and I will stop making money. The bottom line is: Sometimes in life, we have to play the fool because our seniors and our peers, and sometimes even our juniors like it. That does not mean we lose in the game of life. It just means allowing others to win a part of the game, while we win the game. We have to choose what matters to us. Abdul Hameed.

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Playing to win
is different from

Playing not to lose

Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear
- Anthony Robbins

ave you ever watched a football game (or any game for that matter) when one team is winning by a large margin, a blowout, but then the opposing team decides that they have nothing to lose? They throw caution to the wind and start playing with total abandon. By taking bigger chances and going for broke, the team starts to score quicker, taking bigger risks and getting better rewards. This team is playing to win.

worth asking yourself, Are you playing to win or playing not to lose When youre acting to prevent loss, it takes energy away from acting from a place of good judgment and moving forward to win.. You would be surprised that whenever you set out to really do something, you usually do it, no matter how much risk is involved. Even if you fail, you will learn more in the process than you would if you were too scared to do anything.

The other team, who was winning by such a large margin, changes its focus, trying to play cautiously and protect their lead. This is playing not to lose. By the final quarter, the team that is playing to Dhanvir Singh win has caught up to the other team. What seemed ECE, 3rd yr. impossible a few quarters earlier becomes a reality: they pull off a come-from-behind win. How did this happen? Fear of losing can make one take the others eye off a desired goal. So when you approach a new decision, it might be 25 | Quiet 11

loving &
Be the first one to act

reach out

o many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument, a misunderstanding, the way we were raised or some other painful event. Stubbornly, we wait for someone else to reach out to us- believing that this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle a friendship or family relationship.

that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy. The way to be happy is to let go and reach out to your loved ones. Let other people be right .This doesnt mean that you are wrong. Youll experience the peace of letting go as well as letting others be right. You will also notice that, as you reach out and let others be right, they will become less defensive and more loving towards you. They might even reach back. But, if for some reason they dont, thats okay too. You will have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best to create a more loving world, and certainly you will be more peaceful yourself. And everyday tell at least one person something you like ,admire or appreciate about them. Give compliments freely...Who knows this may be your last chance in life.

A friend of mine, whose health isnt very good, recently told me that she hasnt spoken to her mother in almost three years. Why not? I asked. She said that she had a disagreement about something with her mom and that she wouldnt speak to her again unless her mom called first. When I suggested that she be the one to reach out, she resisted initially and said I cant do that. It was moms mistake so she should apologize. She was literally willing to die before reaching out to her mom. After a little persuasion, however, she did decided to be the first one to reach out. To her amazement, her mom was RAJVIR KAUR grateful for her willingness to call and offered ECE, 3rd yr. an apology of her own. As is usually the case when someone takes the chance and reaches out, EVERYONE wins. Whenever we hold on to our anger, we turn small stuff into really big stuff in our minds. We start believing that our own positions are more important than our happiness. Actually, they are not!! If you want to be a more peaceful person, you must understand

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tress need not always be bad for you. Some amount of stress is required by all of us to be able to concentrate, focus and reach our peak efficiency. Positive stress can be helpful to you.

Find out how: ** You are a car driver and you take part in all car races, but before the race you are stressed -PAYAL AGARWAL whether you will do well this year. The race CSE, 3rd Yr. begins and you put in your best effort. You can see the deadline approaching and you have won!! How do you feel? **You are a final year engineering student. It is exam time. There is a lot to do and too little time. But this year, being the final year, you have to perform well as you want to pursue post graduation. You are stressed. You burn the midnight oil, sacrifice all entertainment and put in all your effort and appear for the exam. The results are out and you have done extremely well. How do you feel? The common factor is that though each of the characters is initially stressed, after putting in the right effort, the end result is relaxation. This is positive stress. Any stress that ends with relaxation is termed as positive stress because this is the stress which helps you achieve your goal. Positive stress is required by all of us. This type of stress is also called EUSTRESS.

So, Concentrate. Reach your peak efficiency. Focus on your goal. Achieve what you want to achieve.

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Changing Trends MEMRISTOR

ts been said that any sufciently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Perhaps that explains the sense of wonder and awe we feel when we encounter things that impress us and force us to challenge our conceptions of what isnt possible; technology has the power to do this in both subtle and spectacular ways. The most lifechanging advances are ultimately conceived ine instant-on PCs and laptops for the rst and made real by those who are most fas- time, making the long wait for machine to cinated by the never-ending forward march. boot up history! Further evidence that memristor technology is under development comes from the Korean memory manufacture HYNIX, which has given HP a multi-year contract. Meanwhile, the US-based Rice University has already started research on new materials for memristors. Since HP uses a titanium-based formula in its patented technology, Rice University has already started experiments in building memristor prototype based on silicon oxide. The working samples switch in under 100 nanoseconds and can potentially scale way beyond what is possible with ash memory today. The year 2011 will see further signicant advances.

There is immense satisfaction to be derived in understanding how all these things work and devising new ways to put them to use. We are privileged to be at the forefront, discovering and learning everything there is and to know about all the things that captivate us. Here we go to discuss about the new revolution in the world of electronics and IT that introduction of MEMRISTOR will bring. It is a combination of the words memory and resistor, the memristor is the fourth fundamental electronic component that was introduced in 2008(the rst three being resistance, capacitor and coil/inductor). The memristor is exciting because it could replace everything from hard disks, ash memory and conventional RAM. PCs would boot instantly. It was predicted in the year 1971 that memristors could be developed, and how Hewlett Packard has taken the lead in developing this exciting new technology. Memory chips will not only be faster than DRAM, but will need far less energy and will retain their state even when switched off, unlike conventional working memory used today. HP is condent of achieving huge success, replacing Flash, DRAM and even hard disks. The rst product will be a new standard for working memory, called ReRAM (Resistive RAM) which will retain its contents even without power. This would enable genu29 | Quiet 11


loud omputing

Cloud computing refers to computing on the Internet, as opposed to computing on a desktop.

t is a technology where the resources in the form of hardware or software are offered on demand to the customers. You tap into the computing power over an internet connection. Cloud-based computing is basically a method of processing data in a central hub or cloud and then streaming only

the outputs to the consumer, while channeling inputs back to the cloud and running the cycle over. In some ways its the absolute elimination of any hardware as far as the consumer is concerned, because the hardware is the cloud.

Cloud computing is broken down into three segments: Applications (SaaS) Platforms (PaaS) Infrastructure (IaaS) Infrastructure-as-a-Service You can actually buy a virtual server over the Internet. It manages CPU time, storage network capacity, and other fundamental computing resoures. Its all managed by virtualization software , such as VMware. Platform-as-a-Service Cloud platforms serve as a launch pad for cloud software, providing prefab functionality such as a user interface, user sign up and administration, role30 | Quiet 11

based security, federated search, multi-tenant data management and so on. Cloud platforms are offered as a service, meaning that you can use them over the Internet with no need to ever install, upgrade or host. Software-as-a-Service This is a model of software deployment where an application is hosted as a service provided to customers across the Internet. Removing the need to install and run an application on a users own computer is seen as a way for businesses to get the same benets as commercial software with smaller cost outlay. Cloud Computing Relevance: Cloud Computing is changing the way we use computers on a day to day basis. Online software services, rather than locally installed software, open up new possibilities for businesses to control IT costs while continuing to enhance employee productivity. No need to worry about hardware components running from any platform. Future Aspects: Automatic Updates Virus Scanning Seamless Gaming Multi-Platform Unlimited Movie Streaming Data Security Low Cost (Pay per use) Data Sharing Payal Aggarwal CSE 3rd Yr

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The UNSUNG Wonder-

Segway Personal Transporter

n this era of technology, new inventions take place everyday. Its sometimes pretty hard to keep track of all these inventions. Same is the case with the Segway Personal Transporter, it is truly an Unsung Wonder, that even after 9 years of it being invented, this technological wonder has lost none of its sheen. In the early 18th century, a thing as simple as a bicycle became the talk of the town, just because it could be balanced when driven properly. Imagine the amount of leverage that one should actually give a vehicle which can not only balance itself, but SELFBALANCE on its two parallel wheelshere you have it, the Segway Personal Transporter The Segway design might have some rocket science involved, but in reality is inspired from the simple design of a hand-trolley. Whats even more astonishing is that, the working of this wonder is similar to the way we humans walk Its working is pretty humble, however complex the technicalities may be! A viscous liquid is present in our ears. When we move, the orientation of this liquid changes, thus sending a signal to the brain to move the other leg. This offsets the balance of the body and the person moves forward. Similarly, in a Segway, sophisticated tilt sensors along with gyroscopes (A simple yoyo also uses the gyroscopic effect of precession) calculate the orientation of the Segway with respect to ground. Signals are then sent to a cluster of microprocessors which act as the brain of the body and control the speed proportionally. Thus a person standing on the base of this 2-wheeled scooter simply tilts himself in the forward direction to move forward and tilts backward to slow himself down or eventually halt. The complete vehicular experience has been delved into. From the types of

tyres, motors used to the human interface, all are unique and have the latest technology involved to make this vehicle one of the most formidable among its conventional counterparts, both in terms of its efcacy and usage. In general, most countries permit Segway to be run on side walks with a limit on their existing speeds. Presently the usage is essentially limited to theme parks, large companies, etc. Segway entered the Indian market in March 2010 with 2 models. It is strange that even after being such an amazing invention, the Segway could not hog the limelight in most countries, not because of some basic limitations, but because their governments could not classify the Segway as vehicles. Such are the tales of life, Turning radius: Since it only has two not science! wheels, the Segway can rotate around a single axis (the wheels turn in oppoSegway Specications: site directions). This gives the Segway a Top speed: 12.5 miles per hour (20 turning radius of zero. kph). Driver interface: The Segway has a Weight: 83 lbs (38 kg) small LCD screen that tells the driver Width: The Segways footprint is 19 by how much battery power is left and 25 inches (48 by 63.5 cm). how well the vehicle is functioning. Weight capacity: 260 pound (118 kg) Wheels: Silicon based material for enrider and cargo. hancing traction while keeping the rollRange: About 17 miles (28 km) on even ing friction to a minimal. ground, with a single charge on a lithiMotor Assembly: Brushless D.C. Motors um-ion (Li-ion) battery, and 8-12 miles using Servo Mechanism. with a single charge on a NiMH (nickel metal hydride) battery. -Anshul KashyapPower: The Segway is powered by two Electrical & Electronics, rechargeable batteries. Segways come th 4 Year. with either lithium-ion (Li-ion) or nickel metal hydride (NIMH) batteries. Brakes: The Segway doesnt have a braking system (braking by leaning backwards). Sensors: 5 Gyroscopes and a collection of tilt sensors to keep it upright. Only 3 gyroscopes are needed -- the extra sensors are included as a safety precaution. It has an additional weight sensor built into its platform to tell the computer when a rider has stepped on. 32 | Quiet 11

Views On The

Indian Tech Industry

ts a topic that has been oft debated that Indias tech industry is a lot like the Chinese manufacturing phenomenon - Low cost, reasonable quality, minimal innovation. for banking, nance, inventory management, web site development, etc. By develop I mean code, not design - there is a huge difference between the two, something which I will touch upon shortly. One important thing to note is that the HR in most IT companies doesnt give a damn about individual interests. They will put you wherever they need someone to slog for them. And they wonder why so many people leave!!! What is the nature of the work? At least 70% of the international projects in most indian IT companies is maintenance - i.e someone else has already developed an application. All you need to do is add more features/change behaviour as per clients request . Then theres production support, which is worse. It is almost call-center work - ensure that the application runs normally and if it fails, get it up and running as soon as possible. Take calls from the client, update the status. In a sense, like a car mechanic one didnt get an engineering degree to be a car mechanic - one got it to design the car! Finally, if you are lucky you get a promotion write code. But then, writing code is easy it is like manufacturing a car. What is not, is designing a system that works efciently. Typically, foreign clients get the design done by the likes of Accenture, IBM, etc. The designs are then sent to the desi companies, who do the coding at a cost much cheaper than IBM or accenture. Thus, all we do is donkey work. It is not technology - it is programming. Technology is a new idea, paradigm or design - programming is implementing that design. Thus, most of the people in IT waste their engineering degrees, doing mundane

Heres how the Indian IT companies operate (Infosys, TCS, Wipro and the second string such as Mastek, Satyam, Patni etc). Hire engineers in bulk, never mind that they are not computer scientists or electrical engineers - if they can write a few lines of code in C/ C++ and are academically decent, theyre hired . After all, they dont need brilliant engineers - just people who will do as they are told and reasonably intelligent enough to get the clients work done, and bullshit their way out of it if they dont. Theyll rarely make CAD software for Electrical engineering or mechanical engineering. Instead they will develop end to end solutions
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programming, until they are made project managers - after which they spend their lives approving timesheets, conducting appraisals and sucking up to the client . Wait a second - shouldnt an experienced IT professional be doing advanced stuff and leave the bullshitting to the MBAs? Why is it so hard for the desi companies to do the designing? Theve not tried hard enough (yet) to get into this space. They just dont have the competence to get the job done. These companies are amazing at procedure oriented projects - if there is a procedure in place telling us what to do, we can do it. They dont have the experience (and therefore the brand equity) to attract IT consulting projects. Consulting is largely a reputation driven business. In order to build such a reputation, they need to hire high-ying consulants - they dont come cheap. Even after all this, there is no guarantee of results! (Lately, Infsosys is trying to get into this space, Im told, so good luck to them. ) Why do we need to get

into high end IT - consulting and products? Simply because the algorithm of low cost, low margin services will run its course in the future. As payscales rise in india and the rupee appreciating with respect to the dollar, margins become more and more slim. In time, India may not be as competitive as, say, Brazil or Russia the American cos will take their projects out there! U can see trends in the manufacturing sector - earlier Taiwan was the manufacturing base for American cos, then SouthKorea and then these days, China. For too long have we been stuck in the procedure oriented IT services. It is time to invest in consulting and products, and take Indian IT to the next level, or else I fear we will remain stuck in this low-end nonsense. Indian companies thus have 2 choices - identify and set shop in countries where the low cost, low margin algorithm can be applied (TCS seems to be taking this route) or enter into high end IT, which is independent of geography (which Infosys is working upon).

I believe the latter is the better route - it is a high margin business and reasonably hightech. What is even better, is coming up with technology - like Java, efcient databases, advanced operating systems (Like Sun, Oracle or Microsoft). That is real technology. Its not that we cant do it. Its just that we dont want to risk it. Finally, a true story. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) was huge in the chip manufacturing industry, making almost 60% prot. They could have delved into chip design, and potentially, designed low cost chips. However, designing is a risky business - what if the chip bombs? TSMC chose to stick to its core competence - fabrication. In time, TSMCs prots have declined to 20% or so... theyre still number one, but dont make as much money as they used to... Are we learning yet? Vishu kukkar CSE 4th year

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Windows Azure

the cloud, but for that you must have a storage account. Fundamental among them are: Blob In a single line, The Windows Azure Platform is service, Queue service and table service. an internet scale cloud services platform hosted through Microsoft Data centers. Compute Service: It provides an internet-scale hosting environment This platform includes: built on geographically distributed areas. Windows Azure Operating System. It is built from one or more roles. A role denes A set of rich developer services. a component that may run in the execution environment. Windows Azure Operating System: It supports 2 types of roles: It works as a development, run-time and con- Web role trol environment supporting multiple proto- Worker role cols like, HTTP/HTTPS, REST, SOAP and XAL. Now this is awesome: It can handle the load balancing and resource A service may comprise of one or both types management for you. of roles and may include multiple roles of each type and A role may interact, with the run-time Not only this, it deploys the service, manages environment by using the Windows Azure manthe upgrades and failures to maintain availa- aged API. bility and prevents your headache of purchasing upfront technology from time to time. Development Envioronment: It provides a simulated environment for devel In simple words, it provides you with comput- oping and testing local computer. It includes the ing and storage facility. following tools: Development Storage, Development Fabric, Make Azure your servant! Te CS-Pack command Line and The CS-Run Command Line. It can provide you with 3 types of fantastic services: The story dont stop here, its just the start, we need to go and explore it! Portal Service: It is an administrative portal for managing your Agam Sehgal acount for deploying, managing and monitoring TPC your Windows Azure Services. HR Head Storage Services: It provides you a persistent, durable storage in 35 | Quiet 11

Android Vs. iPhone

ndroid is a mobile opera ng system ini ally developed by Android Inc. Android was purchased by Google in 2005. It is based upon a modied version of the Linux kernel. The Android OS can be used as an opera ng system for cellphones, netbooks and tablets, including the Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy Tab and other devices. The worlds rst TV running Android, called Scandinavia, has also been launched by the company People of Lava. Android vs. iPhone: Mobile Apps This one may be a bit surprising -- a er all, youd expect to see iPhone owners apping it up more o en, given the 100,000 op ons at their nger ps. Android owners, however, come out just barely ahead in the rela ve realm of applica on usage: Seventysix percent of them say they u lize apps. Android vs. iPhone: The Big Picture Heres the good news: Both iPhone and Android users can grab some bragging rights from these studies. The truth is the two pla orms are neck-toneck when it comes to using most of the so-called advanced func ons -- and prac cally every other mobile phone system is struggling to keep up.

Googles agship smartphones; Android phones that are marketed by Google: 1. G1 manufactured by HTC 2. Nexus One manufactured by HTC 3. Nexus S manufactured by Samsung Android Pros The Install from non-Market sources checkbox. (Essen ally an OS-provided tap here to - jailbreak.) Fantas c OS-level integra on of Google Voice. Speech input oered on every keyboard is very cool but probably ul mately of limited use. As-you-type sugges ons on Google searches are nice. Mul ple as-you-type comple on sugges ons on the keyboard are nice. User-editable dic onary for the keyboard is nice.

Android vs. iPhone: The Mobile Web The rst measure of advanced func onality is the mobile Web. Both the iPhone and the Android platform are designed for easy Internet browsing -- so which pla orms users are most likely to take advantage of the InterWebbial SuperSpeedway? Turns out its Androids. According to the new data collected by Nielsen and compiled by eMarketer, owners of Android phones are the most likely to use their devices Internet func onality.

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Technology Redened.
MICROSOFT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP : An Insight If you give people tools, and they use their natural ability and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected. -Bill Gates eeping his words in mind, a very subtle Studio 2008. interface came into existence as MSIG, by the then Microsoft Student Partner, An- All these Lab sessions/Hands-on Lab Exmol Batra, from our college. periences were in the form of a 3-Day Workshop. MSIG-Microsoft Special Interest Group is an enthusiastic and special interest group It also deserves to be applauded for sucfor all technology-savvy, creative thinkers cessfully organizing a no. of special events, and hardworking engineers, lead by Mi- namely, Quizilla ( in association with Enakcrosoft Student Partners from our college: mos), The Faculty Geetu Gill, EEE-3rd yr and Vikalp Handa, Connection and The Microsoft DreamCSE-2nd yr. spark. It is the best place to arm yourself with the latest and the greatest Microsoft technologies and tools airing. From its start, till date, it has been credited with many commendable jobs .Some of them are mentioned below: Various technical sessions on a variety of topics including C#, .NET, Windows 7, Windows Azure, Silverlight, Microsoft XNA Game Studio, MS Ofce 2007/10 etc have been taken up by many students of our club under the guidance of the Microsoft Student Partners. Students are encouraged to participate and exercise their brains in lab sessions where they have, in the past, built applications on Game Development using Visual Studio 2008 Web-forms Development using Visual
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National level events like Dream Spark Yatra are embellishments. Technology enthusiasts from all over the country participated in the sessions conducted by Microsoft Professionals in our campus with an appreciable gathering of more than a 1000 students. MS Technologies Quiz was organized in Goonj 2010, where 85 students participated. Exciting goodies and certicates were given as prizes. And, to say the least, each one of the above mentioned events turned out to be huge successes, thanks to the exhilarating support from everyone. Now, if our past credentials are not enough, then we are bringing you the all new power packed sessions, conferences, webinars and a lot more. with our arcade of 19 students selected this year.

Some of them are summarized below: An introductory session on Imagine Cup 2011 which will provide students with some startling facts about the competition. Various competitions like Debugging the code, Cracking the puzzle, Code-aCode, Logo Designing, Technical Quizzes are on calendar. A special Web Development session along with a hands-on lab session which will give students a glimpse of Web Matrix. A hands-on lab session on the Application Development for Windows Phone 7. Various quizzes, webinars, DeveleporsConference with direct casting from Redmond ,USA are also in the row.

sessions, we also aim to enhance the technical awareness amongst the students pertaining to the various advancements on technology around the globe. It promotes community building competency and also aims to provide technical resources & assistance in academic projects related to the computing world to the students. MSIG gives an MSDN subscription , Dreamspark Keys which can get you your very own free copy of latest softwares and utilities. So what are you guys waiting for?? Watch out for the next MSIG session and get yourself updated with whats new and whats cool in the tech-world.

CourtesyGeetu Gill (MSP ), What we aim for: Apart from holding discussions and core Vikalp Handa (MSP)

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touching lives

urveen Bhatia(CSE), was deeply touched by an appeal for monetary help issued in a local newspaper by the poor parents of a heart patient named Khushboo. On reading the article she collaborated with friends to collect funds and succeeded on collecting 5000 INR in a single day. This endeavour culminated into the idea of starting a social welfare club named Mitra, touching lives in 2004. Mitra , a self funded group, organizes several events to raise funds and utilizes these funds to extend helping hand to less privileged people. Mitra has organized events like

4. Sale of diwali card and bookmarks made by Mitra members themselves. 5. Sale of Candles and diyas made by Blind school students during diwali. 6. Environmental awareness Drive: Treasure hunt on cycles across the campus. 7. Fun-games Stall during Goonj: basically to raise funds to help the underprivileged people. For this we got sponsorships from Habibs and various eating joints etc.

8. Environment day celebration: A street play to generate awareness about envi1. Visits to old age home in sector 15. ronment related issues among the audience and a discussion with them after2. Visits to orphanage in sector 15 to cele- wards. brate diwali and conducted various competitions there. 3. Visit to the blind school during lohri.

President: Prakrit Dhillon (3rd Yr, Mech)

Currently have 65 members in total.

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All work and no the key to ruin your day!

t has been established that, the lack of physical activity can lead to a very disoriented life. Engineering, a field full of stress and hard work, can become quite challenging, without proper scope of activity and leisure. The UTECHNOS Sports Committee ensures that the students of UIET have a proper way of developing their skills, both on and off the field. UIET has carved a unique niche in the University, by providing a fair share of players for every sport on the campus. It is the only department to have a joint- Annual Sports Meet with the Sports Department of PU. Certain activities like the mixed Inter-Class Volleyball tournament and Inter-Branch Basketball tournament (for both boys and girls) are held only for UIET students. The Sports Committee organises Inter-Branch Football and Cricket tournaments. Also, Tennis, Badminton, Chess and Table-Tennis tournaments are organized, which act as stress-busters for the students and strengthen their team-spirit. The Annual Athletic Meet hosts a variety of track-events in
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various categories, in which participation is encouraged. These track-events especially provide the girls with an opportunity to excel. Over the years, the performances of UIETians in various sports have drawn acclaim from the Director & have been very noticeable to the Directorate of Sports. The teacher-incharges of the Committe, Mr. Deepak Kumar & Mr. Y.P. Verma, have regularly encouraged the students to participate in large numbers in all the sport activities. Under their able guidance the Sports Committee aims to conduct various activites in UIET and also introduce a few modifications in the event-schedule of the sports; subject to availability of time and enthusiasm of the students.

Computer society of india

UIET Chapter

ormed in 1965 by a handful of IT enthusiasts who were a computer user group and felt the need to organize their activities, CSI (COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA) plays a very inuential role in guiding the Indian IT industry down the right path during its formative years. Today, the CSI has 66 chapters all over India, 381 student branches, and more than 40,000 members.

Informative lectures were delivered by student members on topics Changing scenario of Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing. Thus CSI equips students with a full package ranging from knowledge to self condence and personality development thus helping in the overall growth of students. In the past CSI has organized workshops on Flash Animation and Photoshop. These are intensive in nature and involve lectures by high prole professionals and rigorous laboratory assignments. These workshops (with special reference to Flash Animation) have seen an overwhelming response from our enthusiastic students.

mega quiz Zeus of UIET which aimed at identifying the brilliant minds of UIET. Student members of CSI-UIET can also avail a monthly issue of CSI magazines with new and exciting Computer & IT technology based articles. There is also a provision of organizing technical trips to various industries. CSI-UIET hopes to see itself grow larger every year with increase in the number of its student members and promises to organize quality events quantitatively.

In 2004, the CSI chapter was introduced in UIET under Prof. Harish Kumar as teacher in charge. A small and unnoticed effort then, has now transformed into a body of over 100 members. The society works under the guidance of the Executive committee, whose members were selected from the student In Goonj 2010 i.e the annual members of the society itself. technical cum cultural fest of UIET, various events were organThe mission of the CSI is to fa- ised which received huge succilitate research, knowledge cess like: - Netizens a quiz on sharing, learning and career world wide web and Lanthrashenhancement of students while an event for gaming freaks. simultaneously inspiring and Netizens is an event which lays nurturing them to integrate into emphasis on observing and anthe IT sector. alyzing the skills of people who use internet for various purposFor the benet of members, es. Lanthrash, the ultimate gamthe chapter organizes monthly ing event, includes games like technical meetings, presenta- NEED FOR SPEED, COUNTER tions and workshops on various STRIKE, FIFA and some more. upcoming technologies in IT sector. Besides CSI also organised a

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echnical Committee is one of the most important branches of UTechnos. The organisational structure is headed by the convenor with a team of ve co-convenors from different branches of UIET. There are a total of 21 members who put in equal efforts to make each step of the committee a success. The committee works as a family and takes up responsibilities of organising various technical events which help in nurturing and upbringing the technical talent of the students of UIET.

of a cyclotron which would help the students understand it better. The technical committee has also taken up the responsibility of organising the CHASCON 2011, for which the members are working hard to make the event successful. The various upcoming events include guest lectures by dignied professors, a workshop on photoshop where students would be taught how to use photoshop. The committee would also be coming up with clubs on programming, robotics, etc. This would not only give a platform to students to exhibit their talent In the recent past, technical com- but would also give them a forum mittee has supported students where all their related doubts in organising workshops on ro- could be cleared. botics as well as ethical hacking, through which, students have The committee also apprecigot to learn the basics of both. ates ideas from non-members The committee has planned a and supports them in organising visit to the physics department, events. Panjab University, where a few of the rst year students would be taken to show the working

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omputer-Oriented Research & Development Society (CORDS) is an initiative taken by students of the 2007-2011 batch of UIET, to form a group which will work for the development and maintenance of the institute internet/ intranet applications and services, and engage in application-based research in the eld of computer science. CORDS came about as a result of the lack of a platform for students of UIET to develop and apply their skills in computer-based application development. The idea was originally conceived in 2008 as Information System Management Group (ISMG), but the scope of the group was somewhat expanded in 2010, leading to the creation of CORDS. The immediate aim of CORDS is to enhance and add to the web services provided by UIET. This will be accomplished by providing each student with separate login and ability to customize their home pages, with content relevant to each student. A number of applications will be developed around this service, to enable easy access to information and other benets. CORDS has successfully developed an Online Notice Board system for UIET, to digitize the process of uploading and viewing of notices. We have customized and deployed DSpace software to manage the digital content generated by research work and projects undertaken by students and teachers of UIET. We have also developed web applications for the various committees of UIET, like TPC and Technical Committee. The teacher-in-charge of CORDS is Prof. Dr. Sukhwinder Singh, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering. We also work closely with Mr. Naveen Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering.

Computer Oriented Research & Development Society

CORDS Team (2010-11) 01. Aditi Mehta- CSE 4rd year 02. Atinder Pal Singh- IT 4rd year 03. Gaurav Goyal- IT 4rd year 04. Saurav Chopra- IT 4rd year 05. Shiraz Bhalla- CSE 4rd year 06. Anurag Dixit- CSE 3nd year 07. Nitasha Garg- CSE 3nd year 08. Riddhima Marwah- CSE 3nd year 09. Shaman Chopra- IT 3nd year 10. Supreet Pal Singh- IT 3nd year

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IEEE (Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers) is a nonprot international organization that was set up to initiate research activities. Over more than a century IEEE has ensured standards and prototypes for potential research that has beneted industry as well as human living standards. Concisely, it provides a platform to share ideas and innovations through Spectrums, Journals, Conferences, video sharing and most important its global interactive network. The propensity also lies in other engineering branches with over 56 societies to support and validate hard work and research experiences. We at UIET started with Student Branch to initiate student involvement, so as to meet international expectations. Our honorable Director, Prof. Renu Vig (Sub-Regional Head, IEEE), Mr. Yajvender P Verma (Branch Counselor, student branch) and the executive committee sets the guidelines for the working of our Student Branch. This year 2010-2011, the committee comprised of Chairman (Vibhor Gupta, EEE), Vice-Chair (Amanvir Singh, EEE), General Secy (Jasmine Kaur, EEE), Treasurer (Shashank Kapoor, EEE). 45 | Quiet 11

The primary aim that Student Branch had in mind was to increase participation of students in research and technical activities. Our committee has always worked as a dedicated team to make every event a success, their initiatives and efforts have always been supported and applauded. Our main efforts paid off through the IEEE Student conference ICAER10 where of its rst kind in UIET. The main idea was to motivate students for manuscript writing. We received an over whelming response of papers from various colleges. A website was especially designed and proceedings were also published. The Student Branch now has its own website, wherein we try to interact with students by the way they like. Further IEEE events like ADROIT, EMCON, MICROV3, IEEE-GOONJ including workshops & seminar were also very successful and experienced massive participations. Our main idea reects that an engineering student should be technically sound so that any core industry unconditionally accepts it. We at IEEE Student Branch have always made sure that students look beyond the purview of books, think out of

the box, get ready for industry challenges and most importantly, get involved in research which holds the key to a prosperous future. I wish all the best to the IEEE executive committee. Hope they carry the name far more than we did. All the best & Regards VIBHOR GUPTA Chairman (2010-2011) IEEE Student Branch UIET, Panjab University Chandigarh


he Academic & Literary Committee (ACLIT) of UIET is part of the UTECHNOS umbrella of committees and organizes various academic events at UIET through out the year. The committee consists of ten members, including the convener and the co-convener, and is selected each academic year by a process of interviews conducted by the committee teachers incharge.

Chandigarh for conducting most of the events and adjudicating them. This year till now, we have organized various sessions on Group Discussion, Personal interviews etc by collaborating with the leading MBA coaching institutes of Chandigarh. Besides, we have a few events lined up for the next semester along with GOONJ12 and keeping up with the times, we will organize certain online events as well. So, keep track of whats going on by visiting the notice boards lest you miss out on an ACLIT event.
Any healthy criticism, suggestion or a note of appreciation is always welcome and the same can be mailed to us directly at: .

This year the committee is made up of the following: Rubal Dhawan(Convenor), Neetika, Ruchika Gupta, Surbhi Vijh, Hardik Dhamija, Heena, Kaveri Mahajan, Nupur Gupta and Anshul Goyal. ACLIT organizes events such as quiz, debates, group discussions, extempore, IQ tests and funlled events like the AD-MAD, treasure hunt amongst others. This year, ACLIT organized various workshops for the students to guide them about the various post graduation options available. Apart from these events the committee organizes several events at the college fest, GOONJ. We take pride to add that at GOONJ11, ACLIT events had record participation. ACLIT had tie ups with the leading MBA coaching institutes of

Rubal Dhawan (Convenor ACLIT)

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am ECE a - 2 Gum nd be yr r



just nished reading THE WHITE TIGER written by ARAVIND ADIGA. This was the authors debut novel and it won the MAN BOOKER PRIZE IN 2008. The story begins with a letter from a Bangalore (now Bengaluru) entrepreneur to the Premier of China who was to visit India in a week. The plot revolves around Balram Halwai, the son of a rickshaw puller. The story is a dark satire on Indian Democracy and shackles the very root of it! We see the rise of a corruptspirited entrepreneur and simultaneously the death of an innocent man. The New Born entrepreneur is a murderer, shuts the police mouth by bribing them and thus is a typical Indian businessman. Also explained in this book is The Great Indian Rooster Coop. We try to break free of it but every time we fail. But Balram, the white tiger, is no ordinary

person and is able to escape from it. He is one of the rare breeds who achieve what they think they can. The differences between the Chinese way of working and the Indian way are explained in a very light-hearted manner. The author mocks at the Indian democracy and brings forth an intriguing question Is democracy a hurdle in Indias progress? A quotable quote of the book is The moment you recognize what is beautiful in this world, you stop being a slave. Overall, I would say that the book is worth reading and makes a good read. It keeps you hooked on to know the path chosen by Balram. Though, the end could have been explained in a better and elaborate manner. Also the concept of rooster coop wasnt clear. The decision now rests in your hands.

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He Just

To Make A


The Universe
On October, 5, 2011, the legend who spoke these words, completed his journey - he reached the nal des na on. And what a journey it was. One that will be talked about for eons. This ar cle too, though, is about that magnicent journey, its denitely not a morose piece of text expressing grief over Jobs death. Rather, it is a celebra on of the life that he has lived. A life that has touched so many others without them even knowing it. Most of the things that were the building blocks of the wonder that Jobs was are explained by the man himself in his famous Stanford address video (above). He loved what he did. He lived each day like it was his last. He stayed hungry. He stayed foolish. And the dots connected. Heck! He even fought with and defeated Cancer at one point in me. The display of courage and perseverance by Steve on being ousted by apple is perhaps the greatest the world has ever seen. He never ever gave up.

But then again this ar cle is not about his contribu ons to the world either. They are For most of us if we are able to adopt just these aspects of his ideology into our being it out there for everyone to see. would help us change at least our lives if not the world. But here was a man who did not This is about THE MAN - Steve. Jobs. stop at just this much. What comes to mind each me I think of Steve is not what all he did but rather, what The fundamental answer as to what he did it was that drove him to do such things. And beyond all of this was reiterated me and each me I try to assess the driving force. again by not only Jobs himself but by the And though no amount of assessment or company he built. wri ng shall be able to describe his person, I did come up with something. So lets delve into it.
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He told everyone to iden fy what they really wanted to do. He said all he wanted to do was When others felt that there was no other way, make a ding in the universe. he came and shocked the world with newer ways to do something. This was perhaps the Hah! biggest pillar to his success. There were however, even more ingredients in the mix. For He dinged the universe like nobodys busiinstance his ability to cap vate and enthrall ness. people with his presenta ons and keynote addresses. So successful was he with his pub- Such a life deserves to be celebrated. Such a lic speaking capabili es that he was o en ac- life never ends. Steve will always live on. cused of crea ng a reality distor on eld. How amazing would a speaker have to be to be able to do that??? It boggles my mind just to think about it. Steve Jobs was perhaps the greatest showman the world has seen in a long long me. He was truly a rockstar when it came to a fan following. Not only were the thought in Apples ex head honchos head dierent but they were also far ahead of where the rest of the world was stuck. He was able to think ahead and always had the compe on following him. If you can do that you are ahead of the game. His lead was extended by his a en on to detail and his perfec onist a tude which percolated down to the products he made. Each product was a lesson in perfec on - awless (case in point being the MacBook Pro that I am typing this on). The best part was that he did not limit himself to just one -technology or the liberal arts, each of his ac ons was an amalgama on of the two. Im sure there were at least a billion more things that came together to make Steve Jobs. But these are a few which we can lay our ngers on. All about him was not hunky dory for sure but then its up to us to lter that out and learn all the posi ves that he embodied - the same posi ves that lead him to be one foresighted enough to tell another person what that person wants.


Death is the destination we all share.

Karan Kumar EEE , 3rd Yr

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Love in the Reality

-Hardik Dhamija PU student Hardik Dhamija explores the world of a young lover in his debut novel, Love in the Reality... is not always easy! Best things in life are often unplanned be it your rst love or as in Hardik Dhamijas case, his debut novel. Having joined Panjab University in 2009, this nal-year student of the University Institute of Engineering and Technology was busy with his books and classes. He would spend his free time loitering around the AC Joshi Library and entertaining his friends with snappy, ve-minute stories that he would make up on the spot. And then, the writer in him took over. He turned a blogger, joined the universitys literary committee and started writing scripts for the dramatics club. terest the young audience, says the 20-year-old on the release event of his debut novel Love in the Reality... is not always that easy (Mahaveer Publishers, Rs 125). Its a story of a nal-year engineering student Aditya and his life, love and his relationships with friends. The story moves back and forth in time and weaves in the life of Drishya Roy, who has been sexually abused when he was a child. Roy, who now turns into a Casanova, nds out that he is unable to build a lasting relationship because of his past. There are unfullled dreams and an unsaid fear. The events in Roys life make you think if one can forget the past and move on, says Dhamija, pressing on the cause that he stands for child sex abuse. He feels that the issue, even though its rampant, is often not talked about openly in society. The novel has moments of seriousness as well as fun. Written over a span of six months, the book has instances from my real life and is a tribute to Panjab University, says Dhamija, recalling the endless hours he has spent in the library in the course of writing the book. I have tried to retain the innocence of a teenager in the novel, while capture the naughty phases in their lives. Their restlessness, excitement and love all nd place in my 189-page novel, he adds. And future plans? Dhamija says his next novel will be about three friends who travel back in time to kill Aryabhatta and formulate a whole new education system!

But I had more to share. I had stories to tell, messages to put across and issues to address. And I wanted to Theres also a take on livedo it in a way so as to in- in relationships.
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Har Khushi Hai Logon Ke Daman Mein, Par Ek Hansi Ke Liye Waqt Nahi. Din Raat Daudti Duniya Mein, Zindagi Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi. Maa Ki Loree Ka Ehsaas To Hai, Par Maa Ko Maa Kehne Ka Waqt Nahi. Saare Rishton Ko To Hum Maar Chuke, Ab Unhe Dafnane Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi. Saare Naam Mobile Mein Hain, Par Dosti Ke Liye Waqt Nahi. Gairon Ki Kya Baat Karen, Jab Apno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi. Aankhon Me Hai Neend Badee, Par Sone Ka Waqt Nahi. Dil Hai Ghamon Se Bhara Hua, Par Rone Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi. Paison ki Daud Me Aise Daude, Ki Thakne ka Bhi Waqt Nahi. Paraye Ehsason Ki Kya Kadr Karein, Jab Apne Sapno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi. Tu Hi Bata E Zindagi, Iss Zindagi Ka Kya Hoga, Ki Har Pal Marne Walon Ko, Jeene Ke Liye Bhi Waqt Nahi.......


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I saw a dream I was walking down the road Surroundings plush green The sun shone over my head Casting a shadow On the path I tread Oh wait! There were two Standing by my side were you Your fingers locked with mine Reflected by your eyes was a heavenly shine I kept gazing at you spellbound In shadows was lost the world around I was the happiest girl in the world A princess with a crown My eyes locked with his Hands intertwined Life felt like bliss Joy undetermined Suddenly I tripped No hands to save me from the fall My eyes wide open I was falling through the dark No sun over my head shone The dream was gone No pair of hands to hold mine No pair of eyes reflecting shine Every feeling was so earthly Nothing divine!!! -Priyanka Juneja ECE-3rd yr. 54 | Quiet 11

There were days when we didnt need a reason to be happy, Unlike present days when no reason seems big enough to smile. When buying a new pencil wasnt less than a celebration and to start working with pen wasnt less than an achievement. When morning had its own flavour with chirping birds and the rising red sun... When Evenings were full of excitement and planning for new games.. When winning wasnt for fame and loosing wasnt a shame. When we never actually bothered about loss or gain because we were busy enough to enjoy the game. When we were bold enough to start up a new game because we had no time to regret our mistakes...

Lets be

ids again K

When weeks pass away to see a sunset...we are too busy doing the work..forget about play. When every morning has its own new plans, new expectations and frustrations... When loosing means the end of everything.. And life becomes more of a pain than just a game. When we have a single excuse....lack of time... There were days when success secrets were known to everyone because none bothered much about the same...

Today everyone is searching for solutions... the solutions with which everyone lived in When nights used to end with a nice tale.... his teenage. When we had time to do everything which we wanted to do... Unlike our present days... And now buying a new car gives more of monetary tension than the joy a ride gives. When every achievement seems small... Lets be kids again..Lets start this game once again... Lets forget about loss and gain... Lets be kids again!!! Pallavi Sharma ME(CSE)

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ome days no matter what you do, things just dont work for you. Some days no matter how hard you try, it just isnt enough. Some days you just dont know what is wrong, it feels like you are still waiting to be born. Some days it just doesnt feel right, you feel that its just not worth the fight! Some days you wake up all lost, you see some paths but destinations... not. Some days you feel you are not loved, it feels like all your happiness is shoved. Some days all you need is that one smile, the person who tells you that you will last a while. The day when you are lost, The day you feel you are loved not, The day you dont know the destination is what. When sad, Come to me. Talk to me. I wont love you. I wont make you smile. With you, I will just walk the last mile.. I wont let you be lost. I wont let you be alone. Every tear you drop, is worth my thousand lives!! Maybe I cant say this to you, You are the only reason I dont cry. You are the reason that I am strong. You are the reason that gives me hope. 56 | Quiet 11 And to protect your smile, I would Carry you through The Last Mile Vineet Mehta CSE 4th year.

If you want to love, love your motherland. If you want to serve, serve humanity. If you want to oppose, oppose injustice. If you want to dispose, dispose inner vices. If you want to play, play a fair game. If you want to pray, pray for the greater good. If you want to judge, judge yourself. If you want to nudge, nudge for righteousness. If you want to speak, speak gently. -ARPAN CSE, 3rd Yr.

The Irony
If tears could build a stairway!
If tears could build a stairway, And memories were a lane, I would walk right up to heaven, To bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye, You were gone before I knew And only God knows why. My heart still aches in sadness And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose my dearest sister No one will ever know. -Rajat Kumar Mech. 3rd Yr. Still alive, still breathing She knew that any second All of it would end. The medicines didnt smell good How much she wished She were instead breathing in The scent of beautiful flowers! The equipments didnt seem nice too But she didnt despise them much They atleast reminded the 13 year old of her dream of being an engineer. The hospitality of the nurses made her reminisce her sole aim of doing something for mankind. She had envisaged a perfect life and her loving and caring family right beside her throughout. Hats off to the irony The family was sitting right beside her No, their heart wasnt filled with joy but with the inescapable grief of separation. They still werent able to gulp down the truth, the mercilessness of the malignant tumour. Perhaps, a tear trickled down her cheek A tear of sadness, of pain Then, as if fearing it was her last breath She whispered.............goodbye. Her Timing was perfect Alas! Why couldnt her Life be!! KUSHAL WALIA Mech., 3rd Yr.

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On Cloudless Nights
n cloudless nights, whenever I look up to the skies, looking at the never ending stars, I am reminded of Carl Sagans famous description of the earth- The Pale Blue Dot. I cant help but wonder at how minute our existence is. If earth were a speck of dust on a sandy beach when compared to the universe, imagine what we would be. And yet our seemingly inconsequential existence is perhaps the most significant event in the history of the Universe. amusing story. I quote Professor Feynman from his lecture Cargo Cult Science, In the South Seas there is a Cargo Cult of people. During the war, they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want to make the same things happen now. So, theyve arranged to make things like runways, to put fires along the sides of the runways, to make a wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his head like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like antennas- hes the controller- and they wait for the airplanes to land. Theyre doing everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly as it looked before. But it doesnt work. No airplanes land. I call these things Cargo Cult science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but theyre missing something important, because the airplanes dont land. So the question we need to ask ourselves is Have we become one of the Cargo Cult people? Because if we have, we have given up on the most fundamental nature of our race- genuine inquisitiveness, the only quality that separates us from other forms of life.

Like the mythical phoenix, we have risen from the ashes, and not just that, we have the prowess to look upon the universe- A realization that moved me so much that I feel I can never come out of its awe. From our humble beginnings, we have risen to a standard that even God would be proud of us. The sum remainder of equations (Albert Einsteins definition of God) is one amazing chess player. So many rules, yet everything is so interconnected. The laws of electricity are the laws of magnetism are the laws of sound are the laws of everything. Do you not wonder why music is so pleasant? Or why light should interfere constructively or destructively. Or how this Fourier guy made equations that ended up solving everything- acoustics, optics, signal processing, quantum mechanics, econometrics...

The next time you venture out on a clear cloudless night, look at the Orion, and try imagining being on the nebula on the dagger looking at the pale blue dot, Weve all been so fascinated with magic, always look- and at yourself from millions of light years away. Im ing about for a dirty lamp to rub, or (for the newer sure you will realize how essential it is for you to congeneration) looking forward to our eleventh birth- tribute to Earth in ways that actually matter. days Who knows? You might be a wizard or a witch and an owl might just be on its way with a let- A little perspective is all we need ter from Hogwarts. Yet there is magic all around us in ways that we have become so accustomed to that Jivitesh Singh Dhaliwal we have stopped seeing. Our work is so engaging EEE, 3rd Year that we are unable to see the forest for the leaves! Our definition as Engineers has taken a backseat. Were actively blinding ourselves from our real job. Richard Feynman described a similar attitude in a rather 58 | Quiet 11

Team-Magboard University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University

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