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Shrivalli Suri and Stuti Aggarwal


Professionalism in Person Centred Care 03

Case Study

Fanshawe college @ILAC

14th March, 2024

Shrivalli Suri and Stuti Aggarwal


Professionalism in Person Centred Care 03

Case Study

Fanshawe college @ILAC

14th March, 2024

The exercise sharpened our awareness of the complicated nature of human communication

and provided me with a potent opportunity to be more reflective on ourselves. At the

beginning, our task was associated with a feeling of curiosity, excitement, and desire to

interact in the process of unveiling the secrets of my group mates' preferences and features.

While we immersed myself in the exercise, my awareness of the problematic side of

assuming grew progressively louder.

Also, the fact that we probably categorized my group members based on my perception of

them added another complication to the whole exercise. This made me realize that our

actions, words, and appearance can be easily misinterpreted by others, and how they will see

my conduct may differ from how we mean. This notion awakened a sense of vulnerability

and self-consciousness that happened only when we began to ponder the partiality of


As we went through the entire session, a dozen of emotions crossed my mind from curiosity

and wonder to the uncomfortable feeling and the contemplation of myself. We doubted the

aptness of concluding and the gravity of establishing agreement through clear and true

communication. Secondly, we learned to appreciate the delicacy of human communication,

realizing that power relations and preconceived perceptions can distort the dynamics of

interpersonal relationships.

For my part, doing this task was educating, thus we got the message loud and clear on the

role of empathy, active listening, and critical thinking in communication.

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