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On 16/11/2014 E.C the Green Footprint program organized by the Kobo City
administration in North Wolo Zone ,the children Development Project of the
Full Gospel Believers Church of Kobo Coordinated the children, parents,
volunteers and project workers to plant saplings under the motto “Seedling and
Children need care” The total number of people who participated in the sapling
planting was 104 and each person planted four saplings, totaling 416 sapling
were planted that day. The seedling was planted in collaboration with the
women and children office of kobo city administration and the place where it
was planted is called Gariyalancha.


When parents and children planting seedling

When parents and children planting seedling

When parents and children planting seedling

When parents and children planting seedling

When parents planting seedling

One of our project child ET400800068 Jovani

Mengesha catch seddlings

When parents, staffs and children planting seedling

When parents, staffs and children chanting slogans

When parents, staffs and children chanting slogans

When parents, staffs and children chanting slogans in the city

The head of the mayor’s office and project director catch seedlings

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