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Greetings delegates and presidents from the table, today i will be representing the essential
delegation of israel, we hand you all and table the acknowledgement you people diverse. It is
quite obvious that most people here know that the delegation of Israel is the most accurate to
discuss terrorisms, as the Israeli desert has been plagued with weapons, guerrillas and bombs
since the 1950s, the ongoing threat of terrorism that this delegation has fought every single day
and that the other delegations a fighting is unrealistically immense.

Our delegation is dedicated to the eradication of terrorism and terrorists from this planet once
for all. Terrorism is a cowardly and irrational act that targets innocent people in an attempt to
control and manipulate. It is a global issue that each and everyone of you have suffered

Even though Israel is a small country, with a small population and small resources Israel has
shown resilience in the face of adversity. By uniting countries of all sizes, backgrounds, and
ideologies, we can get work done effectively toward this abomination called terrorisms.

To conclude the delegation would like to quote a text from our general Elad Peled to leave our
concerns clear "It is the fate of our generation that our life requires that we be always prepared
and armed, strong and determined, for if the sword be struck from our grasp, we shall die."

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