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Title of Innovation :
Innovation Category : Curriculum Instruction and Delivery
Name of Innovator/s:
School and District :
Date of Implementation:
Contact Number

Lack of experiential learning opportunities, low participation in early
numeracy activities, and possible disinterest in conventional teaching
techniques are some of the issues facing by the most Kindergarten teachers
nowadays. Study of Cunningham (2023) found that counting involves many
small but critical skills but the inability to understand the concept of what
numbers are and how they work — without thinking about it is problem. These
difficulties are backed up by pertinent research and data, which highlight the
need for creative solutions to promote a more productive and interesting
learning environment. Addressing these challenges significantly improves the
educational system by promoting active learning, enhancing students'
numeracy skills, and fostering a more enjoyable educational experience.
Teachers facilitate learning with a versatile and culturally relevant teaching
tool that greatly improve learners numeracy skills.

Innovation provides hands-on learning experiences through the use of

Sungka, promoting mathematical concepts, spatial awareness, and improves
critical thinking. The incorporation of a traditional Filipino game into the
curriculum not only makes learning more enjoyable but also addresses the
disinterest in conventional teaching methods. Further, the approach creates a
dynamic and interactive manipulation of materials delivers real experiences for
young learners.
The innovation aligns with the Department of Education's vision by
promoting a learner-centered and culturally responsive education system. It
supports the mission of providing quality education and addresses the
objective of enhancing numeracy skills among kindergarten students. The use
of Sungka material aligns with the department's commitment to holistic
education that incorporates cultural elements into the learning process.
Moreover, the innovation embodies the core principles and values reflected in
the School Division Office's (SDO) mantra by promoting inclusivity, cultural
diversity, and active engagement in learning. It advances the SDO's goals by
fostering a positive and supportive learning environment, encouraging
collaboration between students and teachers, and incorporating cultural
elements that resonate with the local community.

II. Innovation Description

The innovation contains utilizing Sungka, a traditional Filipino board game,

into the kindergarten curriculum to enhance numeracy skills. Key features
include specially designed educational Sungka boards, counting stones, and a
curriculum module. The boards are divided into numbered pits, and the game
serves as a hands-on tool for teaching basic mathematical concepts, spatial
awareness, and critical thinking. The innovation operates by engaging learners
in actual counting learning experiences. It allows learners to count with
precision and develop mathematical skills through gameplay. Further, the
innovation develops the Kindergarten domains like cognitive development,
social development, fine motor skills, cultural awareness and emotional
development. This addresses challenges such as disinterest in traditional
teaching methods and limited engagement in early numeracy activities,
fostering a more enjoyable and effective learning to happen.

In comparison to existing solutions, the use of Sungka offers a unique

cultural perspective, making learning more relatable for learners. It provides a
hands-on, tactile experience that enhances practical and deep understanding
and retention of mathematical concepts. The cultural relevance of the game
adds an extra layer of engagement, fostering a positive attitude towards
learning and addressing challenges in a holistic manner. The innovation
integrates traditional gameplay with modern educational principles. It leverages
cultural methodologies by incorporating a traditional game into the
curriculum. Bacabac (2012) posited that playing this ancient multicultural
game facilitates learning math and social skills. Each time they play, they
know different strategies on how to solve problems. In turn, it improves
reasoning and memory by testing it all throughout the duration of the game.
Because of that, they offer the brain a complete workout. Furthermore, it also
enhances thinking skills. Sungka is also believe to help speed up how a child
or a person thinks, as they tend to be more alert with every game. Additionally,
it aligns with modern educational approaches that emphasize hands-on
learning and practical engagement, promoting a balanced integration of
traditional and contemporary teaching methodologies.

The infographic visually illustrates the process of Sungka integration in

kindergarten education. It showcases key steps, such as preparing the
educational board made from cardboards, introducing the game into lesson
plans, and highlighting the specific numeracy skills addressed during
gameplay. The chart emphasizes the alignment with educational objectives and
the positive impact on student engagement and learning outcomes.

Sample steps only

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

III. Innovation Statement

The purpose of this innovation is to increase the numeracy attainment of

learners particularly the counting skills. It aims to revolutionise kindergarten
education by achieving three primary goals. First, the innovation seeks to
enhance numeracy skills by fostering a deeper understanding of numerical
concepts, developing foundational mathematical skills through hands-on
learning, and improving students' ability to strategize and solve basic
mathematical problems. Second, the initiative endeavours to create a positive
and culturally relevant learning environment by integrating traditional Filipino
game elements, specifically Sungka, into the curriculum. This integration is
designed to establish an inclusive and engaging atmosphere that celebrates
cultural diversity, enhancing students' sense of pride and identity through
culturally relevant learning experiences. Lastly, SUNGKA aspires to establish a
sustainable model for integrating traditional games into education. This
involves developing a comprehensive framework for seamless integration,
providing educators with the necessary resources and training to incorporate
culturally significant elements into their teaching methodologies, and creating
a sustainable model that can be replicated across diverse educational contexts
and communities. Together, these goals aim to transform the kindergarten
learning experience, ensuring long-term positive impacts on numeracy skills,
cultural awareness, and educational practices.

IV. Implementation Procedure

A. Process Flow/ Framework
The innovation begins with the identification of learners needs through
formative and summative assessments. Learners are notified based on their
counting ability skills. Those proficient in counting will be given enrichment
activities. However, those who struggle to count will engage in Sungka
approach. The SUNGKA framework presents a systematic approach to
enhancing numeracy skills in kindergarten through Sungka integration.
Starting with "Setting the Stage," it establishes awareness and enthusiasm
among educators, students, and parents. "Unveiling Educational Materials"
ensures accessibility by developing necessary resources, paving the way for
"Nurturing Educator Training" to equip teachers with confidence in Sungka
integration. "Game-Infused Lesson Plans" seamlessly integrates Sungka into
the curriculum, aligning with numeracy concepts. "Knowledge Application
through Gameplay" brings theoretical learning to life, enabling active student
engagement. The cycle concludes with "Assess and Adjust," implementing
assessments and refining Sungka-based learning based on real-time insights.

The steps in the innovation are smooth and connect sequentially with
practice and familiarity with the rules. As players become more experienced,
they will develop strategies and tactics to outmaneuver their opponents while
enjoying the rhythmic flow of the game. The underlying principles of strategy,
decision-making, risk management, collaboration, and continuous
improvement can certainly be extrapolated and applied in various contexts to
enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Integrating such innovation can enrich
existing learning achievement, fostering a cultural preservation, adaptability,
and enjoyable experiences.

B. Project Management
To ensure accessibility of all learners to utilize the materials, the innovation
managed accordingly so that everyone has a chance to use anytime. It is store
readily to facilitate effective and ease learning experiences. The project
management strategies in the innovation involve setting a clearly outline the
purpose of integrating Sungka and what goals it aims to achieve, drafting
timetables, budget allocation, develop mitigation scheme and regular
monitoring and assessing the impact of Sungka, such as its effectiveness in
engaging users, promoting cultural awareness, or achieving project goals
The teachers and the learners are the key stakeholders involved in
managing and implementing the innovation. During the implementation, it is
the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that learners utilize the innovative
material, observe progress and performance of learners upon executions.
Learner’s feedback is essential to certify that the material is helpful in
achieving high performance in Math.

C. Timeline

The implementation timeline for this innovation was established at the

start of the fifth week of the first quarter, after the identification of particular
individuals' learning needs during the first up to fourth week lessons of the
first quarter. After gauging the learners' understanding of the competency, on
the implementation stage, the process started by individually calling learners to
answer the task of counting numbers. Those who encountered difficulty were
assisted utilizing the innovation. Individualized instructions were given to the
notified learners. In the post-implementation phase, the innovation was
showcased during LAC Sessions to demonstrate an example of using the
materials to teachers. Additionally, Action Research was conducted to assess
its effectiveness and gather data to support its efficacy. Based on this
evaluation, refinements may be made on how to improve the utilization of the

D. Resource Utilization

The primary resources utilized in this innovation include thick

illustration board for making board with pits, white pebbles as counters,
cutter and rugby. The innovative materials made durable not consumable in
order to attain reusability, longevity and cost-effectiveness. This method
reduced costs as the resources were easily accessible, which enhanced
efficiency use of resources. Several revisions and practices were done until the
desired outcome was achieved. Imposing rules for the proper and safety
handle of the material is necessary. Keeping the material in proper place must
be observed for future use.

D. Progress Monitoring
It is the responsibility of the teacher to oversee the implementation. This
process includes constant monitoring to the development of the learners’
outcome in utilizing the innovation to ensure the attainment of the
competency. Recording learners’ score can track their progress throughout the
game by keeping score of every session. This allows them to evaluate their
performance and strategize accordingly. A record of observation sheets is
helpful in observing learners gameplay as well as that of their opponents to
identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Reflection of the
strategies and decision-making processes during and after each game can help
learners learn and adapt. Constructive criticism and advice from more
experienced learners can help individuals improve their skills and techniques.
Organizing tournaments or competitions provides a structured way to track
progress and outcomes. Learners can compete against each other, and winners
can be determined based on predefined criteria such as total points scored or
number of games won. Keeping records of past activities and outcomes can
help learners track their progress over time. They can analyse trends and
patterns in their performance and identify areas where they have improved or
need to focus more attention.
The teacher utilizes daily activity assessment and observation record sheets
to monitor learners progress, serving in informed decision-making processes.

V. Sustainability Plan
I need to use the hands-on Sungka material consistently in simply
bringing it up to my learners in my teaching methods throughout the entire
school year. This guarantees that more students will be able to take advantage
of its manipulation. I store the material at the classroom corner that's
convenient for the learners are easily accessible for utilization as required.

Outputs/Outcomes Beneficiary/ies
(enumerates the outputs or (who benefited from the
outcomes produced from corresponding results or
this innovation outcomes

Learners are proficient in The beneficiaries are the

counting skill using Sungka Kindergarten learners who have
difficulty in counting
Leaners will be able to enrich their skill in counting with accuracy in any
quarter of the school year. This lowers the possibility of the innovation's use
ceasing abruptly and assists sustain its efficacy throughout time.
The innovation could entail taking feedbacks and input from teachers
and learners to make the required adjustments, including fine-tuning the
design of the materials or including extra materials to improve learning
encounters. Cooperation with teacher-researchers and educational specialists
can offer perceptions into cutting-edge instructional strategies and methods of
instruction to continually improve innovation. The innovation could result in a
more welcoming educational setting where in the end, learners with a variety of
learning styles and aptitudes can succeed, supporting greater academic
performance and accomplishments.

Prepared by:


Recommending Approval:

School Principal IV

Public School District Supervisor


Cunningham, B. (2023, December 4). Why do some kids have trouble counting? Understood.

Bacabac, J. P. R. (2012, August 20). Sungka’s niche in Philippine heritage. Dev Com Creatives.

Means of Verification (MOVs):

Documentation during implementation:

Initial design First Layout


al Design

Class Activity

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