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aici eats Pols Peco with FREE app . = Daily routines * Sports activities = Symptoms = School activities * Opposite adjectives «can for permission METS RTTY «present simple * Present continuous * Object pronouns ‘© want to + infinitive ‘Parts of the body ‘+ Emotions Food, glorious food! aaiecumnag '« Past simple: regular verbs = Food adjectives ‘© Past simple: irregular verbs ‘= Past time expressions « Polite offers and requests Err Buildings and * should / shouldn't features «= Imperatives Giving directions © Verb + to- infinitive + Prepositions of place and movement Appearance ‘= Comparative adjectives Film genres + Superlative adjectives « (not) « less... (than) Outdoor activities «Likes and dislikes: verb + -ing Forms of transport «Infinitive of purpose © Present simple for future ce ed cee Te Careers + be going to: affirmative and negative Jobs adjectives + be going to: questions and short answers ‘= some /any compounds i ‘= every /no compounds ‘+ Adverbs of manner Ea PAVE Holiday equipment — «Present continuous for future Ways of celebrating a + Review: past simple, there was / were, present simple, public holiday present continuous * Thope / | think /I don't think Ea xtra practice 90-91 se Comments _ + Adjectives to describe objects, * must «Personal hygiene products © Clothes situations, and events * Book genres Countable /uncountablenouns _* Adverbs of Present simple and present © Music genres # alot of, much, many frequency continuous @ Verb be: Past simple ‘+ Conjunctions A history of ice cream article + My best meal ever description * Pronunciation: Intonation in questions Ded Speaking: Giving directions © Parkour: a new sport article * A fantastic trip review + Argentina: the perfect location * Afilm survey article + Pronunciation: al (the schwa) Writing: A film review + Writing skills: adverbs COED « Along journey article * Anactivity holiday leaflet Speaking: Asking about public transport * Pronunciation: /a/, /a:!, and /a/ Dd ro mc Speaking: Asking for + Mission to nowhere article * Amagazine article about information about careers volunteering : /d3/ and /t{/ i ‘© Writing: A museum review Ecuador: the little country with + Apresentation about a region + Writing skills: Expressing everything trip + Pronunciation: Speaking slowly opinions WACOM to er rr -— My day Daily routines 1 ©02) Write the missing words to complete the daily routines. Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Present simple 3 Read the mini-conversations, Complete the questions and answers with the words below. brushes do deyouget dont eat has have have how often play when does your sister brush you have 1 have _asnack your hair 3 dressed 4 brush your. 5 your hair School activities 2 Match the school activities below to the sentences. There is one extra activity. belate beontime forget hand-in-yourhomewerk pass a test remember revise for a test 1 Here's my homework, Mr Daniels. _hand in your homework 2 I'mat school at 8.20 a.m. It starts at 8.25! 3. Ohno! My science homework is on my bed athome, 4 School starts at 8.20 a.m. Its 8.30, and I'm still on the bus! 5 I'm preparing for my English test tomorrow. 6 I know the answer to the question! It was in our history lesson! AS i ‘her teeth? B: Shealways*__ breakfast first, and then she §_ her teeth. She hates it when there's food between her teeth! [ie seen RE Ca Fol exercise? B: Twice a week. |, football on Tuesdays and Fridays. A: Do you have breakfast every day? Wes early in the morning, But | anid asnack at about 10 a.m. want to + infinitive 4 Complete the affirmative and negative sentences with want to and the words below. belate doexercise haveabath have asnack pass thetest_ remember 1 Joe wants to have a bath ___, but there isn’t any hot water. 2 The bus is really late today.|__s for school again! 3 Ella her homework today. She often forgets it! 4l tomorrow, so I'm revising a lot tonight. 5 The boys butthere’s no food in the fridge. 6 We today. Why can't we relax and watch TV? Welcome Present continuous 7 Look at the photos of the sports. Use the prompts to Sports activities 5 03) complete the conversation with play, do, or go and the sports below. There are two extra athletics badminton football ice skating karate skiing swimming tennis A: Do you" go skiing every year? B: Yes, we do. We always go to Bariloche. Do you like winter sports? AA: Yes, but | dontt like skiing. | prefer to B: | sometimes? J pool. Do you go swimming? ‘A: No, | don't like water. But | often can run quite fast B: Really? | like ball sports. Now and then | swith my cousin. But he always hits the ball really hard! like it too, but | prefer to * Isa very similar sport! in my uncle's A Opposite adjectives 6 Read the text about sports in the Olympic Games. Choose the correct answers. Every few years, the International Olympic Committee introduces (new)/ old sports to the Olympic Games. In 2016, two of these sports were karate and skateboarding, This is ?amazing / awful for the two sports, but it isnt "difficult / easy to add new sports to the event. The process can be very “fast / slow, and it often takes many years. Other sports, such as dancing and netball, are still not part of the Olympic Games. Let's hope that they have Sbad / good news soon. write affirmative and negative sentences, questions, and answers. 1 she / play / tennis Is she playing tennis 2 Yes. «She js__. 2 1/do/karate | /do athletics 3 they / swim 4 you /ice skate you /ski cele alg 04) Read and listen to the conversation. Then practise the conversation with a partner. Change the green words. ‘A: Its Saturday tomorrow! What do you want to do? B: I want to play tennis. Do you want to play with me? ‘A: No, thanks. | want to go swimming, | go every Saturday. B: You doa lot of sports. Do you do athletics, too? A: No, I don't. | can't run very fast. What do you want todo on Sunday? B: | want to revise. I'm revising a lot at the moment. Really? Why are you revising? B: I've got some important exams next week. Welcome Feeling good Parts of the body |1 Reorder the letters to make different parts of the body. 1 yee oye 9mra 2 ahde 10 dnah 3 seno 11 snerfig 4 hutmo 12 cabk 5 cefa 13 chomsta__ 6 rae 14 enek 7 nisk 15 gle 8 hette 16 tofo 2 ©i05) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Symptoms 3 ©)06) Complete the mini-conversations with the words below. Then listen and check. earache feel headache hurts knee rash sorethroat stomach temperature toothache 1A: Howcan |help you? B: I've gotan earache ___, doctor. | cant listen to music! \: My Can you walk? really A: No, | can't A: Its 39.5 degrees. B: Is that high, doctor? A: Yes, itis! Youve got a A: Look - Ive got a my arms. ‘Oh, yes. That looks very red and sore. Does it hurt when you talk? Yes, ve got a terrible : How often do you brush your teeth? : Hardly ever. A: That's why you've got 7 A: Ivegota B: Doyou A: Yes, | do. 8 A: Have you gota 2 B: Yes, it hurts right here behind my eyes. allover ache. allsick, too? can for permission 4 Write questions with the words and can. Then write the answers. 1 she / go / ice skating "Can she go ice skating 7 ‘No, she can't. She's got a sore knee’ 2 1/have / some chocolate i # You've got a toothache! 3 you/get/up ‘ | need to stay in bed. 4 they / watch /TV a . Theresa film on at 2 p.m’ Object pronouns 5 07) complete the text with the object pronouns below. There is one extra pronoun. Then listen and check. . her him it me them us you My friends are playing football, but | can't play with “them _. ve gota really sore knee and | ‘can't walk. Luckily my cousin Ana is spending the afternoon with 2__, so !'m watching a film with?____ Ita good film — were enjoying 4 Dadis at home, too, so I can call : when I need something. He's making snacks for at the moment. We're hungry! Emotions 6 Read the magazine page. Choose the correct adjectives. ME e EL cm ro. cal cr ra cay I get "confident /(orried)when my parents stay out late. It feels better when they come home. Nina, 13, I feel @nervous / upset when I watch sed programmes about animals on TY. Pablo, 13 1 get really *angry / excited before a holiday! Or on my birthday! Or at Christmas! Tomas, 14 I'm always ‘surprised / scared when my football team wins a match. They aren't very good! Eva, 13 | feel Sembarrassed / excited at parties when I'm standing alone. Julieta, 14 Tusually feel ®bored / confident about tests. That's because I always revise alot. Lucas, 13 Adjectives to describe objects, situations, and events 7 Look at the photos. Choose an adjective below to describe each one. confusing dangerous noisy quiet seary. strange Welcome 8 ©i08) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Present simple and present continuous 9 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in brackets. Use the present simple and the present continuous. 1 Lalways take a map when | go toa new place. But |'m looking at_one now, and it's very confusing! (go / look at / take) 2 Lucila quiet places. So she in a library with a book. (like / make / sit) 3. My brother hardly ever inthe kitchen. So I'm really surprised that he dinner right now! (help / like / make) 4 Tom and Emma noisy restaurant. They usually different one. (go / have / know) dinner in a very toa must 10 Complete the sentences with must or mustn't and the verbs below. There is one extra verb. be go read sit watch 1 The film is really exciting. We must watch it! 2 There's an important test in the room next door. You quiet! 3 That part of town is dangerous. They there alone. 4 Ben has got arash. He in the sun, ()09) Read and listen to the conversation. Then practise the conversation with a partner. Change the green words. ‘A: You must come to Joe's party tonight. His parties are always amazing. B: Oh, I cant. 've got a bad back. The doctor says | must stay at home and | mustr't go out. ‘A: Thats a pity. What are you doing right now? Is it very boring? B: No, its OK. 'm playing a new computer game with my sister. It5 really exciting! We often play computer games together. Are you excited about the party? A: Yes, | am. But to be honest, ma bit nervous, too because you can't go with me! Welcome All about me Book genres |1 Find eight more book genres in the wordsearch. Match them to the book covers below. WIV[S[G]A]![S|€|FlY|Q]G|A alale|miulwicle6/s|a/r| Fim ly [wlelifali[alm|wiols[v lof c|i[clolm|eloly/cimlale RIM/AlQ[E|FIN|s|elQiAlwle| e[NlolnlFli felt olnfels of ale [wialolelrlalvicli |e latels [atetelelels (ata s|wiultlafr{i[elelelriely vielMalv[s[cimla|rlwl er G[F[alFlaln[tlals|v[elala| a{s[eiciwielilalvlelslele alultiofs|1lols[rlalP|H|y F[sfelals[riniwis| lel y|w Music genres 2 D0) Complete the music genres with the missing letters. Match them to the pictures below. Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. pop Sh_a_y _e_al 2d__ce 6 z a2 Tro 4cl 1 eho G Verb be: past simple 3 Qt) complete the conversation with the affirmative and negative past simple forms of be. Then listen and check. A: Where ! were you last night? B: |? _ at a concert with my friend. A? you with Suzy? B: No, I¢ 1s with Freya. Ae ‘a pop band? B: No, it” io arock band called Cusp. . they good? : Well, they ® great. They can't play very well A: Ohno!" there lots of people at the concert? B: No, there ™. Only about fifty Personal hygiene products 4 Match the product names to the photos below. Lacan-efdesdorant A a hairbrush a toothbrush a bar of soap makeup shower gel aun ‘Countable / uncountable nouns 5 Tick (/) the correct columns in the table. Welcome 6 Complete the sentences from a personal hygiene PI pe survey with the correct nouns in brackets. Use the plural form where necessary. In our lifetime, we 1 use up to 35 pots of air gel ___on our hair. (hair gel / makeup) 2 brush our teeth with 156 (tube / toothbrush) 3. wash our hair with 198 bottles of (hair gel / shampoo) 4 use 389 (hairbrush / tube) 5. get through 272 (can / makeup) of toothpaste __ of deodorant, a lot of, much, many 7 12) complete the blog post about Ava's mor routine with a lot of, much, and many. Then listen and check. togetherblog countable | uncountable 1 deodorant | ov | Every morning, I get up and have a shower. 2 can I don't have ' many ____ baths because I 3 bar like to lie in them and relax, and I haven't ira shower gal 7 got?___ time in the mornings. I eae Shower get =| wash my hair with a good shampoo ~ I don’t |_5 shampoo use ?___ because it's Mum’s and | 6 tube it costs 4 money! After that, I 7 pot id 4 brush my teeth, get dressed, and then I put . —————+ — ‘on some makeup. I put on hair gel, too, but 1 [Bmakeup | haven't got®. pots of it. I don't use 9 hair gel _| ‘ usually. Finally, brush my 10 bottle hair, and then I go to school! Welcome Clothes 8 Choose the correct words. - b Choe3)/ shorts skirts / trousers cap / hoodie jacket /jumper A a shirt / skirt cap /hat 7 ‘ 8 hoodie /jumper trainers / trousers 9 3) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Adverbs of frequency 10 Look at the chart. Writ of frequency below. always hardly ever normally rarely sometimes sentences with the adverbs How often do boys and girls wear different clothes? girls boys 2 {eins % 3 ‘i an & eee he eis | | ‘caps shirts trainers ‘shoes hoodies, 1 The girls sometimes wear caps. wawn Conjunctions 11 Choose the correct words. Zoella isa very famous viogger from the UK(and)/ because posts videos on YouTube for her millions of fans every week. Her videos are usually about clothes and personal hygiene products, *but / so she sometimes posts cooking and advice videos, too. Zoella’s teenage fans love her videos *because / but she talks about things that are important in their ives. Thanks to her videos, they know where to find great clothes, hair products, “and / so makeup. ‘Because / However, Zoella talks about emotions, too, “because / so her blog is very helpful for teens who feel worried ’s0/ or upset. )Get together 74) Listen to the conversation. Then, act out the conversation with a partner. Change the green words. How often do you listen to music? I normally listen to music every day. ‘What are you reading at the moment? B: I'm reading a science fiction novel. I's called The Martian A: Why do you like it? B: | like it because it funny and really exciting. ‘A: What are your favourite clothes? . B: My favourite clothes are my jeans, my trainers, and my hoodies. ‘A: What are you wearing right now? B: Right now, I'm wearing a skirt, a shirt, and a jumper with shoes. : What's your favourite makeup? My favourite makeup is klix makeup. It's great and itisn't too expensive. Do you wear hair gel? : Yes, luse a pot every week! YRC RM a creie 3 Get going ‘1 @15) Read and listen to the restaurant review. What did the food critic eat? Restaurant review: The Real Junk Food Café Did you know that the UK throws away 15 million tonnes of food every year A lot of that food is stil fine to eat! ‘The Real Junk Food Café in West Yorkshire prepares meals \with this food. So this week, | decided to visit it for lunch, To be honest, | didn't lke the idea at first because | was worried that the food wasn't fresh. But when my meal arrived, | teally enjoyed it So, what did | order? | started with some salad, and then Itried the vegetable curry. After that, | dered some cake and an orange. The café shows us we can eat food that’s two or three days old. With a little imagination, it can be delicious! Vocabulary Food nouns 2 Look at the two groups of food nouns. Write countable and uncountable next to the correct groups. ‘Then match the food nouns to the pictures. There is one extra noun. a food nouns b food nouns 3 6 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Listening A 4 ® 7 Listen to the descriptions of the food and match them to the meals below. There is one extra meal. 2 together Would you like to go toa café like The Real Junk Food Café? Why? / Why not? Tell a partner. Food, Glorious food! Grammar Past simple: regular verbs |1 Read the examples. Then complete the tables. Hooked atthe menu, | didtlike the dea. What did | 646? wanted look ~ looked ] the it — I/you/*he_/ she /we/ you/they it Verb ending in e:+ -d in consonant: + -ed = ee live - lived ‘ iv y V/you/he/she/ " ye ied in eenonen ey we/you/they | did. carry - carried « ve a Verb with short vowel and I/you/he/she/ | order? | consonant: zt *_/you | visit? | double the consonant + -ed they arrive? | stop - stopped Now complete the rule with the words below. 3 Look at the photos below. Complete the questions and answers with the correct forms of the words in brackets. We use the past simple to talk about eo e inthe past. @ | ‘After the sounds /dl/ and /t/, add /1d/ A ) decided e ‘ “After the sounds /p/, iki, /f,/s/, Iks/, /t{/, add /t! stopped cooked laughed missed fixed watched Alter all other sounds, ad /l ordered tied caried 2 Complete the text with the affirmative or negative forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Did they enjoy the pizza? Yes, they did (they / enjoy) 2 your smoothie? I (you /ike) 3 chicken? (she / cook) 4 hiisice cream? ! (he / drop) Quam Tella partner about your last meal in a restaurant or café. | was in a café with my cousin. | ordered a sandwich with ... It tasted .. Then | Extra practi 1 Mar Cay tay Get going 1 18 Read and listen to the magazine article. What different things did the students eat in the lesson? | teach food technology at Hillview School in. Nottingham. Last week, | brought in some special food for my students: insects! British chefs began to cook with insects a few years ago. This is because they've got lots of protein, they're cheap, and there are a lot of them! So what did my students think? 2 Read the magazine article again. Which students didn't like the idea of eating insects? Vocabulary Food adjectives 3 Match the food adjectives below to the pictures. crunchy juicy salty sour spicy sweet = ef | E> 2 5 2 Crisps are 1 cal cream and cake are £e 3.Lemonsare_______. 4 Chilli peppers are 5 Pretzels, nuts, and crackers 6 Mangoes and oranges are are __. 4A. Oii9) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Too means more than is good. The pasta is too salty. = The pasta is really salty and | don't like it. Listening 5 20) Listen to the descriptions of the food and choose the correct answers. 1 abanana 2 beef / bread 3 abiscuit / cake 4 curry / spaghetti bolognese 5 acartot /an orange 3 together ‘What do you think about eating insects? Is it a good idea? Discuss in groups. Food, Glorious food! Grammar Past simple: irregular verbs 1 Read the examples. Then complete the table. Use the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book. My friends thought they were OK. late an apple. choose 1 eat A go : have 4 make : see 4, Now read the rule below. Irregular verbs don't follow a pattern in the past simple, You need to learn them. 2 Complete the text with the past simple forms of the verbs below. for its excellent quality. ive in the country? When the Europeans in the 16th centur with them. They: enormous meadows number of animals * invention of fridges in farmers pas and the quickly. With the 1 century, Argentine Grammar: could / couldn't The past tense of can / canttis could / couldn't. Could / couldn't has only ‘one forr We couldnt eat it. He could hear you. | could cook. She couldn't see them. Past time expressions 3 Read the examples. Then study the table and the rule. Last week, | brought in some food, British chefs began to cook with insects last week last month two days ago_aweek ago_two months ago yesterday + We can put past time expressions at the beginning or at the end ofa sentence. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Would you like some cake? | made it yesterday (ago / yesterday) 2 The Italian restaurant opened last (day / year) 3 Try this cheese. | bought it two days (ago / last) 4 Last . | invited my friend for lunch, (week / yesterday) 5 month, | tried Japanese food for the first time. (ago / last) Write your own answers to the questions. 1 When did you last eat beef? Late it last Tuesday. 2. When did you last have lunch in a restaurant? 3. When did you last order a pizza? 4 When did you last drink milk? 5 When did you last buy some chocolate? (ai Work with a partner. Complete the pairwork activity. > Student A: > Student B: go to page 78. go to page 92. 7 mim uy Practical English 1 Complete the conversation with the words 4 below. There is one extra word. 4 Choose the correct answers. ‘Is there any cake?” “Cerin Ciara Raven goEaMD) 2 ‘There isn't any beef today. ‘No, thank you! /'Oh, that's a pity’ 3 ‘What can I get you?’ / ‘Would you like anything else?” “Yes, please. Could | have some ice cream? 4 ‘Would you like a drink?” ‘Of course’. / “Yes, please. Could | have some sparkling water?” 5 'd like a cheese and tomato pizza! ‘Certainly’ /’Oh, that's a pity’ drink “ham have haven't got fhello no or please some Listening 5 22) Listen to the conversation in the restaurant. iter: ‘Hello _ there, oe va ea Wha can Are the sentences (true) or F (false)? Iclistonters EVA eachrevenicaneyicns 1 The customer isn't happy with his meal. FO) 2 His meal is too sour. Tor Walter: Oh, msory i atratde 3 The waiter says he can order a any chicken today, Giterenit meal, TOFO Customer: SRaaeae Could haves 4 The customer orders beef. Tor pn eneeyich instead? 5 The waiter tells him it comes with salad. TL] FL] 6 The customer doesn't want another drink. T(] FL] Waiter: Certainly. Customer: Could I in it, too? = . S=§ (23) Listen to the intonation of the questions and OF course you can, Would youlike Reg OU some cheese a Pronunciation Waiter: i . anything else in it? <_______ Sa lettuce or tomatoes, perhaps? Would you like anything else? Customer: No, thank you. Could t have a cheese salad? Waiter: Anything to”. 2 Customer: Yes, please. I'd like some water. Wait still ® sparkling water? Customer: Sparkling, please. 2 21) Listen to the conversation and check your answers. 3 Answer the questions. 1 Does the customer order any vegetables? No, she doesn’t 2 Why can't she have a chicken sandwich? 3 What does she want to add to her sandwich? 4 What kind of water does she order? 5. Does she order any ice cream for dessert? What can I get you? Id lke some still water. We use a peaduuried for yes/no questions. ling n for Wh- questions and statements. (24 Practise saying the questions and sentences below. Then listen and check. 1 Isthere any chocolate cake? : 2 Would you like some bread with your salad? 3 Anything for dessert? 4 What flavour is the ice cream? 5 Oh, that's pity. 6 I'mafraid there's a problem with my sandwich. Food, glorious foodll Grammar Polite offers and requests |1 Read the examples. Then complete the table. I'd like a chicken sandwich. some cheese in it? Would you like anything else? Would drink, Ihave adrink? | Now read the rule below. We use the phrases Would you like... I'd like .. and Could | have to make polite offers and requests. 2 Rewrite the conversation with would you like, I'd like, and could | have. There is more than one correct answer. We What do you want? 1 What would you like? Customer: A pizza Ok. Anything else? 2 Customer: Yes. Bringme a salad. And | want some bread, too. i Waiter: Yeah, OK. Do you want a drink? Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Make notes for a conversation in a restaurant. Use the ideas below. You order a meal anda drink. The restaurant doesnt have the meal so you choose a different one. Choose from the meals and drinks below. meals: bread chicken curry ham and tomato pizza ravioli salad salami and tomato pizza with extra cheese spaghetti bolognese vegetable curry drinks: applejuice cola water What would you like? Wd like Of course. / Certainly. Could I have .. Would you like .. ? Yes, please. No, thank you. I'm afraid there arent /isnt/ | Oh, that’ a pity. _we haven't got any Anything to drink? Yes, please. Anything else? No, thank you. Still or sparkling water? Sparking / Still, please. Waiter Customer ‘Ask what the customer wants, Order food. Say you haven't got that food today. Order a different meal. Order extra things, eg, cheese, bread, salad Customer: Yes. | want a cola. Do you want ice? No, G ’ Put it together Role-play your conversation from Exercise 3 with a partner. \— Ee — eer) A history of ice cream Reading 11 What is your favourite ice cream flavour? How can you describe it? 2 Read the history of ice cream. Tick (/) the facts mentioned in the reading. 1 ice cream in China 2 Romanicecream ([] 3 Marco Polo oO 4 King Charles | Qo 5 the 19th century Oo 3 25) Read the text again. Then listen and check. Complete the text with the sentences below. There is one extra sentence. A People couldn't buy it in the shops. B It tasted sweet and sour, similar to sorbet. However, in some other countries, the choices are very different. D Ice cream soon became available to the general public. E the fiistice cream tasted very different from today: F Only his favourite people could eat it! 4 Answer the questions about the text. 1 How did the Chinese make ice cream in 200 ec? They made it with cream and rice 2 How did the Romans make their ice cream cold? 3 According to legend, where did Marco Polo take ice cream? 4 According to legend, who didn't want to tell people about his ice cream recipe? 5 When did fridges and ice cream machines appear? 6 Where can you get salty ice cream today? (era erro highlighted words in the text. Answer the questions about each word. tive, or a verb? ‘words in your dictionary. Are you right? with the words secret and wealthy. The world around you uss the questions. 1 Would you like to try the ancient forms of ice cream discussed in the text? Why? / Why not? 2 What famous or popular ice cream shops are there where you live? 3 Doyou have any strange flavours of ice cream in Argentina? What are they? © 18 BARS Workboole pw5_ Ice cream is a popular dessert all cover the world. We don't know who first invented it, but its history is very interesting! 1. _ In China in about 200 sc, people invented a type of ice cream with cream and rice, and in the 1st century Ao, the Romans began to make it from snow and fruit juice. There are a number of legends about ice cream, too. One tells us that the famous explorer Marco Polo brought a recipe for ice cream from China to Italy in the late 13th century. ? Another says that, in the 17th century, King Charles | of England loved ice cream so much he had a secret ice cream recipe! ® Until the 19th century, ice cream was a dessert only for wealthy people. This changed with the invention of fridges and ice cream machines. * Different ice cream flavours are popular in different countries and cultures. For example, in Argentina, you can choose from hundreds of delicious sweet flavours of ice cream. 5___ Inthe UK, you can now buy fish ice cream, and in Japan, meat and vegetable flavours are popular! a hy Witten Student A: go to page 78. > Student B: go to page 92. Giving directions Practical English 1 Complete the conversation with the words below. Where is Bea's party? 4 Study the highlighted words in the conversation. Read the instructions below. Underline the action that happens first in each sentence. 1 Before you reach the church, you must turn left. 2 Tum right after you cross the road. 3 Turn left as soon as you leave the library. 4 When you reach the hospital, take the firs right. as far as go straight on itsnext to pass Fightandwalk right into. walk under Ana: Have you got a minute, Bea? | need to talk to $Pisbetare gota VelFoary) Hows ieee 5 Gostraight on until you get to the tunnel. the sports club? 5 Complete the matching sentences with after, as soon Bea: No problem! When you leave the bus station, as, before, or until tum "right and walk up the road to 1 Walk up the road as far as the park. the bridge. Walk up the road unt you get to the park. Ana: The bridge? OK. And then? 2. Look right and left, and then cross the road. Bea: Then, iors aie the bridge and go you cross the road, look right and left. up the road*_____the football 3 Leave the bus station, and turn left immediately. stadium, As soon as you reach the stadium, turn left into Gladstone Road. Ana: | think | know where you mean. Where do | go you leave the bus station, turn left. 4 Walk past the university and turn left. ae Tum left. you pass the university. eile eat 5 Go straight on. Stop when you reach Mortis Road. hundred metres until you reach the school. Sp strelghort—_—__—__you reach Mortis Read Ana: |s it the third large building on the left? Listening Bea: No, it's the second on your right. After you ' 6 34) Listen to the conversation between George +___ the school, keep walking . Put the activities i Until you reach the police station. Tum and his mum. Pt ivities in the correct order. a lnlsinablss TU aipeurhe Reed enanne a Take the letter to the post office, _ sports club is on your left. Return the books to the library, ‘Ana: Is it near the supermarket? © Goto the supermarket igi Bea: Yes,?______it. The address is d Goto Stans house. ot 243 Melbourne Road. Remember to wear € Take the jacket to Julias house, _ something amazing! ‘Ana: Thanks, Bea. See you later! Cae eee eure @ 35. We pronounce the letters th in two different ways: /8/ and /0. Listen and repeat the words. 0) cathedral third through 3 Read the conversation again. Draw the route to i Bea's party. Write football stadium, school, and sports club on the correct lines. ® 36. Listen to the words. Tick (/) the correct 1 _ columns, 2 ©33) Listen and check your answers. this those them fo 1 think 2 the ee eo 3. something i} Practise the tongue twister below. That man over there thinks that the theatre is on the other side of the bridge next to the cathedral. Grammar Prepositions of place and movement 1 Read the their defi Walk up the road towards the bridge. It's by the supermarket. ples. Then match the prepositions to jons. Prepositions of place 1 by. a from one side to the other 2 wos \_ 8 an area near a room or building 3 outside © next to / very near 4 inside d ina building Prepositions of movement 5 along e onsomething long 6 towards f onevery side of 7 around g in the direction of something Now complete the rules below with place and movement. a Prepositions of___ person or object. b Prepositions of show the journey from ‘one place to another. show the position of a ere ane there 2 Complete the email with the prepositions of place and movement from Exercise 1. Hillsabel, To get to the café, you can walk through the park. Walk ‘around _ the lake to the other side of the park. When you get to the other side, you can see the library?____the road. Walk® the road the library - the café is just®__ it, Do you want to sit ______? Ifit'sa cold day, Tean geta table” See you tomorrow! Camila You Your friend Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Make notes for a conversation with a am “sk iFyourfdendhastme: Bae friend. Ask your friend for directions to one of the 1 ' places on the map below. Choose a starting point 1 Say you have time. zt for your conversation. ‘i i Ask your friend how to get ) 1 [What to say. when you're askinga friend fr directions toyourchosen place’)! You Your friend ‘ Have you got a minute? | Of course, no problem. Give the first two directions) 1 | Have you got a minute?_| Of cou prob f How do I get to You need to . using the map, Use 4 ‘Godown/up. prepositions of placeand fy Walk towards mevemeny i Go through / under 1 avieb aoe Tefore you getion Askwhat you need to donest. Where do! go next? _| When you reach .. 2 1 ‘What do | do after that? | As soon as you cross Give thened directions Aber youlpesr ta. using before, after, when, asf 4 soon as, etc. a Its the first / second / third on the Which building / road ? right / left. a park b café « library d sports centre fe museum (EO oe Role-play your conversation from Exercise 3 with a partner. Reading 1 Do you sometimes play on parts of buildings around your home? Do you think this is a popular activity with children and teenagers? 2 37!) Read and listen to the the article. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? 1 David Belle was the first person to do parkour. mHrO 2 Parkour is an Olympic sport. Toro 3 Atraceur is a different sport to parkour. Toro 4 Parkour is very popular in the City of Buenos Aires. T _] FL] 3 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 When did David Belle start doing parkour? He started doing parkour in the 1990s 2. What do you use for parkour? 3. How should you move when you do parkour? 4 Why is the sport good for everyday life? 5 Where is David Belle from? 6 Why’s the parkour park in Mataderos special? 4 | Epopular /popiaicy/aq 1 popular 2 de moda Pooinene 4 eben erent 5 | Rdistrict dente, n 4 distrito,regién 2z0na Tinterest /anast, «rest/ susantio, veto rn» (inst interés (por algo) 2 aticion 5 of these words different in Spanish? (f The world around you Discuss the questions. 1 Do you think that sports can help with everyday life? Why? 2 What do you think about parkour? Is it dangerous? Fun? 3 Can you practise parkour where you live? Where is a good place? 4 Do you think parkour should be in the Olympics? Exvacs from Diccionario Oxford Pocket ‘para estudiantes angemnines de inglés HORS Cine] tere David Belleis standing on a wall ofa bridge, Metres belo v him, people are walking along a Path, Suddenly he jumps from one wall to the other wall, David is doing a sport he invented in the 1990s, called parkour, 'n parkour you jump up, over, and down walls, moving from building to building. You try to Move quickly and easily and ignore the big obstacles around you. Some people think it should be an Olympic sport. Others choose to cal it » Philosophy that helps you with Problems in everyday life, David fist practised parkour in his home city of Paris, The Port quickly attracted interest and soon lots of other people wanted to ty it, too. Practitioners of Parkour are called “raceurs,and today there are growing numbers of them all over the world. When parkour reached Argentina, it quickly became Popular in different parts of the Scunty, including San Juan and Cérdoba. In 2015, the City of Buenos Aves government parece to build a parkour parkin Mataderos, a southern district of the city. The parkis the first of its kind in Latin America, es A fantastic trip Project Stage 1: Preparing © 38) Read Lucia’s review of her trip to the city of Humahyaca. Where is a good place to see the whole city? * Answer the questions about Lucia’s review. 1 Where is the city of Humahuaca? lt's in the Humahuaca valley, __ 2. How many people live there? 3 What is special about the church? 4 What isat the top of the hill? 5. Does Lucia think the shops there are good? 6 What should you lookat around the city? Stage 2: Planning your project «You are going to work in pairs and write a review ofa trip to place you know about or have visited Answer the questions below. 1 Where is it? 2 Why isit interesting or special? 3 What should you visit there? 4 Where can you shop / eat / drink / relax? 5. What else can you see and do in the area? Stage 3: Writing a draft ‘© In your pair, write sentences for your review. Use your, answers to the questions in Stage 2. Use the paragraph plan below. Paragraph 1: The name and location of the place you visited. The reasons why itis special Paragraph 2: Places of interest you should see / shouldn't miss / should take photos of. Paragraph 3: Places where you can go shopping / eat / drink / relax. Paragraph 4: ‘Things to see and do in the area around the place. Stage 4: Checking + Swap your work with another pair. Check their work carefully. ‘+ Check the spelling and grammar. + Check the use of should and prepositions of place and movement. Last month, I went on a trip to Humahuaca, a city with 11,000 inhabitants in the Humahuaca valley, Jujuy. Humahuaca is interesting because it has two nt areas. The city’s centre contains the municipal buildings, shops, and market stalls. Not far from the centre is a quiet area of little streets and houses. When you visit, you should ry to see both of them. First of all, you should visit the beautiful 17th-century church, just by the main square. The church is very small, but itis actually a cathedral! ‘Then you should climb the steps to the Statue of Independence above the city. From there, you can look down across the Rio Grande Valley and you can see the city’s two areas easily. You shouldn't leave Humahuaea without visiting its shops. There you can buy bags, clothes, and nice things for the home ~ and all at good prices! Finally, you should take photos of the beautiful ‘mountains around the city, with their many different colours! Stage 5: Finalising and presenting Q=.. Ox. your review. + Add photos and pictures to your review: + Read your review to the class + Read the other reviews. Choose your three favourites Tell a partner why you like them. Write your review. Vocabulary Food 1 Choose the correct words to complete the conversation. ‘A: What did you have for lunch today? had 'a biscuit / an apple /| ith potatoes, That's nice. Did you have any other vegetables? Yes, | had *bread / carrots / ham. And for dessert | had 3an egg / cake / chicken with ice cream! What about you? jh, my lunch was really boring today — just a salad. B: What did you make it with? ist some “butter / lettuce / milk and a tomato. B: That doesn't sound very exciting! What did you drink? had a glass of Scheese / juice / rice. =) Food adjectives 2 Match the adjectives below to the items of food. ‘Sometimes two answers are possible. crunchy juicy salty”sour spicy sweet 3 4 + QD He 5 : 6 TA Buildings and features 3 Read the definitions. Write the correct buildings and features. 1 You report crimes here. police station 2 When you leave school, you can study here. 3 This is an important religious building 4 You read and borrow books from here. 5 You take your skateboard here. 6 You walk over or under this. 7 This piece of artis often of a person or animal. 8 This large building holds sporting events. a Giving directions 4 Read the email. Complete the directions with the words below. asfaras firstleft go through right straight the left turA under the walk walk down renee Hi Ellen, hope you're well. Here are the directions to my house. When you come out of the bus station, right and? 1 turn road. Walk * and’, Road. ¢ the the hospital. Then turn up Morrison the tunnel and then take the? .Go® on and walk? bridge. My house is on ____ See you on Saturday! Jo xx A Grammar Past simple: regular verbs 5 complete the history of the Subway restaurants with the past simple forms of the verbs below. notarrive decide need not stop ‘open prepare want work The history of Subway In 1965, a young man called Fred DeLuca 2 wanted to study medicine, the more money for university. With a friend he?. to open a sandwich restaurant in Connecticut, and the first Subway restaurant was born, DeLuca was now very busy. He hard in the restaurant and 5 delicious sandwiches for his customers. And he studying! ‘Meanwhile more and more Subway restaurants 7___in the US. Subway in Argentina until 1996, but it soon became very popular. Today, there are two hundred restaurants in ‘Argentina and over forty thousand worldwide. a Past simple: irregular verbs 6 Complete the mini-conversations with the correct forms of the irregular verbs below. eat leave meet see take 1 A: Did you eat ____ your pizza? B: Yes, I did. |_ate it ll! Itwas delicious. 2 A: Did you__acake to the picnic? B: No, | didn't. |__ biscuits. 3 A: Where did you your friend? BI _ him on the bridge, 4A: What did you in the park? B: We some amazing statues. 5 A: What time did they__ the hospital? B: They__at 1am Ti Past time expressions 7 Read the holiday blog. Replace the words in bold with past time expressions. Sometimes more than ‘one answer is possible. It's 20" January. We arrived in London on 20" December '.one month ago __. On 6" January 2 we went for a picnic in Hyde Park. It was a cold but beautiful day. On 13" January g _ we visited St Paul’s Cathedral. It was amazing — both inside and outside! On 17 January * _—, Dad lost his wallet and we spent half the day at the police station! should/ shouldn’t Read the questions and answers. Complete the question and answer with should, shouldn't, and th words in brackets. A:1 Should | visit. (L/ visit) Oxford? 2 what / 1/ do) there? a (yes! Oxford is lovely. Firstly, * (you! miss) its university - go to Magdalen College. syn / visit) the museums, too, especially the Ashmolean Museum. 2 {you / leave) without visiting one of Oxford’s parks —t Imperatives 10 Complete the imperative sentences with the affirmative or negative forms of the verbs below drink eat look meet talk 1 Drink ___ your milk. Its good for you. 2 ___me by the skatepark at 10 a.m. 3 Sssshhh! in the library. 4 ___at that statue. Its amazing! 5 _____all the cheese! | need it for the pizz al Verb + to- infinitive 11 Reorder the words to make sentences. There is one extra word for each sentence. 1 drank / yesterday, /1/ to / milk / buy / forgot r to buy milk. 2 more/ she / to / prefer / fruit / needs / eat ‘And on 19" January ®. my brother hurt his foot at the skatepark. So, not a perfect holiday! Ta Polite offers and requests 8 Complete the conversation with the words below. could walk I'dlike Id like to We could go What would-youtike A:' What would you like to do today? aa to go to the park. A:OK.? tothe Japanese Gardens. B: Great idea! What about lunch? A:|think* buy a sandwich. Is that OK with you? B: OK. We * down Santa Fe. There are a lot of cafés and sandwich shops there. 3 university / we / visit / decided / the / to / leavin 4 they /to / by / agreed / the / meet / met / stadiu 5 my/1/to/ breakfast / tried / finish / ate Prepositions of place and movement 12 Choose the correct answers. 1. Walk down the road along /owards}the schoo 2 rode my bike around / along the park. 3 The library is over there, across / through the rc 4 The sign says, ‘No food across / inside the build 5 We sat by / inside the river and ate our picnic. 6 | found a table outside / towards the restaurant Slimmer, shorter, longer Get going 1 139) Read and listen to the quiz and guess the names of the actors. Who cut their hair for a film role? Some actors are more prepared than others to change their appearance for a film role. But who are they? This American actor is also famous for 5 ‘changing his appearance. He became a in 2014. In the film, she m {ot slimmer for hisrole as Star-Lord in the ‘than usual, and her beautiful dark ha 2014 film Guardians of the Galaxy. And in | was much shorter. the 2013 film Delivery Man, he was 27 kg ‘heavier, with longer hair and a beard! This actor is famous for her fairhalr Check your answers below. Were you right? and blue eyes. She became over 13 kg heavier, not once, but twice, for her role i A Kemnnee atu as Bridget in the Bridget Jones films. * B sa3omjoz apuay c weld SUYD Vocabulary Appearance 3 QO" Listen and check. Then listen again, and repeat. 2 Match the words below to the pictures. Vocabulary: quite Quite means not very. We can put quite before an adjective. Her hair is quite short. ° e ° 4 Complete the description of Luisana Lopilato with the words below. ‘blue brown eyes hair short slim Oca celeritete clas e e e Argentine actor and singer Luisana Lopilato first became famous in 1999 in the popular TV drama Chiquititas. Aged twelve, she was quite 1 short and had long, ?___ hair. As the years passed, she grew tall and? : and her # became fairer and fairer. e o ° These days, Luisana’s hair is brown again, but two things about her never change: her beautifulS « ! I. 7 7 oe a eS eS eS me Think of a famous actor and describe her to your partner. abeard amoustache bald blue eyes brown eyes dark hair faithair glasses green eyes heavy long hair short shorthair slim tal She's an actor from the Star Wars film Rogue One. © 8 o 8 © $g She's got brown hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Grammar Comparative adjectives |] Read the examples. aia n complete the table. She appeared n usual, Some actors are roe eae an others. The siwer screen 3 Write sentences with the words. Use the comparative form of the adjective and than. Now complete the rules below. a We use comparative adjectives to compare / count two of more people or things. b When we compare two nouns, we put of / than after the comparative adjective. 2 Choose the correct adjectives to complete the text. Use the comparative form. Hollywood is the home of the US film industry, _and its films are popular all over the world. However, the Indian film industry, Bollywood, is growing "larger _____ (large / long) each day. Hollywood is ? (famous / long) than Bollywood, but Bollywood isa (busy / high) industry because it makes more films; it has 4 famous / high) ticket sales, too. Hollywood films are (expensive / rch) to make, and filming times are (expensive / long): a US film often takes a year, while an Indian film usually takes only one month. However, Hollywood is? (high /rich) than Bollywood, because its films make a lot ‘more money. bald +er 1 balder tall Uf __—assenne [blonde | +r blonder large big double | bigger slim consonant | *. ‘er Adjectives endingin s | consonant. Pe heavy “y +-ier heavier ph 1 Vanello coon el La = 2 my grandma / my dad / old ay i aeaae PaeeSeeee (2+ ) a 3 30kg/ 15kg/ heavy beautiful more +. more beautiful Interesting | adiecive | 4 ahortor film /a comedy / scar SE CT Re i Hy [Irregular adjectives | Comparati | good better - 5 Selena Gomez / my mum / famous bad worse [far further 6 babies / children / bald ‘Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets and than. Use your own ideas. 1 Jason Segel is taller than Daniel Radcliffe. (tall) 2 Michael Bublé. . (famous) 3 The film Jason Bourne (exciting) 4 Celeste Cid’s hair | 5 Bruce Willis - (bald) mollis ‘Work in pairs. Complete the pairwork activity. > Student A: go to page 78 > student B: g0 to page 92 Extra pr Pees 3 US sare Get going ‘1 OMA) Read and listen to the article below. What is a Golden Raspberry? Every year, people in the film industry hope to win prizes at the Oscars. However, there is another award that no one wants to win: the Golden Raspberry. Raspberries go to the year’s biggest film disasters. Here are some unfortunate winners, The 2015 action film Fantastic Four won an impressive three Raspberry awards. Not surpr ithad the lowest ticket sales of all the Fantastic Four films in history. ‘aly, Sandra Bullock, one of the most famous stars in Hollywood, won the worst actress award in 2009 for the comedy All About Steve, However, she agreed to attend the award ceremony, perhaps making her one of Hollywood's bravest actors! It's also possible to win an Oscar and a Raspberry at the same time! The popular thriller Wall Street won awards for the best and the worst actor! 2 Read the article again. Do you think that Sandra Bullock was brave? Why? / Why not? Vocabulary Film genres 3 Choose the correct film genres. Gorrorfilm/ action film costume drama/fantasy western /science fiction film musical / war film 3 ‘comedy / western costume drama / war film comedy / fantasy cartoon / horror ( & Gp pH fantasy /romance action film / science fiction film war film / thriller romance / thriller 4 Q42) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. Listening 5 439 Listen to the radio interview with film critic Judith Brown about four films. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? Film 1: The Secret Key Film 3: MiniPeeps 3 a Judith is describing a costume drama. TZ] FL] a It's acartoon, Toro b She enjoyed it. TLIFL ib Judith preferred MiniPeeps 2. Toro Film 2: The Grey House Film 4: Maria a tsa horror film. TO FO a Judith thinks jenny Williams isa good actor, TL) FL) b Judith thinks its really terrible. TOFL bb ttsawarfilm. Toro Grammar Superlative adjectives 11 Read the examples. Then complete the table. It had the lowest ticket sales. Sandra Bullock is,one of the most famous stars in Hollywood. The silver screen 3 The Avengers ticket sales: 54,449,094 Star Wars: The Force Awakens ticket sales: 88,043,765 Jurassic World ticket sales: 77,366,311 was film of 2015. (popular) 4 Adrian Brody won an Oscar aged 29, Marlee Matlin won an Oscar aged 21 Tatum O'Neal won an Oscar aged 10. was Oscar winner of all time. (young) 3 Complete the text about the film The Revenant with the adjectives below. Use the comparative or the superlative form. cold difficult expensive far good hard Short adjective Superlative (one syllable) low test | *the lowest brave | +-st the bravest | large See big double —_| the biggest sad consonant | *. — +-est Adjectives ending in | Superlative consonant +-y scary | -y+-iest | the scariest funny jeer eT EL Long adjectives Superlative (2+ syllables) L famous | the most’ | the most famous | successful | + adjective | 6 Irregular adjectives _| Superlative good the best bad | the worst far | the furthest Now complete the rules below. a We use superlative adjectives to compare two / three or more people or things. b We put the after / before a superlative adjective. © We can put in or of after / before the superlative adjective + noun. 2 Look at the information below. Complete the sentences with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets and the. 1 Rodolfo cinema: £10 a ticket Avalon cinema: £7.99 a ticket James cinema: £8.50 a ticket The Rodolfo cinema is the most expensive cinema, (expensive) 2 Ex Machina: one Oscar Mad Max: six Oscars The Revenant: three Oscars was film of the 2016 Oscars. (successful) The Revenant is a very popular western film. But behind the scenes, it was one of the hardest films to make. The actors and film crew travelled * than usual - from Canada to southern Argentina - and filmed in some of the? ‘winter weather. Leonardo DiCaprio, the star of the film, said that some scenes in the film were than any others in his career. The film was also 8 than people expected, and in the end cost $135 million to make. However, with many different awards, ts now one of the : western films of recent times. Ares together In groups, think of a recent film that deserves a Golden Raspberry award. Why should it have one? | think that Warcraft should win a Golden Raspberry for the worst story. It was really boring! GE” «Ee

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